Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Negate or uninclude a class

2010-10-21 Thread Felix Frank
On 10/19/2010 07:07 PM, Bruce Richardson wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 01:36:25PM +0200, Felix Frank wrote:

 Subclasses that effectively disable a class are a sound concept.
 Subclasses which disable a resource are a sound concept; subclasses
 which attempt to negate a claass present many problems, some of which I
 have described, none of which you hae addressed.

Well, that's true.

   1.  If the resources in the ldap::client class change, the
   ldap::client::disabled will have to be changed to match.  This
   just begs to be a source of error.

Yes. :-) Potential maintenance nightmare that cannot easily be avoided.

   2.  The structure of the ldap::client class and it's resources may
   well have to be distorted to fit this arrangement.  Some resources
   would have to be set up quite carefully so that they could be

If you have resources like mount in mind, I'm again inclined to
concur. On the other hand, mount is a good example for a resource
where no longer including the class won't do you any good wrt.
lingering resources on the client.
But you have gone into this to some detail in the other branch with
John, so I'd consider this point addressed.

   3.  What do you do about virtual resources that are realized in the
   parent class?  You can't unrealize them and if you override their
 properties, you may well conflict with other modules or classes which
 use them.  #

Interesting point, I don't think I've yet used virtual resources to the
extent you imply.
It presents a problem that would have to be addressed using more
syntactical convolution, not dissimilar from point (2).

   4.  What do you do about any other classes that are included in the
   parent class?  Are you going to include ::disabled versions of
   those in the ldap::client::disabled class?  What if those classes
   are included elsewhere?

If disabling the base class necessarily implies disabling the included
class, this is the correct thing to do.
In most cases though, where ldap::client includes things it needs, but
which otherwise are not unique to ldap clients, forbidding their
presence in this way is a semantical error and should be avoided.
Deciding this is (as always) up to the designer.

And yes, it is another layer of complication for this approach.

  but the variable approach has severe limitations of its own.

 1. Where is the variable set? You have probably no problem when using
 external node definition, but not everybody does.
 You can do it in an internal node definition too.  Is there a law
 against node definitions in your manifests?  But let's assume somebody
 doesnt' want to or cannot use nodes.  That isn't a problem; I've
 designed Puppet configurations that used no nodes at all, or a default
 node which simply included a class based on the node's hostname.  Still
 works - just declare the variable at the right level.

Exactly. In a variable driven environment, where there are places
(nodes, external definitions, a central class with a node's manifest
root) that fit the definition of the right level, this is the most
sane approach. Using other design paradigms, however, there may not be a
right level to do that.
There is a reason for variable scoping biting many.

 You cannot define the
 variable in an arbitrary part of your manifest, because you can be
 afflicted by both ordering and scoping issues.
 I wouldn't try to declare it in an arbitrary location.  I would declare
 it in an appropriate location.

Consider this manifest structure (that I in *no way* endorse):

node base_node {
  include default_stuff

node ldap_server1 inherits base_node {

class default_stuff {
  include ldap::client

The inclusion of ldap::client is in the scope of base_node, and thus
likely outside the area where normal nodes are allowed to change its
environment. You could conceive horrors like

class default_stuff {
  $exclude_ldap_client = 
  if $exclude_ldap_client != true {
include ldap::client

class ldap::server {
  $default_stuff::exclude_ldap_client += true

Which is arguably distasteful.

 2. The concept of dynamic scoping is going away in future versions (at
 least that is what seems to be a community consensus). Again, if you can
 globally assign the variable value to your node, this is not a problem.
 It's not that I'm in love with the way Puppet uses variables - I
 certainly amd not - my objection is to the concept of trying to negate a
 class by individually trying to break or undo all it's effects.  That
 latter option is a horrible mess.  Unless the community also proposes to
 do away with if, case and selectors, there is always going to be a
 way of saying if condition { include ldap::client } and that is
 always going to be a better solution for the problem *as described by
 the original poster*, which is what I was answering.

I guess our notions of the original problem differ somewhat.
Seeing as I admit to many of your concerns 

[Puppet Users] Re: Negate or uninclude a class

2010-10-20 Thread jcbollinger

On Oct 19, 6:04 pm, Bruce Richardson wrote:
 [...] I agree with you about the
 importance of state, but in that scenario, to me, not being an LDAP
 client is the basic state.

After much consideration, I think a great deal of this debate hinges
on that definition.  It is perfectly reasonable, but not exclusively
so.  For instance, my basic state is for systems to be NIS clients.
It seems most reasonable to me for the basic state to provide those
configuration details from which few of my systems deviate.  The OP's,
at present, is for systems to be LDAP clients.

 The basic, clean state of a system should be
 something Puppet protects from the start; including classes should
 modify or extend that and, in most cases, I expect my configuration to
 be protective enough of the core and well known functionality so that
 it should make no difference whether a class was previously included and
 then dropped or never included in the first place.

I don't quite understand that.  How does your configuration protect
the basic state of a system without including classes?  You could use
global resources, but then those could not be overridden.  I suspect
that instead you have one or more core classes that you include on
every node to establish and maintain the basic state; that seems
consistent with your further comments.  Particular nodes then include
*other* classes to modify or extend.


 I certainly know enough about the core components of a
 system (nsswitch, pam, fstab and so on), to know what will interfere
 with that and what is irrelevant.  The seed of any configuration, for
 me, would be locking those down in their simple and functional state.
 This means that including an ldap::client will extend that, but in the
 absence of ldap::client, the core function will be restored.

I think you're saying that you would implement ldap::client itself
using subclassing if (and only if) it needs to alter anything in the
core.  There's merit to that, and doing it that way could indeed have
exactly the results you describe.  No further subclass would be

But how does this apply to the OP?  His current basic state is for
systems to be LDAP clients.  That's not what you would choose, but if
he retains that choice, then does not your approach call for
subclassing where a node must not be an LDAP client?  Such nodes would
then include ldap::client::disabled to override the base, and dropping
that class would restore base functionality, just as you recommend.
In all likelihood, such a subclass could be very slim: it probably
needs to override only a small number of resources to disable the
client (maybe just /etc/nsswitch.conf); it shouldn't need to
completely counter everything in ldap::client.

 I do
 not share your nervousness about purging - purge and well managed
 resources - and judicious use of virtual ones - is generally cleaner
 than a whole set of twinned active/inactive classes.  It doesn't mean I
 never, ever write a disable/cleanup class but it isn't my habit.

I'm curious: what types of resources do you purge, in what contexts?
Your configuration philosophy seems similar to mine in that you don't
try to manage every system detail, but that rather limits the
available scope for purging, doesn't it?


 This is more than semantic quibbling about how to label different
 states; inheriting and overriding a more complex state to impose a
 simpler state is not the same as defaulting to the simpler state.

Much then depends on the chosen measure of complexity.  I think you
mean to judge by some measure of distance between the target state and
a base reference state, which I take to be your basic / clean
state.  Your recommendations then make good sense when you stipulate
the existance of a default state to fall back on, especially when
coupled with purging to clean up potentially troublesome unwanted
resources (thanks for those clarifications).

How that applies to the OP's case is a different question, however.
If he continues to rely on a base state in which the LDAP client is
enabled, then overriding that state to disable the client leads to a
more complex state (by the above standard).  As I said at the
beginning, much seems to hinge on the choice of base state.

Our positions now seem much closer than they originally did.  I won't
argue over how a system's base state should be constituted -- that's
too subjective -- and otherwise we seem largely to agree.  Overall, my
main objection to your original response was about your claim that a
subclass-based solution would require use of defines and
conditionals.  You seem to have backed off on that, so I think we're


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Negate or uninclude a class

2010-10-19 Thread Felix Frank
On 10/18/2010 05:24 PM, Bruce Richardson wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 07:20:10AM -0700, jcbollinger wrote:

 On Oct 18, 4:38 am, Bruce Richardson wrote:
 No, you can't uninclude a class.  


 Is the only way to do this to inherit the base class and override all
 it's resources to do the equivalent of ensure = absent, then
 something like if (tagged(class)) { include undo-subclass }  where


 You *could* do it with overrides but only If you were using a define
 within your base class for part of the setup and that define took a
 parameter which told it whether to include the ldap class.

 You could write it that way, but Puppet's subclassing feature is
 designed precisely so that you don't need to do so. 
 Um, I completely disagree with you and the rest of your post actually
 backs this up.  Class inheritence *only* makes sense if you want to
 override the properties of resources.   The OP wants not to include a
 whole class; what you're telling him to do is not uninclude the class,
 but to try and override properties in every resource owned by the class,
 so as to make the class effectively do nothing.  There are any number of
 reasons why that's not a smart thing to do, but here are several that
 occur to me immediately.
   1.  If the resources in the ldap::client class change, the
   ldap::client::disabled will have to be changed to match.  This
   just begs to be a source of error. 
   2.  The structure of the ldap::client class and it's resources may
   well have to be distorted to fit this arrangement.  Some resources
   would have to be set up quite carefully so that they could be
   3.  What do you do about virtual resources that are realized in the
   parent class?  You can't unrealize them and if you override their
 properties, you may well conflict with other modules or classes which
 use them.  #
   4.  What do you do about any other classes that are included in the
   parent class?  Are you going to include ::disabled versions of
   those in the ldap::client::disabled class?  What if those classes
   are included elsewhere?
 Your exmaple cannot achieve the same effect as not including a class;
 the empty files you'd litter the filesystem with is only one example.
 Forcibly negating everything in a class is not the same as not including
 it.  Why not just not include it?
 For example, although Bruce's main suggestion could be used if for
 some reason it were important to avoid subclasses, really in that case
 something akin to his define-based suggestion (but without subclasses)
 would be better.  That way, if the LDAP client somehow gets turned on
 on your LDAP server, then Puppet will turn it back off.  Unconfigured
 means I don't care; it must not be confused with off.  The
 subclass usage pattern above achieves the same thing with no
 conditional inclusions and no define, plus it's safe against inclusion
 of ldap::client by other parts of the manifest.
 I'm sorry, but I think you are quite wrong and your recommendations are
 very unwise.  I have no objection to class inheritance at all, although
 the way it works in puppet is often misunderstoon and it is often
 overused as a result.  Your proposed example is definitely not a good
 use of class inheritance.
 ssh::server::disabled makes sense, because that's done by overriding
 the properties of an existing service resource to make sure it's
 disabled.  ldap::client::disabled does not make sense; the OP wants the
 actions in ldap::client not to be applied, not to be differently
 By far the simplest and safest way not to include a whole class is the
 if $ldap_enabled { include ldap::client } method; it has no bad side
 effects, it works no matter how the internals of the ldap::client
 change, it's a tiny bit of code.

Hi Bruce,

I was glad for John's comment on your answer because it mirrored my
sentiment exactly, and I in turn disagree with most of what you've
written here.

Subclasses that effectively disable a class are a sound concept. How
this has to be achieved in any specific case can be somewhat
mind-boggling, but the variable approach has severe limitations of its own.

1. Where is the variable set? You have probably no problem when using
external node definition, but not everybody does. You cannot define the
variable in an arbitrary part of your manifest, because you can be
afflicted by both ordering and scoping issues.

2. The concept of dynamic scoping is going away in future versions (at
least that is what seems to be a community consensus). Again, if you can
globally assign the variable value to your node, this is not a problem.
But if you want to for every node that includes class B to automatically
not include class A, you're out of luck (this is true in many cases
today already, because of the scoping issues).

Example that works:

class default {
  include A

node X {
  include default
  include B

[Puppet Users] Re: Negate or uninclude a class

2010-10-19 Thread jcbollinger

On Oct 18, 10:24 am, Bruce Richardson wrote:
 Class inheritence *only* makes sense if you want to
 override the properties of resources.

It appears that we agree there.

I add that one property shared by most resources is ensure, by which
relevant resources can be ensured absent / disabled (among other

   The OP wants not to include a
 whole class; what you're telling him to do is not uninclude the class,
 but to try and override properties in every resource owned by the class,
 so as to make the class effectively do nothing.

The OP asked about how to uninclude a whole class -- that is, given
the class being included in one part of a manifest, how to elsewhere
cause it to not be included after all.  We agree that cannot be done.
One alternative approach is to include the class conditionally in the
first place, a different alternative is to override it where needed.
*Neither* is what the OP actually asked for.

The subclass approach definitely does not override the superclass to
do nothing.  Much to the contrary, it overrides the superclass so that
together (whether the superclass is directly included or not) they
ensure the correct configuration for a system that is not, in the
example, an LDAP client.  In other words, the servers are configured
as non-clients, rather than leaving their client status unmanaged.
There will be file differences between clients and non-clients, and
possibly differences in such things as installed packages and service
configuration.  It is wise to manage those differences, whether
whether via subclassing or otherwise.

  There are any number of
 reasons why that's not a smart thing to do, but here are several that
 occur to me immediately.


All the reasons cited boil down to this: the superclass and subclass
must be structured suitably and be tightly coupled in order to work
correctly.  This is true generally of Puppet subclassing.  It may
constitute too great a barrier for some uses, but that does not
invalidate the approach in general.  How that relates to the OP's
problem depends on his manifests.

 Your exmaple cannot achieve the same effect as not including a class;
 the empty files you'd litter the filesystem with is only one example.
 Forcibly negating everything in a class is not the same as not including
 it.  Why not just not include it?

The subclass approach indeed does not have the same effect as not
including a class in the first place, but that's not exactly what the
OP asked for.  As described above, it also wouldn't be the best
practice, because it would leave client status unmanaged on the

Whatever problems the subclass appoach has, though, empty files is not
one of them.  Perhaps you're looking at how in my simplified example I
overrode the source property of a File resource.  That contemplates
a situation where you want the file present in any case, but with
different content (e.g. /etc/nsswitch.conf).  If you only want the
file present at all in one case or the other then you would override
the ensure property instead.

  For example, although Bruce's main suggestion could be used if for
  some reason it were important to avoid subclasses, really in that case
  something akin to his define-based suggestion (but without subclasses)
  would be better.  That way, if the LDAP client somehow gets turned on
  on your LDAP server, then Puppet will turn it back off.  Unconfigured
  means I don't care; it must not be confused with off.  The
  subclass usage pattern above achieves the same thing with no
  conditional inclusions and no define, plus it's safe against inclusion
  of ldap::client by other parts of the manifest.

 I'm sorry, but I think you are quite wrong and your recommendations are
 very unwise.

Then we will have to agree to disagree on that point.  It is
altogether independent of the subclassing question, however, and I
think it very important, so I repeat: Unconfigured means 'I don't
care'; it must not be confused with 'off'.

For example, if it is important that a system not be configured as an
LDAP client, then its manifests should affirmatively make that so.  It
is not sufficient just to leave the client configuration out of its
manifest.  What if an admin (or a bad Puppet manifest) enables the
LDAP client on a system that should not have it?  Or what if one wants
to convert a client to a server?  You do not need to use subclasses to
address the problem (the define-based approach could do it), but
merely omitting the client configuration from the machine's manifest
doesn't cut it.

 I have no objection to class inheritance at all, although
 the way it works in puppet is often misunderstoon and it is often
 overused as a result.

We agree on this.  All too often, Puppeteers inherit from a class
where it would be better to include that class.

  Your proposed example is definitely not a good
 use of class inheritance.

My example was a schematic of the form, not a practical one of a

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Negate or uninclude a class

2010-10-19 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 01:36:25PM +0200, Felix Frank wrote:
 Subclasses that effectively disable a class are a sound concept.

Subclasses which disable a resource are a sound concept; subclasses
which attempt to negate a claass present many problems, some of which I
have described, none of which you hae addressed.

 this has to be achieved in any specific case can be somewhat

Yes, indeed.  All the problems of virtual resources, other included
classes, requirement to extend the disabling class every time the basic
class is changed and so on.  And you've presented no solutions to any of

  but the variable approach has severe limitations of its own.
 1. Where is the variable set? You have probably no problem when using
 external node definition, but not everybody does.

You can do it in an internal node definition too.  Is there a law
against node definitions in your manifests?  But let's assume somebody
doesnt' want to or cannot use nodes.  That isn't a problem; I've
designed Puppet configurations that used no nodes at all, or a default
node which simply included a class based on the node's hostname.  Still
works - just declare the variable at the right level.

 You cannot define the
 variable in an arbitrary part of your manifest, because you can be
 afflicted by both ordering and scoping issues.

I wouldn't try to declare it in an arbitrary location.  I would declare
it in an appropriate location.

 2. The concept of dynamic scoping is going away in future versions (at
 least that is what seems to be a community consensus). Again, if you can
 globally assign the variable value to your node, this is not a problem.

It's not that I'm in love with the way Puppet uses variables - I
certainly amd not - my objection is to the concept of trying to negate a
class by individually trying to break or undo all it's effects.  That
latter option is a horrible mess.  Unless the community also proposes to
do away with if, case and selectors, there is always going to be a
way of saying if condition { include ldap::client } and that is
always going to be a better solution for the problem *as described by
the original poster*, which is what I was answering.

 But if you want to for every node that includes class B to automatically
 not include class A, you're out of luck (this is true in many cases
 today already, because of the scoping issues).

Well, you've finally given an example that raises a genuine problem, but
the first thing to say is that it's not the problem described by the
poster.  Secondly, the problem you describe can be solved by some
variant of

  if $variable {
include A
  } else {
include B

Even if we outlaw simple variables, there are other ways to to signal
state; parameterized classes, defines, creative abuse of virtual
defines, all of them are better than the idea of negating a class
resource by resource. 

 Variables are about as far as you can get from a panacea in the puppet
 DSL. Granted, class inheritance can be clumsy, awkward and
 unmaintainable in many cases.

Class inheritance is very elegant when used for what it is good for.  It
is bad for the purposes of the original poster.

 But all that and more applies to variables
 as well, and it seems to me that variables are going to become a lot
 less useful for such purposes in the future.

Wonderful.  As I said, I'm not in love with Puppet's variables.  I've
worked with declaritive languages before - done major projects in XSLT
and XSLT - and I'll be delighted to see more structured, less messy ways
of working.  I'd be even more delighted to see some of what are
currently functions become genuine keywords.  But if you're telling me
that the community is not just proposing to remove dynamic variable
scope but also to remove the ability to say if condition { include
class }, not provide any alternatives and force people to have to
clumsily override every resource in a class which they never wanted to
include in the first place, then I'm afraid that the community is an
ass.  Hopefully, that's not what you're telling me.


It is impolite to tell a man who is carrying you on his shoulders that
his head smells.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Negate or uninclude a class

2010-10-18 Thread jcbollinger

On Oct 18, 4:38 am, Bruce Richardson wrote:
 No, you can't uninclude a class.  


  Is the only way to do this to inherit the base class and override all
  it's resources to do the equivalent of ensure = absent, then
  something like if (tagged(class)) { include undo-subclass }  where


 You *could* do it with overrides but only If you were using a define
 within your base class for part of the setup and that define took a
 parameter which told it whether to include the ldap class.

You could write it that way, but Puppet's subclassing feature is
designed precisely so that you don't need to do so.  It goes something
like this:

class ldap::client {
# whatever resources are needed, such as ...
file { some-config-file:
source = normal-source

class ldap::client::disabled inherits ldap::client {
# Override parent class resources as appropriate,
# for example ...
File[some-config-file] { source = alternative-source }

node default {
include ldap::client

node my-ldap-server inherits default {
include ldap::client::disabled

It does not matter that node my-ldap-server inherits node default,
so that my-ldap-server directly or indirectly includes both
ldap::client and ldap::client::disabled.  If a subclass overrides
a property of a superclass's resource, then it's as if that property
were changed *in the parent class* for nodes that include the
subclass, and there is no conflict if a node includes both classes.
That is perfectly suited to the situation here, and it also serves
well in the event that class ldap::client may be included not just
by nodes but also by other classes.  Where you do not leverage those
properties, you should not use subclasses.  In a case such as the one
we're discussing here, however, subclasses can be a big win.

For example, although Bruce's main suggestion could be used if for
some reason it were important to avoid subclasses, really in that case
something akin to his define-based suggestion (but without subclasses)
would be better.  That way, if the LDAP client somehow gets turned on
on your LDAP server, then Puppet will turn it back off.  Unconfigured
means I don't care; it must not be confused with off.  The
subclass usage pattern above achieves the same thing with no
conditional inclusions and no define, plus it's safe against inclusion
of ldap::client by other parts of the manifest.



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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Negate or uninclude a class

2010-10-18 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 07:20:10AM -0700, jcbollinger wrote:
 On Oct 18, 4:38 am, Bruce Richardson wrote:
  No, you can't uninclude a class.  
   Is the only way to do this to inherit the base class and override all
   it's resources to do the equivalent of ensure = absent, then
   something like if (tagged(class)) { include undo-subclass }  where
  You *could* do it with overrides but only If you were using a define
  within your base class for part of the setup and that define took a
  parameter which told it whether to include the ldap class.
 You could write it that way, but Puppet's subclassing feature is
 designed precisely so that you don't need to do so. 

Um, I completely disagree with you and the rest of your post actually
backs this up.  Class inheritence *only* makes sense if you want to
override the properties of resources.   The OP wants not to include a
whole class; what you're telling him to do is not uninclude the class,
but to try and override properties in every resource owned by the class,
so as to make the class effectively do nothing.  There are any number of
reasons why that's not a smart thing to do, but here are several that
occur to me immediately.

  1.  If the resources in the ldap::client class change, the
  ldap::client::disabled will have to be changed to match.  This
  just begs to be a source of error. 

  2.  The structure of the ldap::client class and it's resources may
  well have to be distorted to fit this arrangement.  Some resources
  would have to be set up quite carefully so that they could be

  3.  What do you do about virtual resources that are realized in the
  parent class?  You can't unrealize them and if you override their
properties, you may well conflict with other modules or classes which
use them.  #

  4.  What do you do about any other classes that are included in the
  parent class?  Are you going to include ::disabled versions of
  those in the ldap::client::disabled class?  What if those classes
  are included elsewhere?

Your exmaple cannot achieve the same effect as not including a class;
the empty files you'd litter the filesystem with is only one example.
Forcibly negating everything in a class is not the same as not including
it.  Why not just not include it?

 For example, although Bruce's main suggestion could be used if for
 some reason it were important to avoid subclasses, really in that case
 something akin to his define-based suggestion (but without subclasses)
 would be better.  That way, if the LDAP client somehow gets turned on
 on your LDAP server, then Puppet will turn it back off.  Unconfigured
 means I don't care; it must not be confused with off.  The
 subclass usage pattern above achieves the same thing with no
 conditional inclusions and no define, plus it's safe against inclusion
 of ldap::client by other parts of the manifest.

I'm sorry, but I think you are quite wrong and your recommendations are
very unwise.  I have no objection to class inheritance at all, although
the way it works in puppet is often misunderstoon and it is often
overused as a result.  Your proposed example is definitely not a good
use of class inheritance.

ssh::server::disabled makes sense, because that's done by overriding
the properties of an existing service resource to make sure it's
disabled.  ldap::client::disabled does not make sense; the OP wants the
actions in ldap::client not to be applied, not to be differently

By far the simplest and safest way not to include a whole class is the
if $ldap_enabled { include ldap::client } method; it has no bad side
effects, it works no matter how the internals of the ldap::client
change, it's a tiny bit of code.


I see a mouse.  Where?  There, on the stair.  And its clumsy wooden
footwear makes it easy to trap and kill.  -- Harry Hill

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