Re: am I evil?

2011-03-01 Thread Andrey Popp

On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:40 PM, Chris Withers wrote:
 I'm writing a SQLAlchemy SessionExtension based on this pattern:
 So, in the listener, I want to record the user that made the change.
 How should I get hold of the currently authenticated user?

Maybe, you should consider another approach to this problem? I don't think that 
recipe you've mentioned is a good way of versioning content. I like more 
explicit approach here -- versioning logic be in application logic, but not 
inside persistence engine:

  some_obj = some_objects.get(123)
  user = request.user
  # mutate some_obj
  some_objects.store_revision(some_obj, user)

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Re: am I evil?

2011-03-01 Thread Andrey Popp
 The event_manager could be ZCA event API. You could also move event-firing 
 logic inside subclass of  class of some_objects repository:

Oh, sorry, I was thought of wrapping repository inside versioning repository 
proxy, not subclassing. :-)

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Re: pyramid_beaker vs beaker wsgi middleware

2011-03-01 Thread Andrey Popp
Hello Tres, 

 FWIW, repoze.who 2.0 explicitly works to enable / ease using the
 machinery where needed in the app by exposing the configured plugins via
 an API (the login and logout views are the obvious consumers). It also
 retainis the flexibility of middleware for enforcing policies.

sorry for some kind of off-topic, but what's the status on repoze.who 2.0? It 
seems a great piece of software, but why it's still in alpha stage?

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Some notes on Configurator.add_directive

2011-01-16 Thread Andrey Popp

I've just noticed[1] the adding of 'add_directive' method to 'Configurator' 
which is allow to extend it with configuration methods. But I have some 

1. Isn't this way is not very documentable? I mean, how would framework 
extenders document methods, they've added to 'Configurator'? For example, 
another solution to this problem is to compose application configurator from 
pyramid.config.Configurator mixed with some other extension classes (Mix-in 
pattern) -- this way extension methods are documented in their respectable 
mix-ins in usual way. See how I've done in in contentlet[2].

2. I'm afraid this way does not respect ZCML mechanism of configuration, so 
developers should bother both of adding methods to configurator and also of 
adding corresponding ZCML directives. How about using some kind of reflection 
to generate ZCML directives for new methods -- this way we can keep both 
configuration API in sync?


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Re: pyramid terminology: model-resource

2010-12-17 Thread Andrey Popp

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 7:57 AM, Mark Ramm wrote:
 I think resource is a good term for items in the graph.

Why you think resources are need to be bound to locations in graph? I
think it's better to think that graph consist of locations and each
location has associated resource. For example one can make one
resource available via different URLs (read locations) with different

Andrey Popp

phone: +7 911 740 24 91

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Re: pyramid terminology: model-resource

2010-12-16 Thread Andrey Popp

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Chris McDonough wrote:
 I'm considering making a fairly major terminology change to the Pyramid
 docs.  I'd like to consider renaming the term model to resource in
 the docs.

I think resource term isn't suitable for this kind of thing, as
being pointed already resource it's more like static resource (imgs,
js, css, uploaded date).

How about term location? I think it's more suitable:

1) In current terms model should implement ILocation interface, so
it's location already and this is the only requirement that object
should satisfy to take part in graph traversal, isn't it?
2) If we rename models to locations the process of context finding
would have meaning of mapping from web locations (URIs) to application
domain's locations.
3) Scala web framework Lift (the most popular Scala web framework)
also has the notion of location and while it's not implemented with
traversal but rather with mapping by user-specified function that make
URL rewriting, I think term location is more suitable here — we can
construct sitemaps, breadcumbs from location graph, also location
sensitive permission model is more suitable for web apps, because
views rare work with just one model at time.
4) Existence of repoze.bfg.traversalwrapper and
repoze.bfg.traversaladapter (which are provides good patterns I think)
also has no relation nor to resource, nor to model, but can provide
good examples as mapping from application locations to domain models.

Andrey Popp

phone: +7 911 740 24 91

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Re: Twophase branch merged to Pyramid master.

2010-12-11 Thread Andrey Popp


it's looking just great!

How do you think, can this behavior be extracted into some pattern for 
imperative configuration? I would like to have this in my toolchain in addition 
to zope.configuration.

Andrey Popp

On Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Chris McDonough wrote:

 Hi all,
 I just merged a branch I've been working on for some time to the Pyramid
 master branch on Github. The branch was named twophase, and its goal
 was to provide imperative configuration extensibility and two-phase
 configuration much like that currently offered by ZCML.
 As a result, the ``pyramid.configuration`` module has been deprecated
 and exists now only to support backwards compatibility. In its place a
 new ``pyramid.config`` module exists with fundamentally the same API.
 Paster template authors beware.
 What does this change get us? Imperative extensibility was the primary
 goal (the ability to write extensible applications by including
 configuration from other non-local sources). This was always a feature
 offered to us by ZCML, but now folks don't have to use ZCML to get it.
 Here's an example of using imperative configuration to include
 configuration from a non-local source. If the ``configure`` function
 below lives in a module named ``myapp.myconfig``:
  # myapp.myconfig module
  def my_view(request):
  from pyramid.response import Response
  return Response('OK')
  def configure(config):
 You might cause it be included within your Pyramid application like so:
  from pyramid.config import Configurator
  def main(global_config, **settings):
  config = Configurator()
  return config.make_wsgi_app()
 When application extensibility of this kind is used, often configuration
 conflicts are an issue. When you reuse some configuration from another
 module, it's more likely that the configuration in that module will
 conflict with configuration statements you execute locally or other
 configuration statements executed as the result of including some other
 configuration. For this reason, *configuration conflict detection* is
 now a feature by default.
 Included configuration statements will be overridden by local
 configuration statements if an included callable causes a configuration
 conflict by registering something with the same configuration
 parameters. So for instance, in the below, the local add_view call
 will win even though both views are registered for the same thing:
  from pyramid.config import Configurator
  def someview(request):
  from pyramid.response import Response
  return Response('OK')
  def main(global_config, **settings):
  config = Configurator()
  return config.make_wsgi_app()
 However, if two *included* configuration callables register the same
 configuration parameters, a ConfigurationConflictError will now occur.
 For example:
  # myapp.myconfig module
  def my_view(request):
  from pyramid.response import Response
  return Response('OK')
  def configure(config):
  # myapp.myconfig2 module
  def my_view(request):
  from pyramid.response import Response
  return Response('OK')
  def configure(config):
  # your application's __init__
  from pyramid.config import Configurator
  def main(global_config, **settings):
  config = Configurator()
  return config.make_wsgi_app()
 When ``make_wsgi_app`` is called, the configuration will be committed,
 and a conflict will be detected, because both myapp.myconfig.configure
 and myapp.myconfig2.configure registered a view with the same
 configuration parameters. To avoid a conflict, and make
 myapp.myconfig2.configure win, you can call commit between the
 calls to include:
  # your application's __init__
  from pyramid.config import Configurator
  def main(global_config, **settings):
  config = Configurator()
  return config.make_wsgi_app()
 Calling commit executes all pending configuration and clears the
 configuration stack. It is safe to call commit() at any time.
 make_wsgi_app calls commit on your behalf usually, but you can issue
 commits at any time.
 A conflict error will now occur if you register two configuration
 statements for the same set of arguments locally too:
  from pyramid.config import Configurator
  def someview(request):
  from pyramid.response import Response
  return Response('OK')
  def someotherview(request):
  from pyramid.response import Response
  return Response('OK')
  def main(global_config, **settings):
  config = Configurator()
  return config.make_wsgi_app()
 Because both

Re: Pyramid 1.0a4 released

2010-11-21 Thread Andrey Popp

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Chris McDonough wrote:
 - Add a ``pyramid.url.route_path`` API, allowing folks to generate
  relative URLs.  Calling ``route_path`` is the same as calling
  ``pyramid.url.route_url`` with the argument ``_app_url`` equal to the
  empty string.

How about to re expose ``pyramid.traversal.model_path`` as
``pyramid.url.model_path``? I think it is less confusing to find out
all URL generation functions in one scope, isn't it?

Andrey Popp

phone: +7 911 740 24 91

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