[Python-Dev] Re: Expected stability of PyCode_New() and types.CodeType() signatures

2019-06-11 Thread Stefan Behnel
Victor Stinner schrieb am 12.06.19 um 00:09:
> So yeah, the PyCode_New() change is very annoying in practical, since
> every single project using Cython requires a new release in practice.

I think Cython's deal with regard to this is:

If you use Cython, we will try hard to cover up the adaptations for
upcoming (and existing) CPython versions for you. But you'll likely have to
rerun Cython on your project before a new CPython major release comes out.

That's obviously not ideal for projects that end up being unmaintained. But
then again, you can't freeze time forever, and /any/ change to a dependency
can end up being fatal to them.

I personally think that rerunning Cython when a new CPython release comes
out is an acceptable price to pay for a project. In the worst case, this
can even be done by others, as you suggested as a common Fedora practice
elsewhere, Victor.

(To be fair, I'll have to add that new Cython versions are also part of
those dependencies that might end up introducing incompatible changes and
forcing your code to be adapted. The upcoming Cython 3.0 release will be
such a case. However, given our compatibility record so far, I still
consider Cython a very fair deal.)

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[Python-Dev] Re: Expected stability of PyCode_New() and types.CodeType() signatures

2019-06-11 Thread Stefan Behnel
Neil Schemenauer schrieb am 08.06.19 um 22:46:
> It would be great if we had a system that did CI testing with the
> top PyPI modules.  E.g. pull the latest versions of the top 100 PyPI
> modules and test them with the latest CPython branch.

FWIW, travis-ci provides the latest CPython master builds (and some latest
dev branches). We use them in Cython for our CI tests.

One of the problems is that their images include some widely used libraries
like NumPy, some of which in turn depend on Cython these days, so it
happened once already that they failed to provide updated images because
they were lacking a Cython version that worked with them, and we didn't
notice that a change in Cython was needed because the CI builds were
continuing to use an outdated CPython master version. :) Ah, circular
dependencies… I think they fixed something about that, though. It wasn't a
problem this time, at least.

We also have the "Cython testbed", which we (irregularly) use before
releases to check that we didn't break more than was broken before the release.


It's pretty much what was asked for here, just for Cython, and it turns out
to be a considerable amount of work to keep this from breaking arbitrarily
for the included projects, even without changing something in Cython along
the way.

Thus, personally, I would prefer a decentralised CI approach, where
interested/important projects test themselves against CPython master (which
many of them do already), and have them report back when they notice an
undermotivated breakage. Some projects do that with Cython (and CPython)
already, and that works quite well so far and seems the least work for

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[Python-Dev] Re: Expected stability of PyCode_New() and types.CodeType() signatures

2019-06-11 Thread Victor Stinner

Le ven. 31 mai 2019 à 10:49, Petr Viktorin  a écrit :
> PEP 570 (Positional-Only Parameters) changed the signatures of
> PyCode_New() and types.CodeType(), adding a new argument for "posargcount".

Pablo proposed a PR to revert PyCode_New() API to Python 3.7 API:

I dislike "PyCode_NewEx"  name, it will become worse when another
parameter will be added in the future. I prefer "With" naming. I
prefer "PyCode_NewWithPosArgs()" name.

For types.CodeType constructor, well, I added CodeType.replace() to
help projects to be prepared for next CodeType constructor change :-)
But *I* am fine with breaking this constructor since very few projects
create explicitly code objects.

> Our policy for such changes seems to be fragmented tribal knowledge. I'm
> writing to check if my understanding is reasonable, so I can apply it
> and document it explicitly.

The doc has been updated:

"If you instantiate any of these types, note that signatures may vary
between Python versions."

> There is a surprisingly large ecosystem of tools that create code objects.
> The expectation seems to be that these tools will need to be adapted for
> each minor version of Python.

For PyCode_New() change, it seems like (almost?) only projects using
Cython are affected, no?

To not require Cython when they are installed, many projects include C
files generated by Cython in their tarball (and other released files).

So yeah, the PyCode_New() change is very annoying in practical, since
every single project using Cython requires a new release in practice.

For this reason, I'm in favor of reverting PyCode_New() API and add a
new function with the extra positional only parameter.

> Also, the expected level of API stability should be documented in the docs.

Note: code.h header is excluded from the stable API :-) The whole file
is surrounded by "#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API".

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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[Python-Dev] Re: Using Generic Type Constructors at Runtime

2019-06-11 Thread Brett Cannon
So I don't think python-dev is the best place to be asking this. For 
type-specific questions you probably want the typing-sig mailing list. For 
generic discussions you probably want python-list. (Based on how type-specific 
your question is I'm going to assume typing-sig might be the best place.)

This mailing list is about the development _of_ Python and not _with_ Python.
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[Python-Dev] Re: 1 PR, multiple issues

2019-06-11 Thread Mariatta
Thanks Jeffrey Kintscher for asking this question.
It is one of those "less obvious way to triage CPython issues" kind of
I think it would be great if this workflow can be documented and clarified
in the devguide.
I've opened https://github.com/python/devguide/issues/494
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[Python-Dev] Using Generic Type Constructors at Runtime

2019-06-11 Thread Saul Shanabrook
Hello all,

I am working on an expression and replacement system in Python and am trying to 
figure out if constructors for generic classes should be done with classmethods 
or with functions. I have laid out an example using each in a Github issue 
and wanted to open the issue up the larger community because I am unsure if 
there is an established pattern here yet.

A minimal example showing the difference is `none(int)` vs 
`Optional[int].none()`. (Note Optional here is not typing.Optional, but my own 

This has implications for the language, because if we want to support 
Optional[int].none() then we need to be able to access the generic type 
arguments at runtime which is currently impossible (without monkeypatching some 
typing internals) see https://github.com/python/typing/issues/629. 

But if we think the functional approach is more appropriate then we should be 
able to pass in TypeVars to functions at runtime, so we can define replacements 
on this form (see the linked issue above for the example). This would require 
fixing https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/6964.

I would appreciate any thoughts on which is more Pythonic and more likely to 
continue being relevant as the typing conversation evolves. 

The underlying motivation is that Python is increasingly being used to build up 
computation that executes on other runtimes (TensorFlow, PyTorch, even if they 
try to hide it now) and type annotations give a nice UX for describing these 
APIs. We need to be able to inspect them at runtime to build up the right 
computation graphs, but we also want them to valid under static systems like 
MyPy, to continue using all the benefits it provides for dev productivity.
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[Python-Dev] Re: Enum and annotations

2019-06-11 Thread Ivan Levkivskyi
On Mon, 10 Jun 2019 at 22:37, Ethan Furman  wrote:

> Greetings!
> I saw my first annotation mix-up with regards to Enum today:
>  #enum import:
>  from enum import Enum
>  # enum definition:
>  class Status(Enum):
>  on: 1
>  off: 2
> My question for the group:
> Is this worth "fixing" or should I leave it alone?  On the one hand it
> seems like an obvious error, but on the other I hate getting in the way of
> needs I haven't thought of.

>From the point of view of static type checkers this is an error as well
(e.g. mypy gives an error at the definition site because 1 and 2 are not
valid types).
I don't have any opinion about whether this should be a runtime error as

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