[issue47259] string sorting often incorrect

2022-04-08 Thread Pierre Ossman

New submission from Pierre Ossman :

There is a big gotcha in Python that is easily overlooked and should at the 
very least be more prominently pointed out in the documentation.

Sorting strings will produce results that is very confusing for humans.

I happens to work for ASCII, but will generally produce bad results for other 
things as code points do not always follow the alphabetical order.

The expressions chapter¹ mentions this fact, but you have to dig quite a bit to 
reach that. It also mentions that normalization is an issue, but it never 
mentions the issue about code point order versus alphabetical order.

The sorting tutorial mentions under "Odds and ends"² that you need to use a 
special key or comparison function to get locale aware sorting. It doesn't 
mention that this also includes respecting alphabetical order, which might be 
overlooked unless you are very familiar with how the sorting works. The 
tutorial is also something you have to dig a bit to reach.

Ideally string comparison would always be locale aware in a high level language 
such as Python. However, a smaller step would be a note on sorted()³ that extra 
care needs to be taken for strings as the default behaviour will produce 
unexpected results once your strings include anything outside the English 

¹ https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html
² https://docs.python.org/3/howto/sorting.html#odd-and-ends
³ https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#sorted

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 416972
nosy: CendioOssman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: string sorting often incorrect

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44503] Hide __enter__ calls in mock_open

2021-06-24 Thread Pierre Ossman

Pierre Ossman  added the comment:

Also see Issue44185 for __exit__.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44503] Hide __enter__ calls in mock_open

2021-06-24 Thread Pierre Ossman

New submission from Pierre Ossman :

I'd like to write this test case:

  with patch('builtins.open') as pyopen:
mock_open(pyopen, read_data="foo")
pyopen.assert_has_calls([call("filename", "wt"),

and I shouldn't have to care if the code is written like this:

  def run():
f = open("filename", "wt")

or like this:

  def run():
with open("filename", "wt") as f:

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 396469
nosy: CendioOssman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Hide __enter__ calls in mock_open
type: enhancement

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[issue44185] mock_open file handle __exit__ does not call close

2021-05-20 Thread Pierre Ossman

Change by Pierre Ossman :

nosy: +CendioOssman

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44052] patch object as argument should be explicit

2021-05-06 Thread Pierre Ossman

Pierre Ossman  added the comment:

I've always been cautious about running patch() manually since it was easy to 
miss the cleanup. But those fears might be irrelevant these days when we have 

Still, decorators are a more robust in more complex setups since you don't have 
to worry about setUp() being properly called in every base class. So I still 
think this would be interesting.

A different function might be an option to avoid adding arguments. Just like 
there are a few special patch.*() already.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44052] patch object as argument should be explicit

2021-05-05 Thread Pierre Ossman

New submission from Pierre Ossman :

Right now if you use unittest.mock.patch() as a decorator it may or may not 
pass the object as an argument to the test function. The behaviour is a side 
effect of the argument "new" rather than something the caller can explicitly 

In many cases this gives the desired behaviour, but not in all. So this 
behaviour should be possible to explicitly controlled.

One common case is when using patch() as a class decorator. If you want to 
avoid getting extra arguments to every test function, then "new" has to be 
specified. But that means that it will be the same object that will be used for 
every test, not a fresh one.


@patch('foo.bar.baz', [])
class TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def test_a(self):
def test_b(self):
def test_c(self):

The tests will now be running with the same list in "foo.bar.baz" rather than a 
fresh empty list for each run. Ideally we could instead specify:

@patch('foo.bar.baz', new_callable=list, as_arg=False)
class TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def test_a(self):
def test_b(self):
def test_c(self):

Or something along those lines.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 393062
nosy: CendioOssman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: patch object as argument should be explicit

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41915] unittest.mock.create_autospec(Obj, instance=True) has self keyword in _spec_signature if Obj implements __call__

2020-12-04 Thread Pierre Ossman

Pierre Ossman  added the comment:

autospec's behaviour for methods is currently needed to work around Issue42556, 
so be careful with any fixes here so they don't break that workaround.

nosy: +CendioOssman

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue42556] unittest.mock.patch() cannot properly mock methods

2020-12-03 Thread Pierre Ossman

New submission from Pierre Ossman :

unittest.mock.patch() as it currently works cannot properly mock a method as it 
currently replaces it with something more mimicking a function. I.e. the 
descriptor magic that includes "self" isn't properly set up.

In most cases this doesn't really matter, but there are a few use cases where 
this is important:

1. Calling base classes where you need to make sure it works regardless of 
super() or direct reference to the base class.

2. Multiple objects calling the same base class using super(). Without the self 
argument you can't tell the calls apart.

3. Setting up a side_effect that needs access to the object. In some cases you 
can pass the object using some side channel, but not all. E.g. not when mocking 
a base class' __init__(). (already reported as Issue35577).

Right now you can work around this by using autospec, as that has the 
undocumented side-effect of properly setting up methods. So don't fix 
Issue41915 before this one or we lose that workaround. :)

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 382415
nosy: CendioOssman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: unittest.mock.patch() cannot properly mock methods
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue14476] sudo breaks python

2012-04-02 Thread Pierre Ossman

Pierre Ossman  added the comment:

Well that was fast. :)

Sounds very much like the same bug I'm seeing here, yes. Unfortunately I'm not 
sure it's sufficient for us to rely on the distributions to update their sudo 
packages. A workaround would be preferable. I'll see if I can figure something 

Many thanks!


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[issue14474] mishandling of AttributeError in threads

2012-04-02 Thread Pierre Ossman

Pierre Ossman  added the comment:

Indeed. I assume old style classes are still supported though?


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[issue14476] sudo breaks python

2012-04-02 Thread Pierre Ossman

New submission from Pierre Ossman :

sudo breaks exception handling in Python in some subtle way. The following test 
program works fine when run directly, but breaks when run through sudo:


import time

def a():
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "a"

def b():
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "b"


This is expected:

pierre@pangolin:~$ ./test.py

But through sudo you get random behaviour:

pierre@pangolin:~$ sudo ./test.py
^Ca b
pierre@pangolin:~$ sudo ./test.py
^Ca b
pierre@pangolin:~$ sudo ./test.py
pierre@pangolin:~$ sudo ./test.py
pierre@pangolin:~$ sudo ./test.py
pierre@pangolin:~$ sudo ./test.py

Seen on Ubuntu 12.04 (alpha/beta) and on Fedora 16. Happens more often on 
Ubuntu though.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 157358
nosy: ossman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sudo breaks python
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14474] mishandling of AttributeError in threads

2012-04-02 Thread Pierre Ossman

New submission from Pierre Ossman :

These three things do not mix:

 - AttributeError
 - Threads
 - Object methods

An unhandled AttributeError thrown in a thread will not call sys.excepthook if 
the thread's start function is a class/object method.

Test case:

import sys
import thread

class Dummy:
def worker(self):
raise AttributeError

thread.start_new_thread(Dummy().worker, ())


Note that you do not get a traceback here. Throwing any other exception type 
works fine, as does having worker() be a simple function.

I think I've traced the issue to Objects/classobject.c:instance_repr(). It 
tries to look up the method, making sure to handle any AttributeError this 
might cause. But it fails to save and restore and Exception currently already 
active, effectively clearing out the current exception.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 157350
nosy: ossman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mishandling of AttributeError in threads
versions: Python 2.7

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