[Python-Dev] bpo-32972: Add unittest.AsyncioTestCase review (for 3.8?)

2019-02-05 Thread David Shawley
Hi everyone, I added a PR to add a sub-class of unittest.TestCase that makes it 
possible to write async test methods.  I wrote this a few months ago and it is 
waiting on core review.  Is there a core dev that can take up this review?  I 
would love to have this functionality in the core.

Lukasz - should we add this to Python 3.8 or is it too late for feature 

BPO link: https://bugs.python.org/issue32972 

Github PR: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/10296 

cheers, dave.
"State and behavior. State and behavior. If it doesn’t bundle state and 
behavior in a sensible way, it should not be an object, and there should not be 
a class that produces it." eevee

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 572: Assignment Expressions

2018-04-25 Thread David Shawley
On Apr 24, 2018, at 2:10 PM, MRAB  wrote:
> On 2018-04-21 03:15, Tim Peters wrote:
>> [Tim]
>> >> And I'll take this opportunity to repeat the key point for me:  I
>> >> tried hard, but never found a single case based on staring at real
>> >> code where allowing _fancier_ (than "plain name") targets would be a
>> >> real improvement.  In every case I thought it _might_ help, it turned
>> >> out that it really didn't unless Python _also_ grew an analog to C's
>> >> "comma operator" (take only the last result from a sequence of
>> >> expressions).  I'll also note that I asked if anyone else had a
>> >> real-life example, and got no responses.
>> [MRAB ]
>> > Could a semicolon in a parenthesised expression be an equivalent to C's
>> > "comma operator"?
>> I expect it could, but I it's been many years since I tried hacking
>> Python's grammar, and I wouldn't want a comma operator anyway ;-)
> [snip]
> Just reading this:
> https://www.bfilipek.com/2018/04/refactoring-with-c17-stdoptional.html
> about C++17, and what did I see? An example with a semicolon in parentheses!

A similar pattern shows up in Go's if statement syntax.  It is interesting to 
note that it is part of the grammar specifically for the if statement and *not* 
general expression syntax.

IfStmt = "if" [ SimpleStmt ";" ] Expression Block [ "else" ( IfStmt | Block 
) ] .

Bindings that occur inside of `SimpleStmt` are only available within the 
`Expression` and blocks that make up the if statement.


This isn't a good reason to parrot the syntax in Python though.  IMO, I 
consider the pattern to be one of the distinguishing features of golang and 
would be happy leaving it there.

I have often wondered if adding the venerable for loop syntax from C (and many 
other languages) would solve some of the needs here though.  The for loop 
syntax in golang is interesting in that it serves as both a standard multipart 
for statement as well as a while statement.

Changing something like this is more of a Python 4 feature and I think that I 
would be -0 on the concept.  I did want to mention the similarities for the 
posterity though.

ChrisA - we might want to add explicit mentions of golang's if statement and 
for loop as "considered" syntaxes since they are in a sibling programing 
language (e.g., similar to async/await in PEP 492).

- dave
"Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon" - Alan Perlis___
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