[PyMOL] H-bonds too thick

2002-04-10 Thread Mario Sanchez
I am drawing hydrogen bonds using command dist, but the "rayied" image
has a too thick line to these interactions. I was not able to find the
command to set the thickness of it, but I hope someone (DeLano?) will be
able to help me.

Thank you indeed.
Mario Sanches,  PhD Student
Protein Crystallography Group
São Paulo University, São Carlos Physics Institute
Phone:  +55 (16) 273 9868

[PyMOL] Cell

2002-04-08 Thread Mario Sanchez
I would like to know if anyone knows how to set up cell thickness and
color. I am trying to generate a picture of a packing and I would like
to show the unit cell in a white background.
Mario Sanches,  PhD Student
Protein Crystallography Group
São Paulo University, São Carlos Physics Institute
Phone:  +55 (16) 273 9868

[PyMOL] Cell

2002-04-04 Thread Mario Sanchez
I would like to know if anyone knows how to set up cell thickness and
color. I am trying to generate a picture of a packing and I would like
to show the unit cell in a white background.
Mario Sanches,  PhD Student
Protein Crystallography Group
São Paulo University, São Carlos Physics Institute
Phone:  +55 (16) 273 9868

[PyMOL] e-density around atoms

2002-04-03 Thread Mario Sanchez
Hi all

I am trying to draw an eletronic density around some specific atoms
only, but pymol always draw a box in the region. I am using the
following comand:

isomesh den, map21, 1.0, (c;A & i;12 & !n;n,o,ca,cb |  c;A & i;89 &
!n;n,o,ca,cb | c;E & i;327), 0.4 

The problem is that the e-density for aa E327, for exemple, is cutted
due the box.
Is there a way to draw the density only around the selected atoms
without defining this box?

Mario Sanches,  PhD Student
Protein Crystallography Group
São Paulo University, São Carlos Physics Institute
Phone:  +55 (16) 273 9868

[PyMOL] 2D scketch

2002-03-22 Thread Mario Sanchez
Sorry 'couse it is not a directly related question.
I am trying to find some program like Chemdraw or ACD chemscketch to
Linux. I already find some, but all not so good like these.
Can anyone give me some tip?

Thank you in advance.
Mario Sanches,  PhD Student
Protein Crystallography Group
São Paulo University, São Carlos Physics Institute
Phone:  +55 (16) 273 9868

[PyMOL] Colors and labels.

2002-03-15 Thread Mario Sanchez
I have some questions using pymol and I wonder if someone can give me
some help.

At first I would like to know if there are any way to define more colors
than that appearing in the menu. Is there some kind of "rgb" definition,
for exemple?
I also tried to change the colors of the sticks only, without success.
When I chance the colors of the atoms in side chains it works, but
changing color of carbon alpha causes change in cartoon too. Is there a
way to do it?
Finally I didn't find a way to put labels in residues -- like Tyr-25
beside a tyrosine -- and to make "ray" of it. 

I will appreciate very much any suggestion.

Mario Sanches,  PhD Student
Protein Crystallography Group
São Paulo University, São Carlos Physics Institute
Phone:  +55 (16) 273 9868