Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-21 Thread Lindberg, Van
Mark, MAL, Martin, Tarek,

Could you comment on this?

This is in the context of changing the name of the 'Scripts' directory 
on windows to 'bin'. Éric brings up the point (explained more below) 
that if we make this change, packages made/installed the new packaging 
infrastructure and those made/installed with bdist_winist and the old 
(frozen) distutils will be inconsistent.

The reason why is that the old distutils has a hard-coded dict in 
distutils.command.install that would point to the old locations. If we 
were to make this change in sysconfig.cfg, we would probably want to 
make a corresponding change in the INSTALL_SCHEMES dict in 

More context:

On 3/20/2012 10:41 PM, Éric Araujo wrote:
 Le 20/03/2012 21:40, VanL a écrit :
 On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
 It's worth remembering Éric's point - distutils is frozen and changes
 are in theory not allowed. This part of the proposal is not possible
 without an exception to that ruling. Personally, I don't see how
 making this change could be a problem, but I'm definitely not an

 If distutils doesn't change, bdist_wininst installers built using
 distutils rather than packaging will do the wrong thing with regard to
 this change. End users won't be able to tell how an installer has been

Looking at the code in bdist_wininst, it loops over the keys in the 
INSTALL_SCHEMES dict to find the correct locations. If the hard-coded 
dict were changed, then the installer would 'just work' with the right 
location - and this matches my experience having made this sort of 
change. When I change the INSTALL_SCHEMES dict, things get installed 
according to the new scheme without difficulty using the standard tools. 
The only time when something is trouble is if it does its own install 
routine and hard-codes 'Scripts' as the name of the install directory - 
and I have only seen that in PyPM a couple versions ago.

  From the top of my head the developers with the most experience about
 Windows deployment are Martin v. Löwis, Mark Hammond and Marc-André
 Lemburg (not sure about the Windows part for MAL, but he maintains a
 library that extends distutils and has been broken in the past).  I
 think their approval is required for this kind of huge change.

Note the above - this is why I would like your comment.

 The point of the distutils freeze (i.e. feature moratorium) is that we
 just can’t know what complicated things people are doing with
 undocumented internals, because distutils appeared unmaintained and
 under-documented for years and people had to work with and around it;
 since the start of the distutils2 project we can Just Say No™ to
 improvements and features in distutils.  “I don’t see what could
 possibly go wrong” is a classic line in both horror movies and distutils

 Renaming Scripts to bin on Windows would have effects on some tools we
 know and surely on many tools we don’t know.  We don’t want to see again
 people who use or extend distutils come with torches and pitchforks
 because internals were changed and we have to revert.  So in my opinion,
 to decide to go ahead with the change we need strong +1s from the
 developers I named above and an endorsement by Tarek, or if he can’t
 participate in the discussion, Guido.

 As a footnote, distutils is already broken in 3.3.  Now we give users or
 system administrators the possibility to edit the install schemes at
 will in sysconfig.cfg, but distutils hard-codes the old scheme.  I tend
 to think it should be fixed, to make the distutils-packaging
 transition/cohabitation possible.

Any comment?


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Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-20 Thread Lindberg, Van
On 3/20/2012 5:48 AM, Mark Hammond wrote:
 While I'm still unclear on the actual benefits of this, Martin's
 approach strikes a reasonable compromise so I withdraw my objections.

Ok. I was out of town and so could not respond to most of the latest 

A question for you Mark, Paul, (and anyone else): Éric correctly points 
out that there are actually two distinct changes proposed here:

1. Moving the Python binary
2. Changing from Scripts to bin

So far, the primary resistance seems to be to item #1 - moving the 
python binary. There have been a few people who have noted that #2 will 
require some code to change (i.e. Paul), but I don't see lots of resistance.

Am I reading you correctly?

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Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-20 Thread Lindberg, Van
On 3/20/2012 1:19 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
 Somewhat. I don't really object to #1, but mildly object to #2. I also
 note that the proposals round the Lib directory seem to have
 disappeared. I assume those have been dropped - they were the ones I
 did object to.

They are of secondary importance to me, and I would be mostly ok to drop 
them - but I would like to understand your objection.

I would like to know if you would object to user lib installs matching 
the system install. I.e., would it cause problems with you if it were 
just 'lib' everywhere, with no 'lib/python{version}'? It sounded like 
adding the version directory was the issue.

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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-20 Thread Lindberg, Van
On 3/20/2012 3:31 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
 Serious question: Given a brand new PC, if you were installing Python
 2.7, 3.2, 3.3a1, jython, and pypy, what would you do (beyond simply
 running 5 installers) to get your environment set up the way you want?

I install each python in its own directory:


Jython and Pypy get their own directories because they can have 
different version compatibilities.

I then edit my distutils.command.install and patch pip/virtualenv so 
that all my directories are 'bin'/'lib'/'include'.

I have never used the py.exe runner, but I then choose whichever Python 
is my default (right now 2.7, but hoping that I will be able to switch 
during the 3.3 timeframe) and that gets put on the PATH, along with its 
'bin' directory. The other root dirs/bin directories get put on the PATH 
after the default Python.

I don't remember whether I did it or whether it is installed that way, 
but I have a python2.6.exe and an pythonw.2.6.exe, etc, and all the 
individual installers include both a pip and a pip-2.6 version (or 
whatever that install has). I honestly don't remember - I would love to 
have someone else check.

With this setup, I get my default choice anytime I type python and a 
specific interpreter version when I specify it. Same with installers, etc.

I then install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper-powershell and do all of 
my development out of virtualenvs. Occasionally I will install something 
to the system python if it is a pain to compile and I am installing a 
binary version from somewhere, but I generally try to keep the system 
python(s) clean.CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE: To ensure compliance with requirements 
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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-16 Thread Lindberg, Van
Carl -

 Changing the directory name is in fact a new and different (and much
 more invasive) special case, because distutils et al install scripts
 there, and that directory name is part of the distutils install scheme.
 Installers don't care where the Python binary is located, so moving it
 in with the other scripts has very little impact.

So would changing the distutils install scheme in 3.3 - as defined and 
declared by distutils - lead to a change in your code?

Alternatively stated, do you independently figure out that your 
virtualenv is on Windows and then put things in Scripts, etc, or do you 
use sysconfig? If sysconfig gave you different (consistent) values 
across platforms, how would that affect your code?

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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-16 Thread Lindberg, Van
On 3/16/2012 3:38 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
 On 16 March 2012 00:12, Carl  wrote:
 Changing the directory name is in fact a new and different (and much
 more invasive) special case, because distutils et al install scripts
 there, and that directory name is part of the distutils install scheme.
 Installers don't care where the Python binary is located, so moving it
 in with the other scripts has very little impact.

This is very interesting, as it seems to argue against Mark's point. If 
moving the Python binary is not an issue here, then would this change 
make it any more/less of an issue?

 1. The incompatibilities between platforms is precisely the problem
 that sysconfig is designed to solve, isn't it? So tools in Python will
 either use sysconfig (and be correct regardless of layout) or should
 be encouraged to change to use sysconfig (so they are

Right. I want to change the default layout in sysconfig.cfg.

 2. The differences in layout between a installed Python, uninstalled
 builds and virtualenvs, on the same platform, are more annoying in
 practice than any cross-platform differences (at least for me). But
 again, these are known issues that can be dealt with easily enough
 (trivially via sysconfig from within Python).

These differences are a major pain for me - and it doesn't make sense 
that they should need to be worked around each and every time.

 If I were tidying up, I would consider renaming Scripts to bin on
 Windows, and putting the Python executables in there (so there's only
 one directory to add to PATH, and it uses the common name bin rather
 than a name that implies that it doesn't contain exes). But that
 offers no practical benefit...

This is not a we should be consistent argument - I know that would 
never fly. I do cross-platform dev all the time (develop on Windows and 
Mac, deploy on Linux) and so this bites me *every single time* I want to 
get a consistent layout between these three. That could be because I 
want my deployment environment to match my development environment(s), 
it could be because I need to introspect the layout to find some data, 
or because I want to check in an entire environment into source control.

This is not purely aesthetics - this is an issue I deal with all the time.

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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-16 Thread Lindberg, Van
On 3/16/2012 10:53 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
 The only way I can read this to make sense is that you somehow
 consider the Python installation as part of your development
 environment (you mentioned source control earlier in the thread -
 surely you don't manage your Python installation in source control -
 binaries, stdlib, etc?). I can't see why you would do this, and it
 certainly doesn't seem like a reasonable thing to do to me.

 Can you clarify?

I don't check in the python binary itself, nor the stdlib, but I *do* 
check in the whole installation, including the binaries directory.

I like having my deploy environment exactly match my develop 
environment. So if I do have an executable program, I put it in the 
binaries directory and check it in. My .hgignore includes python, 
python.exe, pip, easy_install, etc. - things that are owned by the 
installation - but it includes everything else.

As for the stdlib, I don't check that in, so that portion of the 
proposal (standardize lib naming) is nice to have, but not essential to me.

For example, in the following environment:


I would include bin/my_script, src/, and data/ in my version control. 
This breaks cross-platform development if bin is named Scripts.

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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python install layout and the PATH on win32

2012-03-16 Thread Lindberg, Van
On 3/16/2012 11:57 AM, Glenn Linderman wrote:

 So I think I'm finally beginning to see the underlying reason why Van is
 desiring this consistency:  It is not that he wants to check in his
 installation of Python, but that he wants to check in his installation
 of his packages and scripts into a source control environment, and then
 be able to check out that source control environment into an
 installation of Python on another machine of a different architecture.
 In an environment where a source control system is pervasive and well
 used, this would be an effective deployment alternative to developing a
 packaging/distribution solution using distutils, distutels2, packaging,
 easy_install, eggs, or peanuts, or any other such scheme.


 Source control environments don't lend themselves to being used for
 anything except exact replication of file and directory structure, so
 when the different architectures have different directory structures,
 this deployment technique cannot easily work except, as Van has
 discussed, by tweaking the development machine's environment to match
 that of the deployment machines... and that only works in the case where
 the deployment happens to only one architecture, and the development
 machine can be tweaked to match... but deploying to multiple machine
 having different architectures and directory structures would be
 impossible using the source control deployment technique, because of the
 different directory structures.

This is exactly correct.CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE: To ensure compliance with 
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