ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution

2014-01-29 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg

ANNOUNCING pyOpenSSL Distribution


 An easy-to-install and easy-to-use distribution
 of the pyOpenSSL Python interface for OpenSSL -
available for Windows, Mac OS X and Unix platforms

This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:


The pyOpenSSL Distribution includes everything you need to
get started with SSL in Python.

It comes with an easy-to-use installer that includes the most recent
OpenSSL library versions in pre-compiled form, making your application
independent of OS provided OpenSSL libraries:

pyOpenSSL is an open-source Python add-on that allows writing SSL/TLS-
aware network applications as well as certificate management tools:

OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol:


This new release of the pyOpenSSL Distribution updates the
included pyOpenSSL and OpenSSL versions:

New in the eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution

 * Updated pyOpenSSL to the upstream trunk revision 171 (pyOpenSSL
   version 0.13.1+).

 * Added work-around for compiling pyOpenSSL trunk revision 171 on
   Windows with OpenSSL 1.0.0 and later.

 * Included support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 in pyOpenSSL (rev 171). Please
   see the TLS support section in the documentation for details.

   options to be able to address the CRIME attack and allow for more
   secure elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange setups.

 * Added HTML Sphinx documentation from the pyOpenSSL trunk version to
   the package. An online version is available from our website:

 * Updated the included CA bundles to the latest Mozilla 2014-01-28

 * Included ca-bundle*.crt files now have the same modification date
   as the Mozilla certdata.txt file from which they were generated.

 * Restored compatibility of the ca_bundle module with Python 2.4.

 * Enhanced the included example to show case OpenSSL
   best practices:

   - server name parsing (RFC 2818 support will follow in one of the
 next releases)

   - SNI (support for TLS extension to support multiple SSL sites on a
 single host)

   - setup secure default SSL options

   - setup secure default SSL cipher suite

   - use TLS 1.0 - 1.2 only

   - disable SSL compression negotiation (prevent CRIME attack)

New in OpenSSL

 * Updated included OpenSSL libraries from OpenSSL 1.0.1e to
   1.0.1f. See and for a complete
   list of changes, most important:

   - CVE-2013-4353: A carefully crafted invalid TLS handshake could
 crash OpenSSL with a NULL pointer exception. A malicious server
 could use this flaw to crash a connecting client.

   - CVE-2013-6450: A flaw in DTLS handling can cause an application
 using OpenSSL and DTLS to crash.

   - CVE-2013-6449: A flaw in OpenSSL can cause an application using
 OpenSSL to crash when using TLS version 1.2.

As always, we provide binaries that include both pyOpenSSL and the
necessary OpenSSL libraries for all supported platforms:
Windows x86 and x64, Linux x86 and x64, Mac OS X PPC, x86 and x64.

We've also added egg-file distribution versions of our
pyOpenSSL Distribution for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X to the
available download options. These make setups using e.g. zc.buildout
and other egg-file based installers a lot easier.


The download archives and instructions for installing the package can
be found at:


Before installing this version of pyOpenSSL, please make sure that
you uninstall any previously installed pyOpenSSL version. Otherwise,
you could end up not using the included OpenSSL libs.


Commercial support for these packages is available from
Please see

for details about our support offerings.


PyDev 3.3.3 Released

2014-01-29 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Hi All,

PyDev 3.3.3 has been released

Details on PyDev:

Details on its development:

LiClipse (PyDev standalone with goodies such as support for Django
Templates, Kivy Language, Mako Templates, Html, Javascript, etc):

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython and
IronPython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It
comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting,
syntax analysis, code analysis, refactor, debug, etc.

Release Highlights:

* **Important**: PyDev requires Eclipse 3.8 or 4.3 onwards and Java 7! For
older versions, keep using PyDev 2.x (see LiClipse: for a PyDev standalone with all
requirements bundled).

* **Code Completion**:

- Compiled modules are now indexed and shown in the context-insensitive

- In an empty file, a code-completion request will show options related
to creating modules (press Ctrl+Space twice to show only those templates).

* **Performance**:

- Building (indexing) of Python files is **much** faster.

- Code completion does not get slown down by other analysis done in the
background due to shell synchronization.

* **Interactive Console**:

- The interactive console now has tab-completion (so, tab can be used
to show completions such as in IPython).

* **Debugger**:

- **Locals are now properly changed in the debugger** -- along with set
next statement and auto-reloading this can make a debug session much more

- Added a way to skip functions on a step-in on functions with
**#@DontTrace** comments:

- **Makes it possible to skip a lot of boilerplate code on a debug
- Can be enabled/disabled in the debugger preferences;
- Ctrl+1 in a line with a method shows option to add
**#@DontTrace** comment (if enabled in the preferences).

- Debugging Stackless is much improved, especially for versions of
Stackless released from 2014 onwards (special thanks to Anselm Kruis who
improved stackless itself for this integration to work properly).

- Reload during a debug session is improved and more stable:

- Only updates what it can in-place or adds new attributes;

- Shows what's being patched in the console output;

- New hooks are provided for clients which may want to extend the

- See: Auto Reload in Debugger: for more details.

* **General**:

- Compiled modules are now indexed, so, **fix import with Ctrl+1 now
works with itertools, PyQt and other 'forced builtins'**.

- When diffing a Python file, the PyDev comparison (with proper syntax
highlighting) is now the default.

- When finding a definition in a .pyd file, if there's a related .pyx
in the same location, it's opened.

- Running unit-tests will not try to import files that are in folders
that don't have an file.

- Alt+Shift+O can be used to toggle mark occurrences.

- Ctrl+3 not bound by default anymore on PyDev so that it does not
conflict with the Eclipse Ctrl+3 (Ctrl+/ can be used instead).

- Fixed recursion issue when finding file in pydev package explorer.

- When configuring the interpreter, links are not followed when
resolving entries for the PYTHONPATH.

- It's possible to launch a directory containing a file

- Fixed issues when creating django project without any existing
project in the workspace.

- Fixed deadlock on code-completion.

- __pycache__ folders are hidden by default.

* **Organize imports**:

- When saving a file, if automatically organizing imports, don't remove
unused imports even if that option is checked.

- When saving a file, if automatically organizing imports, and nothing
changes, don't change the buffer (so, no undo command is created).

- @NoMove can be used in an import so that the import organizer doesn't
mess with it.

* **Refactoring**:

- Fixed error when moving resource in PYTHONPATH to a dir out of the

- On a search make sure we search only python files, not dlls (which
could give OutOfMemory errors and make the search considerably slower).

- Multiple fixes on the rename module refactoring.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer


PyDev - Python Development Environment for Eclipse

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