Re: [pygame] Best instructions for a Pygame setup on OS-X?

2015-02-27 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 15-02-25 12:19 PM, Paul Vincent Craven wrote:

See the 'mac installation' part of this section:

Paul Vincent Craven

Thanks, that is helpful in that it shows what people are doing, but it 
still seems complex for a novice child. I'll likely point any OS-X users 
at that and we'll hope.

Take care,

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Mike C. Fletcher wrote:

Hi all,

I've got a computer club (grade-school) starting up soon, and I'd
like some advice wrt how students should set up OS-X machines for
Python + Pygame?  Should we use the
OS-X installer or the built-in python? Is there a particular
combination of Python and Pygame installers which works reliably
and doesn't require a lot of fiddling (again, these are complete
novices). I'm more interested in reliable operation, easy setup,
etc. as distinct from the ultimate hacker setup, as they will be
doing this on their machines at home, rather than the machines in
the lab/club.

Thanks for any advice,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

[pygame] Best instructions for a Pygame setup on OS-X?

2015-02-25 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Hi all,

I've got a computer club (grade-school) starting up soon, and I'd like 
some advice wrt how students should set up OS-X machines for Python + 
Pygame?  Should we use the OS-X installer or the built-in 
python? Is there a particular combination of Python and Pygame 
installers which works reliably and doesn't require a lot of fiddling 
(again, these are complete novices). I'm more interested in reliable 
operation, easy setup, etc. as distinct from the ultimate hacker setup, 
as they will be doing this on their machines at home, rather than the 
machines in the lab/club.

Thanks for any advice,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] PYGAME EXE runtime or segmentation error

2013-02-07 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 13-02-07 09:49 AM, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:

You can try to strategically place a couple of print statements to see
where exactly it is crashing.
My bet is the font loading code, as I had problems with that on
Windows before, but it's hard to say anything before you actually have
a minimal working example.

python -m trace -t your script

Is often easier than manually adding print statements.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] Alternate to graphics modules

2013-02-07 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 13-02-06 06:43 PM, Richard Jones wrote:

On 7 February 2013 10:29, Ian Mallett wrote:

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Richard Jones

You'd better start writing then :-)

At some level, you need to interface with the graphics drivers. Since Python
is an abstraction layer over C, this means either writing in C (not Python),
or using a package that does that for you. You must use some package in
Python to do low-level graphics--whether you write it yourself or no.

For a package that gives you low-level access, my recommendation is
PyOpenGL. It's lower-level than PyGlet and much cleaner, I think.

That's not quite right. PyOpenGL and pyglet exist at about the same
level architecturally. PyOpenGL does not provide an OpenGL context -
you need another library (like pyglet or pygame) to provide that.
Minor note: PyOpenGL does provide an OpenGL context (via GLUT), it's 
just not a very elegant or modern one :) .  It *can* work with almost 
any external GUI library as well, but for demos/learning GLUT is often 

Have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] PYGAME EXE runtime or segmentation error

2013-02-07 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 13-02-07 12:38 PM, Steven Sabatino wrote:

That trace statement only helps me if the script is failing not the EXE ?

Oops, missed that it *only* failed in the EXE.  You'd probably need to 
use the programmatic interface then ( Or 
just prints if you prefer.

Sorry, should have read the original post more closely,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] SGC 0.1.4 Released

2012-06-10 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 12-06-10 03:28 AM, René Dudfield wrote:


I like how you have  integrated the GUI events with a normal pygame 
event loop:

For example, a quit button could work like the following:
if  e.type == QUIT or (e.type  ==  GUI  ande.widget == quit_button):

 raise SystemExit()

Could the tutorials be based on examples?  Then people can run the 
example, and learn that way as well.
I believe one of them is already (the tutorial).  Making 
all of the tutorials example code does sound like a good idea.
You might want to consider putting the examples in sgc.examples with 
relative imports, so they are easier to run.  Likewise, consider 
adding your unit tests into somewhere like sgc.tests.
Keep in mind, that then the user of the library needs to *delete* them 
from the library when they copy the library into their game (or have 
extra code and data-files in their project).  (Sam moved the examples 
*out* at my suggestion, actually). If the examples get beyond a few 
trivial files (which I'm hoping they will, as they begin to show how to 
use custom images and the like), then that may be a non-trivial size.  
Similar issue for the unit tests; if there are enough to be worthwhile 
they'll be a non-trivial amount of code, likely with quite a few 

As for relative imports; I'm not sure I follow the logic there.  If sgc 
is on the path (either because you ran install/develop or 
because you are in the root source-code directory), then the examples 
should all run.  If it's not, then a relative import doesn't, AFAIK, 
work (that is, from .. import X will just report Attempted relative 
import in a non-package)?

Anyway, just my thoughts,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] Student summer(or winter) of code projects, $5000 from google.

2012-04-05 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 12-04-03 11:01 AM, Sam Bull wrote:

On Tue, 2012-04-03 at 09:26 -0400, Mike C. Fletcher wrote:

We need more concrete details for the proposal.  Looking through the
code on Launchpad:

   * you don't seem to have a or similar traditional
 installer; that would be a requirement for broad acceptance
   o even those who are going to copy your code into their trees
 likely want to experiment with it first

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what a installer should do.
The only thing you need to use the code is to make sure it's importable,
either by putting it in the top-level of your project or putting it
somewhere PYTHONPATH can find it.
I'll be happy to create some kind of installer if it's needed. I would
be interested in creating deb and rpm packages to install it globally,
if someone can give me tips on how to do this.

The basically allows someone to do:

$ pip install sgc

and have the package show up on their machine (likely in a virtualenv) 
so that they can start following along with the tutorial.  It also 
allows you to do:

$ python sdist register upload

to release a new package automatically on PyPI.  For a package such as 
yours it should be approximately 20-30 lines of (largely boilerplate).

RPM and DEB packaging likely isn't as critical, as most people seeking 
to make the package part of their game are likely to copy the tree into 
the game before distribution.  That said, both of those packaging tools 
work best when there's a available, so that you can use all of 
the standard, automatic mechanisms specifically set up for Python 
distutils/setuptools packages.

   * the selection of widgets is fairly sparse
   o I don't know that that is really a *bad* thing, games do tend to
 use a fairly sparse set of widgets

With the core of the toolkit stabilising, it is fairly easy to add
additional widgets. The radio button and toggle button were created by a
friend last week with only a little help from me. It was about a day's
worth of work for each widget. With the developer documentation
completed I'm convinced that any developer could create new widgets. I
still need more widgets for my own games, so I will be adding more
sooner or later either way.
Other developers working on the library is good to know, that should be 
mentioned *in the proposal* (you are now covering the idea of others 
developing for it, but I don't see any mention that others have worked 
on the project in the proposal).

   * there doesn't *seem* to be a theme/skinning mechanism
   o that is, how would I go about making my buttons look like
 flaming ovals instead of rectangles in order to match my
 flaming-eggs game?

That is a feature that is not fully documented or tested, and a little
buggy. This is one of the things I will be completing early on for GSoC.

If you'd like to know how it works (or almost works), then the first
argument you pass to a widget can be a tuple containing the size, but
you can instead pass in a pygame.Surface object, and it will use that
surface to draw the widget. There is a slightly more complex option
using a dictionary to specify images for different states, such as the
up, over and down images of a button.

I see the section in the new proposal.

   o how would I control menu layouts (position, adding preview
 windows to the right side, etc)
   * menus don't *seem* to have any keyboard control (at least, none I
 was able to trigger in the test app)

Menu layouts need some more work to be more customisable. At the moment
you can only add widgets in a vertical manner (and the format for it is
not documented yet). Keyboard support works with TAB, one of the minor
features not yet implemented from the list on my spec is to add up/down
key support.

Ah, okay, had not thought to use tab there.

Issues to address in the proposal (note: these are at least things you
need to address, I'm not saying do or do not, but provide your

   * Reaching a 1.0 release is not a sufficiently well specified goal
 (after all, you could increment the version number and upload to
   o What will be accomplished (specifics, what $5000 worth of work
 needs to be accomplished, on what approximate time schedule)?
   + What metrics will be used to judge the attainment of the goals?
   + What level of documentation is required?
   + Are you going to produce tutorials or just references?
   + What level of testing is required?

Right, I've added a rough timeline to the GSoC proposal, I will expand
on it with more details of what the end result should be for each task.
Much better now, though I'd still like to see a few more specifics 
(you'll never satisfy me, of course, I *always* want more specifics :) ).

Documentation for individual widgets is done. I will add more tutorials
to cover some other aspects

Re: [pygame] Extending OpenGL support in Pygame

2012-04-05 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 12-04-05 12:00 PM, Santiago Romero wrote:

 YES! Very much! In my personal opinion, the lack of simple drop-in
 OpenGL support that works the same way as the existing Surface class is
 the biggest weakness of pygame.

 I don't have knowledge about OpenGL but if I remember correctly, 
textures (because with opengl your sprites need to be faces with 
textures, simulating the sprite itself) must be power of 2 in size 
(16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128...).

 This introduces a handicap in the sprite sizes that maybe can't 
allow simple drop-in Surface-class replacement...

 But, yes, I also agree that the advantages are very important, 
specially that GPU rendering would allow really hi-res (hdready and 
fullhd games, even with multiple scrolls!) even in limited hardware 
(CPU power systems) such as tablets, and so on.
Modern OpenGL systems can often handle Non-Power of Two textures (there 
are ARB extensions for this, and an ATI extension for rectangular 
textures), but for something like Pygame sprites you'd likely do a POT 
texture catalogue and pack your NPOT textures into that, using offsets 
into the catalog texture to get the correct sprite rendered for a given 
polygon (saves switching out the texture all the time as you render, 
which is a non-trivial performance hit, and allows you to render all of 
the geometry using the catalog (i.e. hundreds or thousands of sprites) 
in a single GL call).

Movies need special handling.

To be particularly useful, such a port should likely target 
approximately the GLES2.0 subset of OpenGL, btw.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] Student summer(or winter) of code projects, $5000 from google.

2012-04-03 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

On 12-04-02 02:08 PM, Sam Bull wrote:

On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 22:51 +0200, René Dudfield wrote:

If anyone needs help with a proposal, let us know.

I'd like to do some more work on my GUI toolkit. I know it's not
directly working on Pygame, but I think it will greatly benefit the

I'm going to write a proposal with a brief overview of the project, and
then link to my project specification. If anybody would like to review
the specification, you can find it at

The spec was initially written a couple of years ago, and much of the
stuff on there has already been implemented. I've added an expansion
point to the end to list additional things for GSoC 2012.

As soon as I send this email, I'll be making another beta release of the
project. So, if you would like to see the current state of the project,
then please wait for my next email.
We need more concrete details for the proposal.  Looking through the 
code on Launchpad:

 * you don't seem to have a or similar traditional
   installer; that would be a requirement for broad acceptance
 o even those who are going to copy your code into their trees
   likely want to experiment with it first
 * the selection of widgets is fairly sparse
 o I don't know that that is really a *bad* thing, games do tend to
   use a fairly sparse set of widgets
 * there doesn't *seem* to be a theme/skinning mechanism
 o that is, how would I go about making my buttons look like
   flaming ovals instead of rectangles in order to match my
   flaming-eggs game?
 o how would I control menu layouts (position, adding preview
   windows to the right side, etc)
 * menus don't *seem* to have any keyboard control (at least, none I
   was able to trigger in the test app)

Issues to address in the proposal (note: these are at least things you 
need to address, I'm not saying do or do not, but provide your 

 * Reaching a 1.0 release is not a sufficiently well specified goal
   (after all, you could increment the version number and upload to
 o What will be accomplished (specifics, what $5000 worth of work
   needs to be accomplished, on what approximate time schedule)?
 + What metrics will be used to judge the attainment of the goals?
 + What level of documentation is required?
 + Are you going to produce tutorials or just references?
 + What level of testing is required?
 o Are you going to speculatively convert some open source games to
   use the library to test it's ability to integrate into other
 * I would like to see some real adoption/interest numbers.  GSOC
   implies creating something that a significant collection of people
   are going to want to be using the project's results.
 o Is there a strong interest from third-party developers in the
   project  [You say the library is ready to replace the other
   toolkits, but don't mention how many people are planning to
   switch from other libraries to yours as soon as it is stable]
 o Are other people using the widgets already, if not, what is
   stopping them?  Do you have user feedback on this?  If not, it
   might be useful to ask the Pygame community to weigh in on it
   over the next day or two.
 * What is the rationale for a new library over refining an
   existing/in-production library?  That likely needs to be addressed
   explicitly and in detail.
 o Why not enhance PGU or the like with better keyboard support? 
   What are the *specific* failings that make it's approach

   unworkable?  Adding tab support or selection-in-text-boxes to an
   existing library sounds fairly workable, if that is their only
 o Why not branch/fork an existing library to bootstrap development?
 o Why not borrow code from appropriately-licensed libraries?
 * If I understand correctly there have been at least half a dozen
   Pygame GUI libraries over the years.  Devil's advocate says the
   problem isn't so much getting a GUI library written as keeping it
 o How does this project avoid tossing it over the wall (that is,
   finishing and abandoning the project)?
 o GSOC AFAIK prioritizes getting new developers into *existing*
   projects, building the community of developers.  How does this
   project integrate into the larger community of Pygame developers?



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] PyOpenGL Release 3.0.0 (final)

2009-04-02 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Peter Gebauer wrote:

Hi Mike!

Will PyOpenGL 3.x be rewritten in the future to use SWIG, Pyrex or
Python extensions written in C to improve performance? Is there a possibility
of mixing ctypes with Python extensions in C for the more critical parts?
The OpenGL_accelerate module is written in Cython (~= Pyrex) to improve 
performance.  Yes, you can fairly freely mix C/Cython/Pyrex coded 
OpenGL-using extensions with PyOpenGL code.  The current GL context is 
used by all PyOpenGL calls (well, the ones that don't explicitly specify 
contexts, such as those in GLUT or GLX).

As for rewriting the core library, I doubt *I* will do another rewrite. 
But the fact is that someone could easily generate a new Cython/Pyrex 
wrapper without breaking a sweat.  They would just then need to do all 
the project management and maintenance on the code-base, and I quit 
working on the SWIG code-base because of the maintenance headaches, so 
it's not really something I want to go back to.

The use of ctypes means that we should eventually be able to run on all 
of Jython, PyPy, IronPython, Unladen Swallow and CPython with the core 
Python+ctypes-only implementation.  Interpreters that actually *use* the 
ctypes annotations (PyPy) may eventually be able to use the fact of 
using ctypes to generate almost-C-level performance from the code.



 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] GSoC Easy simple software 3d

2009-03-31 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Ian Mallett wrote:

There is an .obj loader on already in the cookbook...

There's also one in Pyglet with a modified version in OpenGLContext:

Regarding the proposal in general, it sounds fine.  BTW, I can't 
realistically commit to being a full-time mentor this summer, but I'd be 
willing to help out with mentoring and/or answering questions.



 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] Pathfinding

2009-01-26 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

John Eikenberry wrote:

evil monkey wrote:


I used this AStar in some of my games, and it works very well:



There are a few other python implementations of A* that I know of as well.
They are also linked to from that page.

Productive has a slightly modified (IIRC faster) version of the A* at:

we wound up using a hybrid system, where we'd try dead reckoning first, 
then try A* .

Have fun,


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] Shaders and Examples not Working

2008-11-04 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Ian Mallett wrote:

Hi, yes,

I noticed that for some reason my computer doesn't require this, but 
nearly everyone I've talked to seems to need it.  Is there a reason 
why glutInit() is required on some computers and not on others?

GLUT has some book-keeping stuff that it needs initialized, and IIRC it 
needs some help with shutting down that we set up in glutInit.  
Basically if you are calling *any* glut function you need to have 
glutInit called to be sure it will work.



 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] Shaders and Examples not Working

2008-10-23 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Ian Mallett wrote:


I get (adding the necessary import ctypes at the top):
AttributeError: function 'glCreateShader' not found

You'll likely need to use the extension-based version 
(ARB.shader_objects).  If you have a modern Nvidia/ATI card it will 
almost certainly have shader support available in an extension.  Note 
that some older cards (e.g. integrated graphics chips) only support the 
lower-level APIs (i.e. you can't use GLSL with them).

BTW just tested this demo, it works fine with PyOpenGL bzr head (on 
Linux, with a reasonable Nvidia card):



 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] Shaders and Examples not Working

2008-10-22 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Ian Mallett wrote:
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong--I get another error when using the 
OpenGLContext example:
  File C:\dev\Python25\Lib\site-packages\OpenGLContext\, 
line 2, in module

from vrml.arrays import *
ImportError: No module named vrml.arrays
My intention was be to suggest you just look at the code for the 
sample.  OpenGLContext's setup requires rather a lot of dependencies.  I 
have making installing those dependencies easier on my list of things to 
do, but little time to address that list.

Good luck,


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

Re: [pygame] Shaders and Examples not Working

2008-10-21 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

René Dudfield wrote:


at one point they did work...

However pyopengl 3 is still in beta and has been changing a lot
recently... causing some things to fail.

There's been a recent fix in cvs to get them working on windows again
(I think your platform).

Actually, I'm using bzr these days for PyOpenGL.

I know that recently a bunch of shader examples were added to cvs too.

So... use pyopengl cvs, and help out with bug reports and patches :)
Mike is pretty responsive over there, but if you have any patches I
can apply them as well if you need.
I can't claim to be all that responsive, but I try.  There is working 
code in OpenGLContext/tests/ which compiles and renders 
with a comic shader.



 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

[pygame] Re: [OLPC-Games] PyQNet project on Launchpad

2008-07-28 Thread Mike C. Fletcher

Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

Mike C. Fletcher wrote:

Hi all,

Those of you who were at PyCon in Chicago for the OLPC sprint may 
remember Phil Hassey's impromptu lecture on how to build a networking 
API [1].  I've been hacking together a preliminary implementation of 
something like that API and have just moved the project to 
Launchpad[2] so that other people can play with the code.  It's 
definitely not finished yet, so if you want to work on something 
low-level and network-y, feel free to play.

A similarly designed (and much smaller) library is also up at 
. Also a WiP.
PyQNet is split over 8 modules, but the actual number of code-lines in 
the library (excluding the tests) is pretty small (640 incl. comments 
and docstrings), pygamenet is around 591 when you take out the 
comments.  Though PyQNet is likely to grow substantially once I get all 
the features I want implemented.

The difference in size currently is likely because PyQNet is implemented 
as UDP with ordering and retry controlled by the Python code instead of 
using TCP-level operations.  The UDP operations should allow us to code 
adaptations into the library to optimize for low-latency game-y operation. seems nice, but it's not really the direction I was looking 
to explore.  I don't see a problem with having both libraries under 

Have fun,


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder