[issue33965] [Windows WSL] Fatal Python error: _Py_InitializeMainInterpreter: can't initialize time, after year 2038

2019-07-04 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee  added the comment:

Petter S reported the issue to Microsoft, and got the response that it was 
already fixed in Insider Preview.

Should be fixed in Windows 10 version 1809, according to the tags here:

nosy: +leewz

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[issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.

2019-06-16 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee  added the comment:

> > It's likely also false that every entry will be checked, since presumably 
> > the function uses short-circuit logic.

> This, however, would be good to verify first.


It loops through the tuple until it finds success or error.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.

2019-06-16 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee  added the comment:

My mistake. I selected all versions after checking issubclass for 2.7 and 
several 3.x, but added the isinstance notes later without paying attention to 

I copied the isinstance text from 3.2 docs. As you said, it's not the current 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37307] isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.

2019-06-16 Thread Franklin? Lee

New submission from Franklin? Lee :

> If classinfo is not a class (type object), it may be a tuple of type objects, 
> or may recursively contain other such tuples (other sequence types are not 
> accepted).

> classinfo may be a tuple of class objects, in which case every entry in 
> classinfo will be checked.

It is unclear from the docs whether
issubclass(bool, (int, float))
should return True (because bool is a subclass of int),
or False (because bool is NOT a subclass of float).
(It returns True.)

It's likely also false that every entry will be checked, since presumably the 
function uses short-circuit logic.

issubclass's doc also doesn't mention the recursive tuple case that 
isinstance's doc has.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 345744
nosy: docs@python, leewz
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: isinstance/issubclass doc isn't clear on whether it's an AND or an OR.
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue32982] Parse out invisible Unicode characters?

2018-03-01 Thread Franklin? Lee

New submission from Franklin? Lee :

The following line should have a character that trips up the compiler.
  ‎indices = range(5)

The character is \u200e, and was inserted by Google Keep. (I've already 
reported the issue to Google as a regression.)

Here's the error message:
  File "", line 3
‎indices = range(5)
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

Depending on the terminal or editor, it may not be possible to tell the problem 
just from looking. Without knowledge/experience of Unicode, it may not be 
possible to figure out the problem at all.

Since Python source now uses Unicode by default, should certain invisible 
characters be stripped out during compilation?

components: Unicode
messages: 313127
nosy: ezio.melotti, leewz, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Parse out invisible Unicode characters?
type: behavior

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26632] __all__ decorator

2016-05-31 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:


Here is another concern with decorators and `.__module__` (or 
`inspect.getmodule`). (Or is it the original concern?)

If an earlier decorator creates a wrapper and doesn't set .__module__, you'll 
make the function public in the wrong module.

def f(...): ...

IMO, the correct solution is a new stdlib function, to get the 
currently-loading module. You wouldn't need explicit frame hacking, and it will 
be portable between different Python implementations because each 
implementation will have to define it correctly.

The problem with this solution is the lack of other usecases for such a 
function, though maybe someone in python-ideas can think of one.

Candidate owners: sys, importlib.

Candidate names:
- sys.getloadingmodule()
- importlib.currentimport()
- importlib.???()

- Returns the "innermost" loading module. If no module is loading, returns None?
- In a thread, return the module being loaded in that thread (possibly None, 
even if other threads are loading modules).
- (I don't know what I'm talking about:) If a Python implementation uses 
multithreaded loading, each thread whose result could immediately be loaded 
into the module's namespace (i.e. it's close to the "surface" of the load) is 
considered to be loading that module.
- Needs to handle re-imports, such as from `importlib.reload`.

Other solutions include:
- Require explicit `@public(__all__)` (or `__module__`)
- Special `super()`-like treatment of `public` which automatically inserts the 
`__all__` (or whatever).
- Hope that bad wrappers don't come up.

I think nonexistence of module.__all__ should be an error.

The behavior with a module with __all__ is very different from one without, so 
I think that if you want your module to have __all__, you should be required to 
create it, even if it's empty.

Assuming that __all__ is, by convention, always near the top, someone reading 
your code would know whether the first dozen or so functions are part of the 
public interface, without searching for `@public`.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26632] __all__ decorator

2016-05-25 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:

I probably won't submit a patch, but I can definitely write a bunch of private 
notes toward a patch and forget about them. >_>

Idea 1: Crawl up the call tree and see whether you hit a module definition or a 
class definition first.

Idea 2: Inspect __qualname__ to determine whether it's a method/inner function. 
That might have the same problems with @wraps, though, and you wouldn't be 
allowed to use a classmethod as a module's function.

Idea 2 seems to be the right thing. If ".__qualname__ != .__name__", it's an 
error. If you really want to use `public` in the above cases, you should use 
the assignment form of `public` (whatever it turns out to be), or explicitly 
append to __all__.

Rule: The programmer should not explicitly use `public(a_func)`, and should use 
assignment-form `public` if `@public` is not possible (== the decorator form is 
not being used at the point of definition). I think this way won't have errors 
passing silently and failing mysteriously.

First draft of error message (not considering assignment-form):
"'public' should only be used as a decorator for a function/class in module 


Python tracker 
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[issue27119] `compile` doesn't compile into an AST object as specified

2016-05-25 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:

> What you're looking for is in the 2nd paragraph of the ast docs:

Oh. I considered that, but then compile's docs say:

The optional arguments flags and dont_inherit
control which future statements (see PEP 236)
affect the compilation of source.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26632] __all__ decorator

2016-05-25 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:

>>If @public were only to be used as a decorator, it would not be possible to
>>have `public` called on a function outside of its definition. But someone
>>might call `public(some_decorator(some_function))`.
>Do you mean, they'd call this is some module other than the one some_function
>was defined in?  I don't know that this is a use case we even want to support.

I mean they'd define their own function as a wrapped version of another 

>That's true in a sense.  It doesn't change the decorated thing at all.  I
>think it's important to keep in mind that @public isn't the only way to add to

I mean more in that it acts in the scope of its caller, rather than its 

>You should get something like:
>AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'
>which seems pretty obvious.

I don't think the C version shows a traceback, so it won't be clear that you're 
trying to assign to `__all__`.

When I rewrote `public` from memory, I wrote it something like this:
except TypeError:
module.__all__ = [*dunder_all, name]

>Well, consenting adults and all.  I'm not sure we need to protect ourselves so
>strictly against people who don't read the docs and don't understand Python
>(i.e. random cargo-culters).

Python is a popular learning language, and many will be students who haven't 
yet trained to reflexively look up docs. I saw the lack of such habits in 
Python's IRC channel.

"Consenting adults", I feel, is a reason to grant power: don't stop people from 
doing something they might need to do. But @public on a class method is just an 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27119] `compile` doesn't compile into an AST object as specified

2016-05-24 Thread Franklin? Lee

New submission from Franklin? Lee:

>From `compile`'s doc:
"Compile the source into a code or AST object."

The docs don't say how to compile into an AST object with `compile`, though. As 
it says later:
"If you want to parse Python code into its AST representation, see 

I checked 3.4-3.2, 3.0, 2.7, and 2.6. Versions before 3.4, and version 2.6, are 
missing the `ast.parse` line, but still have the first line.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 266311
nosy: docs@python, leewz
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: `compile` doesn't compile into an AST object as specified
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26632] __all__ decorator

2016-05-23 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:

>I don't know, but what practical effect will this have?  I.e. under what
>conditions would you @public wrap a @functools.wraps function and want it to
>show up in __all__?  Do you have a specific use case?

I sometimes wrap functions that return iterators to make functions that return 
lists, because I work on the interpreter a lot. From there, it's not much of a 
stretch to imagine functions which are implemented as decorated versions of 
other functions.

If @public were only to be used as a decorator, it would not be possible to 
have `public` called on a function outside of its definition. But someone might 
call `public(some_decorator(some_function))`.

(@public is really a macro, if you think about it.)

>It would be possible.

(I meant, is it possible for someone to have a non-list __all__?)

If the `.append` fails, I think there should be a meaningful error. Perhaps 
"'__all__' is not a list."

>Sure, we could probably add some heuristics, but I still don't see the need
>for the extra complexity.  The error will be far from the declaration, but the
>exception should make it relatively obvious what's going on.  I also really
>don't think folks would naturally be inclined to put @public on anything but a
>top-level definition.  You wouldn't ever put such a thing in your __all__ so
>why would you decorate it with @public?

I'm thinking of the people who don't read docs and are coming from other 
languages. They'd put `@public` over their method, and one day they'd `import 
*` from that file (whereas they used to only import explicitly), getting an 
error about a name not being defined in their module. "But why would that name 
need to be defined? It's a method."

Or worse, the name of the method just happens to be the same as something in 
some other file, so they'll focus on why that NAME is being expected in THIS 

>Also, I know that I have several cases where constants are actually
>instances.  They could be marker objects like::
>MARKER = object()

(Here's food for thought: A MARKER could be a one-element enum, both 
conceptually and by implementation. Just like how the "bool enum" is 
{True,False} and the "None enum" is {None}.)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26632] __all__ decorator

2016-05-20 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:

I like how ``@public`` keeps the declaration close to the definition.

I am iffy about using ``public`` to define other values. That part might be 
considered unpythonic.

Implementation issues:
- ``__module__`` is not reliable. ``functools.wraps`` changes it. (Why does 
it do that, though?)
- If `__all__` isn't a list, you'd have to make it a list before you mess 
with it. (Is this possible?)

> > On the down side, you know somebody is going to @public a class' method --
> > how do we check for that?
> Do we need to?  Consenting adults and __all__.

It's a silent error waiting to happen. If you never use ``import *`` on it 
(e.g. because it's your main file), you won't get the error message. Things 
will work "as expected" (your methods are class-public!) until you give a 
method the same name as a builtin or something you imported or defined earlier. 
When that happens, the error message will have nothing to do with the problem.

It might be detectable using ``thing.__qualname__ != thing.__name__``, but this 
disallows functions decorated without updating __qualname__, and static/class 
methods exposed in a module's interface.

It might be detectable by checking, on the callstack, whether you're in a 
module load or a class definition.


How many public module values aren't enum-type constants? It could be useful to 
be able to dump an enum into a module's space. I mean, a canonical way. With 
that, maybe maintaining module-level constants in __all__ isn't that big a deal.

# Rather than:
# Perhaps allow:
enum.dump_namespace(MyEnum, globals())

About the cost paid at every load:
- Should tools update __all__ for you, and comment out the ``@public``s?
- If so, how would they deal with public non-callable values?
- When compiling to .pyc, should the compiler remove ``@public`` calls and 
explicitly add the values to __all__?

- Alternative syntax for constants, requiring less frame hackery:
public(globals(), x=1, y=2, z=3)
- Naming: Is it really "public"? Some names might be public but not in 

P.S. Typo in the ReadTheDocs. ``py_install`` should be a function call, right?

>>> from public import py_install
>>> py_install

P.S.: Would OrderedSet (which doesn't exist) be the ideal type for __all__? I 
mean, if you had to use someone else's __all__, not if you had to maintain it.

nosy: +leewz

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27062] `inspect` doesn't have `__all__`

2016-05-19 Thread Franklin? Lee

New submission from Franklin? Lee:

`inspect`'s names are pretty close to unique, except for `stack`, `unwrap`, and 
`trace`. It doesn't define `__all__`, though.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 265893
nosy: leewz
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: `inspect` doesn't have `__all__`
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27000] improve document of filter

2016-05-11 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:

In that case, I'm still wondering what you mean by "not equivalent". Are you 
saying there is code which will work only if the ``bool`` function is really 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27000] improve document of filter

2016-05-11 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:

> Although I still think it's telling readers incorrect info in the second 
> part. For ``bool``, it is not equivalent to ``(item for item in iterable if 
> function(item))`` but ``(item for item in iterable if item)``. For CPython, 
> you are not telling the truth.

What do you mean by, "it is not equivalent"? Are you saying that the first one 
will give a different result from the second? In general, when interpreting an 
object in a boolean context, Python will do the "equivalent" of calling 
``bool`` on it, where "equivalent" in the docs means "has the same result as". 
See, for example, the ``itertools`` docs:

In this case:

If ``filter`` is passed ``None`` or ``bool``, it will call "PyObject_IsTrue" on 
the object.


"PyObject_IsTrue" is defined here:


On the other hand, ``bool`` is defined here, as "PyBool_Type":


"PyBool_Type" is defined here, with the ``bool.__new__`` function defined as 


"bool_new" is defined here, using "PyObject_IsTrue":


Both "filter_next" and "bool_new" call "PyObject_IsTrue" and take 0 as False, 
positive as True, and negative as an error. So it's equivalent to calling 
``bool``, but the "bool_new" call is sort of inlined.

Does that clear things up?


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27000] improve document of filter

2016-05-11 Thread Franklin? Lee

Franklin? Lee added the comment:

Aren't these both implementation details? As in, they only affect efficiency, 
not effect, right?

nosy: +leewz

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