Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 423 : naming conventions and recipes related to packaging

2013-07-05 Thread Benoît Bryon


Attached is a an updated proposal for PEP 423.
You can also find it online at

I am attending at EuroPython 2013 in Florence. Isn't it a great 
opportunity to get feedback and discuss about a PEP? I registered an 
open-space session and a lightning-talk today!

Some notes about the update...

The main point that was discussed in the previous proposal was the 
top-level namespace relates to code ownership rule. Here is a quote 
from Antoine Pitrou:

Le 27/06/2012 12:50, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :

On Wed, 27 Jun 2012 11:08:45 +0200
Benoît  wrote:


Here is an informational PEP proposal:

Could you review it for style, consistency and content?

There is one Zen principle this PEP is missing:

Flat is better than nested.

This PEP seems to promote the practice of having a top-level namespace
denote ownership. I think it should do the reverse: promote
meaningful top-level packages (e.g. sphinx) as standard practice, and
allow an exception for when a piece of software is part of a larger
organizational body.

So, the main change in the proposal I'm sending today is the removal of 
this ownership rule.

It has been replaced by Use a single namespace (except special cases).

Some additional changes have been performed, such as removal of some 
sections about opportunity or promote migrations. I also added a 
Rationale section where I pointed out some issues related to naming.

The PEP has been marked as deferred because it was inactive and it is 
partly related to PEP 426. I left this deferred state.

I am aware that some links in the PEP are broken... I will fix them 
later. My very first motivation is to get feedback about the big 
changes in the PEP. I wanted the update to be sent before 
EuroPython-2013's open-space session. I guess a detailed review would be 
nice anyway, for links, style, grammar...

Also, I wonder whether the PEP could be shortened or not. Sometimes I 
cannot find straightforward words to explain things, so perhaps someone 
with better skills in english language could help. Or maybe some parts, 
such as the How to rename a project section, could be moved in other 


PEP: 423
Title: Naming conventions and recipes related to packaging
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Benoît Bryon
Status: Deferred
Type: Informational
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 24-May-2012
Post-History: 5-Jul-2013


This document deals with:

* names of Python projects,
* names of Python packages or modules being distributed,
* namespace packages.

It provides guidelines and recipes for distribution authors:

* new projects should follow the `guidelines #overview`_ below.

* existing projects should be aware of these guidelines and can
  follow `specific recipes for existing projects

PEP Deferral

Further consideration of this PEP has been deferred at least until
after PEP 426 (package metadata 2.0) and related updates have been

Rationale: issues related to names

For a long time, there have been no official reference on the how to
choose names topic in the Python community. As a consequence, the
Python package index (`PyPI`_) contains many naming patterns.

The fact is that this heterogeneity causes some issues. Some of them
are described below.

.. note:: Examples were taken on July 2013.

Naming things is a hard task, and naming Python projects or packages
is not an exception. The purpose of this PEP is to help project
authors to avoid common traps about naming, and focus on valuable


Projects names are unique on `PyPI`_. But names of distributed things
(packages, modules) are not. And there are clashes.

As an example, pysendfile and django-sendfile projects both
distribute a sendfile package. Users cannot use both in an

Deep nested hierarchies

Deep nested namespaces mean deep nested hierarchies. It obfuscates
valuable project contents.

As an example, with you get a deeply nested
directory hierarchy:

.. code:: text

   └── app/
   └── command/
   └── ... valuable code is here...

Whereas, with flat packages like sphinx, you have valuable
code near the top-level directory:

.. code:: text

   └── ... valuable code is here...

Unrelated namespaces

When project names are made of nested namespaces, and these
namespaces are not strongly related, then there is confusion.

As an example, it is not obvious that zc.rst2 project is a general
Python project, not tied to zc (Zope Corporation), but related to
docutils' reStructuredText. As a consequence, some users discard
zc.rst2 project, because they think

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 423 : naming conventions and recipes related to packaging

2012-06-28 Thread Benoît Bryon

Le 27/06/2012 13:34, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :

Similarly, I think the section about private projects (Private
(including closed-source) projects use a namespace) should be removed.
It is not our duty to promote naming standards for private (i.e.
internal) projects.

The intention in the proposed PEP is to promote standards
for general Python usage, which implicitely includes both public
and private use.

The proposed PEP tries to explain how the conventions
apply in most use cases. Public and private scopes are mentioned
explicitely because they were identified as valuable use cases.

Here are some reasons why the private code use case has
been identified as valuable:

* New Python developers (or more accurately new distribution
  authors) may wonder What makes a good name?, even if they are
  working in a private area. Guidelines covering private code would
  be welcome.

* At work, I already had discussions about naming patterns for
  closed source projects. These discussions consumed some energy
  made the team focus on some less valuable topics. We searched
  for an official convention and didn't find one. We made choices
  but none of us was really satisfied about it. An external
  arbitration from a trusted authority would have been welcome,
  even if we were making closed-source software.

* As Paul said, personal code often ends up more widely used than
  originally envisaged. So following the convention from the start
  may help.

* Here, the PEP already covers (or tries to) most public code use
  cases. It's quite easy to extend it to private code. I feel
  drawbacks are negligible compared to potential benefits.

  .. note:: IMHO, main drawback is read this long document.

* Isn't it obvious that, at last, people do what they want to in
  private code? In fact, they also do in public code. I mean the
  document is an informational PEP. It recommends to apply conventions
  but the actual choice is left to developers.

That said, would the changes below improve the document?

* Keep the parts about private and closed-source code, but add a
  note to insist on in private code, you obviously do what you want
  to and be aware that personal code often ends up more widely used
  than originally envisaged.

* At the beginning of the document, add a section like

Another option would have been to deal with general Python code
and don't mention public and private areas, i.e. implicitely
cover both. I haven't followed this way because it is implicit.

Also, I don't see what's so important about using
your company's name as a top-level namespace. You don't need it for
conflict avoidance: you can just as well use distinctive project names.

Using company's name as top-level namespace has been proven a
good practice:

* avoids clashes and confusion with public projects, i.e. don't
  create a cms private project because there could be a cms
  project on PyPI.

* makes it easy to release the code as open-source: don't change
  the project name.

* if there is no reason at all for the project to contain the
  company name (i.e. the project is not specific to the company),
  why not realeasing it as open source? (with a one-level name)

Using company's name is not the only option. But, as far as I know,
it fits most use cases, which is enough (and required) for a

Another option is to use any arbitrary name as top-level namespace.
You can. If an arbitrary name seems obvious to you, feel free to
use it. But, in most cases, company's name is an obvious choice.

So, would you appreciate a change so that:

* company name is recommended as a best practice.
* but any arbitrary name can be used.

Could be something in:

1. For private projects, use company name (or any unique arbitrary name)
   as top-level namespace.

2. For private projects, use any arbitrary name (company name is
   generally a good choice) as top-level namespace.

3. For private projects, use a top-level namespace (company name is
   generally a good choice, but you can use any unique arbitrary name).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 423 : naming conventions and recipes related to packaging

2012-06-28 Thread Benoît Bryon

Le 27/06/2012 12:50, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :

There is one Zen principle this PEP is missing:
Flat is better than nested.

This PEP seems to promote the practice of having a top-level namespace
denote ownership. I think it should do the reverse: promote
meaningful top-level packages (e.g. sphinx) as standard practice, and
allow an exception for when a piece of software is part of a larger
organizational body.

The PEP's intention is to tell what Nick described. Maybe
the words are not clear...

Notes about the order of items in the overview:

1. respect names registered on PyPI. This is a requirement.

2. adopt specific conventions if any, i.e. don't break the
   rules that already exist in existing projects. This
   convention makes the PEP backward compatible. It is the
   first rule because, for project-related contributions, the
   first action should be to read the documentation of the main

3. important thing is to avoid name collisions. This is a
   requirement for project names, and a strong recommendation
   for package/module names.

4. use a single name. This rule simplifies the action of choosing
   a name and brings consistency. If you already know how your
   package/module is imported in code, you can simply use it as
   project name.

5. then, we'd better make it easy to find and remember the project.
   This is a strong advice.

6. then, all the points above being considered, we'd better use
   flat names.

7. rules about syntax (PEP 8).

8. state about specific conventions, if any. This is the complement
   of point 2.

9. ask.

Would you appreciate a reordering?
Could be something like that:

1. adopt specific conventions if any.

2. avoid name collisions.

3. you'd better use flat names.

4. you'd better make it easy to find and remember the project.

5. you'd better use a single name and distribute only one
   package at a time

6. follow rules about syntax (PEP 8)

7. once you are done, state about specific choices, if any.
   This is the complement of point 1.

8. if in doubt, ask.

(i.e., Community-owned projects can avoid namespace packages should
be the first item in the PEP and renamed so that it appears common rule)

I guess we could move shared projects can use a one-level
name before guidelines related to private projects.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 423 : naming conventions and recipes related to packaging

2012-06-28 Thread Benoît Bryon

Le 27/06/2012 22:08, Yury Selivanov a écrit :

With python adoption (enterprise too) growing, we will inevitably
find out that one single namespace (PyPI) is not enough, and
name collisions will become a frequent headache.

An argument for top-level namespace is related to PyPI
as a central place to publish Python code VS code
released in popular code repositories:

* many developers don't register projects with PyPI,
  even if open source. As an example, many projects
  are hosted on code repositories, such as,
  and not on PyPI.

* one reason (not the only one) is that, as an individual,
  publishing some proof of concept code at PyPI scares

  * it is very personal, at least at the beginning. Not
sure it is interesting.

  * what if the project gets abandoned? It will remain
on PyPI and block a name slot.

* on Github, people work in a user space. All projects are
  managed under the user account. Groups and companies
  can use organization accounts. This scheme seems popular
  and comfortable.

* on Github, people can fork projects. Project names are
  not unique, but user/organization+project name is
  unique. It seems to work well.

* sometimes, forks become more popular than original
  projects. Sometimes original projects are abandoned
  and several forks are active.

* Notice that distinct projects (i.e. not forks) can
  have the same name, provided they are owned by distinct

* Also notice that there is no deep nesting. There are
  only two levels: one for the user or organization, one
  for the project.

* if we consider PyPI as the unique reference and
  central place to check for (public) name availability,
  then shouldn't we promote registration with PyPI?

* there are other reasons why authors should register
  with PyPI. As an example  the ability to ``pip install
  project`` without using complicated pip options.

* if many projects on Github are published on PyPI, then
  what would happen? I bet that, without adequate naming
  conventions, there will be many name collisions.

* so promoting top-level namespace (including individual)
  can help.

* a risk is that it also becomes difficult to find a
  project within PyPI. But having lots of projects in
  PyPI is not the problem. The problem is more or less
  related to the search. Meaningful names, memorable
  names and packaging metadata are important for that
  purpose. And if necessary, we will be able to improve
  PyPI search engine or list/browse views.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 423 : naming conventions and recipes related to packaging

2012-06-28 Thread Benoît Bryon

Let's try to summarize answers about top-level namespace with use cases
and examples... I hope I understood them well...

About yes or no meaning:

  It fits the (work-in-progress) convention. You would
  recommend it.

  You wouldn't recommend the naming pattern for *new*
  projects (we can't require existing projects to be renamed).


Project is standalone (doesn't mean have no dependencies),
released on PyPI:

* only one-level name is recommended, no namespace package
* yes: sphinx, flask, lettuce
* no: zc.rst2 (brand name is superfluous)


Project is made of several subprojects which are not
standalone, released on PyPI:

* a namespace package is recommended

* the top-level namespace is functional: projects in
  namespace make a bigger project. They are not designed
  to work as standalone components.

* yes: ? Have you examples of such a use case?

* no:* (too many levels)


Project is related to another one (i.e. kind of contrib),
released on PyPI:

* note: there is a difference between related to another
  project and depends on another project. As an example,
  Fabric depends on ssh, but is not a contrib of it.

* choice depends on conventions of related project

* if there is no specific convention, a namespace package
  is recommended

* the top-level namespace is functional: projects in
  namespace have a common characteristic, they are specific
  to something, usually another project.

* yes: collective.castle

* yes because of explicit specific convention: sphinxcontrib-feed,

* no: castle, feed, admin, Plone.recipe.command (not specific
  to Plone, in fact related to zc.buildout)

* Use of additional metadata is highly recommended (keywords,


Project is standalone, but really experimental (i.e.
name could change, not sure to publish version 0.2),
want to make it public:

* I want to share code, but I am really not sure it will
  live long. I don't want to block a name slot.

* use a one-level name, as any standalone public project

* publish it on gitorious/github/bitbucket accounts

* don't register it with PyPI until it becomes a bit
  mature? i.e. start with code repositories only?

* not valuable enough to be mentioned in PEP 423?
  Maybe not in the scope of PEP 423. I mean it is more
  about what kind of projects we register with PyPI
  than which name to choose.


Project is standalone, but specific to my own usage, i.e.
I use it as personal software. It's not private because
I want to share the code (maybe someone will like it).

* use an one-level name, as any standalone public project

* publish it on code repositories.

* register it with PyPI? if only ready to maintain and

* not valuable enough to be mentioned in PEP 423?
  Maybe not in the scope of PEP 423. I mean it is more
  about what kind of projects we register with PyPI
  than which name to choose.


.. note::

   conventions for private projects are provided as
   informational guidelines.

Project is private, made of only one component:

* a namespace package is recommended (not sure for this
  rule, could be an one-level project name)

* the top-level name can be any unique arbitrary value.
  The company name could be a good choice.

* the top-level namespace is not functional, but represents
  an ownership: the project is specific to the customer/product.
  It contains closed-source parts.

* yes:

* no: mycustomerwebsite, website


Project is private, made of several components:

* a namespace package is recommended

* the top-level name can be any unique arbitrary value.
  The company name could be a good choice.

* the top-level namespace is not functional, but represents a
  common background: as an example, all components are specific
  to the customer/product.

* yes:, mywebsite.auth, mywebsite.calendar (where
  these components could be standalone WSGI applications, but
  contain specific stuff related to the customer/product).

* no: blog, auth, calendar


Do you prefer the examples above to the top-level namespace relates to code 
ownership rule?
Do you see other use cases?


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 423 : naming conventions and recipes related to packaging

2012-06-27 Thread Benoît Bryon


Here is an informational PEP proposal:

Could you review it for style, consistency and content?

Additional notes:

* Original discussion posted to

  * started on May 2012 at

  * continues in June 2012 at

  * that's why I set

* Original document was edited as a contrib to cpython documentation:

  * file history at
  * but it looked like a PEP, so posted to

Benoit (benoitbb on

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