[issue36502] The behavior of str.isspace() for U+00A0 and U+202F is different from what is documented

2019-04-02 Thread Jun

New submission from Jun :

I was looking for a list of Unicode codepoints that str.isspace() returns true.

According to https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.isspace, it's 
"Whitespace characters are those characters defined in the Unicode character 
database as “Other” or “Separator” and those with bidirectional property being 
one of “WS”, “B”, or “S”."

However, for 
U+202F(https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/202f/index.htm) which is a 
"Separator" and its bidirectional property is "CS", str.isspace() returns True 
while it shouldn't if we follow the definition above. 

>>> "\u202f".isspace()

I'm not sure either the documentation should be updated or behavior should be 
updated, but at least those should be consistent.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Unicode
messages: 339317
nosy: Jun, docs@python, ezio.melotti, vstinner
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: The behavior of str.isspace() for U+00A0 and U+202F is different from 
what is documented
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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[issue44155] Race condition when using multiprocessing BaseManager and Pool in Python3

2021-05-24 Thread Jun

Change by Jun :

keywords: +patch
nosy: +junnplus
nosy_count: 1.0 -> 2.0
pull_requests: +24924
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/26332

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[issue43207] InspectLoader.is_package is not an abstract method

2021-02-12 Thread Jun

New submission from Jun :

In the documentation of importlib:

It says InspectLoader.is_package is an abstract method while it is not in the 

@abc.abstractmethod decorator was removed with this commit

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 386866
nosy: Jun, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: InspectLoader.is_package is not an abstract method
versions: Python 3.10

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[issue25634] Add a dedicated subclass for attribute missing errors

2015-11-16 Thread Jun Wang

New submission from Jun Wang:

See this simple example:

class A(): 
def __init__(self, x=None): 
self.x = x

def t(self): 
return self.x.t

def __getattr__(self, name): 
return 'default'


AttributeError is raised as "'NoneType' object has no attribute 't'". Currently 
__getattr__ is called if any AttributeError is raised, so the result of a.t is 
*default*, while an AttributeError is the desired behavior.

The most intuitive solution seems to add a subclass of AttributeError, say 
AttributeMissError, which triggers __getattr__. At present, I have to do some 
tricky and ugly things to __getattribute__ to show where the AttributeError 
occurs, or it's quite hard to figure out what happened with no informative 
traceback messages.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 254722
nosy: 王珺
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add a dedicated subclass for attribute missing errors
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue25634] Add a dedicated subclass for attribute missing errors

2015-11-19 Thread Jun Wang

Jun Wang added the comment:

I think this is a common problem while using both __getattr__ and 
descriptor/property. A descriptor example:

class Descriptor(): 
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): 
raise AttributeError('Implicitly suppressed')

class A(): 
d = Descriptor()
def __getattr__(self, name): 
return 'default'


Without descriptor, unexpected AttributeError could only come from overriding 
__getattribute__, which is a rare case, although still an imperfection. But in 
descriptor/property, AttributeError which is too general just occurs frequently 
like in normal method. 

Surely any modification would break the backward compatibility, although I 
wonder how often it is used of raising AttributeError purposely, maybe in 
__getattribute__, to call __getattr__, instead of explicitly calling 
__getattr__. In my understanding this is the only case that will be affected.

"An unexpected exception should not result in subtly altered behaviour, but 
should cause a noisy and easily-debugged traceback. "—from PEP479

About the implementation, maybe something like "RuntimeError: descriptor raised 
AttributeError" simulating PEP479. Or in my lay opinion, the best solution is: 
add object.__getattr__, with the only behavior of raising AttributeError; when 
normal attribute lookup fails, object.__getattribute__ calls __getattr__ 
explicitly; __getattr__ not triggered by AttributeError anymore.

I know little about the CPython implementation, so I might be completely wrong. 
However this seems deserving more detailed discussion.


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[issue1633941] for line in sys.stdin: doesn't notice EOF the first time

2016-11-15 Thread Jun Wu

Jun Wu added the comment:

haypo: The file.__iter__ EINTR issue may be better discussed as a separate bug 
report. It's not related to stdin or EOF or Windows.

Since we have some EINTR fixes for Python 2.7.4, I think it's reasonable to fix 
the remaining EINTR issues for 2.7.13+.

If I have read fileobject.c correctly, readahead() is the only remaining place 
having the EINTR issue.

If you agree that we should fix readahead(), I can prepare the patch.

nosy: +quark

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[issue34509] Starting to use gcc-8 on CI

2018-08-26 Thread Jun Aruga

Jun Aruga  added the comment:

> it would be better to set up a buildbot running GCC 8, or switching one of 
> our existing workers to it.  We want to keep the pre-merge CI as stable as 
> possible, and using a bleeding-edge compiler doesn't strike me as 
> particularly stable.

Oh it seems that we have already had the CI environment as buildbot. I did not 
know that. Yeah it might be better to add it as a buildbot.



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[issue34509] Starting to use gcc-8 on CI

2018-08-26 Thread Jun Aruga

Change by Jun Aruga :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +8418
stage:  -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34509] Starting to use gcc-8 on CI

2018-08-26 Thread Jun Aruga

New submission from Jun Aruga :

This ticket is from below conversation on python-dev mailing list.

Right now the Python project Travis CI is running on gcc-4.8.4 for coverage 
I want to replace it or add the latest version gcc-8 case.

The benefit to use gcc-8 is,

* It is important to run on the old version 4.8 but, it is also meaningful to 
follow the latest version and care issues such as warnings on the latest 
version gcc.
* I am working in Fedora project that is using gcc version 8 as a main c 
compiler. If the Python project care gcc-8, that might be helpful for people 
who maintain Python Debian/Fedora package or Installer on Mac/Windows.

The demerit is

* Right now the gcc-4.8 is used for the coverage. The total running time on 
gcc-8 might be longer than current one.
* To run the latest gcc-8, we can add the repository [1] with the way [2][3], 
but I am not sure whether the repository is stable.

I would show you 2 cases to use gcc-8 on Linux.

[1] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test
[3] https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/c/#gcc-on-os-x
[4] Ruby
[5] Trinity
   Example for gcc-8 on both Linux and Mac.

messages: 324125
nosy: junaruga
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Starting to use gcc-8 on CI
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8

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[issue34509] Starting to use gcc-8 on CI

2019-05-16 Thread Jun Aruga

Jun Aruga  added the comment:

Sure, alright. Thanks for informing me.

On Thu, 16 May 2019 at 00:08, Zachary Ware  wrote:
> Zachary Ware  added the comment:
> We do now have at least one builder using GCC 8 (ware-gentoo-x86) and one 
> using GCC 9 (cstratak-fedora), so I'm closing the issue.  Thanks for bringing 
> this up, and sorry it fell through the cracks for a while!
> --
> resolution:  -> fixed
> stage: patch review -> resolved
> status: open -> closed
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue34509>
> ___


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[issue44687] io.BufferedReader:peek() closes underlying file, breaking peek/read expectations

2021-09-19 Thread Jun De

Change by Jun De :

keywords: +patch
nosy: +AngstyDuck
nosy_count: 1.0 -> 2.0
pull_requests: +26859
stage:  -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/28457

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[issue44687] io.BufferedReader:peek() closes underlying file, breaking peek/read expectations

2021-09-24 Thread Jun De

Jun De  added the comment:

Yeap Steve, I was thinking the same thing. I've taken the buffered data into 
consideration when checking if the file is closed in my fix, feel free to take 
a look and let me know what you think :)


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[issue44687] io.BufferedReader:peek() closes underlying file, breaking peek/read expectations

2021-09-24 Thread Jun De

Jun De  added the comment:

Awesome! To be honest I was very inclined to add test cases for this edge case, 
but while some existing test cases use native objects like io.BytesIO, the one 
that our edge case uses is HTTPResponse from `urllib3.response.py`. Should I 
still go ahead with writing the test cases in this case? I worry about creating 
new dependencies for the python repository.


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[issue31865] html.unescape does not work as per documentation

2017-10-24 Thread Jun Hui Lee

New submission from Jun Hui Lee <cardinle...@gmail.com>:

Convert all named and numeric character references (e.g. , , )

But running this gives:
>>> html.unescape(', , ')
'>, >, '

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 304957
nosy: Jun Hui Lee, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: html.unescape does not work as per documentation
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6

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[issue36260] Cpython/Lib vulnerability found and request a patch submission

2019-04-02 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

JUN-WEI SONG  added the comment:

Hello Python community,

With Christian Heimes’ suggestion, we manipulate appropriate warning to inform 
users that they may encounter zip bomb issues when using the zipfile module.

The warning we would like to add in the zipfile documentation is shown below : 


   .. warning::

Never extract files from untrusted sources without prior 
inspection. It is possible that the file may contain zip bomb 
issues such as 42.zip. The zip bomb will usually be a small file 
before decompression, but once it is decompressed, it will 
exhaust system resources.

You can protect your system by limiting system resources, limiting compression 
ratio (zip bombs are usually quite high), and checking for nested zip files. 

We are also pleasure to provide a patch to enhance the zipfile module to 
provide basic information.

In zipfile.py


Inside the ZipFile class : 

def filecount(self):
"""Return total count of files in the archive."""   
return len(self.filelist)   

def total_compressed_size(self):
"""Return total compressed size in the archive."""  
return sum([data.compress_size for data in self.filelist])  

def total_uncompressed_size(self):  
"""Return total uncompressed size in the archive."""
return sum([data.file_size for data in self.filelist])

resolution:  -> remind
status: closed -> open

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[issue36462] CVE-2019-9674 : zip bomb vulnerability in Lib/zipfile.py

2019-03-28 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

New submission from JUN-WEI SONG :

Dear Python Community, 

we found a python module vulnerability during these days and we got a CVE 
number, CVE-2019-9674 after reported it to cve.mitre.org.


The reserved information of CVE-2019-9674 is shown below:


   Lib/zipfile.py in Python through 3.7.2 allows remote 
   attackers to cause a denial of service (resource consumption) 
   via a ZIP bomb.

   [Additional Information]

   The python zipfile library version 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 
   3.7, 3.8. Allow attackers to cause a denial of service (disk 
   volume exhaustion) via a ZIP bomb.

   We have found python standard library zipfile doesn't have 
   ZIP bomb detection and protection. If the user uses zipfile 
   library to unzip a ZIP bomb file, this might cause a denial 
   of service of the localhost.

  [VulnerabilityType Other]


Our proposed solutions:

1.The compression ratio:

Compression ratio = Uncompressed file size / Compressed file size

Since ZIP bomb file has a higher compression ratio (1028) than 
normal ZIP file (1 to 3). Therefore, we calculate the compression 
ratio and set a threshold for the detection.

2.Nested zip file

There is a high chance that it is zip bomb if it is a nested zip 

3.By limiting resources such as CPU, memory, disk usage.

Unsolved issue

However, we have not yet determined the compression ratio. We 
temporarily set the compression ratio to 10, and if it exceeds, it 
may be a ZIP bomb.

It is likely that detection may misjudge nested compressed files. 
For example, under normal circumstances, compressed files are 
included in the zip file.

Our solution code:

"""For ratio"""

def _exam_ratio(self, threshold=10):
"""If the ratio exceeds threshold, it may be a ZIP Bomb."""
sum_file_size = sum([data.file_size for data in self.filelist])
sum_compress_size = sum([data.compress_size for data in self.filelist])
ratio = sum_file_size / sum_compress_size
if (ratio > threshold):
raise BadZipFile("Zip Bomb Detected")

"""For Nested zip file"""

raise BadZipFile("Nested Zip File Detected")


components: Library (Lib)
messages: 339053
nosy: krnick
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: CVE-2019-9674 : zip bomb vulnerability in Lib/zipfile.py
type: security
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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[issue36462] CVE-2019-9674 : zip bomb vulnerability in Lib/zipfile.py

2019-03-28 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

JUN-WEI SONG  added the comment:

Thanks to the python community, both of these issues are the same.

I also think it's a good thing to make related documentation to reduce this 
type of problem rather than implementing it on a low-level zipfile module. 
Perhaps we can customize such a requirement through a pip package.


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[issue36260] Cpython/Lib vulnerability found and request a patch submission

2019-03-28 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

JUN-WEI SONG  added the comment:

Thank you python community, these two issues are indeed the same problem.

I also think that it is good to make a related document to reduce such problems.

stage:  -> resolved
status:  -> closed

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[issue36260] Zip Bomb vulnerability

2019-05-17 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

Change by JUN-WEI SONG :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +13288
stage: resolved -> patch review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36260] Zip Bomb vulnerability

2019-05-17 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

JUN-WEI SONG  added the comment:

Dear friends,

We moved a little bit forward to improve the writing. :)


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[issue36988] zipfile: string IndexError on extract

2019-05-21 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

JUN-WEI SONG  added the comment:

The following output throws error when using unzip -t 

$ unzip -t file0.zip


Archive:  file0.zip
:  mismatching "local" filename (zipfile_extract.pyUT^I),
 continuing with "central" filename version
  error:  invalid compressed data to inflate
At least one error was detected in file0.zip.

It looks like the zip file is corrupted. Maybe we could add some detection 
mechanisms before extract it like unzip, for example, unsupported characters or 
file corrupted check.

nosy: +krnick

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[issue36260] Cpython/Lib vulnerability found and request a patch submission

2019-05-02 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

JUN-WEI SONG  added the comment:

Thank you very much for your reply. 

Based on discussions above, consensuses are improving the zipfile 

And we (JUN-WEI SONG &  KunYu Chen) would like to work on this. 

With opinions of Serhiy Storchaka, Christian Heimes and the ideas we have, 
possible pitfalls are listed below.

1. From file itself: 

Decompression may fail due to an incorrect password, an 
incorrect CRC checksum, an incorrect PKZIP format, an 
unsupported compression method, or an unsupported decryption.
2. File system: 

Each file system has different limitations such as allowable 
characters in directory entries, the max length of file name, 
the max length of path name, the max size of single file, the 
max number of files, the max number of files in a single 
directory, etc. Decompression will fail as long as these 
limitations are exceeded.

 3. Operating system: 

The lack of memory or disk space would lead to decompression 
failed (see also Zip Bomb). 

 4. Interrupt: 

Users should be careful in interrupting the process of 
decompression, such as control-C or killing the process during 
decompression, which may result in incomplete decompression of 
the archive.

5. Different default behaviors: 

Users should figure out different default extraction behaviors, 
such as when extracting into the existing tree, it will 
overwriting an existing file without asking, or  when in a 
case-insensitive file system, it keeps only one file when 
extracting an archive which contains many files that have the 
same name but different case. 

Please let us know if anything’s missing.


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[issue38507] Improve the documentation of the nested list initialization

2019-10-17 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

New submission from JUN-WEI SONG :

When I used the nested list, I need to initialize the nested list, so I used 
this expression:

>>> nested_list = [[]] * 5

see also: 

So I later learned that such an expression would make the list inside the list 
have the same reference, which would cause the problem that you modified one 
element would lead to all elements changed in the nested list.

For example:

>>> nested_list[0].append(1)
>>> nested_list
[[1], [1], [1], [1], [1]]

Therefore, maybe we could tell users how to initialize the list on the 
documentation like below:

If you need to initialize the nested list, you could follow the below example, 
also, be aware of the expression like ``[[]] * 5``, this will cause the five 
lists in the nested list to have the same reference.

   >>> nested_list = [[] for _ in range(5)]

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 354844
nosy: docs@python, krnick
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Improve the documentation of the nested list initialization
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38507] Improve the documentation of the nested list initialization

2019-10-17 Thread JUN-WEI SONG

JUN-WEI SONG  added the comment:

sorry that I did not notice it already documented

resolution:  -> duplicate
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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