Karlsruhe (Germany) Python User Group, August 15th 2014, 7pm

2014-08-08 Thread Jürgen A . Erhard
The Karlsruhe Python User Group (KaPy) meets again.

Friday, 2014-08-15 (August 15th) at 19:00 (7pm) in the rooms of Entropia eV
(the local affiliate of the CCC).  See http://entropia.de/wiki/Anfahrt
on how to get there.

For your calendars: meetings are held monthly, on the 3rd Friday.

There's also a mailing list at

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new devpi-2.0.1/2 releases: fixes, new anonymous upload

2014-08-08 Thread holger krekel

The new devpi releases (devpi-server-2.0.2, devpi-web-2.0.1, devpi-client-2.0.1)
contain several fixes for the private github-style pypi caching server, 
see the changelog below for details.  Find all the documentation at


with tutorials and quickstart documents for particular scenarios.

Note that no export/import procedure is needed if you are already running
a 2.X devpi-server.  If upgrading from a 1.2 devpi-server install, you need
to upgrade using these instructions:


many thanks to Florian Schulze who again helped a lot with this release.

have fun,

holger krekel

devpi-2.0.1 (metapackage)

- fix issue120: link to upgrade section from main index page.

- preserve http reason string for setup.py submit through replica proxying

- proper error message when devpi push X uses an X that comes from 
  a base index or is not existent

- fix issue121: depend on py-1.4.23 to fix python3.4 compatibility
  for a venusian/py34/py interaction import oddity.

- fix issue126: handle deletion of pypi project cache entries correctly 
  (i.e. ones that are triggered by refresh on simple page).

- Add special handling of :ANONYMOUS: user in acl_upload to allow anonymous

- fix nginx template so that when used in a replica setting the master
  always answers HEAD requests without nginx short-cirtcuiting it.

- increase internal cache size to improve performance when many indexes
  and projects are served.


- fix issue125: javascript for embedded doc view didn't work correctly.

- fix issue118: rendering of description with unicode.

- fix a test to expect a 403 instead of a 401 from devpi server from
  unauthorized access 

- fix error message on API version client/server mismatch

- fix issue124: package name url matching for the devpi test command


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pytest-timeout 0.4

2014-08-08 Thread Floris Bruynooghe

I'm pleased to announce the availability of pytest-timeout 0.4:

pytest-timeout is a plugin for the py.test testing framework which
will interrupt hanging tests after a timeout and show stack traces for
all threads at this time.  This can greatly easy debugging certain
issues, especially when running tests on continuous integration

This release provides support for using pytest-timeout in conjunction
with the --pdb option from py.test.  When a test fails and py.test
drops you into an interactive pdb session pytest-timeout will now no
longer time-out the test.

Additionally this release fixes a bug where a hang in the teardown of
a session-scoped fixture would not be caught by pytest-timeout.


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pytest-2.6.1: fixes and expecting exceptions in xfail

2014-08-08 Thread holger krekel
pytest-2.6.1: fixes and new xfail marker feature

pytest is a mature Python testing tool with an extensive self-test test suite,
passing on many different interpreters and platforms.  The 2.6.1 release
is drop-in compatible to 2.5.2 and actually fixes some regressions
introduced with 2.6.0.  It also brings a little feature to the xfail
marker which now recognizes expected exceptions, see the CHANGELOG below.

See docs at:


As usual, you can upgrade from pypi via::

pip install -U pytest

Thanks to all who contributed, among them:

Floris Bruynooghe
Bruno Oliveira
Nicolas Delaby

have fun,
holger krekel

Changes 2.6.1

- No longer show line numbers in the --verbose output, the output is now
  purely the nodeid.  The line number is still shown in failure reports.
  Thanks Floris Bruynooghe.

- fix issue437 where assertion rewriting could cause pytest-xdist slaves
  to collect different tests. Thanks Bruno Oliveira.

- fix issue555: add errors attribute to capture-streams to satisfy
  some distutils and possibly other code accessing sys.stdout.errors.

- fix issue547 capsys/capfd also work when output capturing (-s) is disabled.

- address issue170: allow pytest.mark.xfail(...) to specify expected exceptions 
  an optional raises=EXC argument where EXC can be a single exception
  or a tuple of exception classes.  Thanks David Mohr for the complete

- fix integration of pytest with unittest.mock.patch decorator when
  it uses the new argument.  Thanks Nicolas Delaby for test and PR.

- fix issue with detecting conftest files if the arguments contain
  :: node id specifications (copy pasted from -v output)

- fix issue544 by only removing @NUM at the end of :: separated parts
  and if the part has an .py extension

- don't use py.std import helper, rather import things directly.
  Thanks Bruno Oliveira.


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