[issue42722] Add --debug command line option to unittest to enable post-mortem debugging

2020-12-22 Thread Dominik V.

Change by Dominik V. :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22755
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23900

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42722] Add --debug command line option to unittest to enable post-mortem debugging

2020-12-22 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

Currently there is no option to use post-mortem debugging via `pdb`
on a `unittest` test case which fails due to an exception being leaked.

Consider the following example:

import unittest

def foo():
for x in [1, 2, 'oops', 4]:
print(x + 100)

class TestFoo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_foo(self):
self.assertIs(foo(), None)

if __name__ == '__main__':

If we were calling `foo` directly we could enter post-mortem debugging via
`python -m pdb test.py`.
However since `foo` is wrapped in a test case, `unittest` eats the
exception and thus prevents post-mortem debugging.

So I propose adding a
command-line option `--debug` to unittest for running
test cases in debug mode so that post-mortem debugging can be used.

I see that some third-party distributions enable this, but since both
`unittest` and `pdb` are part of the standard library, it would
be nice if they played well together.
Plus the required methods are already in place (`TestCase.debug`
and `TestSuite.debug`).

There is also a popular StackOverflow question on this topic:

messages: 383624
nosy: Dominik V.
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add --debug command line option to unittest to enable post-mortem 
type: enhancement

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42597] Improve documentation of locals() w.r.t. "free variables" vs. global variables

2020-12-08 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

The documentation of locals() mentions that:

> Free variables are returned by locals() when it is called in function blocks 
> [...]

The term "free variable" is defined in the documentation about the execution 

> If a variable is used in a code block but not defined there, it is a free 
> variable.

That definition includes global variables (and builtin ones), but these are not 
returned by locals(). For example compare the following:

x = 1
def foo():
# global x
x = 1
def bar():
y = x

If the `global x` is commented then it prints {'x': 1}, and if it is 
uncommented it prints {}. The same holds for names of builtins.

So the documentation of locals() could mention this in the following way 
(emphasis added):

> Free variables *of enclosing functions* are returned by locals() when it is 
> called in function blocks [...]


There is also a StackOverflow question, that describes this confusion: 

By the way, would it be helpful to add the term "free variable" to the glossary 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 382721
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Improve documentation of locals() w.r.t. "free variables" vs. global 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42345] Equality of typing.Literal depends on the order of arguments

2020-11-13 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

specifies that

Literal[v1, v2, v3]

is equivalent to

Union[Literal[v1], Literal[v2], Literal[v3]]

Since the equality of Unions doesn't take into account the order of arguments, 
Literals parametrized with multiple arguments should not be order dependent 
either. However they seem to:

>>> Literal[1, 2] == Literal[2, 1]

Compare with the equivalent form:

>>> Union[Literal[1], Literal[2]] == Union[Literal[2], Literal[1]]

In addition to that, the PEP specifies that nested Literals should be 
equivalent to the flattened version 
 This section is titled "Legal parameters for Literal at type check time" but 
since the PEP doesn't specify runtime behavior differently, I think it makes 
sense to assume it is the same. It seems to be different though:

>>> Literal[Literal[1, 2], 3]
typing.Literal[typing.Literal[1, 2], 3]
>>> Literal[Literal[1, 2], 3] == Literal[1, 2, 3]

Also the flattening follows from the above definition `Literal[v1, v2, v3] == 
Union[Literal[v1], Literal[v2], Literal[v3]]` and the fact that Unions are 

messages: 380888
nosy: Dominik V.
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Equality of typing.Literal depends on the order of arguments
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42317] Docs of `typing.get_args`: Mention that due to caching of typing generics the order of arguments for Unions can be different from the one of the returned tuple

2020-11-12 Thread Dominik V.

Dominik V.  added the comment:

Thinking more about it, I came to realize that it's not the Union that sits at 
the root of this behavior, but rather the caching performed by generic types in 
general. So if we consider

L1 = List[Union[int, str]]
L2 = List[Union[str, int]]

then `get_args(L1)[0] is get_args(L2)[0]` and so `get_args` has no influence on 
the order of arguments of the Union objects (they are already the same for L1 
and L2).

So I think it would be more accurate to add the following sentence instead:

> If `X` is a generic type, the returned objects `(Y, Z, ...)` might not be 
> identical to the ones used in the form `X[Y, Z, ...]` due to type caching.

Everything else follows from there (including flattening of nested Unions).


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42317] Docs of `typing.get_args`: Mention that due to caching of typing generics the order of arguments for Unions can be different from the one of the returned tuple

2020-11-12 Thread Dominik V.

Change by Dominik V. :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +22150
stage: needs patch -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23254

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42317] Docs of `typing.get_args`: Mention that due to caching of typing generics the order of arguments for Unions can be different from the one of the returned tuple

2020-11-10 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

Due to caching of `__getitem__` for generic types, the order of arguments as 
returned by `get_args` might be different for Union:

>>> from typing import List, Union, get_args
>>> get_args(get_args(List[Union[int, str]])[0])
(, )
>>> get_args(get_args(List[Union[str, int]])[0])
(, )

This is because `List[Union[int, str]] is List[Union[str, int]]`.

I understand that caching is useful to reduce the memory footprint of type 
hints, so I suggest to update the documentation of `get_args`. At the moment it 

> For a typing object of the form X[Y, Z, ...] these functions return X and (Y, 
> Z, ...).

This seems to imply that the returned objects are identical to the ones in the 
form `X[Y, Z, ...]`. However that's not the case:

>>> U1 = Union[int, str]
>>> U2 = Union[str, int]
>>> get_args(List[U1])[0] is U1
>>> get_args(List[U2])[0] is U2

I'm not so much concerned about the identity, but the fact that a subsequent 
call to `get_args` on the Union returns a different type seems to be relevant.

So I propose to add the following sentence to the `get_args` docs:

> [...], it gets normalized to the original class.
> If `X` is a `Union`, the order of `(Y, Z, ...)` can be different from the one 
> of the original arguments `[Y, Z, ...]`.

Or alternatively:

> [...], it gets normalized to the original class.
> If `X` is a `Union`, the order of `(Y, Z, ...)` is arbitrary.

The second version is shorter but it's not completely accurate (since the order 
is actually not arbitrary).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 380699
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Docs of `typing.get_args`: Mention that due to caching of typing 
generics the order of arguments for Unions can be different from the one of the 
returned tuple
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41496] Create public API for typing._eval_type

2020-08-06 Thread Dominik V.

Change by Dominik V. :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +20898
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/21753

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41496] Create public API for typing._eval_type

2020-08-06 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

In this [python-ideas 
 it was suggested to create a public API for `typing._eval_type` in order to be 
able to create custom versions of `get_type_hints`. Specifically a version that 
allows to specify an upper boundary in the MRO when retrieving type hints for a 
class object.

The public API should use `None` as defaults for `globalns` and `localns` and 
not expose the `recursive_guard` parameter.

messages: 374933
nosy: Dominik V.
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Create public API for typing._eval_type
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40344] Programming FAQ about "What is the most efficient way to concatenate many strings together?" -- Improving the example

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

Dominik V.  added the comment:

It was not my intention to disturb the traffic on the bug tracker. My apologies 
if that caused any trouble. I also thought only people subscribed to the 
indicated topic (e.g. "Documentation") would receive a notification.

The docs pages mention that for enhancement proposals one should submit a bug 
report on the tracker:

> If you find a bug in this documentation or would like to propose an 
> improvement, please submit a bug report on the tracker 
> (https://docs.python.org/3/bugs.html).

I do care about the quality of Python's documentation and I think it could be 
improved in these cases. Often it is newcomers who consult these pages and they 
might be irritated by the mentioned parts.

I see how it would be distracting to include a more complex real world example, 
but using an example which performs apparently superfluous steps without any 
additional comment might seem strange. More experienced users probably won't 
need such an example at all. In addition it might make people falsely belief 
that `str.join` expects a list of strings rather than any iterable, and hence 
the explicit construction of the list.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40348] Programming FAQ about "What is delegation?": Fix typos

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :


The code example uses `self._outfile` with a single leading underscore, however 
in the subsequent text it is referred to with a double leading underscore:

* [...] calling the underlying `self.__outfile.write()` method.
* All other methods are delegated to the underlying `self.__outfile` object.

These should be fixed to use a single leading underscore as well.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 366896
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programming FAQ about "What is delegation?": Fix typos
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40347] Programming FAQ about "How do you remove duplicates from a list?" -- Improve the examples + Mention possible caveats

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :


In the beginning it points to the recipes at 
https://code.activestate.com/recipes/52560/ which does mention various caveats 
such as

> [...] whether [elements are] hashable, and whether they support full 
> comparisons.

It then shows a concrete example implementation which however does require that 
the elements define a total ordering. The code for the example is pretty long 
so it might discourage new programmers before they even discover the most 
likely best solution which comes at the end of the section:


This seems by far the most useful solution with evidence from this 
StackOverflow question: 

Hence I propose two changes:

1. Include the first sentence of the abstract from the recipes at 
https://code.activestate.com/recipes/52560/ in the FAQs: "The fastest way to 
remove duplicates from a sequence depends on some pretty subtle properties of 
the sequence elements, such as whether they're hashable, and whether they 
support full comparisons." at the beginning in order to mention possible 
2. Either remove or move the code example relying on `sort` in order to give 
more visibility to the most likely more relevant solution using `set`. In any 
case it has the disclaimer about hashability and hence won't trick people into 
believing it works for all cases.

If the `sort` example is not removed, at least it's description should mention 
that elements must define a total ordering (e.g. if the elements are sets it 
won't generally work).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 366893
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programming FAQ about "How do you remove duplicates from a list?" -- 
Improve the examples + Mention possible caveats
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40345] Programming FAQ about "How do I iterate over a sequence in reverse order?" should be more precise about `reversed`

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :


It contains the following example:

for x in reversed(sequence):
...  # do something with x ...

With the note:

> This won’t touch your original sequence, but build a new copy with reversed 
> order to iterate over.

The part about "build a new copy" is not correct in a sense that `reversed` 
just returns an iterator over the original sequence. This has mainly two 

1. It can't be indexed, i.e. `reversed(sequence)[0]` doesn't work.
2. Changing the original sequence after `r = reversed(sequence)` has been 
constructed, is reflected in `r` when iterating over it.

So the sentence should be changed into something like:

> This creates an iterator object that can be used to iterate over the original 
> sequence in reverse order.

Then for the second example about `sequence[::-1]` it would be good to mention 
the difference to `reversed`, namely that this version *does* create a copy of 
the original list (in reverse order). It could also be used as an opportunity 
to show how to reverse a string, since that is a very popular question on 

Also the various mentions of Python versions 2.3 and 2.4 seem strange since 
this is documentation about Python 3 and those version are anyway very old. So 
they should be left out as well.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 366889
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programming FAQ about "How do I iterate over a sequence in reverse 
order?" should be more precise about `reversed`
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40344] Programming FAQ about "What is the most efficient way to concatenate many strings together?" -- Improving the example

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

Dominik V.  added the comment:

Here's the link to the relevant section: 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40344] Programming FAQ about "What is the most efficient way to concatenate many strings together?" -- Improving the example

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

The section mentions the usage of `str.join` and contains the following example:

chunks = []
for s in my_strings:
result = ''.join(chunks)

Since `join` accepts any iterable the creation of the `chunks` list in a for 
loop is superfluous. If people just copy & paste from this FAQ they'll even end 
up with less performant code.

The example could be improved by providing an example list such as:

strings = ['spam', 'ham', 'eggs']
meal = ', '.join(strings)

Arguably this isn't a particularly long list of strings, so one more example 
could be added using e.g. `range(100)`:

numbers = ','.join(str(x) for x in range(100))

This also emphasizes the fact that `join` takes any iterable rather than just 

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 366887
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programming FAQ about "What is the most efficient way to concatenate 
many strings together?" -- Improving the example
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40343] Programming FAQ about "How do I call a method defined in a base class from a derived class that overrides it?" should mention the no-arguments-version of `super`

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

Right now it contains the following example:

class Derived(Base):
def meth(self):
super(Derived, self).meth()

`super()` without arguments is beneficial for multiple reasons, so it should be 
used in the example.

Also the paragraph speaks about versions prior 3.0 which seems strange because

1. the page is served at https://docs.python.org/3/faq/programming.html i.e. 
corresponding to version Python 3
2. Python 2 maintenance has been finally dropped.

The provided example is still useful though, for example in multiple 
inheritance scenarios (though these are very specific and `super()` of course 
also works if base classes are compatible). So perhaps it's better left out?

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 366884
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programming FAQ about "How do I call a method defined in a base class 
from a derived class that overrides it?" should mention the 
no-arguments-version of `super`
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40342] Programming FAQ about "How do I apply a method to a sequence of objects?" should include the option of an explicit for-loop

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

Right now the question is simply answered with:

> result = [obj.method() for obj in mylist]

However this is only appropriate if the result of the method is needed (i.e. if 
it's some kind of transformation).

There are many cases where it's not and the method is meant to update the 
object in place. Here it's better to use a for loop:

for obj in mylist:

Sometimes people use a one-way list comprehension hack because it saves one 

[obj.update() for obj in mylist]

However this is discouraged for multiple reasons (builds a superfluous list, 
obfuscates the actual intent, ...).

So I feel like the Programming FAQ should actively mention this scenario and 
promote the usage of a for loop here.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 366880
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programming FAQ about "How do I apply a method to a sequence of 
objects?" should include the option of an explicit for-loop
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40341] Programming FAQ includes actively discouraged solutions; Should those be removed?

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

The Programming FAQ contains multiple solutions (examples) which it describes 
as "shouldn't be used". The question is why are these included in the first 
place? Some of them are complicated in a way that a (new) programmer is 
unlikely to discover them by themselves.

Below I include all the relevant parts, since I wasn't sure whether to open a 
new issue for each them.

# [How do I write a function with output parameters (call by 

Among others it contains these two list items:

> 2. By using global variables. This isn’t thread-safe, and is not recommended.
> [...]
> 5. Or bundle up values in a class instance: [...] There’s almost never a good 
> reason to get this complicated.

Especially number (5) is a pretty obscure way of solving that particular 
problem (even more so since a perfectly viable solution exists with (1), which 
is again recommended at the end of the paragraph). This additional 
recommendation of (1) at the end of the paragraph feels only necessary to draw 
attention away from the above do-not-use-solutions.

Also solutions (3) and (4) are basically equivalent in a sense that they rely 
on mutable builtin objects. So either they could be merged in one example or 
the list version could be left out altogether.

# [How do I use strings to call 

The last bullet point:

> Use locals() or eval() to resolve the function name: [...] Note: Using eval() 
> is slow and dangerous. If you don’t have absolute control over the contents 
> of the string, someone could pass a string that resulted in an arbitrary 
> function being executed.

This solution proposes to use `eval` and then actively discourages its use 
later on. Instead it could mention `globals` as an analogy to `locals` with the 
example of retrieving a globally defined function in another namespace.

# [How can I sort one list by values from another 

The second part of the paragraph speaks about using a `for` loop with repeated 
`append` instead of using the previously mentioned list comprehension. It then 
speaks about the many reasons why the usage of a `for` loop is discouraged 
here, so it seems strange that it was mentioned in first place. Also, right 
now, 50% of the whole section are devoted to an analysis about what not to do 
for the last step which distracts from the actual solution. IMO it is 
sufficient to just show the list comprehension.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 366878
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programming FAQ includes actively discouraged solutions; Should those be 
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40340] Programming FAQ about "How do I convert a string to a number?" contains a typo

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

Dominik V.  added the comment:

Indeed, thanks for clarifying. It seems I misunderstood the example, and 
perhaps that calls for a better separation. What about adding

> By default, these interpret the number as decimal, so that `int('0144') == 
> 144` holds true and `int('0x144')` raises ValueError.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40340] Programming FAQ about "How do I convert a string to a number?" contains a typo

2020-04-20 Thread Dominik V.

New submission from Dominik V. :

The paragraph about [How do I convert a string to a 
 contains the following sentence:

> By default, these interpret the number as decimal, so that `int('0144') == 
> 144` and `int('0x144')` raises ValueError.

The first part however doesn't raise an error. Most likely octal notation was 
meant, i.e. `int('0o144') == 144`.

For consistency with the `int('0x144')` part one could also omit the equality 
comparison, i.e. just write `int('0o144')`.

In order to emphasize that the "and" is not part of the code (though this 
should be displayed by the browser) once could also write:

> [...] so that _both_ `int('0o144')` and `int('0x144')` raise ValueError.

(emphasis added)

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 366870
nosy: Dominik V., docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Programming FAQ about "How do I convert a string to a number?" contains 
a typo
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list