On behalf of the Nikola team, I am pleased to announce the immediate
availability of Nikola v7.2.0.  It features many bugfixes, and also
some new useful features.

What is Nikola?

Nikola is a static site and blog generator, written in Python.  It can
use Mako and Jinja2 templates, and input in many popular markup
formats, such as reStructuredText and Markdown — and can even turn
IPython Notebooks into blog posts! It also supports image galleries,
and is multilingual.  Nikola is flexible, and page builds are
extremely fast, courtesy of doit (which is rebuilding only what has
been changed).

Find out more at the website: http://getnikola.com/


Get it on GitHub and PyPI:




* Added support for fancy dates via moment.js (Issue #1256)
* Updates: jQuery v1.11.1, Bootstrap v3.3.0
* Allow presets usage with ``nikola deploy`` — ``DEPLOY_COMMANDS`` is
  now a dict of {preset: commands} (Issue #1452)
* New ``GLOBAL_CONTEXT_FILLER`` setting, functions listed there will
  be called with the local context and the template name before
  template rendering. (Issue #1451)
* New ``USE_CDN_WARNING`` setting to block warnings about potential
  ``USE_CDN`` misuse (defaults to True)
* ``nikola check -l`` will warn about mixed-security (HTTP on HTTPS)
* New ``ConfigPlugin`` category (without any specific behavior by
* New meta property “previewimage” for use with Open Graph (Issue
* Expose publishing date, tags, and more in Open Graph
* XSL Transform RSS into pretty and helpful webpages when opened in
  browsers (Issue #1411)


* Don’t pull by default in ``github_deploy`` (Issue #1464)
* disabled hyphenation for paragraphs with inline math (Issue #1461)
* Support filters for all tasks (Issue #1459)
* Don’t check cache/ in ``nikola check -l`` (Issue #1447)
* Fix new_post for pandoc format (Issue #1445)
* Fix STORY_INDEX generation (Issue #1444)
* Fix bootswatch creation version check (Issue #1441)
* Never rebase while pulling in ``github_deploy``
* Handle better ``new_post --format=pandoc`` when pandoc is not
  defined (Issue #1422)
* Open Graph properly uses latest RDFa in HTML – fixes validation
* Fix sitemap generation (Issue #1397 via #1032)
* Use destination folder names as titles for titleless listings
* Fixed problems with installation from .tar.gz under Windows (Issue
* Fixed encoding problems in WordPress urlmap writer (Issue #1416)
* Added back atom:link in RSS feeds
* Fixed Nikola-based page redirects in Python 2 (Issue #1414)
* Fixed files/\*.php (skip post/story-specific filters) (Issue #1403)
* Warn about missing / in BASE_URL differently (explicit request to
  fix the config file)
* Fix broken ``auto -b`` option (Issue #1437)

Chris Warrick <http://chriswarrick.com/>

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