[Python-Dev] Re: Does ensurepip still have to include a copy of setuptools?

2021-10-02 Thread Paul Moore
On Sat, 2 Oct 2021 at 12:20, Thomas Grainger  wrote:
> I raised an issue about this: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10530

I agree with the comment made on that issue - this isn't the right way
to handle the problem. We need to encourage projects to opt into the
new approach and remove the legacy path once it's no longer needed. We
should *not* maintain the "old style" approach indefinitely, hiding
the fact that it's no longer the correct approach by having some sort
of "auto convert" logic in the tools. Doing that has the *opposite*
effect to what we're trying to achieve - adoption of cleaner modern
approaches will take *longer*, because we're actively allowing
projects to continue using their existing approach with no

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[Python-Dev] Re: Does ensurepip still have to include a copy of setuptools?

2021-10-02 Thread Thomas Grainger
I raised an issue about this: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10530
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[Python-Dev] Re: Does ensurepip still have to include a copy of setuptools?

2021-10-02 Thread Paul Moore
On Sat, 2 Oct 2021 at 03:27, Illia Volochii  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> ensurepip includes private copies of pip and setuptools. But PEP 453 states 
> that "once pip is able to run pip install --upgrade pip without needing 
> setuptools installed first, then the private copy of setuptools will be 
> removed from ensurepip in subsequent CPython releases."
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0453/#automatic-installation-of-setuptools

Interesting. Pip does not need setuptools installed to upgrade itself,
so a strict reading of the PEP would seem to imply that we need to
remove setuptools, as you say. However, looking at things more
practically, pip still needs setuptools to do "legacy" installs of
source distributions (when the project does not include a
`pyproject.toml`) and for editable installs of setuptools-based
projects. If we stopped shipping setuptools as part of ensurepip, I
imagine people would complain that we'd "broken" things. Telling them
that it's not broken, all they need to do is `pip install setuptools`,
and we only ever promised that the supplied pip could be used to
bootstrap a full environment, doesn't seem likely to go down well IMO.

(Technically, some aspects of pip don't work, or fall back to "legacy"
code paths, if the `wheel` project isn't installed, so ensurepip
"needs" wheel in the same sense as it "needs" setuptools, but the
breakage is less significant, and people who care are used to the
current situation and know what to do. So yes, that argues we could do
the same to setuptools, it's just a bigger impact.)

> At the moment pip itself includes a needed part of setuptools.
> https://github.com/pypa/pip/tree/9c474d4862907ae220ced0fcdbd76660955ff732/src/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources

That's internal to pip, and the pip code that uses that, does not need
an externally-supplied setuptools.

> I experimented with modifying ensurepip in the main branch not to install 
> setuptools, and then used it to install pip. It worked fine.
> Then I run `./python -m pip install --upgrade pip`, and it upgraded pip 
> successfully.
> Does this mean that we can drop the copy of setuptools?

IMO, it's too early to consider dropping setuptools, notwithstanding
what a strict reading of the PEP says. When pip has removed more of
the "legacy" code paths, this situation could change, but we're not
there yet.

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[Python-Dev] Re: Should I care what -3.14 // inf produces?

2021-10-02 Thread Jeff Allen

On 30/09/2021 08:57, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:

Decimals use a different rule than integers and floats: the modulus has
the same sign as the dividend. It was discussed using this rule for
floats (perhaps there is even FAQ or HOWTO for this), there are
advantages of using it for floats (the result is more accurate). But the
current rule (the modulus has the same sign as the divisor) is much much
more convenient for integers, and having different rules for integers
and floats is a source of bugs.

Thanks Serhiy and Victor. I hadn't realised decimal was so different 
from float. So decimal is not useful as a comparator. It's not an 
idealisation of intended float behaviour.

The question is about floor-division of two Python built-in floats, 
involving non-finite operands, and whether this is standardised in 
Python the language. I couldn't find a FAQ/HOW-TO and nothing in the 
IEEE standard bears directly on floor division. I found an interesting 
but it is having so much trouble with finite arguments that it barely 
mentions extended values a float might take. Tim makes good sense as always.

Observing behaviour (Windows and Linux), it is consistent now but was 
divergent in the past. In Python 2.7.16 (Windows):

>>> -3.14 // inf

In 3.8 (Windows and Linux) and 2.7 (Linux):

>>> -3.14 // inf

I would put the change down to improving fmod conformance in MSC, rather 
than a Python language change. But the cause doesn't matter. The fact 
that both were acceptable suggests that floor division is not 
standardised for non-finite operands.

Pragmatically, however, it is seldom a good idea to differ from CPython. 
A bit of extra work at run-time, to check the divsor, is not a big penalty.


Jeff Allen

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