Re: [pypy-dev] Problem with large allocation in test

2011-04-21 Thread pypy
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 12:21:48PM +0200, Armin Rigo wrote:
 Hi Vincent,
 On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Vincent Legoll wrote:
  Wouldn't a big read only mmap from /dev/zero before the to be jumped
  adress allow for not really trying to allocate the big chunk of RAM ?
  That may be a good fix, still allowing the test for far jumps...
 It's not needed; mmap() can optionally take a position argument,
 allowing us to choose the position of the small pieces of requested

i have been working on a patch based around this behavior of mmap, 
currently mmap as called in this test does not allow you to specify 
the base_addr hint however there is an alloc function as used by the 
jit that allows you to specify this address indirectly (by setting 
hint.pos in the same class).

it appears only the jit is calling this function and as such i have 
been working on a patch that i hope to have ready in the next couple 
of days. i wouldn't mind some feedback on how i am trying to do it

i am cloning the alloc function and adding a new parameter to specify 
a base addr, then ripping out the hint object as i have been unable to 
find anything that references it directly (with a quick grep, will test 
to be sure)

after there is done i will migrate the test from mmap to the new alloc 
function and provide hints that satisfy the spacing requirements

one this is all working i had intended to dump the Alic function and 
replace it with the new alloc function and update the callers, from my 
grepping of the source it appears like it is called once or twice in 
the jit and should be easy to update

i am assuming this is the correct course of action, if i should 
instead not be replacing the original alloc function and just create 
a new alloc_with_hint function and keep/use both let me know

this has been an intresting way to get fammilar with pypy

Re: [pypy-dev] project infrastructure issues

2011-04-18 Thread pypy
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 05:47:39PM +, holger krekel wrote:
 Hey all,
 now that pypy's codespeak subversion usage is basically gone i'd like to
 push for remaining issues related to the pypy infrastructure:
 - apache/website
 - buildbot/master
 - roundup/issue tracker
 - mailman/mailing lists pypy-dev/commits/z
 Which of them shall we try to move elsewhere?
 My preliminary suggestion:
 - website - readthedocs? or other site
 - buildbot - or other site
 - issue tracker - bitbucket issue tracker
 - mailing lists - google groups or or other site
 The other site could be a host that i anyway
 need to have for remaining codespeak and merlinux stuff
 and which thus is somewhat guaranteed to work 
 mail- and otherwise.  Other people could get admin
 access as well, of course.


I dont mind hosting the website and mailing lists and would be more 
than willing to grab a cheap dedicated box or vps somewhere to do so. 
i already manage a number of boxes for my own private use and adding 
another wont be much more work

i should be able to provide some build slaves without issue. these 
would be on a home dsl plan and may be down for a day or two per year. 
that said i can easily cache the output on a publicly available 

KVM or linux containers are avalible on the host and i was planning to 
run at least ubuntu and fedora as build slaves in a container with $GB 
of ram allocated to them (64bit) ssh access would be avalible.

at the very least i am willing to put in some admin time for the pypy 
project. if there is alternate hardware avalible and you just need 
someone to man them or set them up let me know

* with Apache is this a standard cgi setup or a wsgi or mod_python setup 
for any dynamic parts of the site

* if there are any other oddities or special setups let me know

- Da_Blitz

Re: [pypy-dev] File overwriting (--output flag to

2011-04-12 Thread pypy
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 09:27:09PM +0200, Armin Rigo wrote:
 Sadly everyone so far has his own additional hacks to categorize
 multiple translated versions.  Mine is to ignore the pypy-c entirely
 and copy the executable from the /tmp, after it has been produced
 there.  I also copy the C sources (but not the other files produced by
 gcc).  Anyway, my point is that the particular change you are
 proposing would actually harm me, because I always have a pypy-c and
 I'm fine if it gets overwritten by every translation :-)
 We need to think of some better solution...

here is an updated version that specifically checks if the destination 
specified by the --output flag is the same as the running interpreter, 
this matches the error i was having more closely and should hopefully 
not interfere with other users work flows

of course i am assuming here that you are not relying on the pdb 
shell as a notification to copy the file over, if you do feel free to 
ignore this updated patch

- Da_Blitz
Double check to ensure we are not overwriting the current interpreter

--- a/pypy/translator/goal/
+++ b/pypy/translator/goal/
@@ -285,6 +285,10 @@
 elif drv.exe_name is None and '__name__' in targetspec_dic:
 drv.exe_name = targetspec_dic['__name__'] + '-%(backend)s'
+# Double check to ensure we are not overwriting the current interpreter
+if os.path.realpath(drv.exe_name) == sys.executable:
+raise ValueError('File ' + drv.exe_name+ ' already exisits 
 goals = translateconfig.goals

Re: [pypy-dev] translationmodules option failing

2011-04-12 Thread pypy
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 09:19:22PM +0200, Armin Rigo wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 1:44 PM, wrote:
  -     struct, md5, cStringIO, array]))
  +     struct, _md5, cStringIO, array]))
 Thanks!  Applied.

seems i missed the ctypes dependence on the threading module (i always 
passed --thread to while the first pypy-c would 
compile correctly, attempting to translate a second pypy interpreter 
would fail with an exception related to ctypes

with the patch below executing ./pypy-c ./ -O jit 
./ --translationmodules will work without 
passing any more arguments

in case anyone is interested i included the last few lines of the 
traceback to the end of the email from the second run that fails

-     struct, _md5, cStringIO, array]))
+     struct, _md5, cStringIO, array, thread]))


  File /home/dablitz/code/pypy/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/, line 
247, in get_ctypes_type
cls = build_new_ctypes_type(T, delayed_builders)
  File /home/dablitz/code/pypy/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/, line 
284, in build_new_ctypes_type
  File /home/dablitz/code/pypy/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/, line 
92, in _setup_ctypes_cache
lltype.Signed:   ctypes.c_long,
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'c_long'

[pypy-dev] translationmodules option failing

2011-04-11 Thread pypy

just tried to bootstrap myself in the quickest way possible via the 
--translationmodules option (cmdline below) and encountered an issue 
with the md5 module which appears to be renamed _md5. the patch below 
corrects this.

while there was an md5 directory present in my tree it only contained 
untracked pyc files and as such i have also removed this


./ -O jit --thread --make-jobs=9 ./ 


--- a/pypy/config/
+++ b/pypy/config/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 translation_modules = default_modules.copy()
 [fcntl, rctime, select, signal, _rawffi, zlib,
- struct, md5, cStringIO, array]))
+ struct, _md5, cStringIO, array]))



[pypy-dev] fixes

2011-04-11 Thread pypy
Hi did not work so i did q quick repair job and enhancement 
on a small bit of the code, included as 3 patches below. i seem to 
recall someone mentioning that this was depreciated however as a new 
user it was tempting to use it as it was the first thing i saw and is 
a nice quick test for getting a rough guide of the relative 
performance of several versions of pypy i have generated

currently contemplating a rewrite of the code so let me know if there 
is something better or if someone else is working on something

Add newer python implementations and benchmark system default interpreter

--- a/pypy/translator/goal/
+++ b/pypy/translator/goal/
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 ref_rich, ref_stone = None, None
 #for exe in '/usr/local/bin/python2.5 python2.4 python2.3'.split():
-for exe in 'python2.4 python2.3'.split():
+for exe in 'python2.7 python2.6 python2.4 python2.3 python'.split():
 v = os.popen(exe + ' -c import sys;print sys.version.split()[0]').rea
 if not v:

Discard missing interpreters

--- a/pypy/translator/goal/
+++ b/pypy/translator/goal/
@@ -102,7 +102,13 @@
 ref_rich, ref_stone = None, None
 #for exe in '/usr/local/bin/python2.5 python2.4 python2.3'.split():
-for exe in 'python2.4 python2.3'.split():
+for exe in 'python2.7 python2.6 python2.4 python2.3 python'.split():
+path = os.environ.get(PATH, )
+path = [x + os.sep + exe for x in path.split(os.pathsep) if exe in os.l
+if len(path)  0:
+exe = path[0]
 v = os.popen(exe + ' -c import sys;print sys.version.split()[0]').rea
 if not v:

Fix off by one

--- a/pypy/translator/goal/
+++ b/pypy/translator/goal/
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 if os.path.isdir(exe) or exe.endswith('.jar'):
-exes.append( (exe.split('-')[2], exe) )
+exes.append( (exe.split('-')[1], exe) )
 pass#skip filenames without version number


[pypy-dev] File overwriting (--output flag to

2011-04-11 Thread pypy
Hi again

i have been compiling a bunch of different pypy instances with different 
levels of optimizations and features and found that if i run pypy-c 
from the current directory and dont specify a new output filename it 
will attempt to and fail to overwrite pypy-c due to the file being in 
use. unfortunately the exception generated is in the shutil lib from 
mem and the error message/exception does not give away immediately what 
the cause is which can lead to some frustration on some of the longer 
compiles ;)

its quick and dirty and i don't mind if it gets changed at all. not 
100% sure what the correct way to report an error and abandon is other 
than what everything else does (uncaught exception to a pdb shell)

--- a/pypy/translator/goal/
+++ b/pypy/translator/goal/
@@ -285,6 +285,10 @@
 elif drv.exe_name is None and '__name__' in targetspec_dic:
 drv.exe_name = targetspec_dic['__name__'] + '-%(backend)s'
+# Ensure the file does not exisit else we fail at end of translation
+if os.path.isfile(drv.exe_name):
+raise ValueError('File ' + drv.exe_name+ ' already exisits 
 goals = translateconfig.goals


Re: [pypy-dev] Thoughts on multithreading in PyPy

2011-04-10 Thread pypy
What i am wondering about is if some of the base services provided by 
pypy can be moved into another thread, eg GC and JIT compilation and 
how much of a benfiit there would be to doing so

at least with moving the gc to another thread i would think that doing 
so would provide some insight into concurrent access to python objects

Re: [pypy-dev] Implementing CAS

2011-03-22 Thread pypy
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 03:41:19PM -0500, Timothy Baldridge wrote:
 After my last discussion about getting some multi-threading
 primitives, I took a look at how locks are implemented in PyPy. PyPy
 currently uses OS level mutexes...which is okay for most uses, but in
 my case, I need super fast spinlocks, and for that I need a CAS
 operation. What I'm looking for is a bit of direction on how to go
 about implementing this function (shown in C syntax):
 int cas(*expected, *new, **location)
 This function looks at the contents of the data pointed at by
 **location. If the contents == *expected, the contents are replaced
 with *new and the function returns true. Otherwise the function
 returns false.
 There are several issues I see with implementing this in python:
 1) **location must be pointer to a object pointer, is this even
 possible in PyPy?
 2) I'd rather not call an FFI C function for this, when this entire
 function could be inlined with just a few lines of assembly (CAS is a
 single instruction on x86). So could this be created as a C function
 that is simply inserted into the generated C code, so that GCC could
 inline it at will?
 I'm just brainstorming here. No matter how you dice it, CAS is pretty
 much a prerequisite to any sort of multi-threaded programming these
 days. That is unless you want to spend thousands of clock cycles in
 context switches.
 “One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was
 that–lacking zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination
 of their C programs.”
 (Robert Firth)

Dont know if this would be helpful at all but i have been wondering if 
RCU's would be useful at all (userspace libary at ) from what i ahve read up on them i thought 
they would be a nice match to python and pypy

Re: [pypy-dev] google should build a pypy phone or someone

2011-02-15 Thread pypy
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 03:06:07PM +0100, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
 On 02/15/2011 12:51 PM, Laura Creighton wrote: which
  works with Android.
  which makes the whole idea of being able to sit down and program whenever
  the mood strikes you, even when your laptop is far away or out of power
  more attractive, since you can touchtype.
  But that doesn't make me want to start programming in java.
  Especially for the sort of quick and dirty calculations I use python
  -c for.
 I am sure you know of this then:
 It's an app for Android that lets you script the phone with various 
 dynamic languages (including Python). Actually I think that PyPy 
 could/should be made to work with this thing. It would not quite make 
 PyPy a first class VM on the phone, but would already give you access to 
 a number of phone-specific features.

the Scripting eniroment uses an enviroment varible to indicate a 
socket to connect to, once connected you make JSON calls over the 
socket to access the platform API's that are done via a java proxy. 
porting pypy to run in the enviroment would be as simple as compiling 
an arm port and importing the (all python) proxy libary

i have a couple of scripts running on my phone for utility functions 
(checking my site is up and such)

the API is a bit limited and i think that pypy running on the native 
VM would be more flexible for creating full programs (cant acceses 
many GUI componenets from this restricted enviroment)