
Our kind postmasters Mark Sapiro and Abhilash Raj migrated
python-ideas and python-dev mailing lists from Mailman 2 to Mailman 3
(running on Python 3 ;-))!

You can now enjoy HyperKitty, the new web UI to access the mailing lists:


* Ability to post an email directly on the web UI (open a new topic or
reply to an existing topic)
* Nicer "archives": profile photo (gravatar), thread view
* New "Most Active" and "Most Popular" views of mailing lists
* Statistics (note: it seems like stats on python-dev are not computed yet)
* Single login/password to subscribe to multiple Python mailing lists
* Simpler UI to subscribe/unsubscribe
* More reliable "permalink" URLs to emails
* And more!

Many lists already migrated: speed, capi-sig, python-committers, etc.

All lists hosted by Mailman3:


There are also http://discuss.python.org/ and
https://python.zulipchat.com/ to discuss Python ;-)

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Unsubscribe: %(user_optionsurl)s

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