Diátaxis Documentation Workshop

The Python documentation community
<https://github.com/python/docs-community> will be hosting a free two-part
workshop by Daniele Procida <https://vurt.org/>, the creator of the Diátaxis
framework <https://diataxis.fr/>.

Each session will be two hours; including an introduction,
discussion/questions, and practical exercises in small groups; and will be
hosted on Zoom. There’s an *optional* take-home exercise after the first
session, which we’ll review during the second.

The second session builds upon the first, so we strongly prefer that you
attend both sessions to fully benefit from it. However, we may be able to
accommodate a limited number of people that can only make it to one. They
will be hands-on, so to get the most out of your attendance, be ready to
participate and interact with Daniele and your fellow attendees!

While the primary focus of the workshop is on contributors to the Python
documentation, they are open to anyone in the open source community
interested in writing better documentation, as long as space allows.

To attend the workshop, sign up using the registration form
<https://forms.gle/xQSZJ2Yf4Jjd27wf6>, and we’ll confirm your
attendance by August
1. We will try our best to fill any remaining slots on a rolling
space-available basis.

The presentation portion of the workshop will be recorded (though the
interactive aspect won’t be).

Session 1: Introduction to Diátaxis
Tuesday, August 16 2022, 16:00-18:00 UTC (12 - 2 PM US Eastern / 9 - 11 AM
US Pacific)

   - The Diátaxis system and how it works
   - Using it for documentation in general
   - Applying it to the Python docs specifically

Session 2: Getting Things Done
Thursday, August 18 2022, 16:00-18:00 UTC (12 - 2 PM US Eastern / 9 - 11 AM
US Pacific)

   - Authoring practices and approaches
   - Getting work started and keeping it going
   - Making life easy for ourselves

Daniele Procida

I’m a Director of Engineering at Canonical <https://canonical.com/>, where
I work to transform documentation practice across 40-plus engineering teams.

Ever since I’ve become involved in software in 2009, I’ve been involved in
its documentation too. I found my way to software through Python and
Django, so that’s where I’ve made most of my direct contributions: Django,
pytest, django CMS and others.

Through the international Python community, I’ve had the enormous pleasure
of taking part in numerous events and initiatives. The most important one
to me is the African Python movement: since 2015, I’ve attended multiple
editions of PyCon Namibia, PyCon Ghana and PyCon Africa.

In recent years, I’ve had the fortune of seeing the approaches I’ve
developed in my work in documentation adopted much more widely across the
software industry. I am always thrilled to have the opportunity to
contribute back through documentation to the same software communities that
have lifted me up in my own software journey.
in Touch

If you have questions or concerns about the workshop, please post in the Docs
Community forum <https://discuss.python.org/c/documentation/26> on

For private communications, please get in touch with one of the
organizers: Mariatta, Ned Batchelder, and C.A.M. Gerlach

Thanks to Canonical for their support and generosity in making Daniele’s
participation in this workshop series possible.
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