[issue38748] 32 bit ctypes stdcall callback fails to restore stack pointer

2021-11-15 Thread Michael Curran

Michael Curran  added the comment:

PR: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/26204
Looks like a maintainer needs to allow a workflow to run for the remaining 


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[issue38748] 32 bit ctypes stdcall callback fails to restore stack pointer

2021-11-15 Thread Michael Curran

Michael Curran  added the comment:

As requested, I created a pr which adds a test to show the crash. It is marked 
as expected failure on 32 bit (x86) and runs successfully as expected on x64.

What would be the next steps in moving this issue forward?

I don't think I have the knowledge to be able to start on an actual fix for the 
bug myself, but I and my organization are happy to assist where we can.

A little bit of background:
The NvDA screen reading software allows blind and vision impaired people across 
the globe to access the Windows Operating System independently, improving 
socialization, education and employment outcomes. It is used by around 200,000 
people in over 150 countries.

The NVDA screen reader is written primarily in Python, and is currently using 
Python 3.7. We would like to upgrade to a newer Python release, but currently 
cannot due to this bug. We currently use the x86 build of Python as a small 
(but significant) number of our users are still on a pure 32-bit build of 
Windows. Taking into account the fact that are main demographic are people from 
developing countries, it is not simple for many of our users to upgrade their 
existing hardware to 64-bit.

There will come a time where we will drop x86 support, and just release an x64 
build of NVDA, but right now our pure x86 user numbers are still too high.

We would love to be able to get our 200,000 users onto a more recent and secure 
Python version as soon as possible, but we can only do this once this bug is 

This bug has now been open for 2 years. If the bug is impossible to fix, or no 
one is able, then perhaps Python needs to consider dropping support for x86, as 
currently this build can cause stack corruption, as demonstrated by this issue 
and the pr tests.


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[issue38748] 32 bit ctypes stdcall callback fails to restore stack pointer

2021-04-14 Thread Michael Curran

Michael Curran  added the comment:

This bug is reproduceable on both Python 3.8 and 3.9. But not 3.7.
Ths bug is seen in the real world, in the context of providing Python callbacks 
to Win32 API functions, or when implementing comtypes COM objects in Python.
For example, we see this crash in the NVDA screen reader project, in our 
implementation of ITTSBufNotifySink from the Microsoft SAPI4 speech API.
ITTSBufNotifySink::TextDataStarted takes a pointer (this), and a long long 


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[issue38748] 32 bit ctypes stdcall callback fails to restore stack pointer

2021-04-14 Thread Michael Curran

Michael Curran  added the comment:

I can also reproduce this. I will attach my own testcase below.
So far I see it when the callback is __stdcall (WINFUNCTYPE) and it takes an 
larger than 4 bytes (E.g. a long long or a VARIANT), with one or more arguments 
preceeding it such that this argument is not aligned on a multiple of 8 bytes. 
For example arguments can be:
* long, long long
* long, long, long, long long
But the corruption does not occur with something like:
* long, long, long long
My testcase uses long, long long to show the crash.

nosy: +michaeldcurran
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49959/py3.8crash.zip

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[issue8959] WINFUNCTYPE wrapped ctypes callbacks not functioning correctly in Python 2.7

2010-06-11 Thread Michael Curran

Michael Curran  added the comment:

Tested on Windows 7 x64, with Python 2.7 rc1 [amd64]: both examples work fine.
So it seems the issue is specific to x86.


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[issue8959] WINFUNCTYPE wrapped ctypes callbacks not functioning correctly in Python 2.7

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Curran

Michael Curran  added the comment:

The issue does not occure with Python 2.7 beta 1, but does occure in Python 2.7 
beta 2.

So, with this in mind, its probably more likely that it may have been caused by 
the following change:
"- On Windows, ctypes does no longer check the stack before and after calling a
  foreign function.  This allows to use the unmodified libffi library."

I had previously thought it could have been the libffi upgrade, but this seems 
to have  happened in Beta 1.


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[issue8959] WINFUNCTYPE wrapped ctypes callbacks not functioning correctly in Python 2.7

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Curran

Michael Curran  added the comment:

Issue does not occure using Python 3.1.2.


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[issue8959] WINFUNCTYPE wrapped ctypes callbacks not functioning correctly in Python 2.7

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Curran

Michael Curran  added the comment:

I should also note that this has been tested on Windows 7 and XP (32 bit).
I have also seen cases where Python has crashed completely, rather than just 
causing a WindowsError, in these circomstances.


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[issue8959] WINFUNCTYPE wrapped ctypes callbacks not functioning correctly in Python 2.7

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Curran

Changes by Michael Curran :

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17605/test_keyHook.py

Python tracker 
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[issue8959] WINFUNCTYPE wrapped ctypes callbacks not functioning correctly in Python 2.7

2010-06-10 Thread Michael Curran

New submission from Michael Curran :

There seem to be problems with WINFUNCTYPE callbacks causing exceptions, and or 
getting their return value ignored by the caller, when using Python 2.7 rc1.
Two examples provided.

Example 1:
Providing a WINFUNCTYPE wrapped python function when calling EnumWindows from 
user32.dll with ctypes, EnumWindows enumerates (calls the python function) for 
the first 5 windows and then causes a WindowsError, sometimes an access 
violation (reading, or writing), or even other strange unknown exceptions.
This specific testcase is attached to the bug.
Run this script in  Python 2.7 you should see the WindowsErrors. On Python 2.6 
it successfully enumerates through all windows.

Example 2:
Hooking low-level keyboard input in Windows with SetWindowsHookEx from 
user32.dll, providing a WINFUNCTYPE wrapped python function as the callback, 
and then typing some keys, causes the callback to be called but the return 
value is always ignored, which means the hook never blocks keys completely, 
even if  the value 1 is returned from the callback, to do so.
Again, a testcase is attached to the bug.
Run this script in Python. It will ask you to type some characters and press 
enter. On Python 2.6 no characters should be echoed to the screen, but you will 
hear beeps to let you know the keyboard hook is seeing the keys. On Python 2.7, 
the keys will be echoed to the screen, and you will also hear the beeps 
(meaning that the hook was seeing the keys, but was unable to actually block 
them -- its return value was being ignored).
Also in Python 2.7, after the quit message is sent to the hook thread, 
GetMessageW (in user32.dll) causes a WindowsError exception. This does not 
happen on Python 2.6.

Perhaps it may be related to this entry in the Python 2.7 What's new:
The underlying libffi library has been updated to version 3.0.9, containing 
various fixes for different platforms. (Updated by Matthias Klose; issue 8142.)

assignee: theller
components: ctypes
files: test_callbackRetval.py
messages: 107447
nosy: mdcurran, theller
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: WINFUNCTYPE wrapped ctypes callbacks not functioning correctly in Python 
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file17604/test_callbackRetval.py

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