Sorry, folks, but I've been busy the last few days--the Language Summit is Wednesday, and I had to pack and get myself to SLC for PyCon, &c.  I'll circle back and read the messages on the existing threads tomorrow.  But for now I wanted to post "the wonderful third option" for forward class definitions we've been batting around for a couple of days.

The fundamental tension in the proposal: we want to /allocate/ the object at "forward class" time so that everyone can take a reference to it, but we don't want to /initialize/ the class (e.g. run the class body) until "continue class" time.  However, the class might have a metaclass with a custom __new__, which would be responsible for allocating the object, and that isn't run until after the "class body".  How do we allocate the class object early while still supporting custom metaclass.__new__ calls?

So here's the wonderful third idea.  I'm going to change the syntax and semantics a little, again because we were batting them around quite a bit, so I'm going to just show you our current thinking.

The general shape of it is the same.  First, we have some sort of forward declaration of the class.  I'm going to spell it like this:

   forward class C

just for clarity in the discussion.  Note that this spelling is also viable:

   class C

That is, a "class" statement without parentheses or a colon. (This is analogous to how C++ does forward declarations of classes, and it was survivable for them.)  Another viable spelling:

   C = ForwardClass()

This spelling is nice because it doesn't add new syntax.  But maybe it's less obvious what is going on from a user's perspective.

Whichever spelling we use here, the key idea is that C is bound to a "ForwardClass" object.  A "ForwardClass" object is /not/ a class, it's a forward declaration of a class.  (I suspect ForwardClass is similar to a typing.ForwardRef, though I've never worked with those so I couldn't say for sure.)  Anyway, all it really has is a name, and the promise that it might get turned into a class someday.  To be explicit about it, "isinstance(C, type)" is False.

I'm also going to call instances of ForwardClass "immutable".  C won't be immutable forever, but for now you're not permitted to set or change attributes of C.

Next we have the "continue" class statement.  I'm going to spell it like this:

   continue class C(BaseClass, ..., metaclass=MyMetaclass):
        # class body goes here

I'll mention other possible spellings later.  The first change I'll point out here: we've moved the base classes and the metaclass from the "forward" statement to the "continue" statement.  Technically we could put them either place if we really cared to.  But moving them here seems better, for reasons you'll see in a minute.

Other than that, this "continue class" statement is similar to what I (we) proposed before.  For example, here C is an expression, not a name.

Now comes the one thing that we might call a "trick".  The trick: when we allocate the ForwardClass instance C, we make it as big as a class object can ever get.  (Mark Shannon assures me this is simply "heap type", and he knows far more about CPython internals than I ever will.)  Then, when we get to the "continue class" statement, we convince metaclass.__new__ call to reuse this memory, and preserve the reference count, but to change the type of the object to "type" (or what-have-you).  C has now been changed from a "ForwardClass" object into a real type.  (Which almost certainly means C is now mutable.)

These semantics let us preserve the entire existing class creation mechanism.  We can call all the same externally-visible steps in the same externally-visible order.  We don't add any new dunder methods, we don't remove any dunder methods, we don't expose a new dunder attribute for users to experiment with.

What mechanism do we use to achieve this?  metaclass.__new__ always has to do one of these two things to create the class object: either it calls "super().__new__", or what we usually call "three-argument type".  In both cases, it passes through the **kwargs that it received into the super().__new__ call or the three-argument type call.  So the "continue class C" statement will internally add a new kwarg: "__forward__ = C".  If super().__new__ or three-argument type get this kwarg, they won't allocate a new object, they'll reuse C.  They'll preserve the current reference count, but otherwise overwrite C with all the juicy vitamins and healthy minerals packed into a Python class object.

So, technically, this means we could spell the "continue class" step like so:

   class C(BaseClass, ..., metaclass=MyMetaClass, __forward__=C):

Which means that, combined with the "C = ForwardClass()" statement above, we could theoretically implement this idea without changing the syntax of the language.  And since we already don't have to change the underlying semantics of Python class creation, the technical debt incurred by adding this to the language becomes much smaller.

What could go wrong?  My biggest question so far: is there such a thing as a metaclass written in C, besides type itself?  Are there metaclasses with a __new__ that /doesn't/ call super().__new__ or three-argument type?  If there are are metaclasses that allocate their own class objects out of raw bytes, they'd likely sidestep this entire process.  I suspect this is rare, if indeed it has ever been done.  Anyway, that'd break this mechanism, so exotic metaclasses like these wouldn't work with "forward-declared classes".  But at least they needn't fail silently.  We just need to add a guard after the call to metaclass.__new__: if we passed in "__forward__=C" into metaclass.__new__, and metaclass.__new__ didn't return C, we raise an exception.



p.s. When I say "we" above, I generally mean Eric V. Smith, Barry Warsaw, Mark Shannon, and myself.  But please assume that any dumb ideas in the proposal are mine, and I was too wrong-headed to listen to the sage advice from these three wise men when I wrote this email.
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