Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Hagen Fürstenau
 Part of the justification for the new with-statement syntax was
 that nested() doesn't have a way to finalize the constructors
 if one of them fails.

I think the problem was a little bit more subtle: nested() gets passed
managers, so their __init__()s should all have run when the first
context is entered. The only problem comes up when the __exit__() of an
outer manager tries to suppress an exception raised by the __enter__()
of an inner one. This is a limited defect in that it doesn't affect the
common situation where no __exit__() tries to suppress any exceptions.
(In a quick glance over the std library I couldn't find a single
instance of an exception-suppressing __exit__().).

 And now
 that we have the new with-statement syntax, it mostly just
 represents a second-way-to-do-it (a second way that has
 has the stated pitfall).

So the functionalities of nested() and multi-with overlap in the common
use cases, and each has its own limitation in an uncommon one. I agree
that this situation is unfortunate, but I think introducing support for
one uncommon case and removing it for another is not the way to go in
3.1. That's why I think nested() should stay un-deprecated until there
is a replacement which handles a superset of its use cases.

 The new statement was not designed to support passing in
 tuples of context-managers.  This issue was raised while
 the new with-statement was being designed and it was
 intentionally left-out (in part, because the use cases were

FWIW, my use case (which made me notice the DeprecationWarning in the
first place) is in a command dispatch function, which looks at the
command to be executed and pre-processes its arguments in a uniform way.
Part of that pre-processing is entering contexts of context manager
before passing them along (and exiting them when the command finishes or
raises an exception).

 and in-part because there were other ways
 to do it such as adding __enter__ and __exit__ to tuple).

Which has not been done for 3.1. Granted, you could subclass tuple and
add them yourself, but then you would mostly be copying what's already
implemented in nested().

 I suggest a PEP for 2.7 and 3.2 for building-out the
 with-statement to support tuples of context managers

That sounds like a good idea.

 IMO, this represents doing-it-the-right-way instead of preserving a
 construct that is known to be problematic.
 Leaving it in will enshrine it.

I don't see the problem with deprecating it only after a completely
suitable replacement is found. Why would it be any harder to deprecate
nested() in 3.2?

- Hagen

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Nick Coghlan
Hagen Fürstenau wrote:
 I actually almost asked for that to be changed to a
 PendingDeprecationWarning when it was first added - Benjamin, do you
 mind if I downgrade this warning to a pending one post rc2?
 I'm not sure what that would buy us. For the use case I mentioned it
 would be just as annoying to get a PendingDeprecationWarning. But if the
 warning was completely removed now, nested could still get deprecated in
 3.2 as soon as some better mechanism for a variable number of managers
 has been provided.

Unlike a full DeprecationWarning, a PendingDeprecationWarning is ignored
by default. You have to switch them on explicitly via code or a command
line switch in order to see them.

Pending warnings give the hint that we intend to get rid of something,
but either don't have clear replacements for some legitimate use cases
(as in the case of contextlib.nested) or have some other reason for not
generating a warning by default (e.g. we may not have cleared all uses
out of the standard library yet).


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Hagen Fürstenau
 Unlike a full DeprecationWarning, a PendingDeprecationWarning is ignored
 by default. You have to switch them on explicitly via code or a command
 line switch in order to see them.

Sorry, I should have made myself more familiar with the warnings
mechanism before writing. In that case I'm fine with a
PendingDeprecationWarning. :-)

- Hagen

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Nick Coghlan
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 I suggest a PEP for 2.7 and 3.2 for building-out the
 with-statement to support tuples of context managers
 (perhaps modeled after the syntax for except-statements
 which allows either individual exceptions or tuples of
 exceptions).  The reason I suggest a PEP is that use
 cases need to be fully thought out and the failing
 constructor problem needs to be dealt with. 
 IMO, this represents doing-it-the-right-way instead of preserving a
 construct that is known to be problematic.
 Leaving it in will enshrine it.  Better to  just provide our new
 syntax that correctly handles the common case and then
 wait to carefully think through how to add support for passed-in
 nested cm's if in-fact those turn-out to have reasonable
 use cases.

I agree that the current incarnation of contextlib.nested needs to go -
it isn't really salvagable in its current form.

However, I don't think we should generate a warning for it by default
until we provide a new mechanism for handling a variable number of
context managers - PendingDeprecationWarning seems a much better fit.

A 2.7/3.2 PEP can then address the two main issues with the current

1. The __init__ calls for the inner context managers occur outside the
scope of the outer context managers. Some form of lazy evaluation would
be needed to deal with that.

2. If an inner __enter__ call raises an exception that is suppressed by
an outer __exit__ call then the body of with statement should be skipped
rather than raising RuntimeError. This means either new syntax with
semantics along the lines of the previously rejected PEP 377 or else a
custom exception and a second context manager that suppresses it.

Personally, I don't think new syntax for the PEP 377 semantics is
warranted for the same reason that PEP 377 itself was rejected - it
complicates the statement definition significantly for a really obscure
corner case. Better to come up with a new and improved version of nested
that eliminates (or better handles) the quirks and leave the statement
definition alone.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] CPython in the web browser under Native Client

2009-06-15 Thread Nick Coghlan
Mark Seaborn wrote:

Very cool!


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] python sendmsg()/recvmsg() implementation

2009-06-15 Thread Kálmán Gergely

Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:46:54 +0200, Kálmán Gergely wrote:

Hello, my name is Greg.

I've just started using python after many years of C programming, and 
I'm also new to the list. I wanted to clarify this
first, so that maybe I will get a little less beating for my 
stupidity :)



Browsing the net I've found a patch to the python core 
(, dated 2005.

First of all, I would like to ask you guys, whether you know of any 
way of doing this FD passing magic, or that you know

of any 3rd party module / patch / anything that can do this for me.

Aside from the patch in the tracker, there are several implementations of
these APIs as third-party extension modules.

Since I'm fairly familiar with C and (not that much, but I feel the 
power) python, I would take the challenge of writing
it, given that the above code is still somewhat usable. If all else 
fails I would like to have your help to guide me through

this process.

What would be great is if you could take the patch in the tracker and get
it into shape so that it is suitable for inclusion.  This would involve
three things, I think:

 1. Write unit tests for the functionality (since the patch itself 

 2. Update the patch so that it again applies cleanly against trunk
 3. Add documentation for the new APIs

Once this is done, you can get a committer to look at it and either 

more specific feedback or apply it.


Python-Dev mailing list

Hello again

So, after a little cleanup I've managed to integrate the code into 
socketmodule.c/h. It works fine now, though I needed to
add it to Lib/, otherwise it wouldn't show up in the socket 
module (I've searched for recvfrom and added it).
I've also cleaned up the code a little, fixed some codingstyle issues 
(which might still exist).

Since I am not a python core developer the patch might still be in a 
pretty outdated state. I'd like someone to look it over
and direct me to some documentation (the ones I've found so far were 
pretty sketchy), for it to be acceptable for inclusion.
The sanity of the code is what matters to me the most. I've looked it 
over though and found it in a sound state, but I guess

you guys might have a different opinion about that ;)

With writing the test cases, some documentation would be nice.

I've attached the patch generated with svn diff for revision 73434, and 
the test code that I use to pass a file descriptor

between processes. It works just fine :).


Kalman Gergely

Index: Lib/
--- Lib/	(revision 73434)
+++ Lib/	(working copy)
@@ -159,14 +159,14 @@
 # All the method names that must be delegated to either the real socket
 # object or the _closedsocket object.
 _delegate_methods = (recv, recvfrom, recv_into, recvfrom_into,
- send, sendto)
+ recvmsg, send, sendto, sendmsg)
 class _closedsocket(object):
 __slots__ = []
 def _dummy(*args):
 raise error(EBADF, 'Bad file descriptor')
 # All _delegate_methods must also be initialized here.
-send = recv = recv_into = sendto = recvfrom = recvfrom_into = _dummy
+send = recv = recv_into = sendto = recvfrom = recvfrom_into = recvmsg = sendmsg = _dummy
 __getattr__ = _dummy
 # Wrapper around platform socket objects. This implements
Index: Modules/socketmodule.c
--- Modules/socketmodule.c	(revision 73434)
+++ Modules/socketmodule.c	(working copy)
@@ -251,6 +251,9 @@
 #include sys/types.h
+#include sys/stat.h
+#include unistd.h
+#include structmember.h
 /* Generic socket object definitions and includes */
 #define PySocket_BUILDING_SOCKET
@@ -1840,6 +1843,7 @@
 	int optname;
 	int res;
 	PyObject *buf;
+	char *data;
 	socklen_t buflen = 0;
 #ifdef __BEOS__
@@ -1852,6 +1856,36 @@
 			  level, optname, buflen))
 		return NULL;
+	if( level == SOL_SOCKET  optname == SO_PEERCRED ) {
+	/* Buffer length for struct ucred, ignore parameter. */
+	buflen = sizeof(int)*3;
+	/* Allocate ucred structure and data buffer. */
+	if( !( buf = PyType_GenericAlloc((PyTypeObject*)ucred_type,1) ) )
+		return NULL;
+	if( !( data = PyMem_Malloc(buflen) ) ) {
+		Py_DECREF(buf);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* Use getsockopt to retrieve data. */
+	if( ( res = getsockopt(s-sock_fd,level,optname,data,buflen) )  
+		0 ) {
+		Py_DECREF(buf);
+		return s-errorhandler();
+	}
+	/* Write it out to object. */
+	((PySocketUcredObject*)buf)-uid = 

Re: [Python-Dev] python sendmsg()/recvmsg() implementation

2009-06-15 Thread Nick Coghlan
Kálmán Gergely wrote:
 Since I am not a python core developer the patch might still be in a
 pretty outdated state. I'd like someone to look it over
 and direct me to some documentation (the ones I've found so far were
 pretty sketchy), for it to be acceptable for inclusion.
 The sanity of the code is what matters to me the most. I've looked it
 over though and found it in a sound state, but I guess
 you guys might have a different opinion about that ;)
 With writing the test cases, some documentation would be nice.

Most unit tests these days are written based on either doctest or
unittest. When adding new features to an existing module, it is usually
best to follow the testing style already used for the rest of that
module (in this case, that should be test/

The relevant question in the dev FAQ gives good pointers:

 I've attached the patch generated with svn diff for revision 73434, and
 the test code that I use to pass a file descriptor
 between processes. It works just fine :).

Uploading files to the tracker is generally the best option - patches
tend to get lost if they're just sent to the mailing list.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception for setting attributes of built-in type

2009-06-15 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Guido van wrote:
 In general, CPython isn't always consistent in raising AttributeError
 and TypeError when it comes to such policy issues: there are various
 places that raise TypeError in typeobject.c (and probably elsewhere)
 that simply forbid setting a specific attribute (another example is

I should add that this policy is also forced somewhat by the existence
of the multiple interpreters in one address space feature, which is
used e.g. by mod_python. This feature attempts to provide isolation
between interpreters to the point that each one can have a completely
different set of modules loaded and can be working on a totally
different application. The implementation of CPython shares built-in
types between multiple interpreters (and it wouldn't be easy to change
this); if you were able to modify a built-in type from one
interpreter, all other interpreters would see that same modification.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [IronPython] Exception for setting attributes of built-in type

2009-06-15 Thread Dino Viehland

Guido wrote:
 I should add that this policy is also forced somewhat by the existence
 of the multiple interpreters in one address space feature, which is
 used e.g. by mod_python. This feature attempts to provide isolation
 between interpreters to the point that each one can have a completely
 different set of modules loaded and can be working on a totally
 different application. The implementation of CPython shares built-in
 types between multiple interpreters (and it wouldn't be easy to change
 this); if you were able to modify a built-in type from one
 interpreter, all other interpreters would see that same modification.

IronPython is in the exact same boat here - we share built-in types
Across multiple Python engines as well.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [IronPython] Exception for setting attributes of built-in type

2009-06-15 Thread Michael Foord

Dino Viehland wrote:

Guido wrote:

I should add that this policy is also forced somewhat by the existence
of the multiple interpreters in one address space feature, which is
used e.g. by mod_python. This feature attempts to provide isolation
between interpreters to the point that each one can have a completely
different set of modules loaded and can be working on a totally
different application. The implementation of CPython shares built-in
types between multiple interpreters (and it wouldn't be easy to change
this); if you were able to modify a built-in type from one
interpreter, all other interpreters would see that same modification.

IronPython is in the exact same boat here - we share built-in types
Across multiple Python engines as well.


And indeed it is needed - if you are working with multiple interpreters 
(engines in IronPython) you don't want isinstance(something, dict) to 
fail because it is a dictionary from a different interpreter...


Python-Dev mailing list


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [IronPython] Exception for setting attributes of built-in type

2009-06-15 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Michael wrote:
 Dino Viehland wrote:
 Guido wrote:
 I should add that this policy is also forced somewhat by the existence
 of the multiple interpreters in one address space feature, which is
 used e.g. by mod_python. This feature attempts to provide isolation
 between interpreters to the point that each one can have a completely
 different set of modules loaded and can be working on a totally
 different application. The implementation of CPython shares built-in
 types between multiple interpreters (and it wouldn't be easy to change
 this); if you were able to modify a built-in type from one
 interpreter, all other interpreters would see that same modification.

 IronPython is in the exact same boat here - we share built-in types
 Across multiple Python engines as well.

 And indeed it is needed - if you are working with multiple interpreters
 (engines in IronPython) you don't want isinstance(something, dict) to fail
 because it is a dictionary from a different interpreter...

Ah, but that suggests you have sharing between different interpreters.
If you're doing that, perhaps you shouldn't be using multiple
interpreters, but instead multiple threads?

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [IronPython] Exception for setting attributes of built-in type

2009-06-15 Thread Michael Foord

Guido van Rossum wrote:

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Michael wrote:

Dino Viehland wrote:

Guido wrote:

I should add that this policy is also forced somewhat by the existence
of the multiple interpreters in one address space feature, which is
used e.g. by mod_python. This feature attempts to provide isolation
between interpreters to the point that each one can have a completely
different set of modules loaded and can be working on a totally
different application. The implementation of CPython shares built-in
types between multiple interpreters (and it wouldn't be easy to change
this); if you were able to modify a built-in type from one
interpreter, all other interpreters would see that same modification.


IronPython is in the exact same boat here - we share built-in types
Across multiple Python engines as well.


And indeed it is needed - if you are working with multiple interpreters
(engines in IronPython) you don't want isinstance(something, dict) to fail
because it is a dictionary from a different interpreter...

Ah, but that suggests you have sharing between different interpreters.
If you're doing that, perhaps you shouldn't be using multiple
interpreters, but instead multiple threads?

Well, in our use case we use multiple engines to provide an isolated 
execution context for every document (the Resolver One spreadsheet 
written in IronPython). Each of these has their own calculation thread 
as well - but the engine per document structure is nice and clean and 
means each document can have its own set of modules loaded without 
affecting the other documents (although they share a core set of modules).

Once we move these engines into their own app domains we can completely 
isolate each document and apply separate security permissions to each 
one. That might mean each document effectively paying the 
not-insubstantial startup time hit and we haven't begun to look at how 
to mitigate that.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception for setting attributes of built-in type

2009-06-15 Thread Benjamin Peterson
2009/6/15 Nick Coghlan
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 In general, CPython isn't always consistent in raising AttributeError
 and TypeError when it comes to such policy issues: there are various
 places that raise TypeError in typeobject.c (and probably elsewhere)
 that simply forbid setting a specific attribute (another example is

 We're pretty inconsistent when it comes to looking up special methods as
 well - those that are looked up through dedicated slots in abstract.c
 usually raise TypeError, while those that are looked up via a PyType
 method usually raise AttributeError.

What's a PyType method?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Raymond Hettinger

I don't consider changing a DeprecationWarning to a
PendingDeprecationWarning resurrecting its target.

Seems like resurrection to me.  Pending warnings are hidden
by default, so someone has to go look for it (and no one does this).

The problem with the nested() construct is not so much that
it duplicates the new with-statement; the problem is that it
is a bug factory when used as advertised.  The sole justification
for keeping it around is that it handles an obscure use case
(one that isn't even shown in its documentation or examples).

I'm not opposing the idea to change the DeprecationWarning
to a PendingDeprecationWarning, but I don't think we're doing
the users any favors by hiding the warning message.


P.S.  If you switch to PendingDeprecationWarning, the example
in the docs should probably be switched to show the one valid
use case (passing in a prepackaged nest of context managers).
Right now, the current example just shows the hazardous pattern
that is much better served by the new with-statement syntax.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Benjamin Peterson
2009/6/15 Raymond Hettinger
 P.S.  If you switch to PendingDeprecationWarning, the example
 in the docs should probably be switched to show the one valid
 use case (passing in a prepackaged nest of context managers).
 Right now, the current example just shows the hazardous pattern
 that is much better served by the new with-statement syntax.

+1 I think this should be done anyway.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Terry Reedy

Raymond Hettinger wrote:

P.S.  If you switch to PendingDeprecationWarning, the example
in the docs should probably be switched to show the one valid
use case (passing in a prepackaged nest of context managers).

It could even suggest that it only be used for this, since it may 
disappear, and that other uses should use the new syntax.  That would 
give people the best chance of writing future-proof code when they can.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Paul Moore
2009/6/15 Terry Reedy
 Raymond Hettinger wrote:

 P.S.  If you switch to PendingDeprecationWarning, the example
 in the docs should probably be switched to show the one valid
 use case (passing in a prepackaged nest of context managers).

 It could even suggest that it only be used for this, since it may disappear,
 and that other uses should use the new syntax.  That would give people the
 best chance of writing future-proof code when they can.

And if the warning is *not* changed to a PendingDeprecationWarning,
the documentation could also note the necessary warnings call needed
to let the example code run warning-free.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Is the py3k mercurial mirror broken?

2009-06-15 Thread Paul Moore
I get the following:

hg version
Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 1.2)

Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Matt Mackall and others
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

hg clone python-3k
requesting all changes
adding changesets
transaction abort!
rollback completed
** unknown exception encountered, details follow
** report bug details to
** or
** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 1.2)
** Extensions loaded:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File hg, line 27, in module
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 16, in run
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 25, in dispatch
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 41, in _runcatch
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 372, in _dispatch
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 247, in runcommand
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 417, in _runcommand
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 377, in checkargs
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 371, in lambda
  File mercurial\util.pyc, line 718, in check
  File mercurial\commands.pyc, line 603, in clone
  File mercurial\hg.pyc, line 215, in clone
  File mercurial\localrepo.pyc, line 2149, in clone
  File mercurial\localrepo.pyc, line 1492, in pull
  File mercurial\localrepo.pyc, line 2016, in addchangegroup
  File mercurial\revlog.pyc, line 1192, in addgroup
  File mercurial\changegroup.pyc, line 31, in chunkiter
  File mercurial\changegroup.pyc, line 15, in getchunk
  File mercurial\util.pyc, line 1674, in read
  File mercurial\httprepo.pyc, line 18, in zgenerator
zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing: incorrect header check

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is the py3k mercurial mirror broken?

2009-06-15 Thread Benjamin Peterson
There seem to be some issues with Subversion, so that's probably affecting hg.

2009/6/15 Paul Moore
 I get the following:

hg version
 Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 1.2)

 Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Matt Mackall and others
 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

hg clone python-3k
 requesting all changes
 adding changesets
 transaction abort!
 rollback completed
 ** unknown exception encountered, details follow
 ** report bug details to
 ** or
 ** Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 1.2)
 ** Extensions loaded:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File hg, line 27, in module
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 16, in run
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 25, in dispatch
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 41, in _runcatch
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 372, in _dispatch
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 247, in runcommand
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 417, in _runcommand
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 377, in checkargs
  File mercurial\dispatch.pyc, line 371, in lambda
  File mercurial\util.pyc, line 718, in check
  File mercurial\commands.pyc, line 603, in clone
  File mercurial\hg.pyc, line 215, in clone
  File mercurial\localrepo.pyc, line 2149, in clone
  File mercurial\localrepo.pyc, line 1492, in pull
  File mercurial\localrepo.pyc, line 2016, in addchangegroup
  File mercurial\revlog.pyc, line 1192, in addgroup
  File mercurial\changegroup.pyc, line 31, in chunkiter
  File mercurial\changegroup.pyc, line 15, in getchunk
  File mercurial\util.pyc, line 1674, in read
  File mercurial\httprepo.pyc, line 18, in zgenerator
 zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing: incorrect header check

 Python-Dev mailing list

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception for setting attributes of built-in type

2009-06-15 Thread Nick Coghlan
Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 2009/6/15 Nick Coghlan
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 In general, CPython isn't always consistent in raising AttributeError
 and TypeError when it comes to such policy issues: there are various
 places that raise TypeError in typeobject.c (and probably elsewhere)
 that simply forbid setting a specific attribute (another example is
 We're pretty inconsistent when it comes to looking up special methods as
 well - those that are looked up through dedicated slots in abstract.c
 usually raise TypeError, while those that are looked up via a PyType
 method usually raise AttributeError.
 What's a PyType method?

I was misremembering - for some reason I thought:
a) _PyObject_LookupSpecial was a PyType method
b) That it raised AttributeError itself instead of letting the caller
decide what error to raise

It's still the case that (e.g.) special_lookup() in ceval.c raises an
AttributeError, as do special method lookups from Python of the form

Whether CPython raises TypeError or AttributeError when it comes to
special methods is really pretty arbitrary rather than a matter of any
grand design.


P.S. If anyone feels like digging into the archives, the last time I can
recall this topic coming up is when I was concerned about the original
with statement implementation raising AttributeError rather than
TypeError when it couldn't find an __enter__ or __exit__ method. Guido
chimed in then (as now) to say that either exception was fine.

Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Iterator version of contextlib.nested

2009-06-15 Thread Nick Coghlan
Paul Moore wrote:
 2009/6/15 Terry Reedy
 Raymond Hettinger wrote:

 P.S.  If you switch to PendingDeprecationWarning, the example
 in the docs should probably be switched to show the one valid
 use case (passing in a prepackaged nest of context managers).
 It could even suggest that it only be used for this, since it may disappear,
 and that other uses should use the new syntax.  That would give people the
 best chance of writing future-proof code when they can.
 And if the warning is *not* changed to a PendingDeprecationWarning,
 the documentation could also note the necessary warnings call needed
 to let the example code run warning-free.

I think I like that option even better than downgrading the warning.

I created to make it clear to Benjamin
when I have finished updating the docs.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] io.BufferedReader.peek() Behaviour in python3.1

2009-06-15 Thread Greg Ewing

Cameron Simpson wrote:

It seems like whenever I want to do some kind of opportunistic but
non-blocking stuff with a remote service

Do you actually do this with buffered streams? I find
it's better to steer well clear of buffered I/O objects
when doing non-blocking stuff, because they don't play
well with other things like select().

Anyhow, I wouldn't be opposed to having a way of looking
into the buffer, but it should be a separate API  --
preferably with a better name than peek0(), which gives
no clue at all about what it does differently from peek().

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] io.BufferedReader.peek() Behaviour in python3.1

2009-06-15 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Jun2009 11:21, Greg Ewing wrote:
 Cameron Simpson wrote:
 It seems like whenever I want to do some kind of opportunistic but
 non-blocking stuff with a remote service

 Do you actually do this with buffered streams?

Sure, in C, python and perl quite happily. In some circumstances.
Provided you're careful about when to fflush() it can all go quite
smoothly. It's certainly not applicable to everything.

 I find
 it's better to steer well clear of buffered I/O objects
 when doing non-blocking stuff, because they don't play
 well with other things like select().

Ah, the non-blockingness. Well that's the rub. I normally avoid
non-blocking requirements by using threads, so that the thread gathering
from the stream can block. Then the consumer can poll a Queue from the
worker thread, etc.

I really don't like select(/poll/epoll etc) much; aside from select's
scaling issues with lots of files (hence poll/epoll) there are high
performance things where having an event loop using select is a good
way to go, but I generally prefer using threads and/or generators
to make the code clear (single flow of control, single task for the
block of code, etc) if there's no reason not to.

 Anyhow, I wouldn't be opposed to having a way of looking
 into the buffer, but it should be a separate API  --
 preferably with a better name than peek0(), which gives
 no clue at all about what it does differently from peek().

Indeed, though arguably read1() is a lousy name too, on the same basis.
My itch is that peek() _feels_ like it should be look into the buffer
but actually can block and/or change the buffer.

Cameron Simpson DoD#743

You can't wait for inspiration.  You have to go after it with a club.
- Jack London
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] io.BufferedReader.peek() Behaviour in python3.1

2009-06-15 Thread MRAB

Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 16Jun2009 11:21, Greg Ewing wrote:

Cameron Simpson wrote:

It seems like whenever I want to do some kind of opportunistic but
non-blocking stuff with a remote service

Do you actually do this with buffered streams?

Sure, in C, python and perl quite happily. In some circumstances.
Provided you're careful about when to fflush() it can all go quite
smoothly. It's certainly not applicable to everything.

I find
it's better to steer well clear of buffered I/O objects
when doing non-blocking stuff, because they don't play
well with other things like select().

Ah, the non-blockingness. Well that's the rub. I normally avoid
non-blocking requirements by using threads, so that the thread gathering
from the stream can block. Then the consumer can poll a Queue from the
worker thread, etc.

I really don't like select(/poll/epoll etc) much; aside from select's
scaling issues with lots of files (hence poll/epoll) there are high
performance things where having an event loop using select is a good
way to go, but I generally prefer using threads and/or generators
to make the code clear (single flow of control, single task for the
block of code, etc) if there's no reason not to.

Anyhow, I wouldn't be opposed to having a way of looking
into the buffer, but it should be a separate API  --
preferably with a better name than peek0(), which gives
no clue at all about what it does differently from peek().

Indeed, though arguably read1() is a lousy name too, on the same basis.
My itch is that peek() _feels_ like it should be look into the buffer
but actually can block and/or change the buffer.

Can block, but not if you don't want it too. You might just want to see
what, if anything, is currently available, up to n bytes.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] io.BufferedReader.peek() Behaviour in python3.1

2009-06-15 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 16Jun2009 02:18, MRAB wrote:
 My itch is that peek() _feels_ like it should be look into the buffer
 but actually can block and/or change the buffer.

 Can block, but not if you don't want it too. You might just want to see
 what, if anything, is currently available, up to n bytes.

Am I missing something?

In the face of an _empty_ buffer (which I can't tell from outside) how
do I prevent peek() blocking? More generally, if I go peek(n) and if n 
bytes_in_buffer_right_now and the raw stream would block if a raw read
is done?

My concerns would go away if I could probe the buffer content size;
then I could ensure peek(n) chose n = the content size. If that's not
enough, my problem - I can choose to read-and-block or go away and come
back later.
Cameron Simpson DoD#743

If all around you is darkness and you feel you're contending in vain,
then the light at the end of the tunnel is the front of an oncoming train.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Avoiding file descriptors leakage in subprocess.Popen()

2009-06-15 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 14Jun2009 16:42, Mark Seaborn wrote:
| I use a convenience function like this, so that GC takes care of the FDs:
| def make_pipe():
| read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe()
| return os.fdopen(read_fd, r), os.fdopen(write_fd, w)

Not guarrenteed to be timely. The try/except at least closes things as
control passes out of the relevant scope. I don't think all pythons
do immediate ref-counted GC.

But it's very neat!
Cameron Simpson DoD#743

Trust the computer industry to shorten Year 2000 to Y2K. It was this
thinking that caused the problem in the first place.
- Mark Ovens
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