[issue33453] from __future__ import annotations breaks dataclasses ClassVar and InitVar handling

2018-05-11 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Lending my voice to the suggestion of limiting the class attribute check to 
`typing.ClassVar` and `ClassVar`. It can always be expanded later if it is 


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[issue33453] from __future__ import annotations breaks dataclasses ClassVar and InitVar handling

2018-05-10 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

> Is there any scenario where the following code would be useful...

Perhaps if someone, in search of a speedup, were sort of rolling their own 
lighter-weight equivalent to the typing module (in order to avoid importing the 
full typing module), but duck typed enough to fool the average type checker? Is 
that possible?


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[issue33452] add user notification that parent init will not be called in dataclass init method

2018-05-09 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

The init method that comes up for int, str, float, etc is just the object init:

assert int.__init__ is object.__init__

Probably the thing to do is grab any init methods that aren't the 
object.__init__ while stripping out the dataclass-created init methods? Maybe 
something like:

import warnings

if cls.__dataclass_params__.init:
for pcls in cls.mro():
if pcls.__init__ is not object.__init__:
d_params = getattr(pcls, "__dataclass_params__")
except AttributeError:
warnings.warn('Found a not called init')
if not d_params.init:
warnings.warn('Found a custom dataclass init')


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[issue33453] from __future__ import annotations breaks dataclasses ClassVar handling

2018-05-09 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Sorry, mean to say it works just fine *without* the import.


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[issue33453] from __future__ import annotations breaks dataclasses ClassVar handling

2018-05-09 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

To be clear: it works just fine with the annotations import.


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[issue33453] from __future__ import annotations breaks dataclasses ClassVar handling

2018-05-09 Thread Rick Teachey

New submission from Rick Teachey :

This is broken in 3.7 (both beta 3 and 4):

from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import ClassVar, Any

class C():
class_var: ClassVar[Any] = object()
data: str


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
line 850, in dataclass
return wrap(_cls)
line 842, in wrap
return _process_class(cls, init, repr, eq, order, unsafe_hash, frozen)
line 763, in _process_class
else 'self',
line 442, in _init_fn
raise TypeError(f'non-default argument {f.name!r} '
TypeError: non-default argument 'data' follows default argument

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 316333
nosy: Ricyteach, eric.smith
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: from __future__ import annotations breaks dataclasses ClassVar handling
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33452] add user notification that parent init will not be called in dataclass init method

2018-05-09 Thread Rick Teachey

New submission from Rick Teachey :

The dataclasses module is incredibly easy to use. This is a good thing. BUT one 
downside is it will definitely be utilized by people who don't have a thorough 
understanding of how it does what it does.

Even for me, despite having a very good understanding of how it works, after 
heavily using it on a project for about 3 weeks now I made a mistake like the 
one below:

class ImportantMixin:
def __init__(self):

class NaiveDClass(ImportantMixin):
  data1 = int
  data2 = int

I then went on along my merry way. Obviously, ImportantMixin.__init__ never 
gets called and I didn't realize this until it was a bigger problem than it 
should have been (should have written better tests! but I digress).

It would seem like a good idea for the dataclasses module to let the user know 
they did this, probably via the warning system. Seems like it would be 
relatively easy to do: if there is an init method being create, just inspect 
the MRO for any previously defined init methods that weren't created by 


components: Library (Lib)
messages: 316331
nosy: Ricyteach, eric.smith
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: add user notification that parent init will not be called in dataclass 
init method
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33328] pdb error when stepping through generator

2018-04-29 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Closed as duplicate of issue 13044.

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue33328] pdb error when stepping through generator

2018-04-21 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

I am on Anaconda 4.5.1 on Windows 10 (Python 3.6.5). I have confirmed that I DO 
get the error on another machine with the same version installed, so the lack 
of an error seems specific to my current machine. I do not know what could be 
causing this; it is very odd.


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[issue33328] pdb error when stepping through generator

2018-04-21 Thread Rick Teachey

Change by Rick Teachey :

components: +Library (Lib)
type:  -> behavior

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33328] pdb error when stepping through generator

2018-04-21 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

The interactive session result is below:


Exception ignored in: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\ricky\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\types.py", 
line 27, in _ag
  File "C:\Users\ricky\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\bdb.py", line 
90, in trace_dispatch
  File "C:\Users\ricky\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\bdb.py", line 
128, in dispatch_call
  File "C:\Users\ricky\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\bdb.py", line 
250, in break_anywhere
  File "C:\Users\ricky\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\bdb.py", line 
49, in canonic
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'abspath'


Python tracker 
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[issue33328] pdb error when stepping through generator

2018-04-21 Thread Rick Teachey

New submission from Rick Teachey :


The attached python file runs a pdb interactive session for a generator. It 
produces an error in Python 3.7 Beta 3, but no error in 3.6.

I searched for this issue and there do seem to be things that are related to it 
already, but I haven't investigated the cause of this issue and am not 
acquainted with the details of the pdb module, so I was unable to determine 
whether previous reports discuss this same problem.

files: demo.py
messages: 315586
nosy: Ricyteach
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pdb error when stepping through generator
versions: Python 3.7
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47545/demo.py

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[issue33190] problem with ABCMeta.__prepare__ when called after types.new_class

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Thank you; I gave it a go. Hopefully didn't cause too much additional work for 


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[issue33190] problem with ABCMeta.__prepare__ when called after types.new_class

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

Change by Rick Teachey :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +6033
stage:  -> patch review

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[issue33188] dataclass MRO entry resolution for type variable metaclasses: TypeError

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

I'll also say: one of the biggest reasons I was excited to read the 
`dataclasses` PEP was because I thought "AWESOME! Now I can delete all of the 
stupid boilerplate __init__ and __repr__ methods for those `typing.Sequences`, 
`typing.Mapping`, etc etc subclasses!"


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[issue33188] dataclass MRO entry resolution for type variable metaclasses: TypeError

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

> passing keyword arguments to metaclass will be much more rare for dataclasses 
> than passing a ready namespace

The impetus of my running into these issues was assuming that things like 
`Generic[MyTypeVar]` would "just work" with `make_dataclass`, which seemed like 
a valid assumption since the class creation approach made heavy use of by 
`dataclasses` implies this:

class MyDclass(Generic[MyTypeVar]):
var: MyTypeVar

The fact that I cannot do this, then, without error is surprising:

MyDclass = make_dataclass("MyDclass", (("var", MyTypeVar),), 

I'm not stating it HAS to be fixed. Maybe it doesn't have to. But to me, the 
above seems like the reason to do it if it's going to be done.


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[issue33188] dataclass MRO entry resolution for type variable metaclasses: TypeError

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Eric: see also Ivan's comment on Issue 33190, which will factor into the 
solution to this I think. It seems you can't just pass the `namespace` to the 
`kwds` argument (as I have done in my solution above).


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[issue33190] problem with ABCMeta.__prepare__ when called after types.new_class

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Excellent; thank you very much for the explanation.

I have never done a PR on a project this size but I'll give it a try.


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[issue33190] problem with ABCMeta.__prepare__ when called after types.new_class

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

New submission from Rick Teachey :

I am pretty sure this is a bug. If not I apologize.

Say I want to dynamically create a new `C` class, with base class `MyABC` (and 
dynamically assigned abstract method `m`). This works fine if I use `type`, but 
if I use `new_class`, the keyword argument to the `m` method implementation 
gets lost somewhere in the call to `ABCMeta.__prepare___`.

I've attached a file to demo. Thanks.

components: Library (Lib)
files: abcmeta_prepare.py
messages: 314714
nosy: Ricyteach, levkivskyi
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: problem with ABCMeta.__prepare__ when called after types.new_class
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47509/abcmeta_prepare.py

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[issue33188] dataclass MRO entry resolution for type variable metaclasses: TypeError

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Same error on 3.7.

Probably getting beyond my knowledge here but from the error message, it seems 
like the answer is simply that:

type('MyChild', (MyParent[int],), {})

...is just the wrong way to make a new `type` when utilizing type variables.


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[issue33188] dataclass MRO entry resolution for type variable metaclasses: TypeError

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Sorry: to be clear, the error only occurs when attempting to create the class 
using `make_dataclass`.


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[issue33188] dataclass MRO entry resolution for type variable metaclasses: TypeError

2018-03-30 Thread Rick Teachey

New submission from Rick Teachey :

I'm getting the following error at when attempting to create a new `dataclass` 
with any base class that is supplied a type variable:

TypeError: type() doesn't support MRO entry resolution; use 

In principle, it seems like this shouldn't cause any problems, since this works 
as expected:

class MyClass(Generic[MyTypeVar]):

The problem seems to be the call to `type` in `make_dataclass` for 
instantiating the class object, since `type` doesn't support type variables. If 
I replace the `dataclass` line that produces the error with the following code 
block, it seems to work:

cls = type(cls_name, bases, namespace)
except TypeError:
cls = types.new_class(cls_name, bases, namespace)

I haven't tested, but it might be possible to just remove the call to `type` 

I've attached a file demonstrating the issue.

components: Library (Lib)
files: dataclass_metaclass_issue.py
messages: 314703
nosy: Ricyteach, eric.smith
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: dataclass MRO entry resolution for type variable metaclasses: TypeError
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47508/dataclass_metaclass_issue.py

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[issue33141] descriptor __set_name__ feature broken for dataclass descriptor fields

2018-03-26 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Looks great to me. Thanks!


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[issue33141] descriptor __set_name__ feature broken for dataclass descriptor fields

2018-03-26 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Yeah and I think lines 2709-2712 of TestDescriptors also needs removed.


Python tracker 
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[issue33141] descriptor __set_name__ feature broken for dataclass descriptor fields

2018-03-26 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Eric, looking at the PR; note that if you do this for the __set_name__ check:

if inspect.ismethoddescriptor(self.default):

...an object like the one below will not get its __set_name__ called, even 
though PEP 487 says it should:

class D:
def __set_name__(self, o, n):
self.name = n

class C:
d: int = D()

if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"C.d.name = {C.d.name}") # __set_name__ was called
assert inspect.ismethoddescriptor(C.d) # Error


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[issue33141] descriptor __set_name__ feature broken for dataclass descriptor fields

2018-03-26 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

I suppose one downside of that solution is __set_name__ will be called for 
every Field whether or not it is need. Probably can't be helped without major 


Python tracker 
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[issue33141] descriptor __set_name__ feature broken for dataclass descriptor fields

2018-03-26 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

Sounds like a relatively easy solution then. Hopefully it makes the beta 3 so I 
can use it immediately- thanks!


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[issue33141] descriptor __set_name__ feature broken for dataclass descriptor fields

2018-03-26 Thread Rick Teachey

Rick Teachey  added the comment:

hmmm... if I check the C.d class attribute it seems to return the
descriptor instance object (not a field object) before any C instances have
been created. i guess this is just a part of how the dataclass
implementation works.

i didn't realize there's nothing "special" going on with descriptors here-
the descriptors "just work" by virtue of being set to the class attribute
at creation time. interesting.

maybe because of this descriptors should short-circuit the field creation
process entirely? that would be a shame though. having the option of
auto-including a descriptor in the class repr turns out to be very useful
and i'm already playing around with it in a project.

one idea: what if it there were a keyword argument to mark a field as a
descriptor, allowing tje descriptor to be set at type creation? this would
need to disallow init=True, i think. and setting a field default to a
descriptor class would then raise a type error.


"I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home
or actually going home." - Happy Chandler

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 6:47 AM, Eric V. Smith 

> Eric V. Smith  added the comment:
> I suppose I could, when overwriting the class member, check for
> inspect.ismethoddescriptor and call __set_name__ myself.
> --
> components: +Library (Lib)
> versions: +Python 3.8
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue33141>
> ___


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[issue33141] descriptor __set_name__ feature broken for dataclass descriptor fields

2018-03-25 Thread Rick Teachey

New submission from Rick Teachey :

Summary: The descriptor `__set_name__` functionality (introduced in Python 3.6) 
does not seem to be working correctly for `dataclass.Field` objects with a 
default pointing to a descriptor. I have attached a file demonstrating the 

Details: If I set a `dataclass` class object field to a `dataclass.field` with 
a descriptor object for the `default` argument, the descriptor's `__set_name__` 
method is not called during initialization. This is unexpected because 
descriptors themselves seem to work pretty much flawlessly, otherwise. 

(Bravo on that by the way! Working descriptors isn't mentioned at all in the 
PEP as a feature but I was very pleased to see them working!!)

System details:
Python 3.7b02
Windows 10
PyCharm Community Edition

btw this is my first ever Python bug report; I hope I did a good job.

files: broken__set_name__.py
messages: 314438
nosy: Ricyteach, eric.smith
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: descriptor __set_name__ feature broken for dataclass descriptor fields
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47499/broken__set_name__.py

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