execnet-1.0.7 is a backward compatible release avoiding
a gateway termination race condition and adding the possibility
to add env:NAME=value settings to gateway specifications, 
thanks to thanks Jakub Gustak. 

execnet is a small and stable pure-python library for automatically deploying
and interacting with clusters of Python interpreters.  It seamlessly
instantiates remote interpreters through the 'ssh' command line tool
or socket connections.  It supports interactions between
Python 2.4 through to 3.1, Jython-2.5.1 and pypy-c, therefore enabling
generic Python-to-Python bridging.

execnet-1.0.7 was successfully tested against Python2.7
as well as the usual armada of interpreters ranging 
from Python2.4 to Python3.1, Jython and PyPy. 

See http://codespeak.net/execnet for extensive documentation. 

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