[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2020-12-01 Thread Irit Katriel

Irit Katriel  added the comment:

This is a python 2.7-only issue.

nosy: +iritkatriel
resolution:  -> out of date
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-07-14 Thread eryksun

eryksun added the comment:

> windll.python27._Py_ActivateActCtx would suffice 

It would instead be ctypes.pythonapi._Py_ActivateActCtx -- if the DLL exported 
a function with this name. ctypes.pythonapi is a PyDLL instance that wraps 

I think it would be more useful in general to add an "actctx" parameter to 
CDLL. Then make PyWin_DLLhActivationContext public in PC/dl_nt.c, and add it as 
sys.dllactctx. Example usage:

libc = CDLL('msvcr90', actctx=sys.dllactctx)

Along the lines of changing CDLL, it would also be nice to add a "flags" 
parameter and switch to using LoadLibraryEx. In comparison, POSIX users have 
easy access to the "mode" parameter (i.e. RTLD_LOCAL, RTLD_GLOBAL).


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-18 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

> Steve, since you haven't closed this issue, have you considered my suggestion 
> to export _Py_ActivateActCtx and _Py_DeactivateActCtx for use by C extensions 
> such as _ctypes.pyd? These functions are better than manually creating a 
> context from the manifest that's embedded in python27.dll because they use 
> the context that was active when python27.dll was initially loaded.

I'm always fairly slow to close issues - don't read too much into that :)

I don't see any value in exporting them for other C extensions, since they can 
also capture the initial context when they are loaded. They really need exports 
for Python. windll.python27._Py_ActivateActCtx would suffice and I wouldn't 
want to go any further than that - this is *very* advanced functionality that I 
would expect most people to get wrong.

Someone prepare a patch. I'm not -1 yet (and of course, I'm not the sole 
gatekeeper here, so one of the core devs who's still working on 2.7 can fix it 


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-18 Thread eryksun

eryksun added the comment:

> shapely's installation instructions from windows are to use 
> chris gohlke's prebuilt binaries from here: 
> http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/

Christoph Gohlke's Shapely‑1.5.9‑cp27‑none‑win_amd64.whl includes a version of 
geos_c.dll that has the VC90 manifest embedded as resource 2, just like 
python27.dll. The DLL also exports a GEOSFree function, which is what shapely 
actually uses. That said, the geos.py module still defines a global free() 
using cdll.msvcrt.free. As far as I can see, it never actually calls it. 
Otherwise it would surely crash the process due to a heap mismatch.

Steve, since you haven't closed this issue, have you considered my suggestion 
to export _Py_ActivateActCtx and _Py_DeactivateActCtx for use by C extensions 
such as _ctypes.pyd? These functions are better than manually creating a 
context from the manifest that's embedded in python27.dll because they use the 
context that was active when python27.dll was initially loaded.


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-16 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

> i assume he's coordinating the crt versions?  apparently a lot of people use 
> these.

So do I :)  He's definitely got access to the correct compiler versions, so I'm 
sure he's using them (via distutils/setuptools, which will always try to use 
the correct one).

> i'm not clear on why gohlke's stuff is necessary, and why pypi/pip/distutils 
> is not adequate

It's not necessarily easy to get exactly the right compiler, and since Python 
generally relies on old and outdated ones (because 2.7 lives forever and cannot 
change) people often need multiple versions installed at the same time.

pip+wheel is adequate once library developers publish wheels (or republish 
Gohlke's wheel of their library). pip+distutils is very fiddly.

> shapely is the only library i've run into that needed gohlke's binaries.  of 
> course, i didn't try to install numpy/scipy manually, the internet said that 
> this is hard on windows, and to just use something like winpython/pythonxy.  
> are these problems all related to this crt issue?

numpy and scipy are due to requiring a Fortran compiler. The Intel compiler is 
compatible with MSVC, but does not have a Free(tm) license, while gfortran 
(gcc) does and is not strictly compatible with MSVC (there are some MinGW forks 
that are very close though).

So in effect, yes, the fact that the CRT has to match in every pre-built binary 
is the problem (less of a problem on Linux because nobody ever imagines that 
the C runtime might be compatible, and so everyone needs a compiler all the 
time - therefore, compiling is easier than distribution, whereas on Windows 
distribution is easier than compiling ).


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-16 Thread erik flister

erik flister added the comment:

thanks a lot for the detailed info steve, very clearly stated!

> Yeah, geos_c.dll really should have exported its own free() function. 
> find_library('c') is probably the wrong approach here - if geos_c.dll is 
> being rebuilt with different CRTs at all then the free() function should be 
> added to it, and if it's truly legacy and is no longer being rebuilt then the 
> version of the CRT it uses should be loaded explicitly. It isn't 
> automatically getting the same version as whatever version of Python is 
> running, that's for sure.

well, shapely's installation instructions from windows are to use chris 
gohlke's prebuilt binaries from here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/

i assume he's coordinating the crt versions?  apparently a lot of people use 

i'm not clear on why gohlke's stuff is necessary, and why pypi/pip/distutils is 
not adequate -- shapely is the only library i've run into that needed gohlke's 
binaries.  of course, i didn't try to install numpy/scipy manually, the 
internet said that this is hard on windows, and to just use something like 
winpython/pythonxy.  are these problems all related to this crt issue?


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-15 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

> python-3.5b2 is linked against the newly introduced 'universal CRT', that is 
> without any doubt a SYSTEM LIBRARY. However, heap memory managment functions 
> and other functions are linked against VCRUNTIME140.dll instead of the 
> ucrtbase.dll. Is this the intended behavior? 

AFAICT, all of the "public" functions exported from vcruntime140.dll are also 
exported from api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll (which forwards to 
ucrtbase.dll), which would make them available as part of the stable ABI. I'm 
not sure why vcruntime140.dll has its own versions or why they are used in 
preference, but it may be to do with inlining or intrinsics.

vcruntime140.dll exists and is not guaranteed stable because it provides 
functionality that needs intimate knowledge of the compiler (stack unwinding, 
etc.). Those string APIs don't make much sense here, so I'd guess they're 
dependencies that had to be pulled in, and the linker may just be prioritizing 
those ones by accident.

I would not be at all surprised if MinGW had to replace vcruntime140.dll 
entirely. Nothing from ucrtbase.dll can depend on it, so replacing it is 
probably for the best. Then just link against either the ucrtbase.dll or the 
api-ms-win-crt-*.dll libraries.


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-15 Thread Carl Kleffner

Carl Kleffner added the comment:

> Windows itself is the primary user of msvcrt.dll. 
> A Windows 7 installation has over 1500 DLLs and over 
> 350 executables in System32 that depend on msvcrt.dll. 
> Windows developers such as Raymond Chen get a bit annoyed 
> when projects link directly with msvcrt.dll.

In case of mingw32 or mingw-w64 msvcrt linkage is the usual standard due to 
licensing reasons. The CRT has to be stated as a 'System' library, see 
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WindowsRuntimeAndGPL. This is case for 
msvcrt.dll only. VC runtimes can be linked as well, but this runtime DLLs 
should'nt deployed alongsinde with the application in this case.

As described above python binary extensions has to be linked against the very 
same VC runtime that is used for Python itself to avoid mixing runtimes in one 
application. Mixing is considered as evil, see 

An important question for Steve concerning python-3.5:

python-3.5b2 is linked against the newly introduced 'universal CRT', that is 
without any doubt a SYSTEM LIBRARY. However, heap memory managment functions 
and other functions are linked against VCRUNTIME140.dll instead of the 
ucrtbase.dll. Is this the intended behavior? 

The symbol memset: this symbol is exposed from ucrtbase.dll as well as 
vcruntime140.dll. Is it necessary to link python binaries against 
vcruntime140.dll as well, or is linkage against ucrtbase.dll sufficient?

nosy: +carlkl

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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-14 Thread eryksun

eryksun added the comment:

>> python's DLL already has the necessary "complete manifest," right?
> In theory yes, but apparently it isn't working in this case. It 
> needs more investigation to figure out why.

The manifest in the DLL is stored as resource ID 2. This secondary manifest is 
used by the loader to create a temporary activation context while python27.dll 
is loaded. Thus allows it to load msvcr90.dll. 

[python27!DllMain][1] stores the current activation context. This gets 
reactivated when loading extension modules. Thus when Python 2.7 is embedded, 
there's no problem loading extensions that depend on msvcr90.dll, such as 

If _Py_ActivateActCtx and _Py_DeactivateActCtx were exported, they could be 
called in [_ctypes!load_library][2]. That should solve this problem with using 
ctypes.CDLL('msvcr90') in embedded Python.

> Windows keeps shipping msvcrt.dll for backwards compatibility (for
> applications that rely on msvcrt.dll entirely - not piecemeal).

Windows itself is the primary user of msvcrt.dll. A Windows 7 installation has 
over 1500 DLLs and over 350 executables in System32 that depend on msvcrt.dll. 
Windows developers such as Raymond Chen get a bit annoyed when projects link 
directly with msvcrt.dll. See [Windows is not a Microsoft Visual C/C++ Run-Time 
delivery channel][3]. 

> Yeah, geos_c.dll really should have exported its own free() 
> function. 

Each CRT uses a private heap, so mismatching free() and malloc() from different 
CRTs is wrong. geos_c really should export a free() function. Actually, it 
really should have the user allocate data.

[1]: https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/15c95b7d81dc/PC/dl_nt.c#l79
[3]: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2014/04/11/10516280.aspx


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-13 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

> i'm not following why it's a special case, or why later versions wouldn't 
> have the same problem?

The Microsoft C Runtime 9.0 required an activation context to allow multiple 
versions to load side by side. This turned out to be more trouble than it was 
worth, and so version 10.0 removed that requirement.

> isn't this a problem for any DLLs that the embedding context may have loaded 
> that would conflict with DLLs that python depends on?

For any DLL that requires a version specification in the current activation 
context, yes. These are fairly rare, but if the DLL checks, then the context 
needs to be created for it. (MSVCRT 9.0 requires it and checks - hence the 
error when it isn't set up.)

> python's DLL already has the necessary "complete manifest," right?

In theory yes, but apparently it isn't working in this case. It needs more 
investigation to figure out why.

> what is the purpose of ctypes.cdll.msvcrt if no one is supposed to use it?

ctypes.cdll.msvcrt doesn't really exist - ctypes.cdll turns it into a 
LoadLibrary("msvcrt") call that works because Windows keeps shipping msvcrt.dll 
for backwards compatibility (for applications that rely on msvcrt.dll entirely 
- not piecemeal).

> there is also "import msvcrt" which is apparently a subset of what you get 
> from find_library('c'), so would need the same fix?

No, because this module is built into Python's DLL (and does properly 
conversion from Python types to C types, which occasionally differ from the 
ctypes conversions). If you've been able to load Python, these functions will 
be fine.

> what changed that avoids the problem?  perhaps that fix can be applied to 2.7?

Python 3.0-3.2 are also affected, but Python 3.3 and later use newer versions 
of the CRT that do not have the manifest requirement. It's been discussed in 
the past and has been decided that the official builds of Python will not 
change compiler version without a version bump (in this case, 2.7->2.8 would be 
required, but has been ruled out).

> innocent ol' me was just trying to import shapely from matlab - they call 
> find_library('c') and need the 'free' function.  i don't think they ever 
> malloc -- they depend on a geos_c.dll, which must do the allocations and is 
> built on whatever msvcrt was used for python?  probably a better design would 
> be for geos_c.dll to export its own free function?  but afaiu, geos_c.dll 
> comes from a totally different (more legacy?) project, not python related... 

Yeah, geos_c.dll really should have exported its own free() function. 
find_library('c') is probably the wrong approach here - if geos_c.dll is being 
rebuilt with different CRTs at all then the free() function should be added to 
it, and if it's truly legacy and is no longer being rebuilt then the version of 
the CRT it uses should be loaded explicitly. It isn't automatically getting the 
same version as whatever version of Python is running, that's for sure.

> uuid is the only case i can find in the standard libraries that also calls 
> find_library('c').

As I said earlier, I'm sure we'd accept a patch to uuid.py to avoid that call 
on Windows (or completely remove it - I was sure at one point that ctypes was 
considered off-limits for the stdlib). Everything ought to be going through 
"import msvcrt" or their own extension modules, and it sounds like they mostly 


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-13 Thread erik flister

erik flister added the comment:

> About the only possible solution here would be to special case ctypes to 
> detect msvcr90 as a parameter (later versions of the CRT don't need it) and 
> also whether another activation context already exists. We could also 
> document the need for a complete manifest in the embedding docs. 

i'm not following why it's a special case, or why later versions wouldn't have 
the same problem?  isn't this a problem for any DLLs that the embedding context 
may have loaded that would conflict with DLLs that python depends on?  python's 
DLL already has the necessary "complete manifest," right?  as long as CDLL does 
the proper context manipulations, client code shouldn't have to worry about 
whether it's running embedded, right?  

what is the purpose of ctypes.cdll.msvcrt if no one is supposed to use it?  
there is also "import msvcrt" which is apparently a subset of what you get from 
find_library('c'), so would need the same fix?

> All of this really only affects 2.7, as later versions of Python don't 
> necessarily suffer the same limitation (unless someone wants to load msvcr90 
> explicitly).

what changed that avoids the problem?  perhaps that fix can be applied to 2.7?

> What functionality do you need that you can't get some other way (such as the 
> msvcrt module)? Or is it just the uuid issue?

innocent ol' me was just trying to import shapely from matlab - they call 
find_library('c') and need the 'free' function.  i don't think they ever malloc 
-- they depend on a geos_c.dll, which must do the allocations and is built on 
whatever msvcrt was used for python?  probably a better design would be for 
geos_c.dll to export its own free function?  but afaiu, geos_c.dll comes from a 
totally different (more legacy?) project, not python related...  shapely is a 
dependency of the library i actually need, which also uses uuid.  uuid is the 
only case i can find in the standard libraries that also calls 
find_library('c').  manually changing those calls allowed me to successfully 
import everything from matlab.  ctypes and distutils also mention msvc* a lot, 
obviously...  getpass.py and multiprocessing and subprocess use "import msvcrt".


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-13 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

About the only possible solution here would be to special case ctypes to detect 
msvcr90 as a parameter (later versions of the CRT don't need it) and also 
whether another activation context already exists. We could also document the 
need for a complete manifest in the embedding docs. All of this really only 
affects 2.7, as later versions of Python don't necessarily suffer the same 
limitation (unless someone wants to load msvcr90 explicitly).

What functionality do you need that you can't get some other way (such as the 
msvcrt module)? Or is it just the uuid issue?


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-12 Thread erik flister

erik flister added the comment:

well i can confirm @eryksun's method works, so it's not a problem with how the 
manifest is included in the dll.  to me, the real issue is that 
ctypes.cdll.msvcrt and find_library('c') aren't correct.  the first returns 
something "old and unsupported," or "officially off-limits" (depending who you 
ask), and the second doesn't work when running embedded.  imho, both of them 
should use @eryksun's method to activate the dll's context, look in the 
included manifest, and return the msvcr* found there.  why isn't this the 
correct design?  why should every library have to reimplement the method just 
to allow running embedded, which they can't be responsible for knowing about?


Python tracker 

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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread erik flister

erik flister added the comment:



Python tracker 

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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

Ah, it can go into the DLL, and it's already there. The problem may be that 
there is conflicting information about which resource ID - 
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa374224(v=vs.90).aspx says it should 
be 1 while your link says 2.

python27.dll has the manifest as resource 2, so if that is incorrect, then that 
could be a reason why it's not working. (Looking at the search paths in that 
link above, there are other potential reasons if it's finding a compatible 
assembly in the MATLAB folder, but it sounds like that's not the case.)

I guess we need someone with the patience to go through and figure out exactly 
whether it should be 1 or 2. That person is not me, sorry.


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread erik flister

erik flister added the comment:

if it can't go into your .dll, what are libraries like shapely supposed to do?  
tell their users to do all this manifest stuff if they're running embedded?


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread erik flister

erik flister added the comment:

am i reading this wrong, that you can put the manifest into the .dll?


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

python.exe already has the manifest it needs, but it can't be embedded into 
python27.dll - it has to go into the exe file. That's why Python can't make it 
so that msvcr90.dll is loaded.

Depending on what you're using it for, the C Runtime may keep some state in 
between function calls. For things like string copying (with no locale) you'll 
be okay, but most of the complication stuff assumes that every call into the 
CRT is calling into the *same* CRT. When you load different CRTs at the same 
time (as is happening here already, or when you load mscvrt.dll directly), you 
have to be very careful not to intermix them together at all.

The most obvious example is open file handles. If you open a file with CRT 9.0 
(msvcr90.dll) and then try and read from it with CRT 6.0 (msvcrt.dll), you'll 
probably crash or at least corrupt something. The same goes for memory 
allocations - if CRT 9.0 does a malloc() and then CRT 10.0 does the free(), 
you're almost certainly going to corrupt something because they are not 

I suspect Mathworks is relying on people installing Python themselves so they 
don't have to redistribute it as part of MATLAB, which is totally fine, but you 
have to be prepared to deal with this situation. If they make their own build, 
they need to distribute it themselves (easy) and explain to people why numpy 
doesn't work anymore unless you use their special build of numpy too (ie. 
because it uses a different CRT).

Like I said initially, we would probably accept a patch for uuid.py to skip the 
CRT scan on Windows, and similar changes like that where appropriate. If you 
need to be able to load the DLL yourself, you either need to carefully consider 
how the functions you call may interact with other implementations/versions 
that may be loaded, or set up the manifest so you can load msvcr90.dll.


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread erik flister

erik flister added the comment:

thanks - i still don't understand tho.  if python would have to be recompiled 
to use a different crt, why wouldn't matlab?  if a manifest could fix matlab, 
why couldn't one fix python?

i ran into all this trying to get shapely to load in matlab, and using msvcrt 
instead of find_library('c') solved it there:

that solution seems so much easier than any of this manifest/sxs stuff -- but 
you're saying it's wrong?

sorry i'm slow, never dealt with any of this stuff before...


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

Python needs to be recompiled to use a different CRT, and that will break all 
existing extension modules (.pyd's). That said, in some situations it is the 
right answer, typically because existing extension modules would be broken 
anyway, but I don't think that applies here.

To load msvcr90.dll, you need to declare in your executable which version you 
want to use using a manifest. This enables side-by-side use of the CRT, so 
different programs can use different versions and they are all managed by the 
operating system (for security fixes, etc.). Otherwise, you get hundreds of 
copies of the CRT and they are likely to be lacking the latest patches.

A way to hack in the manifest is to put it alongside the executable. You could 
take the file from 
 and put it alongside the MATLAB executable as "matlab.exe.manifest" or 
whatever, which avoids having to get Mathworks involved, and that might allow 
you to load msvcr90.dll. If they've already embedded a manifest into the 
executable (which is very likely), then I don't know which one will win or what 
effects may occur if the original one is ignored.


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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread erik flister

erik flister added the comment:

> it would be better for MATLAB to embed the manifest in their host executable 
> if they're going to load the DLL directly.

can you help me understand?  as far as i could tell, we need python to use the 
msvcr*.dll that comes with matlab, not v/v.

it's hard (as a customer) to get mathworks (matlab's author) to do anything, 
but if the fix would best be done by them, they might listen to "official 
python muckity-mucks," especially since their python integration is relatively 
new...  no idea how to find out who to contact there though.


Python tracker 

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[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

msvcrt isn't the right version, it just happens to load. It's actually an old, 
basically unsupported version.

The problem would seem to be that Python 2.7 does not activate its activation 
context before loading msvcrt90 via ctypes. Eryksun (nosied - hope you're the 
same one :) ) posted a comment on the SO post with a link to a separate answer 
that shows how to do it, but it would be better for MATLAB to embed the 
manifest in their host executable if they're going to load the DLL directly.

We could probably also condition uuid to not do that check on Windows, since I 
don't think those functions will ever exist, at least against 2.7 they won't.

nosy: +eryksun

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue24429] msvcrt error when embedded

2015-06-11 Thread erik flister

New submission from erik flister:

normally, CDLL(find_library('c')) is fine.  but when running embedded in a 
context that uses a different runtime version, this will cause an error 

using ctypes.cdll.msvcrt apparently finds the correct runtime.  i was surprised 
by this, i thought this was supposed to be identical to find_library('c').

in any case, some libraries (uuid.py) use the one that breaks.  can you either 
switch everything to ctypes.cdll.msvcrt, or have find_library('c') change to be 
identical to it?

components: Library (Lib), Windows, ctypes
messages: 245162
nosy: erik flister, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: msvcrt error when embedded
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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