[Python-Dev] Python docs about comparisons vs. CPython reality

2014-09-06 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

Are they bugs in the Python docs or just some CPython implementation
details that are purposely not documented? (but then, again, some of
the docs seem to be at least not precise...):

In https://docs.python.org/3.4/reference/datamodel.html#object.__eq__
there is the statement:

 There are no implied relationships among the comparison operators.
 The truth of x==y does not imply that x!=y is false. Accordingly,
 when defining __eq__(), one should also define __ne__() so that the
 operators will behave as expected.

On the other hand, in
https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/stdtypes.html#comparisons we read:

 (in general, __lt__() and __eq__() are sufficient, if you want the
 conventional meanings of the comparison operators)

And, when I try the __eq__() stuff in CPython it seems that, indeed,
the language provides a proper __ne__() implementation for me
automatically (without need to implement __ne__() explicitly by myself):

Python 3.4.0 (default, Mar 20 2014, 01:28:00) 
 class A:
... def __eq__(self, other):
... if hasattr(self, 'x') and hasattr(other, 'x'):
... return self.x == other.x
... return NotImplemented
 A() == A()
 A() != A()
 a = A()
 a.x = 1
 a1 = A()
 a1.x = 1
 a2 = A()
 a2.x = 2
 a == a1
 a != a1
 a1 == a1
 a1 != a1
 a1 == a2
 a1 != a2

Is it a language guarantee (then, I believe, it should be documented)
or just an implementation accident? (then, I believe, it still could be
documented as a CPython implementation detail).  See also the Python
equivalent of the SimpleNamespace class (without __ne__() implemented

On the other hand, the __lt__() and __eq__() are sufficient
statement seems not to be true:

 a  a1
 a = a1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unorderable types: A() = A()
 a  a1
 a = a1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unorderable types: A() = A()
 a1  a2
 a1 = a2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unorderable types: A() = A()
 a1  a2
 a1 = a2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unorderable types: A() = A()

On yet another hand, adding __le__() to that class seems to be
perfectly sufficient (without adding __gt__() and __ge__()):

 def le(self, other):
... if hasattr(self, 'x') and hasattr(other, 'x'):
... return self.x = other.x
... return NotImplemented
 A.__le__ = le
 a  a1
 a = a1
 a  a1
 a = a1
 a1  a2
 a1 = a2
 a1  a2
 a1 = a2

What of all this stuff is a language guarantee and what is just an
implementation accident?

Shouldn't it be documented more accurately?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] == on object tests identity in 3.x

2014-07-07 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

07.07.2014 18:11, Andreas Maier wrote:

Am 07.07.2014 17:58, schrieb Xavier Morel:

On 2014-07-07, at 13:22 , Andreas Maier andreas.r.ma...@gmx.de 

While discussing Python issue #12067 
(http://bugs.python.org/issue12067#msg222442), I learned that Python 
3.4 implements '==' and '!=' on the object type such that if no 
special equality test operations are implemented in derived classes, 
there is a default implementation that tests for identity (as opposed 
to equality of the values).

IMHO, that default implementation contradicts the definition that 
'==' and '!=' test for equality of the values of an object.

To me, a sensible default implementation for == on object would be 
(in Python):

  if v is w:
return True;
  elif type(v) != type(w):
return False
raise ValueError(Equality cannot be determined in default 

Why would comparing two objects of different types return False

Because I think (but I'm not sure) that the type should play a role
for comparison of values. But maybe that does not embrace duck typing
sufficiently, and the type should be ignored by default for comparing
object values.

but comparing two objects of the same type raise an error?

That I'm sure of: Because the default implementation (after having
exhausted all possibilities of calling __eq__ and friends) has no way
to find out whether the values(!!) of the objects are equal.

IMHO, in Python context, value is a very vague term.  Quite often we 
can read it as the very basic (but not the only one) notion of what 
makes objects being equal or not -- and then saying that objects are 
compared by value is a tautology.

In other words, what object's value is -- is dependent on its nature: 
e.g. the value of a list is what are the values of its consecutive 
(indexed) items; the value of a set is based on values of all its 
elements without notion of order or repetition; the value of a number is 
a set of its abstract mathematical properties that determine what makes 
objects being equal, greater, lesser, how particular arithmetic 
operations work etc...

I think, there is no universal notion of the value of a Python 
object.  The notion of identity seems to be most generic (every object 
has it, event if it does not have any other property) -- and that's why 
by default it is used to define the most basic feature of object's 
*value*, i.e. what makes objects being equal or not (== and !=).  
Another possibility would be to raise TypeError but, as Ethan Furman 
wrote, it would be impractical (e.g. key-type-heterogenic dicts or sets 
would be practically impossible to work with).  On the other hand, the 
notion of sorting order (  = =) is a much more specialized object 


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 463: Exception-catching expressions

2014-02-23 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

23.02.2014 19:51, Stefan Behnel wrote:

I see a risk of interfering with in-place assignment operators, e.g.

x /= y except ZeroDivisionError: 1

might not do what one could expect, because (as I assume) it would 

differently from

x = x / y except ZeroDivisionError: 1


Please note that:

x /= y if y else 0

also behaves differently from

x = x / y if y else 0

Anyway, enclosing in parens would make that expicit and clear.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 463: Exception-catching expressions

2014-02-21 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

21.02.2014 18:37, Guido van Rossum wrote:

I'm put off by the ':' syntax myself (it looks to me as if someone
forgot a newline somewhere)

As I mentioned at python-ideas I believe that parens neutralize,
at least to some extent, that unfortunate statement-ish flavor
of the colon.

This one has some statement-like smell:

msg = seq[i] except IndexError: nothing

But this looks better, I believe:

msg = (seq[i] except IndexError: nothing)

Or even (still being my favorite):

msg = seq[i] except (IndexError: nothing)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 461 - Adding % and {} formatting to bytes

2014-01-16 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

16.01.2014 17:33, Michael Urman wrote:

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Brett Cannon br...@python.org 
Fine, if you're worried about bytes.format() overstepping by 
calling str.encode() on the return value of __format__() then you 
will need

__bytes__format__() to get equivalent support.

Could we just re-use PEP-3101's note (easily updated for Python 3):

Note for Python 2.x: The 'format_spec' argument will be either
a string object or a unicode object, depending on the type of the
original format string.  The __format__ method should test the 
of the specifiers parameter to determine whether to return a 
string or
unicode object.  It is the responsibility of the __format__ 

to return an object of the proper type.

If __format__ receives a format_spec of type bytes, it should return
bytes. For such cases on objects that cannot support bytes (i.e. for
str), it can raise. This appears to avoid the need for additional
methods. (As does Nick's proposal of leaving it out for now.)


I'd treat the format()+.__format__()+str.format()-ecosystem as
a nice text-data-oriented, *complete* Py3k feature, backported to
Python 2 to share the benefits of the feature with it as well as
to make the 2-to-3 transition a bit easier.

IMHO, the PEP-3101's note cited above just describes a workaround
over the flaws of the Py2's obsolete text model.  Moving such
complications into Py3k would make the feature (and especially the
ability to implement your own .__format__()) harder to understand
and make use of -- for little profit.

Such a move is not needed for compatibility.  And, IMHO, the
format()/__format__()/str.format()-matter is all about nice and
flexible *text* formatting, not about binary data interpolation.

16.01.2014 10:56, Nick Coghlan wrote:

I have a different proposal: let's *just* add mod formatting to
bytes, and leave the extensible formatting system as a text only

We don't really care if bytes supports that method for version
compatibility purposes, and the deliberate flexibility of the design
makes it hard to translate into the binary domain.

So let's just not provide that - let's accept that, for the binary
domain, printf style formatting is just a better fit for the job :)


However, I am not sure if %s should be limited to bytes-like
objects.  As practicality beats purity, I would be +0.5 for
enabling the following:

- input type supports Py_buffer?
  use it to collect the necessary bytes

- input type has the __bytes__() method?
  use it to collect the necessary bytes

- input type has the encode() method?
  raise TypeError

- otherwise:
  use something equivalent to ascii(obj).encode('ascii')
  (note that it would nicely format numbers + format other
  object in more-or-less useful way without the fear of
  encountering a non-ascii data).

  another option: use str()-representation of strictly
  defined types, e.g.: int, float, decimal.Decimal,


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] (#19562) Asserts in Python stdlib code (datetime.py)

2013-11-17 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

17.11.2013 23:05, Guido van Rossum wrote:

The correct rule should be don't use assert (the statement) to check
for valid user input and the stated reason should be that the assert
statement was *designed* to be disabled globally, not to be a
shorthand for if not X: raise (mumble) Y. A corollary should also 

that unittests should not use the assert statement; some frameworks
sadly encourage the anti-pattern of using it in tests.

My problem with -O (and -OO) is that even though my code is valid (in 
terms of the rule 'use assert only for should-never-happen cases') I 
have no control over 3rd party library code: I can never know whether 
doesn't it break if I turn -O or -OO on (as long as I do not analyze 
carefully the code of the libraries I use, including writing regression 
tests [for 3rd party code]...).

Woudln't it to be useful to add possibility to place an optimisation 
cookie (syntactically analogous to encoding cookie) at the beginning 
of each of my source files (when I know they are -O-safe), e.g.:

# -*- opt: asserts -*-

or even combined with an encoding cookie:

# -*- coding: utf-8; opt: asserts, docstrings -*-

* The -O flag would be effectively applied *only* to a file containing 
such a cookie and *exactly* according to the cookie content (whether 
asserts, whether docstrings...).

* Running without -O/-OO would mean ignoring optimisation cookies.
* The -OO flag would mean removing both asserts and docstrings (i.e. 
the status quo of -OO).
* Fine-grained explicit command line flags such as --remove-asserts and 
--remove-docstings could also be useful.

(Of course, the '-*-' fragments in the above examples are purely 
conventional; the actual regex would not include them as it does not 
include them now for encoding cookies.)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Revert #12085 fix for __del__ attribute error message

2013-09-24 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

24.09.2013 10:16, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

On Tue, 24 Sep 2013 18:06:15 +1000
Nick Coghlan ncogh...@gmail.com wrote:

How is it wrong? At the point where the interpreter says This
exception is now unraisable, what, precisely, is it saying that is
It isn't saying this has never been raised. It is saying, where 

is currently being processed, this exception cannot be raised.

Well, it is saying it. If it's conceptually unraisable, it can't be
raised. I know your point is that it is only unraisable *now*, but
that's not the intuitive interpretation.

And what about:

Exception not propagated from bound method C.__del__
of __main__.C object at 0x7f98b8b61538

Exception that cannot be propagated from bound method C.__del__
of __main__.C object at 0x7f98b8b61538


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 447: add type.__locallookup__

2013-09-09 Thread Jan Kaliszewski
Is '__locallookup__' a really good name? In Python, *local* -- 
especially in context of *lookups* -- usually associates with locals() 
i.e. a namespace of a function/method execution frame or a namespace of 
a class, during *definition* of that class... So '__locallookup__' can 
be confusing.

Why not just '__getclassattribute__' or '__classlookup__', or 


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Avoiding error from repr() of recursive dictview

2013-07-22 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

23.07.2013 00:01, Gregory P. Smith wrote:

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Ben North b...@redfrontdoor.org 

A friend of mine, Ruadhan O'Flanagan, came across a bug which turned 
to be the one noted in [http://bugs.python.org/issue18019 [1]], 

segmentation fault

This issue has been fixed in hg; the behaviour now is that a
RuntimeError is produced for a recursive dictionary view:

 d # (output line-broken:)
{42: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
  while getting the repr of a list

Before finding this, though, I'd investigated and made a patch which
produces a similar ... output to a recursive dictionary. 

against current 2.7, the behaviour would be:

 x # existing behaviour for dictionaries:
{42: {...}}

 d # new behaviour:
{42: dict_values([...])}
 d # (output line-broken:)
{42: dict_values([..., dict_items([(42, ...), (43, ...)])]),
 43: dict_items([(42, dict_values([..., ...])), (43, ...)])}

Attached is the patch, against current 2.7 branch.  If there is 
in applying this, I will create a proper patch (changelog entry, fix 

Lib/test/test_dictviews.py, etc.).

Mailing lists are where patches go to get lost and die. :)  Post it
on an issue on bugs.python.org [4].  Given that the RuntimeError fix
has been released, your proposed ... behavior is arguably a new
feature so I'd only expect this to make sense for consideration in
3.4, not 2.7.  (if accepted at all)

IMHO it's still a bug (even though not so painful as segfault) that 
should also be fixed in 2.7 and 3.2/3.3.

In other cases (such as `d={}; d[42]=d; repr(d)`) Python does its best 
to avoid an error -- why in this case (`d={}; 
d[42]=d.Py2.x:viewvalues(); repr(d)`) should it raise an exception? 
IMHO it's an obvious oversight in implementation, not a feature that 
anybody would expect.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Odp: PEP 435 -- Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library

2013-04-27 Thread Jan Kaliszewski
Guido van Rossum wrote:

 we'd like to be able to define methods for the enum values, and the simplest 
 way (for the user) to define methods for the enum values would be to allow 
 def statements, possibly decorated, in the class. But now the implementation 
 has to draw a somewhat murky line between which definitions in the class 
 should be interpreted as enum value definitions, and which should be 
 interpreted as method definitions. If we had access to the syntax used for 
 the definition, this would be simple: assignments define items, def 
 statements define methods. But at run time we only see the final object 
 resulting from the definition, which may not even be callable in the case of 
 certain decorators. I am still optimistic that we can come up with a rule 
 that works well enough in practice (and the Zen rule to which I was referring 
 was, of course, practicality beats purity). 

Maybe only names that do *not* start with underscore should be treated as enum 
value names; and those starting with underscore could be used e.g. to define 
methods etc.? Python has a long tradition of treating names differently 
depending of that feature.

Sent from phone...

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Submitting PEP 422 (Simple class initialization hook) for pronouncement

2013-02-11 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

11.02.2013 23:29, Nick Coghlan wrote:

3. I'm trying to avoid any custom magic specific to this method, but
making it implicitly a static or class method is fairly easy if we so
choose - the standard retrieval code during class creation can just
bypass the descriptor machinery, and wrap it in staticmethod or
classmethod if it isn't already. Given that __new__ is already
implicitly static, it may be easier to follow that precedent here
rather than trying to explain why an explicit @classmethod is needed
in one case but not the other.

Though __new__ is implicitly a *static* rather than a *class* method
(so we can use it e.g. by calling object.__new__(MyClass), though --
besides -- in Py3k unbound methods have gone so the difference between
static and non-static-and-non-class-methods is smaller than in Py2.x),
in case of __init_class__ + super() it'd have to be called:


...and it seems to me a bit awkward.

And making it implicitly a *class* rather than a *static* method whould
make *impossible* to do calls such as:


...though I'm not sure we'd ever need such a call. If not -- implicit
*class* method may be a good idea, but if we would?


On the margin: is that middle underscore in '__init_class__' necessary?

We had __metaclass__, not __meta_class__... OK, it's one world, but 
we also have __getattr__, __getattribute__, __getitem__, 
__qualname__, __truediv__ etc. (not __get_attr__, __instance_check__ 

[I remember only one exception: __reduce_ex__, rather rarely used, and
easy to defend against weird __reduceex__].

Wouldn't __initclass__ be readable enough? IMHO it could spare users
trouble with remembering special case.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Decimal(2) != float(2)???

2012-09-29 Thread Jan Kaliszewski


In http://docs.python.org/release/3.2.3/reference/expressions.html#in 
we read: [...] This can create the illusion of non-transitivity between 
supported cross-type comparisons and unsupported comparisons. For 
example, Decimal(2) == 2 and 2 == float(2) but Decimal(2) != float(2).

(The same is in the 3.3 docs).


Python 3.2.3 (default, Sep 10 2012, 18:14:40)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more 

 import decimal
 decimal.Decimal(2) == float(2)

Is it a bug in the docs or in Python itself? (I checked that in 3.2, 
but it may be true for 3.3 as well)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] peps: Add PEP 422: Dynamic Class Decorators

2012-06-05 Thread Jan Kaliszewski
Terry Reedy dixit (2012-06-05, 12:42):

 On 6/5/2012 8:09 AM, nick.coghlan wrote:
Add PEP 422: Dynamic Class Decorators
 +So too will the following be roughly equivalent (aside from inheritance)::
 +class C:
 +__decorators__ = [deco2, deco1]
 I think you should just store the decorators in the correct order of use
 +__decorators__ = [deco1, deco2]
 and avoid the nonsense (time-waste) of making an indirect copy via
 list_iterator and reversing it each time the attribute is used.

+1.  For @-syntax the inverted order seems to be somehow natural.  But I
feel the list order should not mimic that...


Another idea: what about...

class C:

...being an equivalent of:

class C:
__decorators__ = [dynamic_deco1, dynamic_deco2]

...as well as of:

class C:
__decorators__ = [dynamic_deco1]



Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] A grammatical oddity: trailing commas in argument lists -- continuation

2010-12-13 Thread Jan Kaliszewski
Dear Python Developers,

It is s my first post to python-dev, so let me introduce myself briefly:
Jan Kaliszewski, programmer and composer, sometimes also NGO activist.

Coming to the matter... The discussion started with remark by Mark
Dickinson about such a syntax oddity:

 def f(a, b,): ... is fine, but
 def f(*, a, b,): ...  is a SyntaxError

Then some other similar oddities were pointed at (*args/**kwargs-related
ones as well as calls like f(*, a=3,) causing SyntaxError too).

* http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-July/101636.html
* http://bugs.python.org/issue9232
* http://bugs.python.org/issue10682

But yesterday both mentioned issues has been closed as rejected -- with
suggestion that it would probably require a PEP to modify Python in this
aspect (as there is no clear consensus). So I'd opt for re-opening the
discussion -- I suppose that more people could be interested in solving
the issue (at least after the end of PEP 3003 moratorium period).

I think that seeing that:

def f(a, b): ...
def f(a, b,): ...
def f(a, *, b): ...
def f(a, *args, b): ...
x(1, 2, 3, 4, z=5)
x(1, 2, 3, 4, z=5,)
x(1, *(2,3,4), z=5)

...are ok, then --

def f(a, *, b,): ...
def f(a, *args, b,): ...
x(1, *(2,3,4), z=5,): ...

...should be ok as well, and consequently --

def f(a, *args,): ...
def f(a, **kwargs,): ...
x(1, *(2,3,4),)
x(1, **dict(z=6),)

...should also be ok.

Please also note that Py3k's function annotations make one-def-argument-
-per-line formattig style the most suitable in some cases, e.g.:

def my_func(
spam:Very tasty and nutritious piece of food,
ham:For experts only,
*more_spam:Not less tasty and not less nutritious!,
spammish_inquisition:Nobody expects this!,
) - Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam:


Jan Kaliszewski

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] A grammatical oddity: trailing commas in argument lists -- continuation

2010-12-13 Thread Jan Kaliszewski
Nick Coghlan dixit (2010-12-13, 23:25):

 Function arguments are not lists. Even when separated onto multiple
 lines, the closing ): should remain on the final line with other

Not necessarily, IMHO.

What about my example with '- xxx' return-value annotation? (especially
when that annotation is a long expression)

There are two argument-list-formatting idioms I apply -- depending on
which is more suitable in a particular case:

when argument specs/expressions are not very long and rather if their
number is not very big:

def function(argument_spec1, argument_spec2, argument_spec3,
 argument_spec4, argument_spec5, argument_spec6):

function_call(expression1, expression2, expression3,
  expression4, expression5, expression6)

for long argument lists and/or argument specs/expressions (e.g. when
default values or argument annotations are defined as long expressions):

def function(


Note that option 'b' is more convenient for refactorization, diffs etc.


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