Re: [Python-Dev] At least one package management tool for 2.7

2010-03-24 Thread Tarek Ziadé
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:59 AM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
 I wonder if there are many people here who don't use some kind of
 easy_install package for package management in their Python /
 virtualenv installations? I propose to include at least one such
 package that is capable to auto-update itself in Python 2.7

 C:\~env\Python27python.exe -m easy_install
 C:\~env\Python27\python.exe: No module named easy_install

 C:\~env\Python27python.exe -m pip
 C:\~env\Python27\python.exe: No module named pip

 It bugs me when I have to troubleshoot things on yet another machine
 that doesn't have some kind of `setuptools` installed. Or when I have
 to test some bug in my package on different Python version with a
 clean install and need some dependencies.

We are working on distutils2 right now to improve the situation, and
Ian has proposed to work on the possible inclusion of virtualenv in
the stldib as well.

I'll talk for distutils2 :

The plan is to provide a distutils2 standalone version that can be
installed from 2.4 to 3.x, and that will provide a basic
installer/uninstaller via -m.

Distutils2 is planned to be reintegrated in the stdlib in Python 3.3,
and my goal is to release it when Python 2.7 final is released.

The open question is: do we want to include a full installer that
takes care of installing / removing dependencies as well ?

I think not. Pip already provides this feature on the top of distutils
(and distutils2 later I guess) and is not hard to install on the top
of Python.

But the auto-update story seems interesting, can you expand on this ?


Tarek Ziadé |
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] At least one package management tool for 2.7

2010-03-24 Thread anatoly techtonik
 Sure. Package management tool should have an ability to update itself when 
 required regardless of Python release. For example::

 python.exe -m easy_install setuptools

This should be:

python -m easy_install -U setuptools

P.S. Wave effect. =)
anatoly t.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] At least one package management tool for 2.7

2010-03-24 Thread Tarek Ziadé
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 12:20 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:

 Distutils2 is planned to be reintegrated in the stdlib in Python 3.3,
 and my goal is to release it when Python 2.7 final is released.

 Does that means after Python 2.7, because I meant it to be before
 or at least with?

The goal is to provide a first version by the time 2.7 is out.

 The open question is: do we want to include a full installer that
 takes care of installing / removing dependencies as well ?

 If there is a risk to get nothing at all in 2.7 distribution, because
 it just won't be ready/accepted by that time, then I it is certainly

Understand that the distutils2 project is happening outside the stdlib
at this time,
so you will have to install it on the top of Python in any case.

Last, its release cycle will be shorter until it gets back in the
stdlib, that will make it easy
to add features.

 But the auto-update story seems interesting, can you expand on this ?

 Sure. Package management tool should have an ability to update itself
 when required regardless of Python release. For example::

    python.exe -m easy_install setuptools

 This will get you new version of `setuptools` and `easy_install`
 module from it automagically. You do not need to install new version
 of `setuptools` manually or copy files from SVN if you want to see
 fixes before next Python release. The stuff you would likely need to
 do with distutils bugs, which I personally find awkward.

 Package management is orthogonal to Python releases, and it is more
 oriented at Python users who don't like to wait or follow PEPs. That's
 why package management tool such as 'easy_install' has shorter
 development cycle, and it should faster react to user feedback. What
 can be one of the reasons that no package management tool is included
 with Python.

 In various README you may often see requires setuptools  0.6c9 or
 similar. I can't see why package management tool can not detect this
 dependency and propose to update itself.

 If it is impossible to ship the whole package management system then
 at least Python distribution may carry small bootstrap script for it.
 When user tries to execute package management tools, it warns him that
 these are not installed and gives a hint where to get them::

 python -m easy_install bla-bla-bla
 Error: easy_install module is not shipped with this Python release.
 Please execute the following command to install the latest version.

 python -m easy_bootstrap

Interesting, can you start a new thread on distutils-SIG for this
part, so we can discuss it there ?


Tarek Ziadé |
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] At least one package management tool for 2.7

2010-03-24 Thread Nick Coghlan
anatoly techtonik wrote:
 If it is impossible to ship the whole package management system then 
 at least Python distribution may carry small bootstrap script for it.
  When user tries to execute package management tools, it warns him
 that these are not installed and gives a hint where to get them::
 python -m easy_install bla-bla-bla
 Error: easy_install module is not shipped with this Python release. 
 Please execute the following command to install the latest version.
 python -m easy_bootstrap

Note that this idea has come up before and is *much* more likely to get
traction than including a full package management system.

The nature of package management is such that tying an installation
system to the release cycle of the core interpreter is unlikely to end
well. A bootstrapping tool that only knows how to download a single
specific package would be much easier to keep stable.

Even such a scaled back idea is still far from a certainty to be
accepted though, given the number of people who vehemently object to
duplicating any significant part of the functionality of the system
package management tools (i.e. RPM, apt et al).

At this point, the packaging story is in the hands of distutils-sig and
they're pressing forward with several initiatives that will permit the
construction of more robust and reliable Python-specific package
management systems (such as supporting listing and uninstallation of
installed packages).


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] At least one package management tool for 2.7

2010-03-24 Thread Olemis Lang
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 7:23 AM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
 Sure. Package management tool should have an ability to update itself when 
 required regardless of Python release. For example::

 python.exe -m easy_install setuptools

 This should be:

    python -m easy_install -U setuptools


More precisely, what I use for CI is


$ easy_install -U setuptools==dev

but the `python -m` part should work as well ;o)

PS: e.g. that allows to check out code from SVN in order to use
setuptools 0.7.x `test_runner` switch like this

python -W ignore::DeprecationWarning test -r ciutils:junitrunner




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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] At least one package management tool for 2.7

2010-03-24 Thread Antoine Pitrou
anatoly techtonik techtonik at writes:
 I wonder if there are many people here who don't use some kind of
 easy_install package for package management in their Python /
 virtualenv installations? I propose to include at least one such
 package that is capable to auto-update itself in Python 2.7
 C:\~env\Python27python.exe -m easy_install
 C:\~env\Python27\python.exe: No module named easy_install
 C:\~env\Python27python.exe -m pip
 C:\~env\Python27\python.exe: No module named pip

It will not happen in 2.7, which is almost in beta phase.
Based on previous discussions, it will most likely not happen in 3.2 either. The
consensus is that setuptools, which both pip and easy_install depend on, should
not be included into the core.

However, Tarek's work on distutils2 (a mostly forward-compatible replacement
for distutils) will include features such as dependencies, and make it much
easier to create and perhaps bundle a pip-like utility. So perhaps in 3.3 you
have a chance ;)



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