[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2022-03-21 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker  added the comment:

Yes -- it was on me years ago to do this.

Honestly, I haven't done it yet because I lost the momentum of PyCon, and I 
don't personally use unittest at all anyway.

But I still think it's a good idea, and I'd like to keep it open with the 
understanding that if I don't get it done soon, it'll be closed (or someone 
else is welcome to do it, of course, if they want)

is, say, three weeks soon enough?

@Vedran Čačić wrote:
"... and in the moment that you're deciding on this, you have the exact value 
expected right in front of you."

Well, yes and no. First of all, not always a literal, though yes, most often it 
is. But:

1) If the "correct" value is, e.g. 1.2345678e23 -- the delta is not exactly 
"right there in front of you" -- yes, not that hard to figure out, but it takes 
a bit of thought, compared to "I want it to be close to this number within 
about 6 decimal places" (rel_tol=1e-6)

2) Sometimes you have a bunch of values that you are looping over in your 
tests, or doing parameterized tests -- it which case the relative tolerance 
could be constant, but the delta is not.

3) With that argument, why do we have the "decimal places" tolerance, rather 
than a delta always?

Anyway, if I didn't consistently use pytest, I'd want this, so I'm happy to get 
it done.

Thanks for the ping, @Irit Katriel


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[issue33493] dataclasses: allow keyword-only arguments

2020-04-01 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker  added the comment:

This does not actually appear to be a Duplicate of #33129.

That one was asking to add **kwargs (I think) to the __init__. And was 
discussed and I think rejected on gitHub:


But this calls for having keyword-only parameters, which I think would still be 
a good idea.

nosy: +ChrisBarker

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[issue39090] Document various options for getting the absolute path from pathlib.Path objects

2019-12-24 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker  added the comment:

Yes Please!

I'd offer to help, but I really don't get the intricacies involved. I will 
offer to proofread and copy-edit though, if that's helpful.

And I note that coincidentally, just in the last week, I needed to make an 
absolute path from a Path, and it took me far too long to figure out that 
.resolve() would do it for me. Then I needed to do it again three days later, 
and it again took a while -- "resolve" is simply not mnemonic for me, and I'm 
guessing a lot of people have the same issue.

And I didn't find .absolute(), cause it's not documented. I see in issue #29688 
that there are reasons for that, but I'll make a plea:

Please document .absolute(), even if those docs say something like "may not 
work in all circumstances, not well tested". Alternatively, if it's decided 
that folks should just use .resolve() in all cases anyway, then make 
.absolute() an alias for .resolve(). 

Or if that's not a good option, then at least put some prominent notes in 
resolve() so people will find it.

Also -- I needed to read the resolve() docs carefully (and then test) to see if 
it was what I wanted - which I know, is what this issue is about.

In short -- I understand that this is a complex issue, but making an absolute 
path is a pretty common use case, and we've had os.path.abspath() for decades, 
so there should be one obvious way to do it, and it should be easily 

NOTE: even if there is no one to do the work of properly testing .absolute() at 
this point, it would b nice to at least decide now what the long term goal is 
-- will there be an absolute() or is resolve() all we really need?

nosy: +ChrisBarker

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[issue28612] str.translate needs a mapping example

2016-11-04 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:


the custom dict type would be nice for a recipe or blog post or...

but not for the docs.

I'll note that the other trick to this recipe is that you need to know to use 
lambda to make a "None factory" for defaultdict -- though maybe that's a ToDo 
for the defaultdict docs...

nosy: +ChrisBarker

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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-24 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

Thanks Robert.

I'll try to find time to re-do the patch soon. 

There was enough resistance to the whole idea that I wanted some confirmation 
that is was worth my time to do that!

Stay tuned.


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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-21 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

Did my comments not get posted, or are they not being read? Anyway:

Could we keep the issues separate here?

1) If you don't like the name, propose another name -- no none has defended 
this name since an objection was first raised. I"m sure we can find one that 
would work, if we want to add it.

2) regardless of the original intent, the current API:
 - requires fairly substantial effort to write a new assertion, whether as a 
method or a function. Thus it's a good idea to provide generally useful ones
 - has a bunch of assert methods, many of which are no more commonly useful 
than the proposed method.

So adding this is very much in keeping with the current API.

However, it seems there is much resistance to adding new asserts to the base 
TestCase. Fine. I have trouble defending that as I don't like the API anyway 
(and yes, of course, it comes from Java -- that's actually the source of the 
problem :-) )

But: this is a generally useful and non-trivial assert (indeed, as way too many 
people are confused about floating point, I think it's pretty critical to 
provide appropriate tools -- and assertAlmostEqual is NOT the appropriate tool 
in many cases.

So how to provide this? Options:

1) Robert suggested a stand alone function -- sure, but where to put it?

2) Apparently there is a movement afoot to add a mixin with extra stuff -- 
sure, that would be fine, but only if there actually is such a mixin.

3) add the functionality to assertAlmostEqual, with a new optional parameter -- 
I suggested this a few comments back, and have had no feedback. (that at least 
avoids bike shedding the name...)

My key points:

1) This is generally useful and non-trivial -- so would be good to add to the 

2) it should be discoverable -- as pointed out, folks have not been clamoring 
for it -- which means they won't know to go digging for it -- they should find 
it easily (as many folks will use assertAlmostEqual, when they would be better 
served by this)

which leaves us with adding to a library of functions or a mixin, only if such 
a thing will actually be build and documented, with more than one function it 
it :-)

or adding to assertAlmostEqual.

Feedback on this?

(note: adding assertClose as is now off the table, no more need to argue about 


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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-05 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

Thanks Raymond.

Damn! I wrote a nice comprehensive note, and my browser lost it somehow :-(.

Here's a shorter version:

"FWIW, I find assertClose easy to misinterpret.  At first, it looks like an 
assertion that a file is closed."

sure -- we can find a new name -- I only used that because it's called 
"isclose" in the math module -- but no one's likely to think a math module 
function is about files...

"we don't need another way to do it"

Yes, we certainly do -- it was added to the math module (even though a large 
fraction of use cases would be testing), and something like this is in numpy, 
Boost, etc, and as the long debate about the PEP indicates -- it's not obvious 
how to do it -- I'd argue this is more necessary in unitest than most of the 
other asserts

(and, sample size 1: a relatively new user offered to proofread the patch for 
me, and immediately said "hey this is great -- I've been needing this!"

Frankly, the objections to adding new aseert methods are really a critique of 
the unittest API -- it is clearly DESIGNED to have specialized asserts for many 
common use cases. So I think we should either:

Embrace the API and add useful asserts like this one.


Make a concerted effort (Primarily through documentation) to move toward a 
different API (or a different way to use the current one, anyway). Robert's 
posts about "matches" are a good start.

In the meantime, maybe the way to go with this is to add it to 
assertAlmostEqual -- it gives folks the functionality, makes it discoverable, 
and doesn't add a new name.

Any objections to that before I take the time to code that up?



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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-03 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

"""w.r.t. error messages, a regular function that raises AssertionError with a 
nice message will be precisely as usable."""

sure -- I totally agree -- but that's not the current unittest API :-( where 
would you put it? How would people find it and know to use it?

"""The reason I'm pushing back on adding methods to TestCase is that every one 
we add collides with some number of subclasses out in the wild"""

yup -- but again, the existing API :-(

Long term I want to have entirely separate interfaces for these things, but 
thats even more radical an overhaul than adding matchers as a stock facility, 
and I don't currently have a planned timeline for starting on that.
that i like -- but yeah, not this week :-). I also think the matchers thing is 
a nice idea, but still pretty heavy-weight, and it'll be along time before 
casual users and newbies will latch onto it..

So why can't we make assertAlmostEqual be this? Just add the extra parameter 
needed with a default value and change the implementation?

That almost sound like your suggesting we actually change the assertAlmostEqual 
implementation -- that could be disastrous. On the other hand, you could add a 
relative_tolerance parameter, and if the user sets that, they are indicating 
that they want a relative test.

I don't like that API: setting different optional parameters to select an 
algorithm, when you really just want a different function. On the other hand, 
it does keep us from polluting the namespace, and allows the documentation for 
them all to be in the same place, increasing the likelihood that it will be 
found when it should be. 

And if you ask me -- assertAlmostEqual should have had an algorithm like 
isclose() in the first place ;-) 

It will present an additional documentation challenge. (and a bit of ugly 
switching code.

Now to find some time to do it -- my sprinting time is done :-(


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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-03 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

Would that make folks more amenable to adding more "specialized" asserts? If 
so, then sure.

I don't know that it takes a PEP (I hope not) but it would be good to have some 
guidance as to the direction we want unittest to take written down somewhere.


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[issue27152] Additional assert methods for unittest

2016-06-03 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

Why a mixin rather than adding to TestCase? If they are useful they should be 
easy to find.

Also, see Issue27198 for another possible new assert.

nosy: +ChrisBarker

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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-03 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

thanks, that's Issue27152 if anyone's curious.

Though I have no idea why you'd want it in a mixin, rather than just there.

But sure, this could be "bundled" in with that.

Perhaps it's time for a broader discussion / consensus about the future of the 
unittest API?


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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-03 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

I'm not sure it's confusing --what would "close" mean for an assertion for a 
file? "assertClosed" would be confusing -- and an even more trivial assert :-). 
But we can bikeshed the name if we decide to put this in.

I certainly don't want to add narrow usage ones like this

well, I can't say I like the unittest API either -- but "this would be just as 
well served with a function" applies to almost all the asserts in TestCase -- 
assertTrue? really? So unless we're going to deprecate that API, or at least 
document that you should be using simpler constructs:

assert something

rather than:


then we might as well go with it and have a well supported API.

""" I suggest a regular function that will raise AssertionError on failure"""

where would that go? and what would it be called? and how would it be any 
better than:

assert math.isclose(a,b)


The primary reason I think it should be there is discoverability. Folks will be 
looking through the testCase docs looking for the asserts they need. And they 
will find assertAlmostEqual -- and it will often be the wrong solution to their 
problem. Having the right solution be a first-class part of the API is "a good 

And it does add a bit of useful information to the message -- knowing the 
tolerances used for the failing test really helps you know if it's a bug or too 
strict a test.


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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-03 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:

updated patch with the equation in the docs.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43165/assertClose.patch

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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-03 Thread Chris Barker

Chris Barker added the comment:


I'll add the equation to the docstring and docs.

As for adding a rel_tol to assertAlmostEqual -- I think that's a bad idea -- 
it's a pretty different concept -- overloading the same method would be more 
confusing than anything else.

in isclose(), abs_tol is mostly there to support comparison to zero. delta, on 
the other hand, is consistent with assertAlmost eual in the sense that you need 
to know the order of magnitude of your values apriori.


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[issue27198] Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase

2016-06-03 Thread Chris Barker

New submission from Chris Barker:

In py3.5, the math.isclose() function was added to the standard library. It can 
be used to compare floating point numbers to see if they are close to each 
other, rather than exactly equal. It's not a lot of code, but there are nuances 
that not every python user should need to understand.

One of the major use cases for isclose() is test code, so it would be good to 
make it easily available in unitest.TestCase.

TestCase.assertAlmostEqual is NOT the same thing, and can only be used properly 
for values near 1.

Enclosed is a patch that adds  assertClose and assertNotClose to unittest, as 
well as tests and additions to the docs.

Still pending: should this support complex numbers, there is a cmath.isclose(). 
If so, but switching on type?

Also -- should this be back-ported to 3.5 as well -- math.isclose() was 
introduced there.

Done in the pyCon sprints.

components: Library (Lib)
files: assertClose.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 267133
nosy: ChrisBarker, ezio.melotti, michael.foord, rbcollins
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Adding an assertClose() method to unittest.TestCase
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43157/assertClose.patch

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