Re: [PVE-User] Proxmox upgrade 4 - 5

2018-09-10 Thread John Crisp
On 10/09/18 11:32, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:

>> Perhaps a note on the wiki to say check for space before upgrading older
>> systems would be helpful (assuming you have an older system with this)
> yes, makes sense to note this! Bit bad luck to run into this just on major
> upgrade...

It did lead to a few minutes of panic :-)

> added:
>> ensure your /boot partition, if any, has enough space for a new kernel (min 
>> 60MB) - e.g., by removing old unused kernels (see pveversion -v)
> here:

Fantastic - and thanks.

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Re: [PVE-User] Proxmox upgrade 4 - 5

2018-09-10 Thread John Crisp
On 10/09/18 11:05, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> Sayed that... welcome to the «damned me! why i've crated a so small
> /boot (or /) partition!» sysadmin (very large ;) group. ;-)

LOL - but actually it was created automatically by Prox when it was
originally installed so not really my fault ;-)

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[PVE-User] Proxmox upgrade 4 - 5

2018-09-10 Thread John Crisp
I have been critical of some things in the past with Proxmox, so to be
even handed I thought I'd just drop a note to say over the weekend I did
2 in place upgrades from v4 -> v5

Both went pretty well as smooth as silk, the only issue being that on
one of them the old boot partition didn't have enough room for a new
kernel and the dist-upgrade failed when trying to regenerate initramfs.
(it was originally a V3 upgraded to v4) Slightly scary minutes.

Perhaps a note on the wiki to say check for space before upgrading older
systems would be helpful (assuming you have an older system with this)

Beyond that, thank you for making the transition so easy.

B. Rgds
John Crisp

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Re: [PVE-User] HTTPS for

2017-11-30 Thread John Crisp
On 30/11/17 14:34, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>> On 11/30/2017 02:21 PM, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
 I greatly respect the work you do on Proxmox but this specific response
 is under your habitual standards from a security standpoint.
>>> Exactly. That is why we provide the enterprise repository.
>> IMHO the times where security and confidentiality (https) are limited to 
>> enterprise/paid services are long gone.  As the OP noted, https comes at 
>> no cost and there is no reason not to have it configured.  I'd even say, 
>> that https is mandatory for every site publishing more than just 
>> personal statements.
> Again, please use the enterprise repository if you want https.

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Re: [PVE-User] Prox 5.1 NoVNC Console popout obscures screen

2017-10-27 Thread John Crisp
On 26/10/17 16:49, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>> What was really frustrating, whether in a window or full screen, the
>> flyout on the left kept obscuring stuff.
>> eg
>> Can the flyout be moved at all ?
> You can simply move it to the other side (Drag and Drop).

A thanks. I missed having to grab the arrowed handle rather than the
whole flyout

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[PVE-User] Prox 5.1 NoVNC Console popout obscures screen

2017-10-26 Thread John Crisp
I have just installed Prox 5.1

I ran up a VM and then used the console.

What was really frustrating, whether in a window or full screen, the
flyout on the left kept obscuring stuff.


Can the flyout be moved at all ?

B. Rgds

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Re: [PVE-User] Query disk usage

2017-03-06 Thread John Crisp
On 06/03/17 15:29, Emmanuel Kasper wrote:
> On 03/06/2017 10:22 AM, John Crisp wrote:
>> I am a bit puzzled as to how to do a simple disk usage query on Proxmox
>> 4 with LVM thin.
> I suppose you would like to know how much data are using your VMs using
> thin logical volumes.

Thanks for the response but no, I wanted to know total disk usage at the
point in time.

e.g. on a non LVM thin machine I can get

df -h

Filesystem   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/pve-data 799G  411G  389G  52% /var/lib/vz
/dev/mapper/pve1-pve--data1  917G  820G   89G  91% /var/lib/vz1

Nice and simple. 52% used on one partition/volume and 91% on another

But df -h with LVM thin seems unaware of some of the available disk space.

I was trying to add this machine to my monitoring system so I get a
regular idea of disk usage overall.

Using 'lvs' seems to report correctly. I just need to figure out how to
grep out the figures in a plugin !

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Re: [PVE-User] Manager Skins/Themes

2016-10-07 Thread John Crisp
On 07/10/16 13:10, Frank Thommen wrote:
> On 10/04/2016 10:47 AM, John Crisp wrote:

>> Anyway, I guess I am in a minority of one and will be ignored.
> You are not alone.  I am with you, even though I wouldn't have
> formulated it so harshly :-).

Thanks - at least I know I am not alone :-)

I do not mean to be harsh - just matter of fact.

Unfortunately anything representing a criticism seems to be interpreted
as being harsh. How else can you say it ? Do I just say 'it's all lovely' ?

I have tried to make positive suggestions (a theme manager being one)
but whatever I say it seems to fall on deaf ears and the developers
don't seem to be able to accept for one moment that they may just
possibly be wrong.

Here's some stuff on theming.

Here's how you can choose themes:

So you can build a new theme, leave the old one in place, and then test.
You don't have to maintain the old one

I have looked all over the place for anywhere else that uses this double
vertical column layout. I haven't seen anywhere that does. That's a good
indicator of what people like/don't like and what is considered to be
good or bad UI design. The closest you get is left column flyouts, which
I personally don't really like, but it would probably be better than this.

If it was considered to be good you would see it everywhere, but you
don't. I digress.

The case for the prosecution rests. I give up and am off on holiday.

B. Rgds

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Re: [PVE-User] ProxMox 4.2 SMART on HP RAID

2016-10-05 Thread John Crisp
On 05/10/16 01:52, Hexis wrote:
> Does anyone here use an HP RAID (HP P410, etc.) with ProxMox and monitor
> the SMART status on the drives using smartctl or another method? I want
> to monitory my server via SNMP for drive health and I am attempting to
> determine the best way to do this.

If you are using a HP box you can use the HP health stuff

This will add the MCP repo


Look at:


Having said that I have had a few issues with SNMP since the latest
upgrades so YMMV.

You can use stuff like Nagio to monitor - there are various plugins
including ones to query iLO if you have it.

B. Rgds

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Re: [PVE-User] Manager Skins/Themes

2016-10-04 Thread John Crisp
On 03/10/16 21:12, Brian :: wrote:
> Jeasuss - someone got out of the bed on the wrong side today!


> I've just been working on something that had had me stuck in the 4.3
> UI for the past 48 hours on and off.
> Personally I like it  but thats just my opinion - and I did give the
> guys feedback after I upgraded.

We are all different - hence my posing the question as to whether a
theme manager may be a good idea so we can modify the look and feel to
suit ourselves. Imposed ideas are not always a good thing (think TIFKAM !)

An option to test radical GUI changes (and this is) should be available,
with opportunities for feedback (I didn't see any)

> I'm sure some things can be improved but certainly my opinion isn't
> anywhere near as negative as yours.

I never liked the colours - the green is absolutely awful (and there are
plenty of others who have said the same) but I could live with it.

The double vertical is just insane - I can't think of anywhere else that
uses it. It just grates every time I look at it. There is no separation
from the first column.

We are all used to a vertical column left, and a horizontal row, in
multiple programs (think say email programs, file managers, and just
about anything else).

With wide screens there is no need to try and cram everything to the left.

If double columns were a good GUI choice you would see them everywhere,
but you don't, which means GUI designers the world over consider them a
bad design and do not use them.

Anyway, I guess I am in a minority of one and will be ignored.

B. Rgds

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[PVE-User] Manager Skins/Themes

2016-10-03 Thread John Crisp
Is there any way that there could be a choice of skins/themes for the
manager ? You just get used to one, and yet another layout change comes
barreling down.

The latest 4.3 update IMHO are absolutely awful with the second vertical
column. It is confusing on the eye and just looks messy. It makes it
even harder to look at on a mobile screen with the extra column.

Clearly is only half thought out with an almost completely blank bar to
the right of 'Summary' where the menu (sensibly) used to go, with just
the "Averages" dropdown far right.

If I knew how I'd try and hack it back myself but get lost in a sea of
JS and CSS. I'd already gotten fed up with the flat 'bile' green in
graphs and can't figure where to change it to something less offensive.
The extra vertical column just completes the set.

Can't you have a themes manager and then at least we can have a choice
rather than having this unpleasantness shoved down our throats ?

Or is there somewhere you have notes on the style so we can modify
colours etc too suit ourselves ? I have been trying to find this
'vertical' change in git so I could reverse it out, but cannot see it.
Some notes on this would be appreciated.

"A big THANK-YOU to our active community for all feedback, testing, bug
reporting and patch submissions. "

I'd like to know where all the 'feedback' came from for this change ?


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Re: [PVE-User] PVE 4.3: Not enough space for side-by-side performance graphs

2016-09-30 Thread John Crisp
On 29/09/16 19:01, Frank Thommen wrote:
> Hi all,
> the upgrade to PVE 4.3 introduced some nice features in the GUI, e.g.

And is there anyway to go back to the old style with menu items across
instead of down ?

Sorry - can't get on with it at all. Two vertical menus side by side on
a desktop just makes no sense at all. I presume it is intended for
mobile, but fails on the desktop for me.


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Re: [PVE-User] LV Not Available - could not open disk - no such file or directory

2016-09-02 Thread John Crisp
On 02/09/16 07:55, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>> I still think that for at least single server installs lvm-thin is not
>> necessarily the best default option, and there should possibly be more
>> warning for some to RTFM before hitting go for a default install.
> I do not really think this is related to lvmthin. Seems your data
> is simply damaged (for whatever reason), so would you have the same problems
> with zfs, ext4, or any other file system.

I accept after my investigations in this case you are right.

However, it still doesn't change my thoughts on lvm-thin not being a
good default choice as per my previous comments which you seem to have
not answered.

As I said

"The problem is if the lvm-thin takes up ALL your available space you
cannot backup to 'local' (easily accessible) storage, even if you wanted
to with said VM running.

And a snapshot on the lvm-thin partition would be inaccessible and you
would be in the same place.

So no access to VMs, and no access snapshots, and not enough space to
store 'local' backups, even though there is an option to do so.

In other words if you have an issue with the lvm-thin volume you have
serious issues that are not very easy to resolve.

With the old style layout if you had a an issue with a VM you could at
least access it as a file, move it, copy it, test it etc. With lvm-thin
if you have an issue the VMs are no longer easily accessible.

Is there no way to have a choice on install rather than being forced
into a system that perhaps the user does not want ?

I can see in the Wiki that you can remove it and revert to the older
layout but that seems a very messy way to do things ?

It also makes moving VMs from older system to a newer 4.x system much
more difficult - you can't just transfer the VM file and a conf and
start it again, so it isn't necessarily for everyone.

B. Rgds

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Re: [PVE-User] LV Not Available - could not open disk - no such file or directory

2016-09-01 Thread John Crisp
On 01/09/16 16:38, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>>> restore your data with that copy (I would not touch the original disks).
>> Yup, I can see that would be a possibility, if you could get to the
>> disks easily a 1000 miles away buried in a data centre :-)
> Maybe the can put a another disk into the server?

A very worthy suggestion thank you, though I have no idea of the
capacity of this particular server - I believe it currently has a 12 x
1Gb drive 10 RAID array.

Still doesn't overcome the issue with 'local' storage for backups (if
you aren't fully aware of the issues with lvm-thin)

I still think that for at least single server installs lvm-thin is not
necessarily the best default option, and there should possibly be more
warning for some to RTFM before hitting go for a default install.

(Note this was not my server and I was not involved in the setup - I was
just asked to look in later when the damage was already done ! On my own
servers I had purposely chosen not to use lvm-thin after reading about it)

I did notice a number of posts in the forums where people were
struggling with similar issues, so clearly I'm not alone in these thoughts.

Many thanks for all your suggestions and a great product nonetheless
(and I am a paying supporter :-) )

B. Rgds

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Re: [PVE-User] LV Not Available - could not open disk - no such file or directory

2016-09-01 Thread John Crisp
On 01/09/16 13:27, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>> What is worrying is
>> a) there is no effective way to back up a VM if you cannot mount the
>> partition
> The basic idea of backup is that you do the backup "before" you have
> a data loss ...

Yes, very droll ROFL.

I should really have said there is no way to 'access' the KVM rather
than 'backup'

> You can still copy the whole disk and then try to do the 
> restore your data with that copy (I would not touch the original disks).

Yup, I can see that would be a possibility, if you could get to the
disks easily a 1000 miles away buried in a data centre :-)

The problem is if the lvm-thin takes up ALL your available space you
cannot backup to 'local' (easily accessible) storage, even if you wanted
to with said VM running.

And a snapshot on the lvm-thin partition woudl be inaccessible and you
would be in the same place.

So no access to VMs and no access to backups/snapshots

I was wondering if there should either be some different
defaults/choices for single servers, or some warnings of the consequences ?

B. Rgds

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pve-user mailing list

Re: [PVE-User] LV Not Available - could not open disk - no such file or directory

2016-09-01 Thread John Crisp
On 01/09/16 12:19, John Crisp wrote:

>> But John wrote:
>>> There was an issue with the BBWC on the RAID
>> So it is likely that more than this is damaged (what happened exactly?)...
> Extremely unlikely.

Hmmm... well after further investigation we don't think it was the BBWC
issue. It seems that the engineers went above and beyond the call of duty.

The initial problem reported was that df -h didn't show the 5.45 Tb
expected. The user who checked did not realise that thin volumes do not
show up like that.

So the engineers went to look for the 'missing' disk space, found the
BBWC was bad, replaced it and then decided to do some investigations on
where the missing space was.

Just found this in the bash history... my guess the volume is toast
any suggestions welcome !

B. rgds

mount /dev/mapper/pve-data /mnt
fsck /dev/mapper/pve-data
lvchange --help
lvchange --resync
lvchange --resync /dev/mapper/pve-data
lvchange -t /dev/mapper/pve-data
lvchange -a /dev/mapper/pve-data --metadataprofile
lvchange -a pve-data --metadataprofile /dev/mapper/pve-data_rmeta
ls -a /dev/mapper/
ls -la /dev/mapper/
lvchange -a pve-data --metadataprofile /dev/mapper/pve-data_tmeta
dmesg | grep lv
dmesg | grep data
fsck /dm-5
vgchange -ay pve
vgcfgrestore pve
lsblk -o
lvdisplay | grep UUID
lsblk -o nEYeJ4-J9R9-cWBm-GMMo-AkRr-4kqx-t7WsuW
lsblk -o +nEYeJ4-J9R9-cWBm-GMMo-AkRr-4kqx-t7WsuW
lsblk -o +uuid
mount /dev/mapper/pve-data-tpool /mnt
mount /dev/mapper/pve-data-tpool /mnt -f
ls /mnt
df -h
umount /mnt
umount /dev/mapper/pve-data-tpool
thin_dump --repair /dev/mapper/pve-data_tmeta
lsblk -o
lsblk -o +uuid
lvchange -ay
lvchange -ay pve
lsblk -o +uuid
mount /dev/mapper/pve-data /mnt
dmesg | tail
thin_check /dev/mapper/pve-data_tmeta
lvconvert --repair vg/pve
lvconvert --repair pve/data

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Re: [PVE-User] LV Not Available - could not open disk - no such file or directory

2016-09-01 Thread John Crisp
Hi Dietmar

On 01/09/16 08:38, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>> In reply to Dietmar in absence of John:
>> root@pve:~# lvchange -a y pve/data
>>Thin pool transaction_id is 0, while expected 3.
> Does it help if you reboot the node?

No - we tried that (it's a single machine/node - no cluster)

> Some people reported that is possible to fix this with 
> vgcfgbackup/vgcfgrestore,
> but you should be really careful when doing such things (backup everything
> first).

We can try it but we have a very large VM that we have nowhere to store
easily at present. as the main part of the array is taken up by the
inaccessible lvm-thin partition we cannot back up to the small 'local'
partition and cannot see another way to get a backup off the server as
you can't backup if you cannot access the VM.

> # vgcfgbackup -f lvmbackup.txt pve
> edit transaction_id inside lvmbackup.txt
> # vgcfgrestore --file lvmbackup.txt --force pve

We can try this but clearly we risk losing the VM

> But John wrote:
>> There was an issue with the BBWC on the RAID
> So it is likely that more than this is damaged (what happened exactly?)...

Extremely unlikely. The RAID would normally just disable any write
caching to preserve data integrity. From what we can see the server
looked like it was shutdown cleanly before they replaced the battery.
There are no obvious errors in the logs

Due to an error by the datacentre staff who managed to plug in the
network cables in the wrong ports (!!) after replacing the battery
the machine was rebooted a number of times, but the VMs were all set to
manual start so none were run until a few hours later. The machine
seemed to boot cleanly with no obvious errors

What is worrying is

a) there is no effective way to back up a VM if you cannot mount the

b) For a single machine having a default setting to provision lvm-thin
with no easily accessible backup space is clearly dangerous

c) what actually caused this to happen

Having looked a bit further the only thing that I can see that *might*
be related is this

Aug 31 15:35:55 pve pve-manager[5584]: shutdown VM 701:

Aug 31 15:36:06 pve pve-manager[5583]: end task

Aug 31 15:36:10 pve pve-manager[5583]: all VMs and CTs stopped

Aug 31 15:36:10 pve pve-manager[5577]:  end task
UPID:pve:15CF:147C9EEF:57C6DD3B:stopall::root@pam: OK

Aug 31 15:36:12 pve fusermount[5672]: /bin/fusermount: failed to unmount
/var/lib/lxcfs: Invalid argument

This seems very similar:

We wonder whether the VM was shutdown cleanly but the file system was
not unmounted cleanly ?

Any thoughts appreciated.

B. Rgds

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
pve-user mailing list

[PVE-User] LV Not Available - could not open disk - no such file or directory

2016-08-31 Thread John Crisp
Earlier today we had a working Prox 4.2.2 installation

There was an issue with the BBWC on the RAID that was fixed by the data

After we restarted the machine (and apparent successful shutdown of the
VM) we found that the VMs failed to start with the type of error as
detailed below.

The machine was a 'default' install of Prox with lvm-thin

Each of the 3 VMs shows the same type of error with "Could not open
disk-1 No such file or directory"

AFAWAA nothing had been touched with respect to the LVMs

The link for the 'disk' does not appear in /dev/pve (though I believe I
saw one in there prior to the machine being restarted)


root@pve:~# ls -l /dev/pve
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep  1 02:25 data_meta0 -> ../dm-3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep  1 02:24 root -> ../dm-0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep  1 02:25 swap -> ../dm-1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep  1 02:25 temp -> ../dm-2

We have applied the latest updates from the pve-no-subscription list

proxmox-ve 4.2-60

Frustratingly if we look in the web panel under local-lvm we can see the
Disk Images. but just cannot access them !

We also tried to create a test disk on another VM and got this error

lvcreate 'pve/vm-201-disk-2' error: Failed to activate thin pool
pve/data. (500)

That gave us a clue to look at lvdisplay and vgdisplay and we can see
that both the main LVM and the disks show as 'Not Available' (see below)

We presume there has been some corruption somewhere.

From what we can see we could try something like these commands but
don't want to make matters worse

lvchange -a y /dev/pve

vgscan --mknodes

vgchange -a y

Any help grateful received

B. Rgds

  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Namedata
  VG Namepve
  LV UUIDnEYeJ4-J9R9-cWBm-GMMo-AkRr-4kqx-t7WsuW
  LV Write Accessread/write
  LV Creation host, time proxmox, 2016-07-22 20:33:31 +0200
  LV Pool metadata   data_tmeta
  LV Pool data   data_tdata
  LV Status  NOT available
  LV Size5.34 TiB
  Current LE 1399264
  Segments   1
  Allocation inherit
  Read ahead sectors auto

  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Path/dev/pve/vm-701-disk-1
  LV Namevm-701-disk-1
  VG Namepve
  LV UUIDcRNUxc-ve7M-4Q60-Hpji-XaQr-n3PT-Gqhhs4
  LV Write Accessread/write
  LV Creation host, time pve, 2016-07-22 22:32:42 +0200
  LV Pool name   data
  LV Status  NOT available
  LV Size1000.00 GiB
  Current LE 256000
  Segments   1
  Allocation inherit
  Read ahead sectors auto

root@pve:/etc/pve/nodes/pve/qemu-server# vgdisplay
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name   pve
  System ID
  Metadata Areas1
  Metadata Sequence No  19
  VG Access read/write
  VG Status resizable
  Cur LV8
  Open LV   2
  Max PV0
  Cur PV1
  Act PV1
  VG Size   5.45 TiB
  PE Size   4.00 MiB
  Total PE  1429983
  Alloc PE / Size   1425934 / 5.44 TiB
  Free  PE / Size   4049 / 15.82 GiB
  VG UUID   y2MaBy-hNxj-f7yX-DJRC-dAE7-udMJ-rDVybN

root@pve:/etc/pve/nodes/pve/qemu-server# lvs
LVVG   Attr   LSizePool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move
Log Cpy%Sync Convert
data  pve  twi---tz--5.34t
data_meta0pve  -wi-a-4.00m
root  pve  -wi-ao   96.00g
swap  pve  -wi-ao8.00g
temp  pve  -wi-a88.00m
vm-200-disk-1 pve  Vwi---tz--  100.00g data
vm-201-disk-1 pve  Vwi---tz--   32.00g data
vm-701-disk-1 pve  Vwi---tz-- 1000.00g data

Running as unit 701.scope.

kvm: -drive
Could not open '/dev/pve/vm-701-disk-1': No such file or directory

TASK ERROR: start failed: command '/usr/bin/systemd-run --scope --slice
qemu --unit 701 -p 'KillMode=none' -p 'CPUShares=1000' /usr/bin/kvm -id
701 -chardev
'socket,id=qmp,path=/var/run/qemu-server/701.qmp,server,nowait' -mon
'chardev=qmp,mode=control' -pidfile /var/run/qemu-server/
-daemonize -smbios 'type=1,uuid=6e58224b-84a4-4298-b3c4-c325c055fdee'
-name -smp '8,sockets=2,cores=4,maxcpus=8'
-nodefaults -boot 'menu=on,strict=on,reboot-timeout=1000' -vga cirrus
-vnc unix:/var/run/qemu-server/701.vnc,x509,password -cpu
kvm64,+lahf_lm,+sep,+kvm_pv_unhalt,+kvm_pv_eoi,enforce -m 4096 -object
'memory-backend-ram,size=2048M,id=ram-node0' -numa
'node,nodeid=0,cpus=0-3,memdev=ram-node0' -object
'memory-backend-ram,size=2048M,id=ram-node1' -numa
'node,nodeid=1,cpus=4-7,memdev=ram-node1' -k en-us -device

Re: [PVE-User] vzdump backup timing out

2015-11-11 Thread John Crisp
Sorry - just jumped on the end of this as I had the same problem that I
was trying to diagnose

On 11/11/15 15:56, Daniel Bayerdorffer wrote:
> Thanks, that's good to know!
>> Thank you for the help and advice. I'll try staggering the backups for now 
>> and see how it goes. I do like knowing I can limit the bandwidth as well.
>> Emmanuel, do you know if vzdump.conf can be overwritten by Proxmox? I assume 
>> anytime you mess around with it's internals, that it could get overwritten.
> Hi Daniel
> If you set a BW limit in /etc/vzdump.conf, it won't be overriden by the
> Web Interface. It's a system-wide user setting, see the vzdump
> man page.

The panel allows you to set Max Backups, but this is not reflected in
the config files - I guess it should be in


0 22 * * * root vzdump 101 --quiet 1 --mailnotification always
--mode snapshot --mailto --compress lzo --storage USB

But there is no sign of 'maxfiles' option and as this is an
automatically generated file it would seem that you can't easily modify it.

So I guess that the option as specified in the panel is not set
correctly by the system template generator.

Probably needs a bit more logic on it too. Really the Max Backups should
be per VM  ? What if you are backing up several and want a Max per VM
and a Max Overall ?

Manually hacking the vzdump.conf file seems a poor way to do it,
especially as there is an option in the web panel that which does not
seem to work !

B. Rgds

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
pve-user mailing list

Re: [PVE-User] vzdump backup timing out

2015-11-11 Thread John Crisp
Hi Dietmar,

On 11/11/15 16:29, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>> But there is no sign of 'maxfiles' option and as this is an
>> automatically generated file it would seem that you can't easily modify it.
> maxfiles is a storage property...

Yes it is a configuration option under storage. But what does it
actually control as it doesn't appear to be clear ?

I (and undoubtedly others) had presumed that as it is alongside the
Content selection it would limit the amount of files on the given
storage (in this case the USB backup drive).

I guess an option under Backup to limit/rotate backups would be an NFR
then :-)

B. Rgds

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
pve-user mailing list

Re: [PVE-User] vzdump backup timing out

2015-11-11 Thread John Crisp
On 11/11/15 17:55, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 16:40:11 +0100
> John Crisp <> wrote:
>> Yes it is a configuration option under storage. But what does it
>> actually control as it doesn't appear to be clear ?
> It controls the number of backups for each VM so if this number is two
> this means you can have at most 2 backups of this VM on the backup
> storage at any given time.
> For manual backups this means a backup job will fail if there is
> already 2 backups of this VM at the storage. For the automatic backup
> schedule it means the backup scheduler will add a new backup and if
> this backup succeeds it will delete the oldest backup ensuring there is
> only 2 backups at any given time.

OK  thanks for the explanation.

I had mine set at 2.

On my 1 Tb drive (actual 917GB) it has two dump files on there of 327G
so when it goes for the 3rd one there is only 274Gb left and it fails.

I guess I need to drop that number to one ! I'll give it a go tonight.

Many thanks.

B. Rgds

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
pve-user mailing list