[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-03-14 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:


stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-03-14 Thread Andrew Svetlov

Andrew Svetlov  added the comment:

I think we should close the PR now.
I'm open to the discussion resurrection in Python 3.12 or 3.13, when aiotools 
implementation will be battle-tested.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-03-06 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

I have released the new version of aiotools with rewritten TaskGroup and 


aiotools.TaskGroup has small additions to asyncio.TaskGroup: a naming API and 
`current_taskgroup` context variable.

aiotools.PersistentTaskGroup is what I've described here, highlighting both 
async-with usage and long-lived object usage and `all_ptaskgroups()` 
classmethod for the monitoring purpose except the two-phase graceful shutdown 
(future TODO).


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-27 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

I have updated the PersistentTaskGroup implementation referring 
asyncio.TaskGroup and added more detailed test cases, which works with the 
latest Python 3.11 GitHub checkout.


Please have a look at the class docstring.
There are two different usage: async context manager vs. attributes of 
long-lived objects.

One of the point is to "revive" asyncio.gather() with return_exceptions=True 
but let it handle/report exceptions immediately with customizable exception 

Currently two-phase shutdown is not implemented yet as I'm still thinking about 
how to adapt the current implementation.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-25 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

Short summary:

PersistentTaskGroup shares the followings from TaskGroup:
- It uses WeakSet to keep track of child tasks.
- After exiting the async context manager scope (or the shutdown procedure), it 
ensures that all tasks are complete or cancelled.

PersistentTaskGroup differs in that:
- It keeps running after all tasks successfully finish unless it is explicitly 
shutdown or the parent task is cancelled.
- It is one of the main use cases that shutdown() method is called separately.  
The shutdown procedure may be triggered from different task contexts.
- It provides two-phase cancellation with a configurable grace period.
- It does not propagate unhandled exceptions and cancellations from child tasks 
to the outside of the task group and sibling tasks but calls a customizable 
fallback exception handler. -> This could be done without modifying TaskGroup.

The API looks similar to TaskGroup with minor modification.
The semantics of a PersistentTaskGroup more resembles a nested event loop, in 
that it has its own set of tasks, it keeps running until closed, and it has its 
own fallback exception handler.

Note that current aiotools implementation lacks many details, such as two-phase 
cancellation.  I'm going to implement more soon.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-25 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

> And just a question: I'm just curious about what happens if belonging tasks 
> see the cancellation raised from their inner tasks.  Sibling tasks should not 
> be cancelled, and the outer task group should not be cancelled, unless the 
> task group itself has requested cancellation.  Could the new cancellation 
> counter help this?

To achieve this by distinguishing cancellation from inner/outer tasks, 
TaskGroup._on_task_done() should be modified to skip setting _on_completed_fut 
because it should keep running.  Swallowing exceptions in child tasks can be 
done without modifying TaskGroup, but this part requires changes of TaskGroup.

Another difference is the usage.  Instead of relying on the async context 
manager interface, we would call "TaskGroup.shutdown()" separately from either 
directly in signal handlers or from cleanup methods of long-lived objects that 
have task groups as attributes.

And I also want to perform two-phase cancellation: instead of cancelling all 
tasks immediately as in current _abort(), have a configurable grace period 
until they have chances to complete and then cancel with additional timeout on 
cancellation itself to prevent hangs.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-25 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

> As for errors in siblings aborting the TaskGroup, could you apply a wrapper 
> to the scheduled coroutines to swallow and log any errors yourself?

Yes, this could be a simplest way to implement PersistentTaskGroup if TaskGroup 
supports "persistent" option to keep it running.

And just a question: I'm just curious about what happens if belonging tasks see 
the cancellation raised from their inner tasks.  Sibling tasks should not be 
cancelled, and the outer task group should not be cancelled, unless the task 
group itself has requested cancellation.  Could the new cancellation counter 
help this?


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-25 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

Good to hear that TaskGroup already uses WeakSet.

When all tasks finish, PersistentTaskGroup should not finish and wait for 
future tasks, unless explicitly cancelled or shutdown.  Could this be also 
configured with asyncio.TaskGroup?

I'm also ok with adding a simple option for such behavior to asyncio.TaskGroup 
instead of adding a whole new API/class.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-25 Thread Tin Tvrtković

Tin Tvrtković  added the comment:

The asyncio TaskGroup already uses a WeakSet for its children, so it's suitable 
for long-lived use.

As for errors in siblings aborting the TaskGroup, could you apply a wrapper to 
the scheduled coroutines to swallow and log any errors yourself?

Apart from the timeouts, that should get you a long way towards what you're 


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-25 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

(FWIW I would close this issue but I'll wait to see if @asvetlov has something 
to add.)


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-25 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

The implementation of asyncio.TaskGroup isn't all that complicated (and the new 
"cancel count" API helps). I recommend that you build one that satisfies your 
requirements yourself, or convince the authors of some other package like 
Quattro or aiotools to provide variations.

nosy: +tinchester

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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

Anoter case:


When shutting down the application, I'd like to explicitly cancel the shielded 
tasks, while keep them shielded before shutdown.

So I inserted `ptaskgroup.create_task()` inside `asyncio.shield()`, so that the 
tasks are not cancelled upon the cancellation of their callers but they get 
cancelled when the server shuts down.

This pattern is conveniently implemented with PersistentTaskGroup.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

Here is one another story.

When handling message queues in distributed applications, I use the following 
pattern frequently for graceful shutdown:
* Use a sentinel object to signal the end of queue.
* Enqueue the sentinel object when:
  - The server is shutting down. (i.e., cancelled explicitly)
  - The connection peer has sent an explicit termination message. (e.g., EOF)
* Wait until all enqueued messages before the sentinal object to be processed.
  - I'd like to impose a shutdown timeout on here using a persistent task 
group, by spawning all handler tasks of this queue into it.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

I ended up with the following conclusion:
- The new abstraction should not cancel sibling tasks and itself upon unhandled 
execption but loudly report such errors (and the fallback error handler should 
be customizable).
- Nesting task groups will give additional benefits such as orderly shutdown of 
different task groups.  Empty up message queues before shutting down netweork 
connections, etc.

You may take my suggestion as "let's have a hierarchical nested virtual event 
loops to group tasks".  PersistentTaskGroup actually shares many 
characteristics with the event loop while itself is not an event loop.

So I came up with WeakSet with task decorators to handle exceptions by my own, 
and this is the current rudimentary implementation of PersistentTaskGroup in 

And I discovered from the additional search results that the same pattern 
---managing sporadic tasks using WeakSet and writing a proper cancellation loop 
of them---appear quite commonly in many different asyncio applications and 

So that's why I think this should be an intrinsic/essential abstraction.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

This particular experience, 
https://github.com/lablup/backend.ai-agent/pull/331, has actually motivated me 
to suggest PersistentTaskGroup.

The program subscribes the event stream of Docker daemon using aiohttp as an 
asyncio task, and this should be kept running throughout the whole application 
lifetime.  I first applied aiotools.TaskGroup to ensure shutdown of spawned 
event handler tasks, but I missed that it cancels all sibling tasks if one of 
the spawned tasks bubbles up an unhandled exception.  This has caused silent 
termination of the subscriber task and led to a bug.  We could debug this issue 
by inspecting aiomonitor and checking the existence of this task.  After this 
issue, I began to think we need a proper abstraction of a long-running task 
group (NOTE: the task group is long-running.  The lifetime of internal tasks 
does not matter).

Another case is that https://github.com/lablup/backend.ai/issues/330.

One of our customer site has suffered from excessive CPU usage by our program.  
We could identify the issue by aiomonitor, and the root cause was the 
indefinite accumulation of peridoically created asyncio tasks to measure the 
disk usage of user directories, when there are too many files in them.  Since 
the number of tasks have exceeded 10K, it was very difficult to group and 
distinguish individual asyncio tasks in aiomonitor.  I thought that it would be 
nice if we could group such tasks into long-running groups and view task 
statistics separately.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

@gvanrossum As you mentioned, the event loop currently plays the role of the 
top-level task group already, even without introducing yet another top-level 
task.  For instance, asyncio.run() includes necessary shutdown procedures to 
cancel all belonging unfinished tasks and async generators.

However, I think we should provide an abstraction to organize the shutdown 
procedures in a *hierarchical* manner.  For example, we could cancel all event 
handler tasks before cancelling all HTTP handler tasks upon a web server 
shutdown.  This prevents any potential races between theses two different task 
sets.  I think you could agree with the necessity of orderly release of 
underlying resources during shutdown in general.  Currently 
asyncio.Task.all_tasks() is just a list created from WeakSet and we cannot 
guarantee which tasks will be cancelled first.

Yes, this can be done by manually writing codes to declare multiple WeakSets 
and a for-loop to cancel the contained tasks by enumerating over them, just 
like asyncio.run() does.  With the new addition of TaskGroup and 
ExceptionGroup, this code does not require core changes of Python.

But I believe that this hierarchical persistent task group abstraction should 
be an essential part of the API and asyncio tutorials when writing server 
applications.  asyncio.run() could be written by users, but I think the core 
devs have agreed with that it is an essential abstraction to be included in the 
stdlib.  I'd like argue that hierarchical persistent task groups is the same 

Though I named it "PersistentTaskGroup" because it looks similar to TaskGroup, 
but this name may be misleading.  In PersistentTaskGroup, even when all tasks 
finish successfully, it does NOT terminate but keeps waiting for new tasks to 
be spawned.  It terminates only when the outer task is cancelled or its 
shutdown() method is called.  Note that belonging tasks may be either 
short-running or long-running, and this does not matter.  The point is to 
shutdown any remaining tasks in an orderly manner.  If you don't like the 
naming, please suggest alternatives.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum  added the comment:

Could you just have a global task group that owns these long-running tasks? It 
could be embedded in a "toplevel" task that is created using 
asyncio.create_task() (which won't be deprecated). To shut down all 
long-running tasks at the end, just cancel that toplevel task.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

@yselivanov @asvetlov
I think this API suggestion would require more refining and discussion in 
depths, and probably it may be better to undergo the PEP writing and review 
process.  Or I might need to have a separate discussion thread somewhere else 
(maybe discuss.python.org?).

Since I'm just a newbie in terms of Python core/stdlib development, could one 
of you guide me with what you think as the right way?


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

Some search results from cs.github.com with the input "asyncio task weakset", 
which may be replaced/simplified with PersistentTaskGroup:



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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

Example use cases:

* Implement an event iteration loop to fetch events and dispatch the handlers 
depending on the event type (e.g., WebSocket connections, message queues, etc.)
  - https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/pull/2885
  - https://github.com/lablup/backend.ai-manager/pull/533
  - https://github.com/lablup/backend.ai-agent/pull/341
  - https://github.com/lablup/backend.ai-agent/pull/331
* Separate monitoring of event handler tasks by the event sources.
  - aiomonitor extension to count currently ongoing tasks and extract the most 
frequent task stack frames
* Separate the fallback exception handlers by each persistent task group, 
instead of using the single "global" event loop exception handler.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

I think people may ask "why in stdlib?".

My reasons are:
 - We are adding new asyncio APIs in 3.11 such as TaskGroup, so I think it is a 
good time to add another one, as long as it does not break existing stuffs.
 - I believe that long-running task sets are equally representative use-case 
for real-world asyncio applications, particularly for servers.  Why not to have 
intrinsic support for them?
 - PersistentTaskGroup is going to be universally adopted throughout my 70+K 
LoC asyncio codebase, for instance, in every aiohttp.Application context, 
plugin contexts and modules, etc.

Of course, the name "PersistentTaskGroup" may look quite long, and I'm 
completely open with alternative suggestions.  I also welcome suggestions on 
changes to its functional semantics based on your experience and knowledge.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-24 Thread Joongi Kim

Joongi Kim  added the comment:

So I have more things in mind.

Basically PersistentTaskGroup resemble TaskGroup in that:
 - It has the same "create_task()" method.
 - It has an explicit "cancel()" or "shutdown()" method.
 - Exiting of the context manager means that all tasks of it have either 
completed or cancelled.

TaskGroup is intended to be used for a short-lived set of tasks, while 
PersistentTaskGroup is intended for a long-running set of tasks though 
individual tasks may be short-lived.  Thus, adding globally accessible 
monitoring facility for plain TaskGroup would not be that useful.  In contrast, 
it is super-useful to have a monitoring feature in PersistentTaskGroup!

In aiomonitor, we can enumerate the currently running asyncio tasks by reading 
asyncio.Task.all_tasks().  This has saved my life several times when debugging 
real-world server applications.  I think we can go further by having 
asyncio.PersistentTaskGroup.all_task_groups() which works in the same way.  If 
we make different modules and libraries to use different persistent task 
groups, then we could keep track of their task statistics separately.


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[issue46843] PersistentTaskGroup API

2022-02-23 Thread Joongi Kim

New submission from Joongi Kim :

I'm now tracking the recent addition and discussion of TaskGroup and 
cancellation scopes. It's interesting! :)

I would like to suggest to have a different mode of operation in 
asyncio.TaskGroup, which I named "PersistentTaskGroup".

AFAIK, TaskGroup targets to replace asyncio.gather, ensuring completion or 
cancellation of all tasks within the context manager scope.

I believe that a "safe" asyncio application should consist of a nested tree of 
task groups, which allow us to explicitly state when tasks of different 
purposes and contexts terminate.  For example, a task group for database 
transactions should be shutdown before a task group for HTTP handlers is 

To this end, in server applications with many sporadically spawned tasks 
throughout the whole process lifetime, there are different requirements for a 
task group that manages such task sets.  The tasks should *not* be cancelled 
upon the unhandled exceptions of sibling tasks in the task group, while we need 
an explicit "fallback" exception handler for those (just like 
"return_exceptions=True" in asyncio.gather).  The tasks belong to the task 
group but their references should not be kept forever to prevent memory leak 
(I'd suggest using weakref.WeakSet).  When terminating the task group itself, 
the ongoing tasks should be cancelled.  The cancellation process upon 
termination may happend in two phases: cancel request with initial timeout + 
additional limited waiting of cancellations.  (This is what Guido has mentioned 
in the discussion in bpo-46771.)

An initial sketch of PersistentTaskGroup is on aiotools:
Currently has no two-phase cancellation because it would require Python 3.11 
with asyncio.Task.uncancel().

As Andrew has left a comment 
(https://github.com/achimnol/aiotools/issues/29#issuecomment-997437030), I 
think it is the time to revisit the concrete API design and whether to include 
PersistentTaskGroup in the stdlib or not.

components: asyncio
messages: 413880
nosy: achimnol, asvetlov, gvanrossum, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PersistentTaskGroup API
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.11

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