I found the receipes on your homepage to install PyMol on Macs kind of 
convoluted, so here is what I figured after some working hours:

Installation on Mac-OsX 10.2

1) Download fink from www.apple.com and install
2) add "source /sw/bin/init.csh" to /etc/csh.login to let the system know about 
3) sudo fink configure (give as proxy something like http://www-cache.fh-
4) get cvs-proxy......info and cvs-proxy....patch from http://
fink.sourceforge.net/faq/usage-fink.php and put them into /sw/fink/dists/local/
5) sudo fink install cvs-proxy
6) cd to folder pymol-0.86; sudo fink update-all
7) open X11-Terminal
8) start pymol: /sw/bin/pymol & 

Uwe Hobohm

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