[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-13 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Some results of the "add perturb shifted left 1 instead" approach.  These come 
from using an old pile of Python code I have that allows for easy investigation 
of different collision probe strategies.

- As expected, because it has no fixed points, there are no bad cases in a 
dict/set with only two elements, _unless_ you're searching for a third distinct 
element.  Ironically, if they all, e.g., have hash code -2, no problem at all:  
then 3 probes settle it.  But if they're "random" hash codes (hashes of strings 
are good enough for testing this), then every now and again it can take up to 
10 probes.  It all depends on accidents of how the various bits get fed in 
across perturb shifts.  However, with random hashes, searching for an element 
that's there never takes more than 2 probes in the new way (again because 
there's never a fixed point).  Under the current way I've seen it take as many 
as 6.

- On average, with random hashes and 2 elements in an 8-slot table, the average 
number of probes with a successful search fall from 1.07 to 1.06, and on an 
unsuccessful search from 1.33 to 1.30.  Theoretically ideal ("uniform hashing" 
- each object visits the slots in its own random permutation of slot order) are 

- Random hashes in an 8-slot table:  average # probes for successful and 
failing searches

1 entry
current 1.00 1.14
new 1.00 1.12
ideal   1.00 1.12

2 entries
current 1.07 1.33
new 1.06 1.30
ideal   1.06 1.29

3 entries
current 1.16 1.60
new 1.14 1.56
ideal   1.14 1.50

4 entries
current 1.27 2.00
new 1.25 1.93
ideal   1.23 1.80

5 entries
current 1.42 2.66
new 1.38 2.56
ideal   1.34 2.25 

Note:  those aren't typos ;-)  For example, if there's only 1 entry, how can it 
take more than one probe for a failing search?  Easy!  The first probe hits the 
only entry, it doesn't match, and so it takes a second probe to be sure the new 
element isn't present.  In a perfect world, that would happen 12.5% of the time 
(1 in 8).  But in the presence of fixed points ("current"), it can take _more_ 
than 2.  The most probes I saw in "current" was 6 (it hit the only entry 5 
times in a row).

- That account ends at 5 entries because we don't let an 8-slot table contain 
more than 5 entries.

- Small as those differences are, they get smaller for larger tables.  By the 
time we get to 1024 slots, three digits aren't enough to distinguish "current" 
from "ideal".  Even at 256 slots, it's just 1-or-2 ULP wobble.

So that's the good side:

- Eliminates the "surprises" in this bug report.

- For more realistic ordinary cases ("random" hashes), for small tables it buys 
small but very consistent reductions in average probes needed for both 
successful and failing searches.  It also, in general (but not spelled out 
above), cuts the rare longest probe chains.

The bad side:

- For small tables we're talking about nanoseconds regardless.

- That adding a new shift is "free" relies on that x86's LEA instruction 
supports implicitly shifting an addend, and on compilers exploiting that.

- Some cases will get worse.  That's just pragmatic fact.  The intuition here 
is that `perturb` is _trying_ to get high-order hash bits into play, and 
"current" gets 5 more into play on each iteration.  But "new" shifts perturb 
left 1 before adding, preventing them from having any effect at all on the last 
new bit.

This can have seemingly chaotic effects.  For example, with entries of the form 
i*1024 in a table with 2**13 slots and 5,461 entries ("full" - the most we 

current 3.09 5.52
new 3.22 4.78
ideal   1.65 3.00

So the change hurts successful lookups but helps failing ones.  For a full 
table with 16 slots, the reverse.  For a full table with 2**10 slots, it hurts 

Bottom line?  You tell me :-)  It's just not compelling to me either way.  If I 
were writing the code from scratch, I'd do it.  But because of seemingly 
chaotic effects talked about near the end above, there's always a danger _some_ 
code important to someone will take a hit.  It's just as true that their code 
will enjoy an unexpected speed boost, but nobody screams about those ;-)


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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-12 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Following up, at least under Visual Studio for x86 "it's free" to change the 
code to add in `perturb` shifted left.  The C source:

perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT;
i = (i*5 + (perturb << 1) + 1) & mask;

compiles to this, where I added comments relating the instructions to the 
source code:

lea rax,[r14+r14*4]  # rax = i*5
shr r12,5# r12(perturb) >>= 5
lea r14,[r12*2+1]# r14(i) = (perturb << 1) + 1
add r14,rax  # r14(i) += i*5
and r14,rbx  # r14(i) &= mask

Good job!  There are actually fewer machine instructions than C operators.

As noted, this change would eliminate the possibility of fixed points from the 
start, so would eliminate the symptoms in this specific bug report.

Which I don't much care about ;-)  But I _do_ care about that, in general, the 
early stages of collision resolution for small tables can "frequently" visit 
slots more than once.  This is true even if the hashes aren't identical.  And 
it would remain true even with the change (cycles can still exist - that there 
are no fixed points just means there are no more cycles of the minimum possible 
length 1).

Improving that is worth some effort, but not much.  In general, hash codes 
aren't identical, and in small tables redundant slot visits just cost the time 
to read the hash code from cache and re-deduce that it's not equal to what 
we're looking for (__eq__ isn't typically called).

In larger tables redundant slot visits in the early stages are too rare to care 

In small tables, it's worth something to guarantee that the first probe after a 
collision can't hit exactly the same slot again (in a random model, there's a 
12.5% chance of that happening now in the smallest tables - 12.5% is 1 in 8 - 
and this bug report contrived cases where the chance is 100% across a dozen 

Anyone up a for a world of tedious benchmarking? ;-)


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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-12 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

A more principled change would be to replace instances of this:

i = (i*5 + perturb + 1) & mask;

with this:

i = (i*5 + (perturb << 1) + 1) & mask;

The latter spelling has no fixed points.  That's easy to see:  `(perturb << 1) 
+ 1` is necessarily odd, and then `i*5 + ODD` is even when `i` is odd, and vice 

I had hoped that the time for a new shift could overlap with the multiply 
latency, but no such luck.  At least Visual Studio didn't multiply to begin 
with:  it first computes `i*4 + perturb` cheaply with a single LEA instruction, 
then adds 1 (INC), then adds in `i` again.

I expect it would be able to fold in a "free" shifted add of perturb with 
another LEA, so the latter spelling isn't necessarily more expensive.  But I'm 
generally loathe to increase operation counts relying on clever compilers to 
exploit processor-specific tricks.


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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-12 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Something that may be slightly worth pursuing:  in

j = (5*j + 1) % 2**power

to get a full-period sequence hitting every integer in range(2**power) exactly 
once, the multiplier (5) is a bit delicate (it has to be congruent to 1 mod 4), 
but the addend (1) only needs to be odd.  When the hash code has a long string 
of high-order 1 bits, the lower bits of `perturb` are all ones repeatedly 
across iterations, and a string of `power` one bits is congruent to -1 mod 
2**power, cancelling out the +1.

Which people stumbled into here:  all negative ints with small absolute value 
_do_ have a long string of high-order 1 bits (as did also my contrived 2**60 - 

If we changed the addend to, say, +3 instead, it would still be possible to 
contrive cases as bad, but you'd be unlikely to stumble into them by accident, 
and they would be sensitive to the value of `power` (the table's current size). 
 For example, for a table size of 8 (the smallest we use), only ints ending 
with bits 101 are congruent to -3 mod 8.  So maximally "bad" hash codes would 
be of the form (bits, where "x" is "doesn't matter", and grouped into chunks of 
PERTURB_SHIFT (5) bits from the right):

... xx101 xx101 ... xx101 xx101 x
Provided changing +1 to +3 didn't slow anything down (you never know until you 
try!), that would be fine by me.  But I'm not bothered by the current behavior, 
so I won't be pursuing it.


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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-11 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

[Tim Peters]
> I don't believe it's worth a single cycle, overall, to avoid it.

That makes complete sense.  Marking this one as closed.

Guido, thank for the high quality, reproducible report.

hongweipeng, thank you for the casual analysis.

nosy: +rhettinger
resolution:  -> wont fix
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-11 Thread Tim Peters

Tim Peters  added the comment:

Note that you can contrive similar cases with positive hash codes too.  For 
example, force both hash codes to 2**60 - 2.
The salient points are that 0 * 5 is congruent to 0 mod any power of 2, while 
-2 * 5 = -10 is congruent to -2 mod 8, so they're fixed points of the `i = 5*i 
+ 1 + perturb` iteration _given that_ perturb is congruent to -1 (so cancels 
out the +1) until enough shifts have been done to get 0 bits into the lowermost 
bits retained by the mask (in which case perturb is no longer congruent to -1, 
and so no longer cancels out the +1).  Since PERTURB_SHIFT is 5, on a 64-bit 
box it can take 13 shifts before `perturb` is entirely cleared.  As internal 
comments note, it's only _then_ that the recurrence is guaranteed to visit 
every slot exactly once.

I don't care.  It would be nice if it could guarantee to visit every slot 
exactly once from the start - which it _would_ do if we didn't use `perturb` at 
all.  But using `perturb` is extremely valuable for avoiding quadratic-time 
behavior in large tables in bad real cases.  The drawback is that it can stick 
in a fixed point for 13 shifts on a 64-bit box (7 shifts on a 32-bit box).  But 
that's the worst it can do, and it's rare.

I don't believe it's worth a single cycle, overall, to avoid it.

nosy: +tim.peters

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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-11 Thread hongweipeng

hongweipeng  added the comment:

More than -2, -1 -4 -8 -16 and -32 will cause many calls to __eq__.In 
`set_add_entry` use

perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT;
i = (i * 5 + 1 + perturb) & mask;
get the next index.In the example,mask is 7,perturb is -2. If i = 6, after 
execution, the value of i has not changed.We can do one more verification like:
do {
perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT;
} while (i == ((i * 5 + 1 + perturb) & mask));
i = (i * 5 + 1 + perturb) & mask;
Of course this requires tests.

nosy: +hongweipeng

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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-11 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Change by Serhiy Storchaka :

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-11 Thread Guido Imperiale

Guido Imperiale  added the comment:

Of course, the chances that in real life a custom object will have hash == -2 
are very small. Different story however is for the actual numbers -1 and -2:

In [2]: %timeit {-1, -3}

64.2 ns ± 1.41 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

In [3]: %timeit {-1, -2}

238 ns ± 5.64 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)


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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

Here's a possibly simpler version which nevertheless still shows multiple calls 
to __eq__ (in this case, only 6, not 13):

class C(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
return super().__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return -2

d = {-2, C()}

which outputs:

nosy: +steven.daprano

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[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-11 Thread Guido Imperiale

Guido Imperiale  added the comment:

Forgot a counter-example:

{C(1, 0), C(2, 0)}
C((1, 0)).__hash__
C((2, 0)).__hash__
C((1, 0)).__eq__(C((2, 0)))
{C((1, 0)), C((2, 0))}


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38105] hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__

2019-09-11 Thread Guido Imperiale

New submission from Guido Imperiale :

Take two objects where hash(a) == hash(b) == -2 exactly, but a != b,
When they are inserted in a dict or set, the __eq__ method is invoked a 
whopping 13 times.

Does this have something to do with the special case of hash(-1) = -2?

class C:
def __init__(self, x, h):
self.x = x
self.h = h

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other.x

def __hash__(self):
return self.h

def __repr__(self):
return f"C({self.x, self.h})"

>>> {C(1, -2), C(2, -2)}
C((1, -2)).__hash__
C((2, -2)).__hash__
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((2, -2)))
{C((1, -2)), C((2, -2))}

>>> {C(1, -3), C(1, -3)}
C((1, -3)).__hash__
C((1, -3)).__hash__
C((1, -3)).__eq__(C((1, -3)))
{C((1, -3))}

>>> {C(1, -1), C(1, -1)}
C((1, -1)).__hash__
C((1, -1)).__hash__
C((1, -1)).__eq__(C((1, -1)))

>>> {C(1, -2), C(1, -2)}
C((1, -2)).__hash__
C((1, -2)).__hash__
C((1, -2)).__eq__(C((1, -2)))
{C((1, -2))}

messages: 351798
nosy: crusaderky
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: hash collision when hash(x) == -2 causes many calls to __eq__
type: performance
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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