[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-09 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, Jan 09, 2022 at 08:42:14AM -0800, Christopher Barker wrote:

> Perhaps it's worth remembering that this thread spun off one about adding
> syntax to Python because the current syntax isn't capable of easily
> expressing an important type hinting concept (i.e. Callable).

I shall quote the PEP's justification (in part) for the benefit of those 
who haven't read it.

[quote PEP 677]
There are a few usability challenges with Callable we can see here:

  • It is verbose, particularly for more complex function signatures.

  • It relies on two levels of nested brackets, unlike any other generic 
type. This can be especially hard to read when some of the type 
parameters are themselves generic types.

  • The bracket structure is not visually similar to how function 
signatures are written.

  • It requires an explicit import, unlike many of the other most common 
types like list.

Possibly as a result, programmers often fail to write complete Callable 
types. Such untyped or partially-typed callable types do not check the 
parameter types or return types of the given callable and thus negate 
the benefits of static typing.

These are legitimate issues with the Callable type hint. Does that mean 
that the existing syntax "isn't capable of easily" expressing callables? 
I don't think so.

"Easily" is subjective, and at the risk of undermining the justification 
for the PEP, I think it is fairly easy:

# type hint for a function of two parameters, the first takes
# an int, float or complex, the second a bool, and returns
# either a str or bytes.

from typing import Callable
T = Callable[[int|float|complex, bool], str|bytes]

It was harder to write it out in English than to write the type hint.

So its not *difficult*, there's one import and one class with a 
subscript needed. The type system is perfectly capable of expressing 
that. It is no more hard to read than any other expression of equivalent 

from aardvark import Surveying
T = Surveying((spam+eggs+cheese, eels), foo*bar)

But can we do better? The PEP authors think we can, and I am inclined to 
agree with them.

While it is true that "not everything needs to be a builtin", in the 
case of typing, we are evolving to use builtins where possible:

* we use int, and always have, not typing.Int;

* what was once typing.List[int] is now list[int];

* what was once Union[float, int] is now float|int

etc, but Callable is the last remaining common compound type without a 
syntactic shortcut. Its not that declaring callables are *too hard* (let 
alone impossible) but that we can do better than what we've got.

Callable[[int|float|complex, bool], str|bytes]

(int|float|complex, bool) -> str|bytes

The second looks like executable pseudo-code for a function declaration. 
It avoids the import and the nested square brackets, and it is shorter 
without being so terse it becomes cryptic.

The improved syntax looks just like a function signature with the 
parameter names excised:

def func(a: int|float|complex, b: bool) -> str|bytes

which I think is a win.

> So arguing that Python is completely readable for type hints is a bit 
> off-mark, isn't it?

What does "completely readable" mean?

If you mean that it is impossible to compose a type-hint of such 
stupendous complexity and obfuscatory brilliance that even the infamous 
RFC-822 email address validator regex appears trivial in comparison?


Of course I don't mean that. Type hints are expressions, and expressions 
can have arbitrary complexity, including "too damn high".

I argued that type hints are no harder to read than other expressions of 
the equivalent complexity. I didn't argue that they can't be abused or 
that the syntax cannot be improved.

More to follow...

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[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 12:05 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 05:39:42AM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > From my understanding, "x->y" would create a Callable if given two
> > *types*, but its meaning if given two other objects is still
> > undefined.
> The PEP requires parentheses around the argument list, so that would be
> a SyntaxError.

That's a small restriction that makes it less clear as an operator,
but sure, pretend I wrote "(x)->y" in the examples.

> The PEP also states that the arrow syntax would be equivalent to calling
> Callable. Callable currently enforces that the return type actually is a
> type, but doesn't check the input types.
> (I don't know if that is a deliberate design or an oversight.)
> Assuming that it is an oversight, I would expect that only the following
> values would be legal for the x and y objects:
> - a type;
> - a string (which gets converted to a ForwardRef);
> - None;
> and anything else would result in a TypeError.

TypeError is absolutely fine; it's still part of the core language syntax.

>>> 1 @ 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for @: 'int' and 'int'

If I want to create my own class that responds to matmul, I can do
that, even though core data types will all TypeError; it's part of the
core language and has syntactic, if not semantic, meaning in any

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[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-09 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 05:39:42AM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

> From my understanding, "x->y" would create a Callable if given two
> *types*, but its meaning if given two other objects is still
> undefined.

The PEP requires parentheses around the argument list, so that would be 
a SyntaxError.

The PEP also states that the arrow syntax would be equivalent to calling 
Callable. Callable currently enforces that the return type actually is a 
type, but doesn't check the input types.

(I don't know if that is a deliberate design or an oversight.)

Assuming that it is an oversight, I would expect that only the following 
values would be legal for the x and y objects:

- a type;
- a string (which gets converted to a ForwardRef);
- None;

and anything else would result in a TypeError.

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[Python-Dev] PEP 679 – Allow parentheses in assert statements

2022-01-09 Thread Pablo Galindo Salgado
Hi everyone,

I would like to start a discussion about a small PEP proposal to allow
parentheses in
assert statements to fix a common gotcha with assert statements.

Link to the PEP: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0679/

*Please, redirect all discussions to: *


as I will not be monitoring answers to this thread.

Thanks, everyone for your time!

Regards from cloudy London,
Pablo Galindo Salgado
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[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-09 Thread Jelle Zijlstra
El dom, 9 ene 2022 a las 10:50, Chris Angelico ()

> On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 3:49 AM Christopher Barker 
> wrote:
> > > If "x->y" is syntactically valid anywhere in Python code, it's not a
> > problem that there are no core data types for which it's meaningful.)
> >
> > Here's where I'm not so sure -- this looks a lot like a binary operator,
> but it behaves quite differently. IIUC it would always create a Callable,
> regardless of what the types were of the two other types. And it would not
> invoke a dinder on either, yes.
> >
> > Nor would it be like assignment.
> >
> > This is even worse than the use of [] in type hinting which is also
> using the same sytax for a very different meaning -- at least that one is
> stil calling __getitem__ :-)
> >
> From my understanding, "x->y" would create a Callable if given two
> *types*, but its meaning if given two other objects is still
> undefined. So there's still room for it to be an operator, just like
> [] is, and for it to be given semantic meaning for the 'type' type and
> all of its subclasses. Or alternatively, there's room for it to be
> given meaning in a completely different way, but still universally
> (there's a proposal for it to be a form of inline function, although
> I'm not 100% sure of the details there).

With the current iteration of PEP 677, `(x) -> y` would return a special
object (defined in the `types` module) that simply holds whatever `x` and
`y` evaluate to. You could put whatever expression you want at runtime and
it would work, though a static checker may be unhappy with you.

> ChrisA
> ___
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[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-09 Thread Stéfane Fermigier
On 9 Jan 2022 at 02:22:31, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 08, 2022 at 12:59:38AM +0100, jack.jan...@cwi.nl wrote:
> I posted this suggestion earlier in the callable type syntax discussion,
> at which point it was completely ignored. Possibly because it’s a really
> stupid idea, but let me post it again on the off chance that it isn’t a
> stupid idea but was overlooked.
> > If I can make a wild suggestion: why not create a little language
> > for type specifications?
> Any time we are tempted to prefix a question with "Why not ...", the
> question is backwards. The right question is, "why should we ...".
> Python is 30 years old and mature, with a HUGE ecosystem of users,
> libraries, tooling, etc. It is far, far easier to get changes wrong than
> to get them right, which is why we should be conservative when it comes
> to language changes (including syntax). Changes to the language are
> "default deny", not "default accept", and it is up to the proponents of
> the change to prove their case, not for opponents to disprove it.

I agree 100% on these principles.

As a counter-argument, in this specific case, I’d say that the Python
typing ecosystem is only ~5 years old and still evolving rapidly, so these
principles apply with less force.

I personally believe that the syntax for type annotation doesn’t have, from
the point of view of users, to be strictly Python, as long as it’s

I can sympathise with the idea of repurposing the regular Python syntax to
describe types, and agree that it makes easier to bootstrap tools
(typecheckers, IDEs…) but I think it has its limits in terms of
expressivity, first.

Second, I think willing to keep the same syntax constructs for the sake of
lowering the cognitive burden of new developers is a red herring. These are
two different languages, with entirely different semantics, and the links
between them is not complement intuitive.

As an example (just for the sake of argument, I’m not proposing this kind
of change) one could argue that 'list[int]’ doesn’t really relate to how
lists are constructed or how the bracket operator is used in regular
Python. A more intuitive construct (from this point of view) could have
been ‘[int…]’. Same for dictionaries: ‘dict[int, str]’ vs. ‘{int: str}’
which looks closer that how dictionaries are constructed in Python.


Stefane Fermigier - http://fermigier.com/ - http://twitter.com/sfermigier -
Founder & CEO, Abilian - Enterprise Social Software -
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Co-Founder & Spokesperson, European Cloud Industrial Alliance (EUCLIDIA) -
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[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 3:49 AM Christopher Barker  wrote:
> > If "x->y" is syntactically valid anywhere in Python code, it's not a
> problem that there are no core data types for which it's meaningful.)
> Here's where I'm not so sure -- this looks a lot like a binary operator, but 
> it behaves quite differently. IIUC it would always create a Callable, 
> regardless of what the types were of the two other types. And it would not 
> invoke a dinder on either, yes.
> Nor would it be like assignment.
> This is even worse than the use of [] in type hinting which is also using the 
> same sytax for a very different meaning -- at least that one is stil calling 
> __getitem__ :-)

>From my understanding, "x->y" would create a Callable if given two
*types*, but its meaning if given two other objects is still
undefined. So there's still room for it to be an operator, just like
[] is, and for it to be given semantic meaning for the 'type' type and
all of its subclasses. Or alternatively, there's room for it to be
given meaning in a completely different way, but still universally
(there's a proposal for it to be a form of inline function, although
I'm not 100% sure of the details there).

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[Python-Dev] [PSA] OpenSSL 3.0 support is preliminary and experimental

2022-01-09 Thread Christian Heimes


I would like to remind everybody that Python's support for OpenSSL 3.0 
is preliminary [1]. Python compiles with OpenSSL 3.0.0 and simple code 
kinda works. However there are known performance regressions, missing 
features (e.g. usedforsecurity flag), and potential bugs cause by API 

Due to the experimental state I advise against using Python with OpenSSL 
3.0 in production.

It may take a while until Python gains full support for the next version 
of OpenSSL. I have shifted my personal OSS time to more fun topics like 
performance and WASM. My work time is currently limited, too.


[1] https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.10.html#ssl
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[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-09 Thread Christopher Barker
Perhaps it's worth remembering that this thread spun off one about adding
syntax to Python because the current syntax isn't capable of easily
expressing an important type hinting concept (i.e. Callable). So arguing
that Python is completely readable for type hints is a bit off-mark, isn't

The question at hand is whether changes in syntax that are desirable for
type hinting should be applied across the board in all of Python.

I think the debate boils down to:

Is it more clear for readers to have two different (but related) related
syntaxes for two different (but related) purposes, or to have one Sytax
that is used in different ways?

Chris A addresses this specifically:

> To that extent, I definitely want to keep annotation syntax and Python
syntax the
same; if there's a new feature needed for annotations, add it to the
base language, even without any useful semantics.

And here's where reasonable people can disagree :-)

> (Valid syntax without semantics is what we have with the matmul
operator. I can syntactically parse "f@g(y)" because I know how the
matmul operator works, even without knowing the data types involved.

Sure: because it's a binary operator like all the other binary operators.

> If "x->y" is syntactically valid anywhere in Python code, it's not a
problem that there are no core data types for which it's meaningful.)

Here's where I'm not so sure -- this looks a lot like a binary operator,
but it behaves quite differently. IIUC it would always create a Callable,
regardless of what the types were of the two other types. And it would not
invoke a dinder on either, yes.

Nor would it be like assignment.

This is even worse than the use of [] in type hinting which is also using
the same sytax for a very different meaning -- at least that one is stil
calling __getitem__ :-)


On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 8:46 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 08, 2022 at 06:30:53PM -0800, Ethan Furman wrote:
> > On 1/8/22 5:46 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >
> > > [...] if you hate type annotations because they are unreadable, then
> you
> > > hate Python because Python is unreadable.
> >
> > Not so.
> Are you disputing that annotations use the same syntax as other Python
> expressions? If not, I don't see how you can deny that "type annotations
> are unreadable" implies "Python expressions are unreadable", which in
> turn implies "Python is unreadable".
> > A simple list comprehension is (usually) quite readable, while a
> > triply-nested list comprehension all on one line is not.
> Indeed. We can abuse any syntax. So do we conclude that comprehensions
> are "unreadable" because we can write obfuscated triply-nested list
> comprehensions?
> > Similarly, adding type information in between a variable name and its
> value
> > is not (for me, and apparently others too) readable.
> I think that "unreadable" or "not readable" is a complaint that gets
> overused, often for the most trivial cases, to the point that it loses
> all credibility. Especially when it comes from people who are fluent in
> C (which may not be you, Ethan).
> http://unixwiz.net/techtips/reading-cdecl.html
> "Easily learned", huh. I think that this is one of the clearest examples
> of the curse of knowledge as it applies to programming that one could
> hope to find.
> Anyway, let's compare:
> # C
> int n = 44;
> # Pascal
> var
>   n: integer;
> n := 44;
> # Typescript
> var n: number = 44;
> # Java
> int n = 44;
> # Python
> n: int = 44
> There are millions who find the C, Pascal, TypeScript and Java perfectly
> readable. I don't find it credible that people are incapable of
> reading the last one.
> Aside: such a type hint is redundant, as mypy is perfectly capable of
> inferring that n = 44 makes n an int. Style guides should recommend
> against such redundancy, and I would certainly flag that in a code
> review. A better example of a *useful* type hint would be:
> L: list[str] = []
> > Most horribly of all, cluttering a function header with type information
> is
> > most unreadable.
> I hear you. Adding redundant or unnecessary type hints to parameters
> just for the sake of having type hints is just clutter, especially if
> they are never tested by actually running a type checker over the file.
> (Untested code is broken code. If not right now, it soon will be.)
> Fortunately, we have *gradual typing*, and nobody should be forced to
> use type hints in their projects if they don't want them. Just as we
> don't make linters mandatory, we don't make typing mandatory either.
> I think that, outside of very simple functions, once we make the
> decision to annotate a function, we should space them out:
> # Better
> def func(spam: list[str],
>  eggs: float,
>  cheese: str = 'cheddar',
>  aardvark: str|bytes = "",
>  eels: Optional[Tuple[int, str]] = None
>  ) -> 

[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-09 Thread Skip Montanaro
> Here is the type hint for `len`, taken from the stub file in typeshed:
> def len(__obj: Sized) -> int: ...
> Putting the mysterious double underscore naming convention aside, I do
> not find it credible that anyone capable of programming Python beyond a
> beginner level can find that "unreadable". Not by any definition of
> unreadable I can think of.

Sure, that's pretty trivial, no question. As would be the similar C
declaration. As Glenn Lindermann reminded me of cdecl:


you can see how you can get carried away. It's the "getting carried
away" parts of the (sometimes organizationally mandatory) type system
in Python that are problematic for me, not the simple sized object
input, int output sort of thing.

You have people asking questions like these:


I don't know if they are just trying to run with scissors, are way the
hell off in the weeds, or if the more esoteric corners of tle typing
world are simply going to continue to impose themselves on the rest of
us. There will always be people who want to express "declare foo as
pointer to function (void) returning pointer to array 3 of int" (from
the cdecl.org website). Other people have to read that. Maybe Python
will eventually grow a pydecl.org domain and website to serve a
similar purpose. :-)

> Even if your type system is not Turing complete, it is still going to be
> pretty powerful. We're not using Pascal any more :-) And that means that
> the types themselves are communicating some fairly complex semantics.

> Blaming the syntax for something which is inherently hard is not helpful.

I don't think anyone's blaming the syntax. I interpreted Jack's
suggestion to mean that we would be able to do better with t-strings
encapsulating a little language designed to cleanly describe types.

I first encountered Python in the 1993-1994 timeframe (1.0.something).
Part of its appeal to me at least (and to many others I think) was
that it was the anti-Perl. Perl's obfuscation wasn't in its typing. It
was elsewhere (everywhere else?). With a full-fledged type system in
place it seems like Python is starting to desert that niche. (Yes, I
realize Perl is no longer the big dog it once was.)

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[Python-Dev] Re: About vulnerabilities in Cpython native code

2022-01-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 7:35 PM Stephen J. Turnbull
> Chris Angelico writes:
>  > Not completely, just very minorly. I'm distinguishing between attacks
>  > that can be triggered remotely, and those which require the attacker
>  > to run specific Python code. For example, using ctypes
> OK.  AFAICT that was a red herring introduced to the thread solely to
> support the claim "Python isn't memory-safe [anyway]" so it's not
> reasonable to claim a Python bug is a vulnerability.  The original
> post didn't depend on ctypes or anything like that; it claimed there
> *might* be vulnerabilities in CPython's C code.  If so, my claim is
> that they would indeed be security-relevant, regardless of what users
> with access to Python source might or might not be doing.

That's entirely possible, but I eyeballed a number of the examples
cited, and they weren't (you can't use an HTTP request to trigger test
code, as far as I know). For any of these to be viable issues, they
would have to be triggered somehow, and in many cases, it's far from
obvious how you might do that.

The problem is that this is a single monster report with a huge number
of uninteresting concerns (the "value written to but never read"
ones), interspersed with a number of complaints which aren't actually
issues (like calling Py_CLEAR with a potentially null pointer, which
is perfectly safe). It's hard to know whether there are any real
issues, without spending a lot of time weeding through the nonissues.

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[Python-Dev] Re: About vulnerabilities in Cpython native code

2022-01-09 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Chris Angelico writes:

 > Not completely, just very minorly. I'm distinguishing between attacks
 > that can be triggered remotely, and those which require the attacker
 > to run specific Python code. For example, using ctypes

OK.  AFAICT that was a red herring introduced to the thread solely to
support the claim "Python isn't memory-safe [anyway]" so it's not
reasonable to claim a Python bug is a vulnerability.  The original
post didn't depend on ctypes or anything like that; it claimed there
*might* be vulnerabilities in CPython's C code.  If so, my claim is
that they would indeed be security-relevant, regardless of what users
with access to Python source might or might not be doing.


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