[issue1785] inspect gets broken by some descriptors

2012-01-18 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier plr.vinc...@gmail.com added the comment:

This change causes the following behaviour:

 import inspect
 class B(object):
...   def f(self):
... pass
 inspect.getmembers(B, inspect.ismethod)

While I would expect the result to contain f:


Isn't this a regression ?

Vincent Pelletier

nosy: +vpelletier

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[issue1785] inspect gets broken by some descriptors

2012-01-18 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier plr.vinc...@gmail.com added the comment:

Sorry, I forgot to mention I'm using python2.7 .


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[issue13840] create_string_buffer rejects str init_or_size parameter

2012-01-22 Thread Vincent Pelletier

New submission from Vincent Pelletier plr.vinc...@gmail.com:

ctypes.create_string_buffer documentation[1] says init_or_size parameter should 
accept a string. As of 3.2, it raises:
 import ctypes
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib/python3.2/ctypes/__init__.py, line 59, in create_string_buffer
buf.value = init
TypeError: str/bytes expected instead of str instance

It works fine as of 2.7 (and very probably any 2.x up to ctypes introduction):
 import ctypes
ctypes.c_char_Array_4 object at 0x7fbdcb8b95f0

[1] http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/ctypes.html#ctypes.create_string_buffer

Vincent Pelletier

components: ctypes
messages: 151800
nosy: vpelletier
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: create_string_buffer rejects str init_or_size parameter
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue13840] create_string_buffer rejects str init_or_size parameter

2012-01-23 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier plr.vinc...@gmail.com added the comment:

Thanks for the quick reply.

FWIW, in 2.7 doc ctype.create_string_buffer is said to accept unicode objects 
as parameter. I don't use this personally, so I don't mind 3.x only working on 
bytes - and already fixed my code accordingly. It's just that I noticed this 
after your answer. Also, I didn't try to confirm if it actually works.


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[issue15240] ctype Structure keeps reference to function pointers

2012-07-02 Thread Vincent Pelletier

New submission from Vincent Pelletier plr.vinc...@gmail.com:

When storing a ctype function pointer in a ctype structure field, a reference 
remains even when that field is overwritten with some values:
- None
- None cast into a function pointer
But the reference is somehow removed when overwriting the field with a real 
function pointer (a lambda in attached test case).

This causes problem when the structure is a class property and function pointer 
is created out of a method of the same class: a circular reference is created, 
which is not garbage-collected.

To run the attached test case, you need objgraph[1], and to uncomment one (or 
none) of the commented-out lines in close method.

[1] http://mg.pov.lt/objgraph/

components: ctypes
files: reproduce.py
messages: 164534
nosy: vpelletier
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ctype Structure keeps reference to function pointers
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.2
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file26234/reproduce.py

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[issue15240] ctype Structure keeps reference to function pointers

2012-07-02 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier plr.vinc...@gmail.com added the comment:

Trying to generate a graph on several python and several uncommented lines, I 
see that my test case is incomplete. Time to review my copy.

resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

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[issue15253] xmlrpclib.ServerProxy does not support 2-tuple value for uri parameter

2012-07-05 Thread Vincent Pelletier

New submission from Vincent Pelletier plr.vinc...@gmail.com:

SafeTransport class supports a 2-tuple as uri, in order to pass x509 parameters 
to httplib.HTTPSConnection .
xmlrpclib.ServerProxy.__init__ fails when given such tuple, because it calls:
without checking uri type first.

Minimal test case to reproduce is:

import xmlrpclib
xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(('https://example.com', {}))

messages: 164676
nosy: vpelletier
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy does not support 2-tuple value for uri parameter
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue15253] xmlrpclib.ServerProxy does not support 2-tuple value for uri parameter

2012-07-05 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier plr.vinc...@gmail.com added the comment:

Then I guess SafeTransport should be cleaned to remove its dead code (tuple 
host handling), and the class you link to should be included (in spirit if not 
verbatim) in xmlrpclib.

Also, sorry, I realized after posting that this bug is a dupe of #1581. But the 
closing reason here is more convincing to me than on #1581.



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[issue29404] "TypeError: 'int' does not have the buffer interface" on memoryview over bytearray

2017-01-31 Thread Vincent Pelletier

New submission from Vincent Pelletier:

Quoting a github gist[1] (not mine, I found it while googling for this error) 
clearly illustrating the issue:

# Python 2
>>> b = bytearray(8)
>>> v = memoryview(b)
>>> v[0] = 42
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: 'int' does not have the buffer interface
>>> b

# Python 3
>>> b = bytearray(8)
>>> v = memoryview(b)
>>> v[0] = 42
>>> b

This is especially annoying as on python3 bytearray.__setitem__ only accepts 
integers, making working py2 code totally incompatible with py3 in a 
2to3-undetectable way.

[1] https://gist.github.com/superbobry/b90c0cc7c44beaa51ef9

messages: 286567
nosy: vpelletier
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: "TypeError: 'int' does not have the buffer interface" on memoryview over 
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29404] "TypeError: 'int' does not have the buffer interface" on memoryview over bytearray

2017-02-02 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier added the comment:

My original point of view was that:
- python3 is right to only accept integers, consistently with "str != bytes"
- python2 is rather right to accept str, consistently with "str == bytes"
- maybe the bug is that python2 should not reject integers, making the upgrade 
path to python3 (or the backward compatibility with python2, same thing) easy.

The context is that I develop a (pure-python) module interfacing with a C 
library, and somewhere in there I want to expose a read/write memory area (the 
bytearray) which first few bytes must not be accessible from the application 
using my module (because the application does not care about these bytes, and 
slicing everywhere is not convenient). Also, I do not want to expose ctypes 
instances (I'm supposed to be the python/C interface so the application does 
not have to care). So exposing that memory chunk via a memoryview slice over 
the original bytearray seems (and please do correct me if I am wrong) the right 
way to implement this:

>>> b = bytearray(16) # the "real" buffer
>>> c = (ctypes.c_char * 16).from_buffer(b) # for C library
>>> v = memoryview(b)[8:] # for host program

But because of this memoryview behaviour difference my API will behave 
inconsistently between python2 and python3.

My (naïve) initial idea submitting this bug report was that python2 would be 
modified to tolerate integers passed to memoryview.__setitem__. But I later 
realised such change would not be sufficient: python2's memoryview.__getitem__ 
returns strings where python3's returns integers. I agree that changing such 
visible behaviour in python2 would be bad.

Am I stuck with developing my own proxy class then (likely wrapping memoryview 
with type-casting glue) ?


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[issue34747] SSLSocket.context cannot be changed on non-connected sockets

2018-10-15 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Change by Vincent Pelletier :

assignee:  -> christian.heimes
components: +Library (Lib), SSL
nosy: +christian.heimes

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34747] SSLSocket.context cannot be changed on non-connected sockets

2018-10-15 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier  added the comment:

The reason which led me into this is server certificate renewal: my service 
crashed on that setter 2 months after starting, when it received a new 

I toyed with the idea of closing the listening sockets, but without closing 
would be even better - code changing socket certificate is much simpler than 
having to stop all worker treads (SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn), close the 
listening sockets, and start them all again in new threads with a new 
wrap_socket'ed listening socket.


Python tracker 
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[issue34747] SSLSocket.context cannot be changed on non-connected sockets

2018-09-20 Thread Vincent Pelletier

New submission from Vincent Pelletier :

>From ssl.py, both on 2.7.15 and 3.6.6:
class SSLSocket(...):
def context(self, ctx):
self._context = ctx
self._sslobj.context = ctx

_sslobj is only set when socket is connected. While this is not a big issue for 
client sockets as user could just wrap the socket with correct context to begin 
with, and not a big issue for server sockets for the same reason, it is an 
issue for listening sockets: they are never connected, by definition, and do 
not care about _sslobj: upon accept() they only use self._context to wrap 
created socket.

Suggested fix:
def context(self, ctx):
self._context = ctx
if self._sslobj:
self._sslobj.context = ctx
(consistently with how _sslobj is evaluated as a boolean elsewhere in the same 

Suggested workaround (ex: if this fix is not backported to 2.7):
ssl_socket.context = new_context
except AttributeError:
as _context is changed first, and it's all that matters.

messages: 325847
nosy: vincent-nexedi
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: SSLSocket.context cannot be changed on non-connected sockets
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34747] SSLSocket.context cannot be changed on non-connected sockets

2021-03-21 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier  added the comment:

Added: affects Python 3.9

This bug is still preventing (...or shall I say "discourages", as the setter is 
effective but raises) server-side SSL certificate reloading on long-running 
This codepath on listening sockets is necessary for seamless certificate 
renewal, so the new certificate is used on any accepted connection past the 
setter call.

Is there anything that needs to be changed to the fix I proposed ?
Should I open a merge/pull request somewhere ?

versions: +Python 3.9

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