New submission from James Murphy <>:

Currently, the bisect module's functions all assume the user is maintaining a 
sorted list/sequence in increasing order. From the docs:

"This module provides support for maintaining a list in sorted order without 
having to sort the list after each insertion"

However, bisection is not limited to this use case, nor is it limited to 
increasing sequences. Many algorithms involve bisecting a sequence derived from 
(potentially immutable) user input, such as the standard 
longest-increasing-subsequence algorithm. Sometimes these derived sequences are 
naturally reverse-sorted, as they would be in the 
longest-decreasing-subsequence algorithm. (I have personally had to work around 
bisect not working with decreasing sequences in this case). There are other 
natural reasons for a reverse-sorted list to appear that one might want to 
bisect. Of course, a monotone decreasing function applied to a sorted list 
would result in a reverse-sorted one. One may want to use bisect as a 
root-finding algorithm for a decreasing function that may not be differentiable 
(or even continuous). Or a user may simply have chosen to reverse-sort using 
sorted(a, reverse=True).

In my mind, the bisect module's purpose should be to support common use cases 
of bisection, not specifically to maintain a sorted list.

So then the question arises, how to support reverse-sorted sequences? I see a 
few possible routes.

1. Add a "decreasing" parameter to bisect_left, bisect_right, (and perhaps 
insort_left, insort_right as well).

2. Add dedicated functions bisect_left_decreasing, bisect_right_decreasing, 
(and perhaps insort_left_decreasing, insort_right_decreasing as well) that 
operate on reverse-sorted sequences.

3. Add a more general bisect_first_false(a, pred, lo, hi) (equivalent to C++'s 
std::partition_point) that assumes the sequence to be partitioned with respect 
to the predicate function and returns the first index such that the predicate 
is falsey, or hi if no falsey elements are found. Then reverse-sorted lists can 
be bisected with something like bisect_first_false(a, lambda y: y > x). This 
way may be too general, but it becomes very obvious what operators will be 
called on the values and what the post-condition of the function is, similar to 
the condition of a while loop.

4. Add a "cmp" parameter to bisect_left, bisect_right, (and perhaps 
insort_left, insort_right as well) that keys are meant to be compared with, so 
one would pass bisect_left(a, x, It could be used in 
conjuction with "key", i.e. "cmp" is not meant to be a replacement for "key" as 
it was with sorted.

5. Do nothing. People who _really_ want to bisect reverse-sorted lists will 
write their own bisect_*_decreasing or figure out that if "a" is 
reverse-sorted, the following monstrosity does the job, making ab(use) of the 
new "key" parameter in 3.10 and due to the fact that False < True:

a = ... # reverse-sorted
x = ...

# bisect left on reverse-sorted
pred = lambda y: not (x < y)
idx = bisect_left(a, x, key=pred)

# bisect right on reverse-sorted
pred = lambda y: y < x
idx = bisect_right(a, x, key=pred)

Commentary on the choices. 1 or 4 are the most convenient from a user 
perspective, no extra imports and discoverable behavior. 4 also has the benefit 
that the element/key class does not need to define a __lt__, which can be 
useful in cases where the element/key has many comparable attributes and it 
does not make sense to pick one to be used to define a __lt__. 3 would have the 
most generality and usefulness to library writers, who would probably be the 
primary users in need of a reverse-sorted bisection implementation. 2 suffers 
from combinatorial explosion (many new functions) and extra importing needed, 
but allows the implementation of existing functions to be unchanged, as well as 
mildly discouraging users from using it unless they _really_ want to use it. 5 
will lead to many incorrect home-grown bisection searches or other hacks being 
used in the wild.

Personally, I am somewhat indifferent between 1 and 4, perhaps slightly 
learning towards 4 as it makes explicit exactly how elements/keys will be 
compared. I would like to see 3 implemented as well, but admit that it is 
likely too general a solution for the proposed issue "support reverse-sorted 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 387523
nosy: mCoding
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: "bisect" module should support reverse-sorted sequences
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.10

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