Re: [Python-Dev] Pickling instances of nested classes

2005-04-01 Thread Walter Dörwald
Samuele Pedroni wrote:
And having the full name of the class available would certainly help 
in debugging.
that's probably the only plus point but the names would be confusing wrt
 modules vs. classes.
You'd propably need a different separator in repr. XIST does this:
 from ll.xist.ns import html
attribute class ll.xist.ns.html:a.Attrs.href at 0x8319284
My point was that enabling reduce hooks at the metaclass level has
propably other interesting applications, is far less complicated than
your proposal to implement, it does not further complicate the notion of
what happens at class creation time, and indeed avoids the
implementation costs (for all python impls) of your proposal and still
allows fairly generic solutions to the problem at hand because the
solution can be formulated at the metaclass level.
Pickling classes like objects (i.e. by using the pickling methods in 
their (meta-)classes) solves only the second part of the problem: 
Finding the nested classes in the module on unpickling. The other 
problem is to add additional info to the inner class, which gets pickled 
and makes it findable on unpickling.

If is patched along these lines [*] (strawman impl, not much
tested but still passes, needs further work to support
__reduce_ex__ and cPickle would need similar changes) then this example 

class HierarchMeta(type):
  metaclass such that inner classes know their outer class, with 
pickling support
  def __new__(cls, name, bases, dic):
  sub = [x for x in dic.values() if isinstance(x,HierarchMeta)]
I did something similar to this in XIST, but the problem with this 
approach is that in:

class Foo(Elm):
class Bar(Elm):
   Baz = Foo
the class Foo will get its _outer_ set to Bar although it shouldn't.
  def __reduce__(cls):
  if hasattr(cls, '_outer_'):
  return getattr, (cls._outer_, cls.__name__)
  return cls.__name__
I like this approach: Instead of hardcoding how references to classes 
are pickled (pickle the __name__), deligate it to the metaclass.

BTW, if classes and functions are pickable, why aren't modules:
 import urllib, cPickle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.4/, line 69, in _reduce_ex
raise TypeError, can't pickle %s objects % base.__name__
TypeError: can't pickle module objects
We'd just have to pickle the module name.
   Walter Dörwald
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pickling instances of nested classes

2005-04-01 Thread Samuele Pedroni
Walter Dörwald wrote:
Samuele Pedroni wrote:
And having the full name of the class available would certainly help 
in debugging.

that's probably the only plus point but the names would be confusing wrt
 modules vs. classes.

You'd propably need a different separator in repr. XIST does this:
 from ll.xist.ns import html
attribute class ll.xist.ns.html:a.Attrs.href at 0x8319284
My point was that enabling reduce hooks at the metaclass level has
propably other interesting applications, is far less complicated than
your proposal to implement, it does not further complicate the notion of
what happens at class creation time, and indeed avoids the
implementation costs (for all python impls) of your proposal and still
allows fairly generic solutions to the problem at hand because the
solution can be formulated at the metaclass level.

Pickling classes like objects (i.e. by using the pickling methods in 
their (meta-)classes) solves only the second part of the problem: 
Finding the nested classes in the module on unpickling. The other 
problem is to add additional info to the inner class, which gets 
pickled and makes it findable on unpickling.

If is patched along these lines [*] (strawman impl, not much
tested but still passes, needs further work to support
__reduce_ex__ and cPickle would need similar changes) then this 
example works:

class HierarchMeta(type):
  metaclass such that inner classes know their outer class, with 
pickling support
  def __new__(cls, name, bases, dic):
  sub = [x for x in dic.values() if isinstance(x,HierarchMeta)]

I did something similar to this in XIST, but the problem with this 
approach is that in:

class Foo(Elm):
class Bar(Elm):
   Baz = Foo
the class Foo will get its _outer_ set to Bar although it shouldn't.
this should approximate that behavior better: [not tested]
  import sys
 def __new__(cls, name, bases, dic):
 sub = [x for x in dic.values() if isinstance(x,HierarchMeta)]
 newtype = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dic)
 for x in sub:
 if not hasattr(x, '_outer_') and 
getattr(sys.modules.get(x.__module__), x.__name__, None) is not x:
  x._outer_ = newtype
 return newtype

we don't set _outer_ if a way to pickle the class is already there
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pickling instances of nested classes

2005-04-01 Thread Walter Dörwald
Samuele Pedroni wrote:
this should approximate that behavior better: [not tested]
  import sys
 def __new__(cls, name, bases, dic):
 sub = [x for x in dic.values() if isinstance(x,HierarchMeta)]
 newtype = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dic)
 for x in sub:
 if not hasattr(x, '_outer_') and 
getattr(sys.modules.get(x.__module__), x.__name__, None) is not x:
  x._outer_ = newtype
 return newtype

we don't set _outer_ if a way to pickle the class is already there
This doesn't fix
class Foo:
   class Bar:
class Baz:
   Bar = Foo.Bar
both this should be a simple fix.
   Walter Dörwald
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pickling instances of nested classes

2005-03-31 Thread Walter Dörwald
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
Walter Dörwald wrote:
So is this change wanted? useful? implementable with reasonable 
effort? Or
just not worth it?
I think it is just not worth it. This means I won't attempt to implement
it. I think I defined originally the __module__ attribute for classes to
support better pickling (and defined it to be a string to avoid cycles);
we considered the nested classes case at the time and concluded oh
well, don't do that then.
This sounds like this change would have a far greater chance of getting 
into Python if a patch existed (I guess, this is the case for all 
changes ;)).

   Walter Dörwald
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pickling instances of nested classes

2005-03-31 Thread Samuele Pedroni
Walter Dörwald wrote:
Samuele Pedroni wrote:
Walter Dörwald wrote:
[User cases for pickling instances of nested classes]
So is this change wanted? useful? implementable with reasonable 
effort? Or
just not worth it?

notice that in this cases often metaclasses are involved or could 
easely be, so if pickling would honor __reduce__ or __reduce_ex__ on 
metaclasses (which right now it doesn't treating their instances as 
normal classes) one could roll her own solution without the burden for 
the language of implementing pickling of nested classes in general, so 
I think that would make more sense, to add support to honor 
__reduce__/__reduce_ex__ for metaclasses.

Sorry, I don't understand: In most cases it can be possible to
work around the nested classes problem by implementing custom pickling 
functionality (getstate/setstate/reduce/reduce_ex). But it is probably 
impossible to implement this once and for all in a common base class, 
because there's no way to find the real name of the nested class (or any 
other handle that makes it possible to retrieve the class from the 
module on unpickling).

And having the full name of the class available would certainly help in 

that's probably the only plus point but the names would be confusing wrt
 modules vs. classes.
My point was that enabling reduce hooks at the metaclass level has
propably other interesting applications, is far less complicated than
your proposal to implement, it does not further complicate the notion of
what happens at class creation time, and indeed avoids the
implementation costs (for all python impls) of your proposal and still
allows fairly generic solutions to the problem at hand because the
solution can be formulated at the metaclass level.
If is patched along these lines [*] (strawman impl, not much
tested but still passes, needs further work to support
__reduce_ex__ and cPickle would need similar changes) then this example 

class HierarchMeta(type):
  metaclass such that inner classes know their outer class, with 
pickling support
  def __new__(cls, name, bases, dic):
  sub = [x for x in dic.values() if isinstance(x,HierarchMeta)]
  newtype = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dic)
  for x in sub:
  x._outer_ = newtype
  return newtype

  def __reduce__(cls):
  if hasattr(cls, '_outer_'):
  return getattr, (cls._outer_, cls.__name__)
  return cls.__name__
# uses the HierarchMeta metaclass
class Elm:
  __metaclass__ = HierarchMeta
  def __init__(self, **stuff):
  def __repr__(self):
  return %s %s % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)
# example
class X(Elm):
  class Y(Elm):
  class Z(Elm):
import pickle
x = X(a=1)
y = X.Y(b=2)
z = X.Z(c=3)
xs = pickle.dumps(x)
ys = pickle.dumps(y)
zs = pickle.dumps(z)
print pickle.loads(xs)
print pickle.loads(ys)
print pickle.loads(zs)
pedronis$ python2.4
X {'a': 1}
Y {'b': 2}
Z {'c': 3}

---  Wed Mar 30 20:37:14 2005
+++   Thu Mar 31 21:09:41 2005
@@ -298,12 +298,19 @@
 issc = issubclass(t, TypeType)
 except TypeError: # t is not a class (old Boost; see SF #502085)
 issc = 0
+reduce = None
 if issc:
+for x in t.__mro__:
+if x is not object and '__reduce__' in x.__dict__:
+reduce = x.__dict__['__reduce__']
 # Check copy_reg.dispatch_table
-reduce = dispatch_table.get(t)
+if not reduce:
+reduce = dispatch_table.get(t)
 if reduce:
 rv = reduce(obj)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pickling instances of nested classes

2005-03-29 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Walter Dörwald wrote:
So is this change wanted? useful? implementable with reasonable effort? Or
just not worth it?
I think it is just not worth it. This means I won't attempt to implement
it. I think I defined originally the __module__ attribute for classes to
support better pickling (and defined it to be a string to avoid cycles);
we considered the nested classes case at the time and concluded oh
well, don't do that then.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pickling instances of nested classes

2005-03-29 Thread Samuele Pedroni
Walter Dörwald wrote:
For XML: 1) Those classes are the element types and the nested classes
are the attributes. 2) Being able to define those attributes as separate
classes makes it possible to implement custom functionality (e.g. for
validation or for handling certain attribute types like URLs, colors etc.)
and 3) Those classes get instantiated when an XML tree is created or parsed.
A framework that does this (and my main motivation for writing this :)) is
XIST (see
For the ORM case: Each top level class defines a table and the nested
classes are the fields, i.e. something like this:
class person(Table):
class firstname(Varchar):
The person's first name
null = False
class lastname(Varchar):
The person's last name
null = False
class password(Varchar):
Login password
def validate(self, value):
if not any(c.islower() for c in value) and \
   not any(c.isupper() for c in value) and \
   not any(c.isdigit() for c in value):
raise InvalidField(password requires a mix of upper 
and lower
   case letters and digits)
Instances of these classes are the records read from the database. A framework
that does something similar to this (although AFAIK fields are not nested
classes is SQLObject (
So is this change wanted? useful? implementable with reasonable effort? Or
just not worth it?
notice that in this cases often metaclasses are involved or could easely 
be, so if pickling would honor __reduce__ or __reduce_ex__ on 
metaclasses (which right now it doesn't treating their instances as 
normal classes) one could roll her own solution without the burden for 
the language of implementing pickling of nested classes in general, so I 
think that would make more sense, to add support to honor 
__reduce__/__reduce_ex__ for metaclasses.

Python-Dev mailing list