Unicode problem solved except for 1 occurrance where I must explicitly do an encode('uft-8')

2008-02-20 Thread johnnyice

I'm currently using Pylons 0.9.5 with Python 2.4

I solved the Unicode problems with Mako, so let me tell you what I did
(for those that have searched countless forums as I have done).  Then
I'll mention what seems to be a hack that I would like to get cleared

How to get unicode working with Pylons+Mako:


[...snippet below...]

# Add your own template options config options here, note that all
config options will override
# any Pylons config options
tmpl_options['mako.imports'] = ['from webhelpers import auto_link
as l',
'from webhelpers import
simple_format as s',
'from rosetta.lib import
'from paste.deploy import CONFIG']

# Give support for Unicode in Mako templating system
# from: http://wiki.pylonshq.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5439551
tmpl_options['mako.input_encoding'] = 'utf-8'
tmpl_options['mako.output_encoding'] = 'utf-8'

# convert request.params to Unicode automatically
# Pylons 0.9.6 does this automatically, but we are in 0.9.5 still
so it must be explicit
#return pylons.config.Config(tmpl_options, map, paths)
# Return our loaded config object
return pylons.config.Config(tmpl_options, map, paths,
request_settings=dict(charset='utf-8', errors='replace'))


[...snippet below...]
def init_model(app_conf):

Setup the model.
This gets called by lib.app_globals

print Initializing model.
uri = app_conf['sqlalchemy.default.dburi']

# use: encoding='utf-8', convert_unicode=True to convert all
unicode at the database level so its unicode going into python/mako
engine = create_engine(uri, pool_recycle=14400, echo_pool=True,
encoding='utf-8', convert_unicode=True)
meta.engine.echo = asbool(app_conf.get('sqlalchemy.default.echo',

That's it!!

Ok to the ^^^QUESTION^^^...

I have unicode working great, but for some reason when using the Auth
plugin and the webhelpers url_for method I still need to explicitly
encode the variable as utf-8.  This seems a bit hacky though.  Anyone
else get into a similar situation and/or have a more elegant solution
(or am I just doing something wrong here)?

Here's a snippet of the code I'm using for that:

snippet for Auth problem

def signin_method(self):
uname = request.params.get('username',
'').strip().encode('utf-8', 'replace')  - throws a
UnicodeDecodeError if not first doing an encode

url_for problem

${ h.url_for('page', nickname=notebook.user.nickname,
notebook_id=notebook.book_id, highlight = c.query.encode('utf-8',

where highlight becomes a param so the url would look something like:

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Re: Unicode problem solved except for 1 occurrance where I must explicitly do an encode('uft-8')

2008-02-20 Thread johnnyice

The question doesn't seem to call itself out, so I'll place it
separately as well

Ok to the ^^^QUESTION^^^...

I have unicode working great, but for some reason when using the Auth
plugin and the webhelpers url_for method I still need to explicitly
encode the variable as utf-8.  This seems a bit hacky though.  Anyone
else get into a similar situation and/or have a more elegant solution
(or am I just doing something wrong here)?

Here's a snippet of the code I'm using for that:

snippet for Auth problem

def signin_method(self):
uname = request.params.get('username',
'').strip().encode('utf-8', 'replace')  - throws a
UnicodeDecodeError if not first doing an encode

url_for problem

${ h.url_for('page', nickname=notebook.user.nickname,
notebook_id=notebook.book_id, highlight = c.query.encode('utf-8',

where highlight becomes a param so the url would look something like:

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how do i create a custom internal server error page? .htaccess?

2008-02-20 Thread johnnyice


When I turn debug to false and there is a problem with my code I am
redirected to a blank page that reads internal server error.  okay,
that is supposed to happen... but I want my chrome around that.

usually i would just define a line in my .htaccess file and point it
to the page I want to display.  however i don't know if htaccess is
appropriate nor where to put it (I tried /public and a couple other
folders and nothing seems to pick up).

any ideas?

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Re: how do i create a custom internal server error page? .htaccess?

2008-02-20 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Feb 21, 1:40 pm, johnnyice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I turn debug to false and there is a problem with my code I am
 redirected to a blank page that reads internal server error.  okay,
 that is supposed to happen... but I want my chrome around that.

 usually i would just define a line in my .htaccess file and point it
 to the page I want to display.  however i don't know if htaccess is
 appropriate nor where to put it (I tried /public and a couple other
 folders and nothing seems to pick up).

It possibly depends on which level in the WSGI stack or underlying
WSGI adapter for the web server you are using to host your application
that generates the page.

Am sure Pylons probably has an inbuilt mechanism for providing
customised error pages and someone else will no doubt point you to
that, but in terms of generic WSGI applications the following would

If somewhere down in the WSGI stack is capturing the exception and
generating a complete 500 response including response content, then
you would need to introduce a middleware component that detects that
500 response and changes it as it is passed up.

If the exception isn't being caught and is instead propagating right
back up to the WSGI server adapter and it is that which is generating
the 500 response, then you would use a middleware component that
catches the exception and generates a complete 500 response of its own
from scratch.

A more tricky situation although not likely to occur for your case, is
where for some reason an error occurs within the WSGI adapter itself
and it generates its own complete 500 response for that error. Because
there is no user code between it and the web client, it is much harder
to intercept and modify it. One possibility here though is if you are
running  behind mod_proxy. In that case you can intercept it in Apache
by setting ProxyOverrideError to On. Doing this will result in
appropriate error responses being redirected internally by Apache to
the page appropriate for the ErrorDocument URL for that error status,
thus allowing it to replace the error page. This is useful where you
need to make error pages consistent across many applications being
fronted by the one Apache. Because it is being handled in Apache
though, you loose access to any context information such as stack
traces which would be available to the WSGI application itself. Not
even sure you get access to the original error response content as
that is most likely discarded.

To help answer the question you may want to be clearer about whether
you are using Paste serve and/or mod_proxy.

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Adding tags..

2008-02-20 Thread Chad

Howdy all,

I've been doing python web development for a couple years now.
Recently I tried Rails and found the partial or tag like
functionality a very useful way to re-use display logic. I sort of
built a hacky method of of tags into my pylons app. Here's how I've
handled it..

1. I create a template named foo.html in the templates directory.
The template looks like this..


2. I create a method in the helpers.py module that looks like this

def render_foo(name):

c.name = name
return render(foo)

3. Now in any template I can render the tag like so


My helpers.py file is starting to get a little filled with my tags.
I'd love to find a way to pull the tags out into their own directory.
It would also be nice to be able to reference them in my genshi
template like ${tag.render_foo} or even just ${render_foo}.

What do you guys think about my tag method in general? Does anyone
have any ideas on how to enable ${tag.render_foo}?



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Layouts in pylons

2008-02-20 Thread Chad

Just curious of how other pylons developers are doing site layout in
their apps? Are you guys mostly using the template and includes?

I'm currently using genshi and xi:include. This method works.. but it
really seems like a lot of wasted code. In the past I've used several
methods for site layout. Once we wrote a filter that automatically
added a layout based on a url config file. We based this method off of
sitemesh (http://www.opensymphony.com/sitemesh/). Rails allows you to
automatically associate a layout with templates in a controller or all

Just curious about what other people are doing and what you think of


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