[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2021-02-27 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor  added the comment:

What is the status of this issue?

nosy: +vstinner

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2019-08-13 Thread Ashwin Ramaswami

Ashwin Ramaswami  added the comment:

SafeTarFile does not pass the existing tests, mainly because the existing file 
Lib/test/tarfiletestdata/testtar.tar seems to be "unsafe", producing errors 
like these:

tarfile.SecurityError: : block device

tarfile.SecurityError: : duplicate 

It seems like the solution here is to remove block devices and duplicate names 
from testtar.tar. However, is this desirable -- do we need to keep these in for 
the tests for TarFile?

versions: +Python 3.9 -Python 3.8

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2019-08-12 Thread Ashwin Ramaswami

Ashwin Ramaswami  added the comment:

I've added a PR in which I'm working on adding in the tests. Wanted to make 
sure this is the approach you had in mind? It wasn't as simple as how tests are 
handled in, say, test_binascii.py, because over there there was only one class 
that handled the main test suite, while in this file, there are multiple.

nosy: +epicfaace

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2019-08-12 Thread Ashwin Ramaswami

Change by Ashwin Ramaswami :

pull_requests: +14965
stage: test needed -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/15244

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2019-06-01 Thread Jeffrey Kintscher

Change by Jeffrey Kintscher :

nosy: +Jeffrey.Kintscher

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2019-02-12 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat  added the comment:

> Is there any update on this? Will this be fixed in the next release?

There was progress made as described on this issue, but there is yet work to be 
done, and no-one seems to be taking this upon themselves at the moment.

I agree that it would be great to have this in 3.8.

versions:  -Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2019-02-08 Thread uhei3nn9

uhei3nn9  added the comment:

Is there any update on this? Will this be fixed in the next release?

Having a code execution vulnerability (yes it is!) in python for 5 years does 
not really spark confidence...

nosy: +uhei3nn9

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2019-02-06 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes  added the comment:

There is some new research on the topic, see 
and BPO #35909


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-10-10 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat  added the comment:

> Having said that, I am refactoring the tests right now since the test file is 
> ~3000 lines and adding SafeTarFile tests for every TarFile test is cluttering 
> it.

This must be done without adding much test code and with minimal changes to the 
existing tests.  That's why I referenced some existing places in our code where 
similar things are done in tests, please take a look at those.


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-10-09 Thread shashank

shashank  added the comment:

It won't exactly be drop-in replacement.

I mean if users decide to replace Tarfile with SafeTarFile, existing code may 
break since there might be cases where dodgy tarballs are acceptable and/or 
used then SafeTarFile.open will throw an exception.

Having said that, I am refactoring the tests right now since the test file is 
~3000 lines and adding SafeTarFile tests for every TarFile test is cluttering 


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-28 Thread R. David Murray

Change by R. David Murray :

nosy:  -r.david.murray

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-26 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat  added the comment:

shashank, you're making good progress on this!

The tests should also put SafeTarFile through all of the tests for TarFile, 
considering that it is being described as a drop-in replacement. You should 
look through the existing tests for other modules which do similar things for 
methods to implement this cleanly, e.g. Lib/tests/test_binascii.py and 


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-26 Thread shashank

shashank  added the comment:

Added tests.
Patch file: safetarfile-4.diff

Following works with 456 tests passed, after doing `make clean && make`
# ./python -m unittest -v test.test_tarfile

Attached patch is on top of master's commit:
commit 2aaf98c16ae3070378de523a173e29644037d8bd (HEAD -> master, origin/master, 
Author: INADA Naoki 
Date:   Wed Sep 26 12:59:00 2018 +0900

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47826/safetarfile-4.diff

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-18 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat  added the comment:

I am not a lawyer, but to the best of my understanding, using such tarballs 
would be fine.  Since Jakub's repo only provides code to generate archive files 
but doesn't include actual archive files, and the generation code is licensed 
via the MIT license, we are free to use the code to generate archive files, 
which would then not fall under the copyright of the author of the generation 
code (Jakub).


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-17 Thread shashank

shashank  added the comment:

I can't use Jakub's repo (or Makefile from that repo) directly because it 
relies on tar, which doesn't look like dependency for building Python. I can 
make similar tarballs but I am not sure how licensing will work. I can add 
tarballs for the cases I discovered. 

As of now, I'll move ahead with my version of tarballs and will change them for 
licensing requirement as needed before merging it to source code.

Would you prefer a PR over a patch?


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-16 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat  added the comment:

For one thing, the new diffs are still missing tests.

Tests should include, at the least:

1. *Safely* testing SafeTarFile against examples of problematic tarballs. 
Perhaps from Jakub's collection of "sly" tarballs could be used, assuming those 
could be licensed appropriately.
2. SafeTarFile should pass all of the normal TarFile tests.


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-14 Thread shashank

shashank  added the comment:

Figured a fix for the bug I found, trick was to keep track of current working 
dir of symlink it was trying to evaluate.

Attached patch: safetarfile-3.diff
Patch is for code only.

I'd like to see this go thorough, and would appreciate feedback.

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47803/safetarfile-3.diff

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-13 Thread STINNER Victor

Change by STINNER Victor :

nosy:  -vstinner

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-12 Thread shashank

shashank  added the comment:

1. I have done some changes to Lar's patch to address class of bugs which Jakub 
Attached patch safetarfile-2.diff 
Patch is for code only and is work in progress.

2. However, there maybe several edge cases which have not been covered. Going 
by types of bugs we want to catch:

  * Don't allow creating files whose absolute path is not under the
  * Don't allow creating links (hard or soft) which link to a path
outside of the destination.
  * Don't create device nodes.

I suspect there may be more so which haven't been mentioned yet, one of which I 
have listed below.

3. Now, on to patch, Safetar now tries to keep a list of symlinks it has seen 
so far and tries to figure effective path of current name which may use 
symlinks. This approach does address bugs found in Jakub's comment, details 
below, but when symlink's link has a symlink in it, there are cases which this 
impl. let slip.

For example:
# tar -tvf dirsym_rouge.tar
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2018-09-12 19:03 dirsym/
lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2018-09-12 18:39 dirsym/sym -> .
lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2018-09-12 19:02 dirsym/symsym3 -> 

This escapes the check since, given name "../dirsym/sym/../.." 
translates to "..", ideally this should have given relative link warning.
Above symlink is valid.

But for:
# tar -tvf dirsym.tar
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2018-09-12 18:44 dirsym/
lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2018-09-12 18:44 dirsym/sym -> .
lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2018-09-12 18:44 dirsym/symsym -> 

This fails with warning of relative link name, as expected.
given name "dirsym/sym/../.." translates to "../.."
However, the symlink points to invalid path which may or maynot be 

4. Regarding bugs reported by Jakub, following enumerates the effective name 
that gets computed by Safetar:

"/tmp/moo" translates to "/tmp/moo"

"//tmp/moo" translates to "//tmp/moo"

"tmp" translates to "tmp"
"/tmp" translates to "tmp"

"cur" translates to "cur"
"." translates to "."
"par" translates to "par"
"cur/.." translates to  ".."
"par/moo" translates to "../moo"

"cur" translates to "cur"
"." translates to "."
"cur/par" translates to "par"
".." translates to ".."
"par/moo" translates to "../moo"

"../moo" translates to "../moo"

"tmp/../../moo" translates to "../moo"

"moo" translates to "moo"
"/tmp/moo" translates to "/tmp/moo"

Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47800/safetarfile-2.diff

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-09-09 Thread shashank

shashank  added the comment:

A. Regrading Jakub's tests, I suppose the changes needed are to 
for every name in tar
i) find reasonable occurrence of symlink's name and replace it with smylink's 
ii) convert it to normal path and then check for relative / absolute paths

B. Jakub, are your tests exhaustive or there maybe some corner cases missing? I 
think we don't have tests for hardlinks, yet. Also I think, we will need tests 
for CHRTYPE, FIFOTYPE and BLKTYPE of tar's typeflag[0]

[0] http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/Standard.html

nosy: +shanxS

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-08-28 Thread Jakub Wilk

Jakub Wilk  added the comment:

I've tested Lars's patch against my collection of sly tarballs:

SafeTarFile defeated most, but not all attacks.
It still allows directory traversal for these two tarfile:


lrwxrwxrwx  cur -> .
lrwxrwxrwx  par -> cur/..
-rw-r--r--  par/moo


lrwxrwxrwx  cur -> .
lrwxrwxrwx  cur/par -> ..
-rw-r--r--  par/moo


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-08-27 Thread Philippe Godbout

Philippe Godbout  added the comment:

Lars, I think the suggested approach is great. Documentation for the tarfile 
class should be changed in order to direct user to the "safe" version with an 
relevant warning. A bit like what is done for PRNG safety.
As stated by Eduardo an optional "safe" parameter to opt into safe mode could 
also be an interesting approach.

nosy: +Philippe Godbout

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2018-08-27 Thread Tal Einat

Tal Einat  added the comment:

Lars, a huge +1 from me for your suggested approach and patch.  I'd like to 
work this into a review-ready PR.

The patch is a great step forward but still a ways from being ready for a PR: 
It is missing tests entirely and there are still several important methods of 
SafeTarFile which don't use the safety logic, e.g. next() and getmemebers().

Lars, would you be interested in continuing to work on this?

nosy: +taleinat
versions: +Python 3.8

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2017-03-10 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

Issue 29788 proposes an option to disable the vulnerability in the CLI

dependencies: +tarfile: Add absolute_path option to tarfile, disabled by default

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2016-09-24 Thread Larry Hastings

Changes by Larry Hastings :

nosy:  -larry

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2016-09-24 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

Issue 17102 is open about the specific problem of escaping the destination 
directory. Maybe it is a duplicate, but this bug also discusses other problems.

dependencies: +tarfile extract can write files outside the destination path

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2016-09-24 Thread Christian Heimes

Changes by Christian Heimes :

priority: normal -> high
versions: +Python 3.6, Python 3.7 -Python 3.5

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-06-11 Thread Jesús Cea Avión

Changes by Jesús Cea Avión j...@jcea.es:

nosy: +jcea

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-05-01 Thread Lars Gustäbel

Lars Gustäbel added the comment:

Let me present for discussion a proposal (and a patch with documentation) with 
an approach that is a little different, but in my opinion the most effective. I 
hope that it will appeal to all involved.

My proposal consists of a new class SafeTarFile, that is a subclass and drop-in 
replacement for the TarFile class and can be employed whenever the user feels 
the necessity.  It can be used the same way as TarFile, with the difference 
that SafeTarFile is equipped with a wide range of tests and as soon as it 
detects anything bad it interrupts the current operation with a SecurityError 
exception. This way damage is effectively averted, and it is up to the 
developer to decide whether he rejects the archive altogether (which is the 
obvious and recommended measure) or he wants to continue to process it in a 
subsequent step (on his own responsibility).

To simplify a few common operations, SafeTarFile has three more methods: 
analyze(), filter() and is_safe(). These methods will allow access to the 
archive without SecurityError exceptions being raised. The analyze() method is 
a kind of low-level iterator that produces each TarInfo object together with a 
list of warnings (if the member is bad) as a tuple. This gives a developer 
access to all the information he needs to implement his own more differentiated 
way of handling bad archives. The filter() method is a convenience method that 
provides an iterator over all the good members of an archive leaving out all 
the bad ones. It can be used as an argument to SafeTarFile.extractall() for 
example. is_safe() is a high-level shortcut method that reduces the result of 
the analysis to a simple True or False.

SafeTarFile has a variety of checks that test e.g. for bad pathnames, bad 
permissions and duplicate files. Also, to prevent denial-of-service scenarios, 
it enforces user-defined limits upon the archive, such as a maximum number of 
files or a maxmimum size of unpacked data.

The main advantage of this approach is the higher degree of security. The 
practice of rewriting paths (e.g. like in Daniel.Garcia's patch) is 
error-prone, has side-effects and is hard to maintain because of its tendency 
towards regression. It just adds another layer of complexity to an already 
complex and delicate problem.

SafeTarFile (or whatever it will be called) is backward compatible and easy to 
maintain, because it is an isolated addition to the tarfile module. It is 
easily subclassable to add more tests. It can be used as a standalone tool to 
check for bad archives and possible denial-of-service scenarios. Its analyze() 
method tells the user exactly what's wrong with the archive instead of keeping 
it away from him. Instead of silently extracting files to locations they 
weren't expected to be stored (i.e. after fixing their pathnames), 
SafeTarFile simply refuses to extract them at all. This way it is far more 
transparent and understandable to the user what happens.

Feedback is welcome.

assignee:  - lars.gustaebel
priority: release blocker - normal
versions:  -Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file35127/safetarfile-1.diff

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-04-26 Thread Eduardo Robles Elvira

Eduardo Robles Elvira added the comment:

Do we have any final decision on what's the best approach to solve this? I see 
some possibilities:

a) leave the issue to the library user. I think that's a not good solution 
security-wise as many will be unaware of the problem and this promotes code 
duplication for the fix. On the other hand, this does not change default 

b) fix the problem as proposed in the patch sent by Daniel. This makes the 
tarfile secure against this kind of attacks. It does change the behavior and 
doesn't allow to extract in arbitrary paths, though.

c) fix the problem so that by default extracting in arbitrary paths is not 
allowed, but allow somehow to do that optionally. This way we change the 
default behavior but provide an easy fix for those that depend on that 

d) do not change the default, but provide a well documented and easy  way to 
activate the safety checks that fix this kind of attacks. The advantage is that 
it doesn't change the default behavior, the disadvantage is that many people 
will have to modify their code to be secure, and that the default is not very 

For what is worth, I believe either b or c should be chosen to fix this issue.

nosy: +edulix

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-04-26 Thread Eduardo Robles Elvira

Eduardo Robles Elvira added the comment:

Also, I guess this patch solves and is closely related to #1044 which was, at 
the time (2007), considered not a bug.


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-04-23 Thread Jakub Wilk

Changes by Jakub Wilk jw...@jwilk.net:

nosy: +jwilk

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-04-17 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

Seems like shutil._unpack_tarfile() is affected. I guess it could at least do 
with one of those warnings in the documentation for make_archive().

The patch for this bug looks a bit over enthusiastic, for example 
skip_prefixes(blaua../stuff) would incorrectly strip the first bit and just 
return stuff.

It seems there might already be plenty of existing code to check for bad paths. 
Examples that come to mind:

* http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.translate_path()
* zipfile.ZipFile._extract_member()
* shutil._unpack_zipfile()

This code either ignores the bad path elements, or ignores the whole path. 
Perhaps some of it could be recycled into a common function somewhere, rather 
than implementing it all over again for tar files.

I have written my own function joinpath() to do this sort of checking, which 
you are welcome to use:


You would call it with something like joinpath(tarpath.split(/), osdir).

nosy: +vadmium

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-04-17 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Changes by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis arfrever@gmail.com:

nosy: +Arfrever

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-04-06 Thread Lars Gustäbel

Lars Gustäbel added the comment:

In the past, our answer to these kinds of bug reports has always been that you 
must not extract an archive from an untrusted source without making sure that 
it has no malicious contents. And that tarfile conforms to the posix 
specifications with respect to extraction of files and pathname resolution.  
That's why we put this prominent warning in the documentation, and I think its 
advice still holds.

I don't think that this issue should be marked as a release blocker, because 
the way tarfile currently works was a conscious decision, not an accident.  
tarfile does what it is designed to do: it processes a sequence of instructions 
to store a number of files in the filesystem. So the attack that is described 
by Daniel Garcia exploits neither a bug in tarfile nor a loophole in the tar 
archive format. A necessary condition for this attack to work is that the 
attacker has to trick the user into extracting the malicious archive first. 
After that, tarfile interprets the contained instructions word-for-word but 
still only within the boundaries defined by the user's privileges.

I think it is obvious that it is potentially dangerous to extract tar archives 
we didn't create ourselves, because we actually give another person direct 
access to our filesystem. tarfile could mitigate some of the adverse effects, 
but this will not change the fact that it remains unsafe to use tarfile to a 
certain degree unless you use it with your own data or take reasonable 

Anyway, if we come to the conclusion that we want to eliminate this kind of 
attack, we must be aware that there is a lot more to do than that. tarfile as 
it is today is vulnerable to all known attacks against tar programs, and maybe 
even a few more that rely on its specific implementation.

1. Path traversal:

The archive contains files names e.g. /etc/passwd or ../etc/passwd.

2. Symlink file attack:

foo links to /etc/passwd.
Another member named foo follows, its data overwrites the target file's 

3. Symlink directory attack:

foo links to /etc.
The following member foo/passwd overwrites /etc/passwd.

4. Hardlink attack:

Hardlink member foo links to /etc/passwd.
tarfile creates the hardlink to /etc/passwd because it cannot find it 
inside the archive and falls back to the one in the filesystem.
Another file named foo follows, its data overwrites /etc/passwd's data.

5. Permission manipulation:

The archive contains an executable that is placed somewhere in PATH with 
its setuid flag set, so that an unprivileged user is able to gain root 

6. Device file attacks:

The archive contains a device node foo with the same major and minor 
numbers as an attached device.
Another member named foo follows, its data is written to the device.

7. Huge zero file attacks:

Bzip2 and lzma allow it to store huge blobs of repetetive data in tiny 
archives. When unpacked this data may fill up an entire filesystem.

8. Excessive memory usage:

tarfile saves one TarInfo object per member it finds in an archive. If the 
archive contains several millions of members, this may fill up the memory.

9. Saving a huge sparse file:

tarfile is unable to detect holes in sparse files and thus cannot store 
them efficiently. Archiving a huge sparse file can take very long and may lead 
to a very big archive that fills up the filesystem.

Additionally, there are more issues mentioned in the GNU tar manual:


In conclusion, I like to emphasize that tarfile is a library, it is no 
replacement for GNU tar. And as a library it has a different focus, it is 
merely a building block for an application, and has to be used with a little 
bit of responsibility. And even if we start to implement all possible checks, 
I'm afraid we never can do without a warning in the documentation that reminds 
everyone to keep an eye on what they're doing.


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-04-06 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

Thank you Lars for your thorough reply.

While I agree that this isn't a release blocker, as it was clearly designed to 
behave this way... it seems to me that it wouldn't take much to make the 
tarfile module a lot safer.  Specifically:

  * Don't allow creating files whose absolute path is not under the
  * Don't allow creating links (hard or soft) which link to a path
outside of the destination.
  * Don't create device nodes.

This would fix your listed attacks 1-6.  The remaining attacks you cite are 
denial-of-service attacks; while they're undesirable, they shouldn't compromise 
the security of the machine.  (I suppose we could even address those, adding 
reasonable quotas for disk space and number of files.)

I doubt that would make tarfile secure.  But maybe practicality beats purity?


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-03-31 Thread Daniel Garcia

New submission from Daniel Garcia:

The application does not validate the filenames inside the tar archive, 
allowing to extract files in arbitrary path. An attacker can craft a tar file 
to override files.

I've view this vulnerability in libtar:
I've checked that python tarfile doesn't validate the filenames so python 
tarfile is vulnerable to this attack.

components: Library (Lib)
files: prevent-tar-traversal-attack.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 215222
nosy: Daniel.Garcia
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability
type: security
versions: Python 3.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file34676/prevent-tar-traversal-attack.diff

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-03-31 Thread Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia added the comment:

The solution in the patch is based on the gnutar solution to this, removing the 
prefix when extracting and adding.


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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-03-31 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

Setting as release blocker pending evaluation.

keywords: +security_issue
nosy: +benjamin.peterson, georg.brandl, larry, lars.gustaebel, ned.deily
priority: normal - release blocker
stage:  - test needed
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-03-31 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

It's a known and well-documented behavior of the tar module:


nosy: +christian.heimes

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-03-31 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 It's a known and well-documented behavior of the tar module

Would it possible to disable this behaviour by default, and only enable ti 
explicitly? The tar command line program has for example the -P / 
--absolute-paths option.

nosy: +haypo

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-03-31 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Yes, this behavior is documented, but still it is desirable to fix it. The tar 
utility has a lot of switches which controls extracting and by default it 
prevents three ways of attack (absolute names, '..' and symlinks), but there 
are other possible ways of attack. This is complex issue and I'm working on it. 
See also issue19974.

In any case we should be very careful because every protection against attack 
changes a behavior (which can be safe if you know what you do), so perhaps we 
should add parameters which controls behavior. This is possible only in new 
Python version.

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-03-31 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Note that any issues here should also be considered for zipfile and shutil.  
(Well, shutil can just use the other two once the security is available.)  See 
issue 20907.

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue21109] tarfile: Traversal attack vulnerability

2014-03-31 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Don't forget about SUID and SGID, too.


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