Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-10-02 Thread Martin Blais
On 10/1/05, Antoine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  like this with their deferred objects, no?  I figure they would
  need to do something like this too.  I will have to check.)

 A Deferred object is just the abstraction of a callback - or, rather, two
 callbacks: one for success and one for failure. Twisted is architected
 around an event loop, which calls your code back when a registered event
 happens (for example when an operation is finished, or when some data
 arrives on the wire). Compared to generators, it is a different way of
 expressing cooperative multi-threading.

So, the question is, in Twisted, if I want to defer on an operation
that is going to block, say I'm making a call to run a database query
that I'm expecting will take much time, and want to yield (defer)
for other events to be processed while the query is executed, how do I
do that?  As far as I remember the Twisted docs I read a long time ago
did not provide a solution for that.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-10-02 Thread Christopher Armstrong
On 10/3/05, Martin Blais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/1/05, Antoine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   like this with their deferred objects, no?  I figure they would
   need to do something like this too.  I will have to check.)
  A Deferred object is just the abstraction of a callback - or, rather, two
  callbacks: one for success and one for failure. Twisted is architected
  around an event loop, which calls your code back when a registered event
  happens (for example when an operation is finished, or when some data
  arrives on the wire). Compared to generators, it is a different way of
  expressing cooperative multi-threading.

 So, the question is, in Twisted, if I want to defer on an operation
 that is going to block, say I'm making a call to run a database query
 that I'm expecting will take much time, and want to yield (defer)
 for other events to be processed while the query is executed, how do I
 do that?  As far as I remember the Twisted docs I read a long time ago
 did not provide a solution for that.

Deferreds don't make blocking code non-blocking; they're just a way to
make it nicer to write non-blocking code. There are utilities in
Twisted for wrapping a blocking function call in a thread and having
the result returned in a Deferred, though (see deferToThread). There
is also a lightweight and complete wrapper for DB-API2 database
modules in twisted.enterprise.adbapi, which does the threading
interaction for you.

So, since this then exposes a non-blocking API, you can do stuff like

d = pool.runQuery('SELECT User_ID FROM Users')
d2 = ldapfoo.getUser('bob')

And both the database call and the ldap request will be worked on concurrently.

  Twisted   |  Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
|  Release Manager, Twisted Project
  \\\V///   |--
   |o O||
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-10-02 Thread Martin Blais
On 10/2/05, Christopher Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/3/05, Martin Blais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 10/1/05, Antoine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
like this with their deferred objects, no?  I figure they would
need to do something like this too.  I will have to check.)
   A Deferred object is just the abstraction of a callback - or, rather, two
   callbacks: one for success and one for failure. Twisted is architected
   around an event loop, which calls your code back when a registered event
   happens (for example when an operation is finished, or when some data
   arrives on the wire). Compared to generators, it is a different way of
   expressing cooperative multi-threading.
  So, the question is, in Twisted, if I want to defer on an operation
  that is going to block, say I'm making a call to run a database query
  that I'm expecting will take much time, and want to yield (defer)
  for other events to be processed while the query is executed, how do I
  do that?  As far as I remember the Twisted docs I read a long time ago
  did not provide a solution for that.

 Deferreds don't make blocking code non-blocking; they're just a way to
 make it nicer to write non-blocking code. There are utilities in
 Twisted for wrapping a blocking function call in a thread and having
 the result returned in a Deferred, though (see deferToThread). There
 is also a lightweight and complete wrapper for DB-API2 database
 modules in twisted.enterprise.adbapi, which does the threading
 interaction for you.

 So, since this then exposes a non-blocking API, you can do stuff like

 d = pool.runQuery('SELECT User_ID FROM Users')
 d2 = ldapfoo.getUser('bob')

 And both the database call and the ldap request will be worked on 

Very nice!

However, if you're using a thread to do just that, it's just using a
part of what threads were designed for: it's really just using the
low-level kernel knowledge about resource access and when they become
ready to wait on the resource, since you're not going to run much
actual code in the thread itself (apart from setting up to do the
blocking call and returning its value).

Now, if we had something in the language that allows us to do
something like that--make the most important potentially blocking
calls asynchronously-- we could implement a more complete scheduler
that could really leverage generators to create a more interesting
concurrency solution with less overhead.  For example, imagine that
some class of generators are used as tasks, like we were discussing
before.  When you would call the special yield_read() call (a
variation on e.g. call), there is an implicit yield that
allows other generators which are ready to run until the data is
available, without the overhead of

1. context switching to the helper threads and back;
2. synchronization for communcation with the helper threads (I assume
threads would not be created dynamically, for efficiency.  I imagine
there is a pool of helpers waiting to do the async call jobs, and
communication with them to dispatch the call jobs does not come for
free (i.e. locking)).

We really don't need threads at all to do that (at least for the
common blocking calls), just some low-level support for building a
scheduler.  Using threads to do that has a cost, it is more or less a
kludge, in that context (but we have nothing better for now).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-10-01 Thread Martin Blais

I hear a confusion that is annoying me a bit in some of the
discussions on concurrency, and I thought I'd flush my thoughts
here to help me clarify some of that stuff, because some people
on the list appear to discuss generators as a concurrency scheme,
and as far as I know (and please correct me if I'm wrong) they
really are not adressing that at all (full explanation below).
Before I go on, I must say that I am not in any way an authority
on concurrent programming, I'm just a guy who happens to have
done a fair amount of threaded programming, so if any of the
smart people on the list notice something completely stupid and
off the mark that I might be saying here, please feel free to
bang on it with the thousand-pound hammer of your hacker-fu and
put me to shame (I love to learn).

As far as I understand, generators are just a convenient way to
program apparently independent control flows (which are not the
same as concurrent control flows) in a constrained, structured
way, a way that is more powerful than what is allowed by using a
stack.  By giving up using the stack concept as a fast way to
allocate local function variables, it becomes possible to exit
and enter chunks of code multiple times, at specific points,
within an automatically restored local context (i.e. the local
variables, stored on the heap).  Generators make it more
convenient to do just that:  enter and re-enter some code that is
expressed as if it would be running in a single execution
flow (with explicit points of exit/re-entry, yields).

The full monty version of that, is what you get when you write
assembly code (*memories of adolescent assembly programming on
the C=64 abound here now*): you can JMP anywhere anytime, and a
chunk of code (a function) can be reentered anywhere anytime as
well, maybe even reentered somewhere else than where it left off.
The price to pay for this is one of complexity: in assembly you
have to manage restoring the local context yourself (i.e in
assembly code this just means restoring the values of some
registers which are assumed set and used by the code, like the
local variables of a function), and there is no clear grouping of
the local scope that is saved.  Generators give you that for
free: they automatically organize all that local context as
belonging to the generator object, and it expresses clear points
of exit/re-entry with the yield calls.  They are really just a
fancy goto, with some convenient assumptions about how control
should flow.  This happens to be good enough for simplifying a
whole class of problems and I suppose the Python and Ruby
communities are all learning to love them and use them more and

(I think the more fundamental consequence of generators is to
raise questions about the definition of what a function is:  if
I have a single chunk of code in which different parts uses two
disjoint sets of variables, and it can be entered via a few
entry/exit points, is it really one or two or
multiple functions?  What if different parts share some of the
local scope only?  Where does the function begin and end?  And
more importantly, is there a more complex yet stull manageable
abstraction that would allow even more flexible control flow than
generators allow, straddling the boundaries of what a function

You could easily implement something very similar to generators
by encapsulating the local scope explicitly in the form of a
class, with instance attributes, and having an normal
method step() that would be careful about saving state in the
object's attributes everytime it returns and restoring state from
those attributes everytime it gets called.  This is what
iterators do.  Whenever you want to schedule your object to be
running, you call the step() method.  So just in that sense
generators really aren't all that exciting or new.  The main
problem that generators solve is that they make this save/restore
mechanism automatic, thus allowing you to write a single flow of
execution as a normal function with explicit exit points (yield).
It's much nicer having that in the language than having to write
code that can be restored (especially when you have to write a
loop with complex conditions/flow which must run and return only
one iteration every time they become runnable).

Therefore, as far as I understand it, generators themselves DO
NOT implement any form of concurrency.

I feel that where generators and concurrency come together is
often met with confusion in the discussions I see about them, but
maybe that's just me.  I see two aspects that allow generators to
participate in the elaboration of a concurrency scheme:

1. The convenience of expression of a single execution flow (with
   explicit interruption points) makes it easy to implement
   pseudo-concurrency IF AND ONLY IF you consider a generator as
   an independent unit of control flow (i.e. a task).  Whether
   those generators can run asynchronously is yet undefined and
   depends on who calls them.

2. In a more 

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-10-01 Thread Antoine

Hi Martin,


The confusion stems from the fact that two issues are mixed up in this
discussion thread:
- improving concurrency schemes to make it easier to write well-behaving
applications with independent parallel flows
- improving concurrency schemes to improve performance when there are
several hardware threads available

The respective solutions to these problems do not necessarily go hand in

 To implement that explicitly, you would need an
 asynchronous version of all the functions that may block on
 resources (e.g. file open, socket write, etc.), in order to be
 able to insert a yield statement at that point, after the async
 call, and there should be a way for the scheduler to check if the
 resource is ready to be able to put your generator back in the
 runnable queue.

You can also use a helper thread and signal the scheduling loop when some
action in the helper thread has finished. It is an elegant solution
because it helps you keep a small generic scheduling loop instead of
putting select()-like calls in it.
(this is how I've implemented timers in my little cooperative
multi-threading system, for example)

 (A question comes to mind here: Twisted must be doing something
 like this with their deferred objects, no?  I figure they would
 need to do something like this too.  I will have to check.)

A Deferred object is just the abstraction of a callback - or, rather, two
callbacks: one for success and one for failure. Twisted is architected
around an event loop, which calls your code back when a registered event
happens (for example when an operation is finished, or when some data
arrives on the wire). Compared to generators, it is a different way of
expressing cooperative multi-threading.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-10-01 Thread Michael Sparks
On Saturday 01 October 2005 22:50, Martin Blais wrote:
 because some people on the list appear to discuss generators as
 a concurrency scheme, and as far as I know they really are not
 addressing that at all.

Our project started in the context of dealing with the task of a
naturally concurrent environment. Specifically the task is that of
dealing with large numbers of concurrent connections to a server.
As a result, when I've mentioned concurrency it's been due to coming
from that viewpoint.

In the past I have worked with systems essentially structured in a
similar way to Twisted for this kind of problem, but decided against that
style for our current project. (Note some people misunderstand my opinions
here due to a badly phrased lightning talk ~16 months ago at Europython
2004 - I think twisted is very much best of breed in python for what
it does. I just think there //might// be a nicer way. (might :) )

Since I now work in an RD dept I wondered what would happen if instead
of the basic approach that underlies systems like twisted what would
happen if you took a much more CSP-like approach to building such
systems, but using generators rather than threads or explicit state

A specific goal was to try and make code simpler for people to work with -
with the aim actually of simplifying maintenance as the main by-product.
I hadn't heard of anyone trying this approach then and hypothesised it
*might* achieve that goal.

As a result from day 1 it became clear that where an event based system
would normally use a reactor/proactor based approach, that you replace
that with a scheduler that repeatedly calls a next method on objects
given to it to schedule.

In terms of concurrency that is clearly a co-operative multitasking system
in the same way as a simplistic event based system is. (Both get more
complex in reality when you can't avoid blocking forcing the use of
threads for some tasks)

So when you say this:
 explicitly frame the discussion in the context of a single
 process cooperative scheme that runs on a single processor (at
 any one time).  

This is spot on. However, any generator can be farmed off and run in
a thread. Any communications you did with the generator can be wrapped
via Queues then - forming a controlled bridge between the threads.
Similarly we're currently looking at using non-blocking pipes and
pickling to communicate with generators running in a forked environment.

As a result if you write your code as generators it can migrate to a
threaded or process based environment, and scale across multiple
processes (and hence processors) if tools to perform this migration
are put in place. We're a little way off doing that, but this looks
to be highly reasonable.

 As far as I understand, generators are just a convenient way to

They give you code objects that can do a return and continue later.
This isn't really the same as the ability to just do a goto into
random points in a function. You can only go back to the point the
generator yielded at (unless someone has a perverse trick :-).

 You could easily implement something very similar to generators
 by encapsulating the local scope explicitly in the form of a
 class, with instance attributes, and having an normal
 method step() that would be careful about saving state in the
 object's attributes everytime it returns and restoring state from
 those attributes everytime it gets called. 

For a more explicit version of this we have a (deliberately naive) C++
version of generators  our core concurrency system. Mechanism is here: , example use here:
That does precisely that. (except we use a next() method there :-)

 Therefore, as far as I understand it, generators themselves DO
 NOT implement any form of concurrency.

By themselves, they don't. They can be used to deal with concurrency though.

 2. In a more advanced framework/language, perhaps some generators
could be considered to always be possible to run
asynchronously, ruled by a system of true concurrency with
some kind of scheduling algorithm that oversees that process.
Whether this has been implemented by many is still a mystery
to me, 

This is what we do. Our tutorial we've given to trainees (one of whom
have had very little experience of even programming) was able to
pick up our approach quickly due to our tutorial. This requires them to
implement a mini-version of the framework, which might actually aid
the discussion here since it very clearly shows the core of our system.
(nb it is however a simplified version) I previously posted a link to
it, which is here:

but I can see how a low-level library that provides
asynchronously running execution vehicles for each CPU could
be used to manage and run a pool of shared generator objects
in a way that is better (for a specific application) than the
relatively uninformed scheduling provided 

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Antoine Pitrou

 (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single
 greedy generator can starve all the others.

Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it as a
feature. Since generators can't be switched at arbitrary places, the
programmer has to define his/her synchronization points explicitly.
Let me contrast this:
- in preemptive MT, threads can switch at every moment by default, and
you have to explicitly wrap some pieces of code in critical sections (or
other primitives) to protect the semantics of your program; every time
you forget a critical section, you introduce a bug
- in cooperative MT, threads can only switch where the programmer
explicitly allows it; every time you forget a synchronization point, you
give your program worse performance (latency), but you *don't* introduce
a bug

So you have a scheme where you seek optimal performance (latency) but
you take the risk of a huge number of difficult bugs, and you have a
scheme where good performance needs more careful coding *but* the
paradigm avoids difficult bugs /by construction/.

By the way, the cooperative MT is exactly the Twisted approach, except
implemented in a different manner (event loop instead of explicit
cooperative tasks).



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread skip

 (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single greedy generator can
  starve all the others.

Antoine Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it
Antoine as a feature.

Apple looked at it as a feature for years.  Not anymore.  wink

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 à 08:32 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single greedy generator can
   starve all the others.
 Antoine Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it
 Antoine as a feature.
 Apple looked at it as a feature for years.  Not anymore.  wink

You are missing the context:
- at the OS level, it is not good to have cooperative MT because any
badly-written app (there are lots of ;-)) can cause lack of
responsiveness for the whole machine
- at the application level, cooperative MT can be good to enforce robust
semantics without disrupting other apps

The latter is what we are discussing AFAIK: a different concurrency
scheme inside a single application - not accross the whole OS or

Actually, I think different concurrency schemes must be chosen and mixed
depending on the semantics. For example, when you have a networked GUI
app, it can be good to have the network in one preemptive thread (using
e.g. Twisted) and the GUI in another preemptive thread (using GTK,
wx...). This is because GUI and network have different latency
characteristics and requirements.
(of course, you can replace preemptive thread with process in the
above description)

So whatever innovatice concurrency scheme Python may come out, it should
still be mixable with more traditional concurrency schemes, because
required properties vary wildly even inside a single app.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Simon Wittber
On 9/30/05, Antoine Pitrou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single
  greedy generator can starve all the others.

 Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it as a
 feature. Since generators can't be switched at arbitrary places, the
 programmer has to define his/her synchronization points explicitly.

I use this approach extensively, using tasks which are defined using
generators. The scheduler I developed for this can be viewed here:

Synchronization using yield statements is an important feature, as I
use these cooperative threads for game development. These threads are
_very_ useful for games, as they have very low overhead, and allow the
programmer to exercise more control over their execution.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 9/30/05, Antoine Pitrou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 à 08:32 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
   (C)  That scheduler is non-preemptive.  A single greedy generator can
starve all the others.
  Antoine Instead of looking at this as a problem, you could look at it
  Antoine as a feature.
  Apple looked at it as a feature for years.  Not anymore.  wink

 You are missing the context:
 - at the OS level, it is not good to have cooperative MT because any
 badly-written app (there are lots of ;-)) can cause lack of
 responsiveness for the whole machine
 - at the application level, cooperative MT can be good to enforce robust
 semantics without disrupting other apps

 The latter is what we are discussing AFAIK: a different concurrency
 scheme inside a single application - not accross the whole OS or

I like this analysis.

 Actually, I think different concurrency schemes must be chosen and mixed
 depending on the semantics. For example, when you have a networked GUI
 app, it can be good to have the network in one preemptive thread (using
 e.g. Twisted) and the GUI in another preemptive thread (using GTK,
 wx...). This is because GUI and network have different latency
 characteristics and requirements.
 (of course, you can replace preemptive thread with process in the
 above description)

I'm skeptical of this. I think a traditional GUI+network app can
combine the network and UI tasks in one process -- usually they
interact somewhat and that's where the bugs show up. Also note that
this is not an application area where MP is very interesting -- most
of the time you're blocked waiting for the user or for a socket (or
likely both :) so a single CPU is all you need. I've never heard
someone complain that the GIL is in the way for these types of apps.

 So whatever innovatice concurrency scheme Python may come out, it should
 still be mixable with more traditional concurrency schemes, because
 required properties vary wildly even inside a single app.

I don't think you've proved that yet.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Antoine Pitrou


 I've never heard
 someone complain that the GIL is in the way for these types of apps.

I've never said so either.
I was just saying that it can be useful to mix cooperative threading and
preemptive threading in the same app, i.e. have different domains of
cooperative threading which are preemptively scheduled by the OS. That
has nothing to do with the GIL, I think (but I don't know much in Python

For instance the mix between Twisted and GUI event loops is a very
common topic on the twisted mailing-list, because people have trouble
getting it right inside a single system thread. The Twisted people have
started advocating something called the ThreadedSelectReactor, which I
haven't looked at but whose name suggests that some operations are
performed in a helper system thread.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Jp Calderone
On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:26:27 +0200, Antoine Pitrou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've never heard
 someone complain that the GIL is in the way for these types of apps.

I've never said so either.
I was just saying that it can be useful to mix cooperative threading and
preemptive threading in the same app, i.e. have different domains of
cooperative threading which are preemptively scheduled by the OS. That
has nothing to do with the GIL, I think (but I don't know much in Python

For instance the mix between Twisted and GUI event loops is a very
common topic on the twisted mailing-list, because people have trouble
getting it right inside a single system thread. The Twisted people have
started advocating something called the ThreadedSelectReactor, which I
haven't looked at but whose name suggests that some operations are
performed in a helper system thread.

Advocating might be putting it too strongly :)  Experimenting with 
describes the current state of things most accurately.

The problem it aims to solve is integration with cooperative threading systems 
which don't work very well.  An example of such a loop is the wx event loop.  

Whenever a modal dialog is displayed or a menu is activated, wx's loop stops 
cooerating.  The only way we've found thus far to avoid this is to run wx in a 
separate thread, so even when it stops cooperating, network code can still get 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Hi Jp,

Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 à 12:20 -0400, Jp Calderone a écrit :
 Advocating might be putting it too strongly :)  Experimenting with
 describes the current state of things most accurately.

Ok :)

 The problem it aims to solve is integration with cooperative threading
 systems which don't work very well.  An example of such a loop is the
 wx event loop.  
 Whenever a modal dialog is displayed or a menu is activated, wx's loop
 stops cooerating.

This specific problem hides the more general problem, which is that GUI
and network activities have different typical latencies. As I explained
on the twisted ML, a GUI needs very good response times to feel friendly
(typically below 20 or even 10 ms.), whereas some network protocols have
non-trivial calculations which can go above 100 ms. Moreover, you don't
want a sudden flood of network events to block events in the GUI.

This is why even without considering wx's specificities, it is still
useful to keep GUI and network activities in separate threads.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Bruce Eckel
 I was just saying that it can be useful to mix cooperative threading and
 preemptive threading in the same app, i.e. have different domains of
 cooperative threading which are preemptively scheduled by the OS. That
 has nothing to do with the GIL, I think (but I don't know much in Python

This is one of the interesting questions I'd like to answer (but which
probably requires some kind of  mathematician to prove one way or
another): Does a complete concurrency solution require both a
preemptive task management system and a cooperative one?

OS Processes are generally quite limited in number (although I
understand that BeOS was designed to create tons of lightweight
processes, which changed that particular picture). In Java, you can
usually create several hundred threads before it craps out.
Simulations and games could easily have thousands or even hundreds of
thousands of independent simulation units. If there are limits to the
number of concurrency drivers (threads, etc.), then that would suggest
that at some point you have to move to a cooperative system. Which
would suggest that a complete concurrency solution might require

That wouldn't be my ideal. My ideal would be a single solution that
would scale up to large numbers of concurrency units, and that
wouldn't require the programmer to remember to explicitly yield
control. Whether my ideal is possible is a question I'd like to

Bruce Eckel   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Contains electronic books: Thinking in Java 3e  Thinking in C++ 2e
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Re: [Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - cooperative MT

2005-09-30 Thread Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 18:33 +0200, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Hi Jp,
 Le vendredi 30 septembre 2005 à 12:20 -0400, Jp Calderone a écrit :
  Advocating might be putting it too strongly :)  Experimenting with
  describes the current state of things most accurately.
 Ok :)
  The problem it aims to solve is integration with cooperative threading
  systems which don't work very well.  An example of such a loop is the
  wx event loop.  
  Whenever a modal dialog is displayed or a menu is activated, wx's loop
  stops cooerating.

  That is wx's problem.  Try PyGTK some day; I hear it's really
good! ;-)

 This specific problem hides the more general problem, which is that GUI
 and network activities have different typical latencies. As I explained
 on the twisted ML, a GUI needs very good response times to feel friendly
 (typically below 20 or even 10 ms.), whereas some network protocols have
 non-trivial calculations which can go above 100 ms.

  With PyGTK a typical solution for this is to use a generator function
executing an idle function, which would make the non-trivial
calculations, but yield control back to the main loop periodically, in
order to process GUI events. For example, see the last code block in

  Moreover, you don't
 want a sudden flood of network events to block events in the GUI.

  Process one event at a time, after each event give back control to the
main loop, and give low priority to socket IO events.  Problem solved.

 This is why even without considering wx's specificities, it is still
 useful to keep GUI and network activities in separate threads.

  You are considering a scenario that seldom happens to design a
solution that is far too complicated for most cases.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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