[issue23903] Generate PC/python3.def by scraping headers

2016-12-22 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

PyCmpWrapper_Type is not defined.

Some underscored names are defined only in special builds (with Py_REF_DEBUG, 

PyAST_* and PyNode_* functions are not documented, ast.h and node.h are private 

Names like _PyArg_Parse_SizeT shouldn't be removed.


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[issue29026] time.time() documentation should mention UTC timezone

2016-12-22 Thread Eric Appelt

Eric Appelt added the comment:

I looked at the documentation and implementation and made a patch to hopefully 
clarify the issue. I also have some comments:

- The term "epoch" is actually defined at the top of the page with instructions 
for how to determine it, i.e. run "gmtime(0)".

- I added a definition for the term "seconds since the epoch" since this 
typically means the number of seconds that have elapsed since the epoch 
excluding leap seconds, although it may vary by platform.

- I'm a bit uncomfortable with potential confusion regarding Windows, since the 
Windows epoch begins on 1601, although we adjust it to 1970: 
 I didn't add a note in the patch as I am not a windows developer, but I wonder 
if there could be some confusion.

- Even though its redundant with the top of the page, I added specific 
clarification to time.time() as it appears that most readers are going to 
navigate to that anchor specifically and not read the discussion of what we 
mean by "epoch" above.

- I need to test my assertion that Windows does not count leap seconds. I'm 
pretty sure but not 100% confident that I am correct from what I read, but I 
need to find someone with a windows machine tomorrow and actually check it. The 
windows documentation for the FILETIME structure suggests that leap seconds 
might be counted - 
- but I think this is just an oversight in the documentation.

- Just out of personal curiousity does anyone have an example of a legacy UNIX 
system that counts leap seconds in the epoch? This seems tricky to do as I 
would presume that the OS would need some table that would be updated whenever 
the astronomers declare a new leap second.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46005/29026_unixtime_v1.patch

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[issue28968] xml rpc server fails with connection reset by peer error no 104

2016-12-22 Thread Manish Singh

Manish Singh added the comment:

Below is the information sent to python-dev group


[ Issue ]
I have used xml rpc library with transport as http. My client and server are 
running on same host.

Some xml rpc requests fail with connection reset by peer error number. I have 
used xmlrpclib.ServerProxy() to call remote method on xml rpc server running on 
an ephemeral port.

This issue has happen many times.

log snippet,

  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1489, in __request
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1237, in request
errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/httplib.py", line 1064, in getreply
response = self._conn.getresponse()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/httplib.py", line 990, in getresponse
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/httplib.py", line 391, in begin
version, status, reason = self._read_status()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/httplib.py", line 349, in _read_status
line = self.fp.readline()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/socket.py", line 433, in readline
data = recv(1)
error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

[ Test Environment ]
RHEL 6 with linux kernel 2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.
Python 2.6.6

[ Possible Reasons for it ]

1) The machine is connected to the network, and the network is not responsive. 
2) The other side of the connection is not running normally. 
3) There are not enough system resources available. Free up system resources if 
they are running low. 

Possibility for 1 and 2 are not applicable as it is loop back 
communication(Client and Server running on same machine).
For Possibility 3, I have already checked system resource and there are enough 
resources(80% RAM used, 20% cpu usage, around 10 GB RAM free).

I checked for other reasons and i found that this issue may be related with GIL,
Please refer this link,

1> Can you please let me know, is it really a issue realted with GIL?
2> If yes, How to resolve this issue?
3> If no, what other reason may exists for such failure. [Note: Those rpc 
requests fail which return python's dictionary data to client]


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[issue28968] xml rpc server fails with connection reset by peer error no 104

2016-12-22 Thread Manish Singh

Manish Singh added the comment:

Hi Jim,
Thank you for replying.

As you are suggesting that there is a firewall setting.

Then in that case every request should fail, right?

But in my case only few request fail(4 out 20 requests).

Have you seen my mail sent to python-dev group through gmail?


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[issue29038] Duplicate entry for SSLContext.get_ca_certs() in ssl

2016-12-22 Thread Xiang Zhang

Xiang Zhang added the comment:

Thanks for the report Daniel!

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue29038] Duplicate entry for SSLContext.get_ca_certs() in ssl

2016-12-22 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 94900abda1a5 by Xiang Zhang in branch '2.7':
Issue #29038: Fix duplicate get_ca_certs() doc entry.

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue28968] xml rpc server fails with connection reset by peer error no 104

2016-12-22 Thread Jim Jewett

Jim Jewett added the comment:

When I see a message like that, it normally means there is a firewall getting 
in my way.

nosy: +Jim.Jewett

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[issue22490] Using realpath for __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ makes Homebrew installs fragile

2016-12-22 Thread Tim Smith

Tim Smith added the comment:

Since __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ is consulted in site.py, it seems likely that the 
latest it can be deleted is in site.py. The attached patch does that.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46004/delete-venev-launcher.diff

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[issue29011] No entry Deque in typing.py

2016-12-22 Thread Ivan Levkivskyi

Changes by Ivan Levkivskyi :

nosy: +levkivskyi

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[issue29002] typing.AnyStr doc is unclear about python2 unicode support

2016-12-22 Thread Ivan Levkivskyi

Changes by Ivan Levkivskyi :

nosy: +levkivskyi

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[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Adam Williamson

Adam Williamson added the comment:

https://github.com/tiran/defusedxml/pull/4 should fix this, I hope.


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[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Adam Williamson

Adam Williamson added the comment:

https://paste.fedoraproject.org/511245/14824393/ is my cut at a fix for this, 
gonna test it out now.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Adam Williamson

Adam Williamson added the comment:

Digging some more, it looks like *only* Python 3.3 went so far out of its way 
to hide the pure-Python iterparse() - the code was changed again in 3.4 and it 
doesn't do that any more. So I think a way forward here is to make the code 
that uses _IterParseIterator specific to Python 3.3, and use the Python 2.7 
code (i.e. just use the iterparse() function) for 3.2 and 3.4+.


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[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Adam Williamson

Adam Williamson added the comment:

Aha, so thanks to my colleague Patrick Uiterwijk, we see the problem. Since 
Python 3.3, Python doesn't actually use that pure-Python iterparse() function 
if it can instead replace it with a C version:


"# Overwrite 'ElementTree.parse' and 'iterparse' to use the C XMLParser"

so the reason defusedxml wants to use _IterParseIterator on Python 3 is because 
if it just uses xml.etree.ElementTree.iterparse() it's getting the 
'accelerated' C implementation, not the pure-Python implementation it wants.


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[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Adam Williamson

Adam Williamson added the comment:

serhiy: so, the funny thing is this: your fix is ultimately a reversion. Though 
we have to dig way back into the bowels of defusedxml to see this. 
Specifically, to this commit!


that's the point at which Christian introduced a divergence between Python 2 
and Python 3 here, and essentially the same divergence remains between the 
`elif PY3:` and `else: # Python 2.7` blocks now. The Python 2.7 block in 
current defusedxml is in fact the same as your block, because `_iterparse` is 
just the parent `iterparse` function, as discovered by `_get_py3_cls()`.

So before applying your change, I kinda want to understand why Christian 
introduced this divergence in the first place. The commit message claims it's 
because Python 3.3 hid some pure python, but I don't quite understand that: 
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.3/Lib/xml/etree/ElementTree.py looks 
like iterparse() was still perfectly available and usable for this purpose in 
3.3, just as it was in 3.2 and still appears to be in 3.6.


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[issue22490] Using realpath for __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ makes Homebrew installs fragile

2016-12-22 Thread Tim Smith

Tim Smith added the comment:

I spoke prematurely; I recently rediscovered that the persistence of 
__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ poisons the sys.executable of virtualenv interpreters 
launched as a subprocess of another Python interpreter:

$ virtualenv -p python3 test
$ test/bin/python3 -c 'import sys; print(sys.executable)'

$ /usr/local/bin/python3 -c 'import subprocess; 
subprocess.call(["/Users/tim/test/bin/python3", "-c", "import sys; 

$ /usr/local/bin/python3 -c 'import subprocess, os; del 
subprocess.call(["/Users/tim/test/bin/python3", "-c", "import sys; 

If __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ can be unset before script execution begins, that seems 


Python tracker 

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[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Adam Williamson

Adam Williamson added the comment:

Ammar: yep, that's correct. There's code in defused's ElementTree.py - _ 
get_py3_cls() - which passes different values to _generate_etree_functions 
based on the Python 3 version.

For Python 3.2+, defused 0.4.1 expects to use the _IterParseIterator class from 
xml ElementTree , but that got removed in 3.6, so if you just use defused 0.4.1 
with Python 3.6, it asserts as soon as you try to import defusedxml.ElementTree 
at all:

>>> import defusedxml.ElementTree
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/tmp/defusedxml-0.4.1/defusedxml/ElementTree.py", line 62, in 
_XMLParser, _iterparse, _IterParseIterator, ParseError = _get_py3_cls()
  File "/tmp/defusedxml-0.4.1/defusedxml/ElementTree.py", line 56, in 
_IterParseIterator = pure_pymod._IterParseIterator
AttributeError: module 'xml.etree.ElementTree' has no attribute 

Christian made a change to make _get_py3_cls() pass None to 
_generate_etree_functions() so you can at least import defusedxml.ElementTree, 
but he didn't change _generate_etree_functions() at all so it just doesn't have 
a code path that handles this at all; for Python 3.2+ it's expecting to get a 
real iterator, not None, and it just breaks completely trying to use None as an 

 sh-4.3# echo "" > test.xml
 sh-4.3# python3
>>> import defusedxml.ElementTree
>>> parser = defusedxml.ElementTree.iterparse('test.xml')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/tmp/defusedxml-0.4.1/defusedxml/common.py", line 141, in iterparse
return _IterParseIterator(source, events, parser, close_source)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Serhiy, thanks for the suggestion! We'll try that out.


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[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

I think this can be fixed from defusedxml side:

def iterparse(source, events=None, parser=None, forbid_dtd=False,
  forbid_entities=True, forbid_external=True):
if not parser:
parser = DefusedXMLParser(target=_TreeBuilder(),
return xml.etree.ElementTree.iterparse(source, events, parser)


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[issue29049] Lazy GC tracking frame

2016-12-22 Thread Josh Rosenberg

Changes by Josh Rosenberg :

nosy: +josh.r

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Ammar Askar

Ammar Askar added the comment:

>From what I can tell from the failed travis run in defused, the problem is 


It's caused by it using the removed _IterParseIterator file (or rather a field 
that represents it that's set to None)

The full traceback can be found here:


nosy: +ammar2

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Could you please provide an example of code that doesn't work with Python 3.6?


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[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka :

nosy: +christian.heimes, serhiy.storchaka

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29050] xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml

2016-12-22 Thread Adam Williamson

New submission from Adam Williamson:

The changes made to xml.etree.ElementTree in this commit:


break defusedxml , Christian Heimes' library of modified parsers that's 
intended to be safe for parsing untrusted input. As of now, it's not possible 
to have defusedxml working properly with Python 3.6; its ElementTree parsers 
cannot work properly.

Of course, defusedxml is an external library that does 'inappropriate' things 
(like fiddling around with internals of the xml library). So usually this 
should be considered just a problem for defusedxml to deal with somehow, and 
indeed I've reported it there: https://github.com/tiran/defusedxml/issues/3 . 
That report has more details on the precise problem.

I thought it was worthwhile reporting to Python itself as well, however, for a 
specific reason. The Python docs for the xml library explicitly cover and 
endorse the use of defusedxml:

"defusedxml is a pure Python package with modified subclasses of all stdlib XML 
parsers that prevent any potentially malicious operation. Use of this package 
is recommended for any server code that parses untrusted XML data." - 

so as things stand, the Python 3.6 docs will explicitly recommend people use a 
module which does not work with Python 3.6. Is this considered a serious 

It also looks to me (though I'm hardly an expert) as if it might be quite 
difficult and ugly to fix this on the defusedxml side, and the 'nicest' fix 
might actually be to tweak Python's xml module back a bit more to how it was in 
< 3.6 (but without losing the optimization from the commit in question) so it's 
easier for defusedxml to get at the internals it needs...but I could well be 
wrong about that.


components: XML
messages: 283854
nosy: adamwill
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: xml.etree.ElementTree in Python 3.6 is incompatible with defusedxml
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue28945] get_boundary (and get_filename) invokes unquote twice

2016-12-22 Thread bpoaugust

bpoaugust added the comment:

Note: it's easy to create test e-mails with attachments using mutt.

echo test | mutt -s "test" -a files... -- user@domain

I did some testing with the following names:


There are no doubt other awkward names one can devise; in particular it would 
be useful to generate similar names with non-ASCII characters in them to force 
the use of value triples.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28945] get_boundary (and get_filename) invokes unquote twice

2016-12-22 Thread bpoaugust

bpoaugust added the comment:

I have just discovered the same problem with get_filename.
Not surprising as its code is basically the same as get_boundary.

Unix paths can contain anything, so it's not correct to remove special 
characters. [It's up to the receiving file system to decide how to deal with 
chars that are not valid for it; the original name must be passed unchanged]

If the quoting/unquoting is fixed for filenames, then it should be OK for the 
boundary as well.

I think collapse_rfc2231_value should assume that any unquoting has already 
been done, and should therefore not call utils.unquote at all.

The get_param() method by default unquotes both single strings and encoded 
triplets, so it's certainly the case that get_boundary and get_filename will 
pass an unquoted value to rfc2231, as will any other caller that calls 
get_param with the default parameters.

title: get_boundary invokes unquote twice -> get_boundary (and get_filename) 
invokes unquote twice

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29048] Coverage influence tests, make some of them fail

2016-12-22 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka :

nosy: +nedbat

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28945] get_boundary invokes unquote twice

2016-12-22 Thread Eric Lafontaine

Eric Lafontaine added the comment:


I would like to thank you for keeping up with me.  I may not be easy at times, 
but please make me understand if it doesn't make sense :).

Thanks bpoaugust and David,
Eric Lafontaine


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[issue28945] get_boundary invokes unquote twice

2016-12-22 Thread Eric Lafontaine

Eric Lafontaine added the comment:


I would like to have a bigger set of user testing this patch before it gets 
approve... I really don't know all the extent to which it's a good/bad idea.  

The proposition was to not do the unquote in the rfc2231 collapse method.  It 
doesn't break anything on my machine on all the email tests... but I can't feel 

I also added the 2 test case for future support (multiline boundary and single 
line boundary).  It's basically the code I pasted on my answer on the 

Let me know what you think.  Is it there we should stop doing it?

Eric Lafontaine

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46003/issue_28945.patch

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[issue28879] smtplib send_message should add Date header if it is missing, per RFC5322

2016-12-22 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

I'm happy to comment on issues as far as mentoring goes, and yes email is my 
primary area of responsibility for CPython.  However, I don't have much free 
time, so getting to reviews is proving to be problematic.  There's a chance a 
might have some time this weekend, but no promises :)


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[issue28879] smtplib send_message should add Date header if it is missing, per RFC5322

2016-12-22 Thread Eric Lafontaine

Eric Lafontaine added the comment:

overkill file

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46002/issue_28879_python2_overkill.patch

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28879] smtplib send_message should add Date header if it is missing, per RFC5322

2016-12-22 Thread Eric Lafontaine

Eric Lafontaine added the comment:

Hi David, Henning,

Sorry for the delay.  Here is the patch for python 2... but I find that adding 
an "example" just for RFC 5322 is kind of over-kill...

So I've made both :) please choose which one you prefer and let me know.  I 
personnally prefer to use the non-overkill (which is only a comment and a line 
of code).

David, I know you might not like it, but could you be my mentor?  I feel you 
have an understanding of messaging applications :).  I know you don't have much 
time, but I feel you're a big participant and you could delegate some tasks on 
to me.  

Eric Lafontaine

- Implement a patch for the code to add a missing "Date" field if it doesn't 
exist .   (in review)
- Modify the documentation at the SMTPLib for the send_message to mention that 
it add missing date using the email.utils.formatdate 
- Modify the comment of the send_message code to mention RFC 5322 in there 
(ideally with the section of the RFC).  ( in review)
- Modify the example of Python 2 to present a RFC 5322 examples ( in review)

With this, I've done all I could... What else can I start to do to get reviewed?

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46001/issue_28879_python2.patch

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[issue29027] 3.5.2 compile error from ssl related.

2016-12-22 Thread kevin

kevin added the comment:

Hi Christian,

This issue is resolved.

Thanks a lot.

resolution: not a bug -> fixed

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[issue29026] time.time() documentation should mention UTC timezone

2016-12-22 Thread Eric Appelt

Eric Appelt added the comment:

I would be happy to work on a documentation patch for this - I'll try to have 
something up by tomorrow evening if no one beats me to it.

nosy: +Eric Appelt

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[issue29049] Lazy GC tracking frame

2016-12-22 Thread INADA Naoki

Changes by INADA Naoki :

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file46000/default.json.gz

Python tracker 

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[issue29049] Lazy GC tracking frame

2016-12-22 Thread INADA Naoki

INADA Naoki added the comment:

$ ~/local/cpython/bin/pyperf compare_to -G default.json patched.json
Slower (12):
- pickle_dict: 42.0 us +- 0.2 us -> 42.9 us +- 0.2 us: 1.02x slower (+2%)
- regex_dna: 228 ms +- 1 ms -> 233 ms +- 2 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%)
- unpickle_list: 4.83 us +- 0.04 us -> 4.93 us +- 0.05 us: 1.02x slower (+2%)
- nbody: 175 ms +- 1 ms -> 178 ms +- 1 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%)
- unpack_sequence: 72.3 ns +- 0.4 ns -> 73.5 ns +- 4.8 ns: 1.02x slower (+2%)
- scimark_sparse_mat_mult: 5.21 ms +- 0.09 ms -> 5.27 ms +- 0.04 ms: 1.01x 
slower (+1%)
- dulwich_log: 97.2 ms +- 1.2 ms -> 98.2 ms +- 1.4 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- pickle_list: 5.69 us +- 0.04 us -> 5.73 us +- 0.07 us: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- logging_format: 18.4 us +- 0.4 us -> 18.5 us +- 0.4 us: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- meteor_contest: 148 ms +- 2 ms -> 149 ms +- 2 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- sympy_sum: 133 ms +- 4 ms -> 134 ms +- 5 ms: 1.00x slower (+0%)
- python_startup: 12.3 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 12.3 ms +- 0.1 ms: 1.00x slower (+0%)

Faster (42):
- call_method_slots: 9.95 ms +- 0.33 ms -> 9.36 ms +- 0.38 ms: 1.06x faster 
- call_method: 10.3 ms +- 0.4 ms -> 9.80 ms +- 0.53 ms: 1.05x faster (-5%)
- pickle: 15.0 us +- 0.1 us -> 14.3 us +- 0.2 us: 1.05x faster (-5%)
- call_method_unknown: 11.6 ms +- 0.3 ms -> 11.1 ms +- 0.4 ms: 1.04x faster 
- spectral_norm: 195 ms +- 2 ms -> 188 ms +- 1 ms: 1.04x faster (-4%)
- pathlib: 24.4 ms +- 0.3 ms -> 23.7 ms +- 0.3 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- json_dumps: 17.5 ms +- 0.5 ms -> 17.0 ms +- 0.3 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- regex_v8: 34.4 ms +- 0.2 ms -> 33.5 ms +- 0.4 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- call_simple: 9.26 ms +- 0.30 ms -> 9.01 ms +- 0.39 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- logging_silent: 456 ns +- 5 ns -> 444 ns +- 6 ns: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- richards: 106 ms +- 2 ms -> 104 ms +- 2 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- django_template: 206 ms +- 8 ms -> 202 ms +- 7 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- sqlite_synth: 4.74 us +- 0.16 us -> 4.64 us +- 0.10 us: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- scimark_fft: 467 ms +- 3 ms -> 457 ms +- 16 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- deltablue: 10.8 ms +- 0.2 ms -> 10.6 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- regex_compile: 269 ms +- 5 ms -> 263 ms +- 2 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- genshi_xml: 98.5 ms +- 1.8 ms -> 96.7 ms +- 1.0 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- sympy_expand: 615 ms +- 9 ms -> 604 ms +- 11 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- tornado_http: 265 ms +- 4 ms -> 261 ms +- 4 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- scimark_sor: 298 ms +- 3 ms -> 294 ms +- 3 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- pickle_pure_python: 704 us +- 16 us -> 693 us +- 8 us: 1.02x faster (-1%)
- crypto_pyaes: 154 ms +- 1 ms -> 152 ms +- 1 ms: 1.02x faster (-1%)
- raytrace: 753 ms +- 8 ms -> 743 ms +- 8 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- nqueens: 140 ms +- 1 ms -> 138 ms +- 1 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- sympy_str: 277 ms +- 6 ms -> 274 ms +- 4 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- regex_effbot: 4.03 ms +- 0.12 ms -> 3.98 ms +- 0.06 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- html5lib: 130 ms +- 4 ms -> 129 ms +- 4 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- sqlalchemy_declarative: 237 ms +- 3 ms -> 234 ms +- 3 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- scimark_monte_carlo: 153 ms +- 2 ms -> 152 ms +- 1 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- hexiom: 14.8 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 14.7 ms +- 0.1 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- 2to3: 446 ms +- 2 ms -> 441 ms +- 2 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- mako: 29.0 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 28.8 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- go: 346 ms +- 3 ms -> 343 ms +- 4 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- float: 184 ms +- 3 ms -> 183 ms +- 2 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- sqlalchemy_imperative: 49.2 ms +- 1.1 ms -> 48.7 ms +- 0.9 ms: 1.01x faster 
- genshi_text: 46.5 ms +- 0.7 ms -> 46.1 ms +- 0.5 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- telco: 9.82 ms +- 0.38 ms -> 9.74 ms +- 0.17 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- chaos: 162 ms +- 1 ms -> 161 ms +- 1 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- sympy_integrate: 30.0 ms +- 0.2 ms -> 29.8 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- fannkuch: 709 ms +- 2 ms -> 705 ms +- 1 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- scimark_lu: 322 ms +- 8 ms -> 320 ms +- 5 ms: 1.00x faster (-0%)
- json_loads: 36.0 us +- 0.2 us -> 36.0 us +- 0.2 us: 1.00x faster (-0%)

Benchmark hidden because not significant (10): chameleon, logging_simple, 
pidigits, python_startup_no_site, unpickle, unpickle_pure_python, 
xml_etree_generate, xml_etree_iterparse, xml_etree_parse, xml_etree_process

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45999/patched.json.gz

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29027] 3.5.2 compile error from ssl related.

2016-12-22 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Python 3.5.2 is not compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.0. You have to wait until 3.5.3 
is released in about a month or downgrade OpenSSL to 1.0.2.

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28695] Add SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine

2016-12-22 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

OPENSSL_config() is deprecated. I'm going to wrap CONF_modules_load_file(), 
CONF_modules_load() and NCONF_load_bio().


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29047] Where are the test results stored?

2016-12-22 Thread Patrik Iselind

Patrik Iselind added the comment:

Great, thanks!


Den 22 dec 2016 15:01 skrev "Eric V. Smith" :

> Eric V. Smith added the comment:
> https://github.com/python/devguide/blob/github/runtests.rst
> --
> nosy: +eric.smith
> ___
> Python tracker 
> ___


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29048] Coverage influence tests, make some of them fail

2016-12-22 Thread Patrik Iselind

Patrik Iselind added the comment:

The fixes for test_ssl and test_subprocess seem strange to me. All they do is 
sweep the messages under the rug. Then there is not really any point with the 
'with' block, is there?

Without coverage those tests passed so i cannot really see how this adds up.


Python tracker 

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[issue29047] Where are the test results stored?

2016-12-22 Thread Eric V. Smith

Eric V. Smith added the comment:


nosy: +eric.smith

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29048] Coverage influence tests, make some of them fail

2016-12-22 Thread Patrik Iselind

Patrik Iselind added the comment:

Are the tests that altered the execution environment something to bother with 
at all? Perhaps something for another issue?


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29048] Coverage influence tests, make some of them fail

2016-12-22 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Following patch fixes failures in test_ssl and test_subprocess.

keywords: +patch
nosy: +serhiy.storchaka
stage:  -> patch review
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45998/coverity-tests-warnings.patch

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29047] Where are the test results stored?

2016-12-22 Thread Patrik Iselind

Patrik Iselind added the comment:

Is this something we could clarify in the docs?

I'd like to try and dip my toes in this.

Where can i find the source for


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[issue29027] 3.5.2 compile error from ssl related.

2016-12-22 Thread kevin

kevin added the comment:

Hi Christian,
Thanks for your reply.

The machine's information as following:

Platform: x86_64;

OS: ubuntu16.04;

Compiler: gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609;

Openssl version:OpenSSL 1.1.0c  10 Nov 2016.


Python tracker 

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[issue29048] Coverage influence tests, make some of them fail

2016-12-22 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Ideally it should not, so these would be interesting bugs to investigate.

nosy: +r.david.murray
priority: normal -> low

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29047] Where are the test results stored?

2016-12-22 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

That's because tests results aren't stored anywhere.  The stdio output is the 
only output the tests produce.

nosy: +r.david.murray

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28962] Crash when throwing an exception with a malicious __hash__ override

2016-12-22 Thread Xavier Combelle

Xavier Combelle added the comment:

To my knowledge it is not the kind of arbitrary code which could segfault 
python code. It is far different for example that the fact by using bytecode 
magic you can segfault the interpreter, as this last case is explicitly warned 
in documentation.

nosy: +xcombelle

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29049] Lazy GC tracking frame

2016-12-22 Thread INADA Naoki

New submission from INADA Naoki:

Don't _PyObject_GC_TRACK(frame) before using it.
After evaluation is finished, do tracking only if refcnt is not one.

result without --enable-optimization:
$ ~/local/cpython/bin/pyperf compare_to default.json.gz patched.json.gz -G
Slower (15):
- scimark_sparse_mat_mult: 5.83 ms +- 0.03 ms -> 6.12 ms +- 0.35 ms: 1.05x 
slower (+5%)
- sympy_expand: 734 ms +- 21 ms -> 765 ms +- 40 ms: 1.04x slower (+4%)
- sympy_str: 327 ms +- 10 ms -> 339 ms +- 13 ms: 1.04x slower (+4%)
- scimark_fft: 498 ms +- 2 ms -> 512 ms +- 2 ms: 1.03x slower (+3%)
- scimark_monte_carlo: 172 ms +- 3 ms -> 175 ms +- 4 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%)
- chameleon: 17.6 ms +- 0.3 ms -> 17.9 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%)
- telco: 11.3 ms +- 0.4 ms -> 11.5 ms +- 0.6 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%)
- logging_simple: 19.0 us +- 0.3 us -> 19.2 us +- 0.3 us: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- pickle_dict: 52.2 us +- 0.3 us -> 52.9 us +- 0.2 us: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- pickle_list: 6.86 us +- 0.04 us -> 6.94 us +- 0.05 us: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- pickle: 17.4 us +- 0.2 us -> 17.6 us +- 0.2 us: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- logging_silent: 556 ns +- 13 ns -> 561 ns +- 11 ns: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- sqlite_synth: 5.25 us +- 0.44 us -> 5.28 us +- 0.15 us: 1.01x slower (+1%)
- pidigits: 248 ms +- 2 ms -> 249 ms +- 2 ms: 1.00x slower (+0%)
- unpack_sequence: 73.5 ns +- 0.6 ns -> 73.8 ns +- 2.4 ns: 1.00x slower (+0%)

Faster (27):
- call_method_slots: 11.4 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 10.7 ms +- 0.1 ms: 1.07x faster (-6%)
- call_method: 11.5 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 10.8 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.06x faster (-6%)
- call_simple: 10.7 ms +- 0.3 ms -> 10.1 ms +- 0.3 ms: 1.06x faster (-5%)
- regex_effbot: 4.08 ms +- 0.05 ms -> 3.97 ms +- 0.04 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- regex_compile: 318 ms +- 11 ms -> 310 ms +- 10 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- html5lib: 154 ms +- 4 ms -> 150 ms +- 4 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- deltablue: 13.5 ms +- 0.5 ms -> 13.1 ms +- 0.4 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%)
- call_method_unknown: 13.1 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 12.8 ms +- 0.1 ms: 1.02x faster 
- richards: 131 ms +- 2 ms -> 128 ms +- 2 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- meteor_contest: 170 ms +- 3 ms -> 167 ms +- 4 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- sympy_integrate: 34.7 ms +- 0.7 ms -> 34.0 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- spectral_norm: 210 ms +- 2 ms -> 206 ms +- 2 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%)
- dulwich_log: 115 ms +- 1 ms -> 113 ms +- 2 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- genshi_text: 54.1 ms +- 0.8 ms -> 53.4 ms +- 0.5 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- 2to3: 511 ms +- 3 ms -> 505 ms +- 2 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- pathlib: 28.8 ms +- 0.6 ms -> 28.5 ms +- 0.8 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- xml_etree_parse: 199 ms +- 3 ms -> 198 ms +- 2 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- hexiom: 17.9 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 17.7 ms +- 0.1 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- mako: 35.1 ms +- 1.0 ms -> 34.9 ms +- 0.3 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- nbody: 194 ms +- 1 ms -> 193 ms +- 1 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- unpickle_pure_python: 634 us +- 15 us -> 630 us +- 10 us: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- unpickle_list: 6.16 us +- 0.06 us -> 6.13 us +- 0.05 us: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- genshi_xml: 113 ms +- 3 ms -> 112 ms +- 1 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%)
- json_dumps: 19.1 ms +- 0.3 ms -> 19.1 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.00x faster (-0%)
- python_startup: 13.3 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 13.3 ms +- 0.1 ms: 1.00x faster (-0%)
- python_startup_no_site: 8.24 ms +- 0.06 ms -> 8.22 ms +- 0.04 ms: 1.00x 
faster (-0%)
- go: 421 ms +- 3 ms -> 421 ms +- 3 ms: 1.00x faster (-0%)

Benchmark hidden because not significant (22): chaos, crypto_pyaes, 
django_template, fannkuch, float, json_loads, logging_format, nqueens, 
pickle_pure_python, raytrace, regex_dna, regex_v8, scimark_lu, scimark_sor, 
sqlalchemy_declarative, sqlalchemy_imperative, sympy_sum, tornado_http, 
unpickle, xml_etree_generate, xml_etree_iterparse, xml_etree_process

files: frame-lazy-track.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 283830
nosy: haypo, inada.naoki
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Lazy GC tracking frame
type: performance
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file45997/frame-lazy-track.patch

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29046] Coverage related documentation missing

2016-12-22 Thread Patrik Iselind

Patrik Iselind added the comment:


resolution:  -> not a bug
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29048] Coverage influence tests, make some of them fail

2016-12-22 Thread Patrik Iselind

New submission from Patrik Iselind:

I checkout the latest tip from scratch.

When i run the tests i get the following results:
% ./python -m test -j
376 tests OK.

1 test altered the execution environment:

27 tests skipped:
test_bz2 test_ctypes test_curses test_dbm_gnu test_dbm_ndbm
test_devpoll test_gdb test_kqueue test_lzma test_msilib
test_ossaudiodev test_readline test_smtpnet test_socketserver
test_sqlite test_startfile test_timeout test_tix test_tk
test_ttk_guionly test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winconsoleio
test_winreg test_winsound test_xmlrpc_net test_zipfile64

Total duration: 2 min 57 sec
Tests result: SUCCESS

Without any changes i run the tests again but this time under coverage. I get a 
completely different result:
% ./python ../coveragepy run --pylib Lib/test/regrtest.py
328 tests OK.

8 tests failed:
test_exceptions test_frame test_ssl test_subprocess test_super
test_traceback test_unittest test_xml_etree_c

41 tests altered the execution environment:
test_asynchat test_asyncio test_asyncore test_capi
test_concurrent_futures test_decimal test_distutils test_docxmlrpc
test_email test_fork1 test_ftplib test_functools test_gc
test_hashlib test_httplib test_httpservers test_imaplib
test_import test_io test_json test_logging test_mailbox
test_multiprocessing_fork test_multiprocessing_forkserver
test_multiprocessing_spawn test_nntplib test_os test_poll
test_poplib test_pydoc test_queue test_robotparser test_sched
test_smtplib test_socket test_sys test_telnetlib
test_threaded_import test_threadedtempfile test_threading

27 tests skipped:
test_bz2 test_ctypes test_curses test_dbm_gnu test_dbm_ndbm
test_devpoll test_gdb test_kqueue test_lzma test_msilib
test_ossaudiodev test_readline test_smtpnet test_socketserver
test_sqlite test_startfile test_timeout test_tix test_tk
test_ttk_guionly test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winconsoleio
test_winreg test_winsound test_xmlrpc_net test_zipfile64

Total duration: 92 min 34 sec
Tests result: FAILURE

Is the reason for this difference known? Coverage shouldn't affect the outcome 
of the tests right?

components: Tests
messages: 283828
nosy: patriki
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Coverage influence tests, make some of them fail
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29046] Coverage related documentation missing

2016-12-22 Thread Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard

Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard added the comment:

I suggest this issue be closed as it isn't really an omission, I don't think we 
should expect the devguide to document *all* of coverage's options. That's what 
its dedicated docs are for.


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29046] Coverage related documentation missing

2016-12-22 Thread Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard

Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard added the comment:

The ``-j`` arguments isn't present for coverage from what I know.

What you can do is build coverage's C extension. That results in a pretty 
significant change in overall execution time. 

For information about coverage.py you should also look in the docs for it; you 
can forward any questions about its usage from there (see: 

nosy: +Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28762] lockf() is available now on Android API level 24, but the F_LOCK macro is not defined

2016-12-22 Thread Xavier de Gaye

Changes by Xavier de Gaye :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29046] Coverage related documentation missing

2016-12-22 Thread Patrik Iselind

New submission from Patrik Iselind:

Is it possible to do coverage -j8 or similar? Cannot find any documentation on 
this. Coverage takes so long on the tests...

I checked https://docs.python.org/devguide/coverage.html

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 283824
nosy: docs@python, patriki
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Coverage related documentation missing
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29047] Where are the test results stored?

2016-12-22 Thread Patrik Iselind

New submission from Patrik Iselind:

I cannot find any documentation on where the test results are stored.

Looked at https://docs.python.org/devguide/runtests.html

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 283825
nosy: docs@python, patriki
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Where are the test results stored?
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue28762] lockf() is available now on Android API level 24, but the F_LOCK macro is not defined

2016-12-22 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 51b09b10d4f8 by Xavier de Gaye in branch '3.6':
Issue #28762: lockf() is available on Android API level 24, but the

New changeset 146157d91283 by Xavier de Gaye in branch 'default':
Issue #28762: Merge 3.6.

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29040] building Android with android-ndk-r14

2016-12-22 Thread Xavier de Gaye

Xavier de Gaye added the comment:

> Seems that indicates future Python versions will require at least NDK r14 to 
> build?



Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29042] os.path.exists should not throw "Embedded NUL character" exception

2016-12-22 Thread Christoph Reiter

Christoph Reiter added the comment:

Raising in case no valid path is passed seems fine to me. There are other cases 
where it fails:

python3 -c "import os; os.path.exists('\ud83d')"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/genericpath.py", line 19, in exists
UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\ud83d' in position 
0: surrogates not allowed

LANG=C python3 -c "import os; os.path.exists('\xff')"   ~
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/genericpath.py", line 19, in exists
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xff' in position 0: 
ordinal not in range(128)

nosy: +lazka

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