[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2022-01-28 Thread Jacob Walls

Change by Jacob Walls :

nosy: +jacobtylerwalls
nosy_count: 6.0 -> 7.0
pull_requests: +29183
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/30832

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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-09-10 Thread paul j3

Change by paul j3 :

Removed message: https://bugs.python.org/msg401554

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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-09-10 Thread paul j3

paul j3  added the comment:



it looked like `exit_on_error` does not work when using subparsers.  On on 
further thought, I realized that it has to included in the definition of the 
subparser.  As with other `ArgumentParser` parameters, the subparsers does not 
inherit from the main parser.  

So it's basically a documentation issue.  The `add_parser` method is described 
briefly as:

 which takes a command name and any ArgumentParser constructor 
 arguments, and returns an ArgumentParser object that can be 
 modified as usual.

But as my experience shows, its relevance is easily missed, even by an 
experienced users.


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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-09-09 Thread paul j3

paul j3  added the comment:



we found that `exit_on_error` does not work when the error occurs in a 

Unless someone wants to take time to get this right, I think this feature 
should be removed.  It's too buggy.


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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-07-22 Thread Josh Meranda

Change by Josh Meranda :

pull_requests: +25838
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/27295

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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-07-21 Thread Josh Meranda

Josh Meranda  added the comment:

I agree with Bigbird and paul.j3.

> But I think this is a real bug in argparse, not a documentation problem.

> Off hand I can't think of clean way of refining the description without 
> getting overly technical about the error handling.

It seems like a reasonable conclusion to make that, "If the user would like to 
catch errors manually, the feature can be enabled by setting exit_on_error to 
False" indicates that wrapping any call to parser.parse_args() or 
parser.parse_known_args() will catch any known error that may raised. So 
outside of adding the workaround of subclassing ArgumentParser to the 
documentation, this probably needs a patch to the code.

Any solution will probably also need to implement a new error type to be able 
to handle these cases since they can be caused by multiple arguments being 
included / excluded, which is not something that ArgumentError can adequately 
describe by referencing only a single argument. Something like:

class MultipleArgumentError(ArgumentError):

def __init__(self, arguments, message):
self.argument_names = filter([_get_action_name(arg) for arg in 
arguments], lambda name: name)
self.message = message

def __str__(self):
if self.argument_names is None:
format = '%(message)s'
format = 'argument %(argument_names): %(message)s'
return format % dict(message=self.message,
 argument_names=', '.join(self.argument_name))

I'm not sure I like the idea of changing the exit or error methods since they 
have a a clear purpose and don't need to be repurposed to also include error 
handling. It seems to me that adding checks to self.exit_on_error in 
_parse_known_args to handle the missing required arguments and in parse_args to 
handle unknown arguments is probably a quick and clean solution.

nosy: +joshmeranda
versions: +Python 3.9 -Python 3.10

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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2021-06-22 Thread Peter V

Peter V  added the comment:

I'm new to Python bugtracker and I may misunderstand the discussion. But I 
think this is a real bug in argparse, not a documentation problem.

My usecase was that I wanted to add argparse to a GUI application where print 
and exit is a wrong option. So I set 
`argparse.ArgumentParser(exit_on_error=False)` but I failed with that, system 
exited whatever I tried. Exit in this case is not an option, I expected a 
dedicated exception after that. 

Digging a bit deeper I found that I can create a custom class and overwrite the 
`ArgumentParser.exit(status=0, message=None)` but still, as a simple user of 
the standard library why should I do that?

This would be a minimalist example how this can be solved in argparse code:

def exit(self, status=0, message=None):
if message:
self._print_message(message, _sys.stderr)
if self.exit_on_error:
raise ArgumentError(...)

But considering GUI or interactive usage this is still not enough, sys.stdout 
and sys.stderr is written, that do not exists in GUI case, so these parts also 
need some re-design.

nosy: +bigbird

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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-10 Thread paul j3

paul j3  added the comment:

The docs could change 

"catch errors manually"


"catch ArgumentError manually"

But while 'argparse.ArgumentError' is imported, it is not documented. We have 
to study the code to learn when it is raised.  

Its class def:

def __init__(self, argument, message):

shows it's tied to a specific 'argument', an Action object.  Most commonly it 
is produced by reraising a ValueError, TypeError or ArgumentTypeError during 
the check_values step.

Unrecognized arguments, and missing required arguments errors aren't produced 
while processing an argument, but rather while checking  things after parsing.  
So they can't raise an ArgumentError, and aren't handled by this new parameter.

I found a old issue that discusses this https://bugs.python.org/issue9938,  

There wasn't much discussion about the scope of this change, or about the 
documentation wording.  My only comment was in 2013, 

Until we iron out the wording I think this patch should be reverted.

While exploring other problems, I thought it would be a good idea of refactor 
parse_known_args and _parse_known_args.  Specifically I'd move the 'required' 
testing and self.error() calls out of _parse_known_args, allowing a developer 
to write their own versions of parse_known_args.  The goal was to make it 
easier to test for mixes of seen and unseen arguments.  

In light of the current issue, we might want to look into consolidating all (or 
at least most) of the calls to self.error() in one function.  Until then, the 
documented idea of modifying the error() method itself is the best 
user/developer tool, 


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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-09 Thread paul j3

paul j3  added the comment:

For custom handling of unrecognized arguments, use parser_known_args().  You 
don't need this new parameter.


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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-09 Thread paul j3

paul j3  added the comment:

I didn't pay attention to the patch that added this "exit_on_error" parameter.  
So I don't know exactly what error handling it was supposed to handle or why.  
But given the location of the code change, it does not handle every possible 

Specifically it's  in parser.parse_known_args() where it calls 
_parse_known_args().  With this parameter True, a argparse.ArgumentError is 
caught and converted to parse.error() call.  That's the original behavior.

With False, there's no special handling for ArgumentError.  Catching that is 
left to the developer, as illustrated in the docs.

In the documented example, it's a 'type' error. 'choices' would also behave 
this way. 'nargs' errors also.  But not all errors are handled like this.

Inside _parse_known_args(), `self.error()` is called several times, once for 
'required' arguments failure, and for a required mutually_exclusive_group 
error.  I count 9 self.error() calls; exit_on_error only changes one of those.

The error highlighted in this issue is called in parser.parse_args().  This 
calls parse_known_args(), and raises an error if there are 'extras', 
unrecognized strings.

So clearly the new docs is is describing this new parameter in overly broad 
terms.  It only changes the handling of a subset of parser.error() calls.  Off 
hand I can't think of clean way of refining the description without getting 
overly technical about the error handling.

Developers already had the documented option of changing the parse.error() and 
parse.exit() methods.


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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-09 Thread Matthew Hughes

Matthew Hughes  added the comment:

I've attached a patch containing tests showing the current behavior, namely 
that exit_on_error does not change the behavior of 
argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args in either case:

* An unrecognized option is given
* A required option is not given

Should the docs be updated to note this?

keywords: +patch
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file49310/exit_on_error_tests.patch

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[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-09 Thread Matthew Hughes

Matthew Hughes  added the comment:

> typo in the docs that it should have used enabled instead of enable

Well spotted, I'll happily fix this up.

> I guess the docs by manually mean that ArgumentError will be raised when 
> exit_on_error is False that can be handled.

To be clear, in this case, even with exit_on_error=False, ArgumentError is 
_not_ being raised, but SystemExit is.

versions:  -Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-09 Thread Karthikeyan Singaravelan

Karthikeyan Singaravelan  added the comment:

I guess the docs by manually mean that ArgumentError will be raised when 
exit_on_error is False that can be handled. By default with exit_on_error being 
True self.error() which raises SystemExit and catching SystemExit can mask 
other errors. This was added in bpo-9938 with GH-15362. There is also a typo in 
the docs that it should have used enabled instead of enable in "the feature can 
be enable by setting exit_on_error to False"

nosy: +paul.j3, rhettinger, xtreak
versions: +Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41255] Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False

2020-07-09 Thread Matthew Hughes

New submission from Matthew Hughes :

>>> import argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(exit_on_error=False)
>>> parser.parse_args(["--unknown"])
usage: [-h]
: error: unrecognized arguments: --unknown

The docs https://docs.python.org/3.10/library/argparse.html#exit-on-error say:

> Normally, when you pass an invalid argument list to the parse_args() method 
> of an ArgumentParser, it will exit with error info.
> If the user would like catch errors manually, the feature can be enable by 
> setting exit_on_error to False:

This description _appears_ to be at odds with the observed behavior.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 373382
nosy: mhughes
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Argparse.parse_args exits on unrecognized option with exit_on_error=False
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10

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