[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-15 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

David Ford (FirefighterBlu3) added the comment:
> @stinner your traceback suggestion was highly useful and much appreciated. i 
> have spent several dozen hours researching ResourceWarnings in the past and 
> tearing my hair out because the emitted warning was very much useless. i 
> couldn't even make educated guesses about the code as socket pairs were used 
> randomly.

So did I. Why do you think that I implemented this feature? :-D

> i strongly approve of mentioning the tracemalloc / traceback in the warning, 
> and i would also very much encourage saying "this filename:position could be 
> completely wrong" or do away with it all together.

I dislike removing filename:line information: in some cases, the
information is valid and helps to understand a warning.

Ok, let's go to add a line suggestion to enable tracemalloc. Is there
someone here interested to propose a pull request? It should only be
done in Python 3.7 and later 3.6, it's a new feature in Python 3.6.


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[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-15 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

The file position is often useful when the cleanup is deterministic. Example:

def f1():
file1 = open("/dev/null")

def f2():
file2 = open("/dev/null")
del file2  # ResourceWarning

f1()  # ResourceWarning at function exit

In the these cases, the line number can identify the affected code:

demo.py:8: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' 
mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  f1()  # ResourceWarning at function exit
demo.py:6: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' 
mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  del file2  # ResourceWarning


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[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-15 Thread David Ford (FirefighterBlu3)

David Ford (FirefighterBlu3) added the comment:

@stinner your traceback suggestion was highly useful and much appreciated. i 
have spent several dozen hours researching ResourceWarnings in the past and 
tearing my hair out because the emitted warning was very much useless. i 
couldn't even make educated guesses about the code as socket pairs were used 

i strongly approve of mentioning the tracemalloc / traceback in the warning, 
and i would also very much encourage saying "this filename:position could be 
completely wrong" or do away with it all together.


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[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-15 Thread David Ford (FirefighterBlu3)

David Ford (FirefighterBlu3) added the comment:

i quite understand the way objects can be associated with reference counts by 
using a, a.b, c=a.b, d=a, etc etc, and how they increase/decrease and when the 
GC can prune the objects. yes, the root issue is the unclosed web socket and 
i've already filed a bug with Twilio.


/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psycopg2/extras.py:314: ResourceWarning: 

/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psycopg2/extras.py:314 is unrelated to the 
resource in question. there is nothing in psycopg2 that can have any direct or 
indirect reference to the tcp/443 socket used by the twilio by any path in the 
code all the way back to glibc under python. nothing in psycopg2 and twilio 
down to _ssl/glibc have any associated references.

the reference link between the two is at best as vague as connecting the water 
in the garden hose to the condensation on the hot shower mirror.

the pg socket is created and used which will fetch a result that has no 
reference to the socket used by that query method. regardless, the socket is a 
completely different IP/port pair. there is nothing in the pool, connection, 
cursor, or query that will ever be used by twilio. psycopg2 has nothing to do 
with any of the http or httplib2 modules.

after the pgsql query is completed, the twilio module gets used. a new https 
socket is created. the only data every seen by the twilio module that has a 
reference to any objected created by the psycopg2 module is the r.delivery_id 
which is a UUID value derived from the pgsql database. it has no references to 
its parent chain of objects and the twilio module doesn't derive any objects 
from it.

to be more obtuse about it, if i replace the r.delivery_id with a quoted string 
i manually insert, the ResourceWarning is now logged against asyncio/events.py. 
the traceback is still the same. 

/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/events.py:126: ResourceWarning: unclosed 


this one happens to exist in the stack trace albeit even further up the call 

if the ResourceWarning is unable to emit an accurate file:pos, then it 
shouldn't print it at all and instead, use the stack print as mentioned by 
@STINNER. at least at this point, the developer has a legitimate stack to 
wander through and isn't going on a wild goose chase in an unrelated file.

i argue that printing a completely unrelated file:pos is definitely a bug. if 
it is likely to emit a wholly unrelated file:pos, it shouldn't be printed at 
all. unreliable information is just useless.


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[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-15 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

FYI the implementation of the ResourceWarning traceback was not as simple as I 
expected :-) I just wrote a blog post about, search for "ResourceWarning 
warnings now come with a traceback" in:


Python tracker 

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[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-15 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

The report issue is not a bug. By design, Python cannot emits the 
ResourceWarning warning where you expect that it should be emitted. Martin 
explained you the thing with reference counter, reference cycles and the 
garbage collector.

It is exactly *why* I implemented the glue with tracemalloc to provide the 
traceback where the socket was allocated. I'm very happy to see that this 
feature (the traceback using tracemalloc) works as expected!

By the way, the warning module might log a message suggesting to enable 
tracemalloc to get the traceback if tracemalloc is available but disabled? What 
do you think?

The root issue is that the code doesn't close the SSLSocket: fix the code to 
close the socket, no?

nosy: +haypo

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[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-15 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

You say that the line number is incorrect. What would you consider a correct 
line number to be?

Let me try again to explain my theory about garbage collection and reference 
cycles. Perhaps you have two objects a and b, linked such that a.x = b and b.y 
= a. This is a reference cycle. Suppose that the socket is also attached e.g. 
as the attribute a.socket. Even if all functions have deleted their references 
to a and b and the socket, the interpreter does not immediately realize that a 
and b (and therefore the socket) can be cleaned up and released from memory.

At some arbitrary point after everything has released its reference to a, b, 
and the socket, the interpreter will run the garbage collecter. It will pull 
apart the reference cycle, call the socket’s destructor, and trigger the 
warning. So I would expect that the line number that happened to trigger the 
garbage collector is indeed as reported. It is just not very useful in your 

Please try calling gc.collect() at some point before just before the line 
indicated in the warning. That should force the warning to be emitted as part 
of the garbage collector run, and indicate that was indeed the indicated line 
that was triggering the warning.

resolution:  -> not a bug

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-15 Thread David Ford (FirefighterBlu3)

David Ford (FirefighterBlu3) added the comment:

i do know what's causing it, it's the twilio module not cleanly finishing up. i 
pointed out my call to this in the initial description.

/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/httplib2/__init__.py:857: DeprecationWarning: 
key_file, cert_file and check_hostname are deprecated, use a custom context 
  check_hostname=disable_ssl_certificate_validation ^ True)
/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psycopg2/extras.py:314: ResourceWarning: 
  ts = super(NamedTupleCursor, self).fetchall()
Object allocated at (most recent call first):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/ssl.py", lineno 401
_context=self, _session=session)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/http/client.py", lineno 1400
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/httplib2/__init__.py", lineno 994
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/httplib2/__init__.py", lineno 1071
(response, content) = self._conn_request(conn, request_uri, method, body, 
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/httplib2/__init__.py", lineno 1321
(response, content) = self._request(conn, authority, uri, request_uri, 
method, body, headers, redirections, cachekey)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twilio/rest/resources/base.py", lineno 
resp, content = http.request(url, method, headers=headers, body=data)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twilio/rest/resources/base.py", lineno 
resp = make_request(method, uri, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twilio/rest/resources/base.py", lineno 
resp = make_twilio_request(method, uri, auth=self.auth, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twilio/rest/resources/base.py", lineno 
resp, item = self.request("GET", uri)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twilio/rest/resources/base.py", lineno 
return self.get_instance(sid)
  File "provider.py", lineno 524
msg = self._twilio.messages.get(r.delivery_id)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/events.py", lineno 126
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/base_events.py", lineno 1425
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/base_events.py", lineno 421
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/autobahn/asyncio/wamp.py", lineno 168
  File "provider.py", lineno 595

the socket is referenced by ip:port correctly and is coherent with the stack 
trace. nothing about the IP, socket, or stack trace, is related to the 
referenced file:position that is reported:

/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psycopg2/extras.py:314: ResourceWarning: 
  ts = super(NamedTupleCursor, self).fetchall()

the psycopg2 connection is against a completely different IP and on the 
standard pgsql port of 5432.

here's the snippet of psycopg2/extras.py:

313 def fetchall(self):
314 ts = super(NamedTupleCursor, self).fetchall()
315 nt = self.Record
316 if nt is None:
317 nt = self.Record = self._make_nt()
318 return list(map(nt._make, ts))

nothing at all between my pgsql database and twilio share any form of 
connection or socket and there are no similarly named variables, complex code 
paths, or global variables. the only object data which has any shared scope is 
the twilio message fetch using the ID fetched from the pgsql database. if this 
section of code is commented out, the resource warning vanishes.

msg = self._twilio.messages.get(r.delivery_id)

if i patch the involved calls in twilio so i can touch the socket object and 
close it such as:

class Response(object):
Take a httplib2 response and turn it into a requests response
def __init__(self, httplib_resp, content, url, http_obj):
self.content = content
self.cached = False
self.status_code = int(httplib_resp.status)
self.ok = self.status_code < 400
self.url = url
self.connections = http_obj.connections

(http_obj added which is an instance of httplib2.Http which has a property of 
.connections wherein sockets are cached)

then after modifying the twilio module to pass the Response object to me as 
well as the message resource, i can eventually in my code:

for r in rows:
resp, msg = self._twilio.messages.get(r.delivery_id)
errors[r.delivery_id] = r.recipient, msg.error_code, 

for k in resp.connections:

this closes all the cached sockets and ensures the ResourceWarning is never 
emitted. this messiness is another conversation however, the incorrect file:pos 
annotation for the ResourceWarning is the purpose of this bug.

the only way i can see this inaccurate message being presented as above, is if 
the resource warning code is not correctly tracking state inside GC runs. 

* psycop

[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-14 Thread Martin Panter

Martin Panter added the comment:

Without more information about what the relevant code is and why you think the 
line number is wrong, my best guess is you may not realize how the 
ResourceWarning is emitted. It happens when the garbage collector runs and 
destroys the socket object, which happens sometime after the last reference to 
the socket has been deleted. So the line number can be rather arbitrary, 
especially if it was a reference cycle that triggered the garbage collector.

If you are having trouble tracking down what socket is involved, the new 
“python -X tracemalloc=” option 
 may help. It saves stack 
traces when objects are created.

nosy: +martin.panter
stage:  -> test needed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29564] ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to unclosed socket

2017-02-14 Thread David Ford (FirefighterBlu3)

New submission from David Ford (FirefighterBlu3):

the following warning is incorrectly reported as initiated at 
psycopg2/extras.py:314, it actually occurs inside the Twilio python module.

/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psycopg2/extras.py:314: ResourceWarning: 
  ts = super(NamedTupleCursor, self).fetchall()
namedtuple_Record:19: ResourceWarning: unclosed 

This is the snippet of my code which makes the Twilio API call over https 
(noted by the >>> line).

# get failed/undelivered
with (yield from 
self.aiopg_pool.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor)) as c:
yield from c.execute(stmt_bad, (id,))
rows = yield from c.fetchall()

# make calls to twilio and fetch failure reasons
for r in rows:
>>> msg = self._twilio.messages.get(r.delivery_id)
errors[r.delivery_id] = r.recipient, msg.error_code, 

my tool uses crossbar.io's python-autobahn asyncio classes which do not use 
threading to my knowledge. psycopg2/pool.py does use threading. python-twilio 
does not use threading either.

messages: 287810
nosy: David Ford (FirefighterBlu3)
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ResourceWarning tracking is attaching incorrect file:position to 
unclosed socket
type: resource usage
versions: Python 3.6

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