Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572: Statement-Local Name Bindings, take three!

2018-03-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
To keep this a manageable length, I've trimmed vigourously. Apologies in 
advance if I've been too enthusiastic with the trimming :-)

On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 05:09:54AM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

> No, I haven't yet. Sounds like a new section is needed. Thing is,
> there's a HUGE family of C-like and C-inspired languages that allow
> assignment expressions, and for the rest, I don't have any personal
> experience. So I need input from people: what languages do you know of
> that have small-scope name bindings like this?

I don't know if this counts as "like this", but Lua has a do...end block 
that introduces a new scope. Something like this:

x = 1
   x = 2
   print(x)  # prints 2
print(x)  # prints 1

I think that's a neat concept, but I'm struggling to think what I would 
use it for.

> > result = (func(x), func(x)+1, func(x)*2)
> True, but outside of comprehensions, the most obvious response is
> "just add another assignment statement". You can't do that in a list
> comp (or equivalently in a genexp or dict comp).

Yes you can: your PEP gives equivalents that work fine for list comps, 
starting with factorising the duplicate code out into a helper function, 
to using a separate loop to get assignment:

[(spam, spam+1) for x in values for spam in (func(x),)]

[(spam, spam+1) for spam in (func(x) for x in values)]

They are the equivalent to "just add another assignment statement" for 

I acknowledge that comprehensions are the motivating example here, but I 
don't think they're the only justification for the concept.

Strictly speaking, there's never a time that we cannot use a new 
assignment statement. But sometimes it is annoying or inconvenient. 
Consider a contrived example:

 func(omega) + func(omega)**2 + func(omega)**3,

Yes, I can pull out the duplication:

temp = function(omega)
 temp + temp**2 + temp**3,

but that puts the definition of temp quite distant from its use. So this 
is arguably nicer:

 (func(omega) as temp) + temp**2 + temp**3,

> >> Just as function-local names shadow global names for the scope of the
> >> function, statement-local names shadow other names for that statement.
> >> (They can technically also shadow each other, though actually doing this
> >> should not be encouraged.)
> >
> > That seems weird.
> Which part? That they shadow, or that they can shadow each other?

Shadowing themselves.

I'm still not convinced these should just shadow local variables. Of 
course locals will shadow nonlocals, which shadow globals, which shadow 
builtins. I'm just not sure that we gain much (enough?) to justify 
adding a new scope between what we already have:

proposed statement-local
class (only during class statement)

I think that needs justification by more than just "it makes the 
implementation easier".

> Shadowing is the same as nested functions (including comprehensions,
> since they're implemented with functions); and if SLNBs are *not* to
> shadow each other, the only way is to straight-up disallow it.

Or they can just rebind to the same (statement-)local. E.g.:

while ("spam" as x):
assert x == "spam"
while ("eggs" as x):
assert x == "eggs"
assert x == "eggs"

> > Why can they not be used in closures? I expect that's going to cause a
> > lot of frustration.
> Conceptually, the variable stops existing at the end of that
> statement. It makes for some oddities, but fewer oddities than every
> other variant that I toyed with. For example, does this create one
> single temporary or many different temporaries?
> def f():
> x = "outer"
> funcs = {}
> for i in range(10):
> if (g(i) as x) > 0:
> def closure():
> return x
> funcs[x] = closure

I think the rule should be either:

- statement-locals actually *are* locals and so behave like locals;

- statement-locals introduce a new scope, but still behave like 
  locals with respect to closures.

No need to introduce two separate modes of behaviour. (Or if there is 
such a need, then the PEP should explain it.)

> > I think there's going to be a lot of confusion about which uses of "as"
> > bind to a new local and which don't.
> That's the exact point of "statement-local" though.

I don't think so. As I say:

> > I think this proposal is conflating two unrelated concepts:
> >
> > - introducing new variables in order to meet DRY requirements;
> >
> > - introducing a new scope.

If you're going to champion *both* concepts, then you need to justify 
them both in the PEP, not just assume its obvious why we want 

Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572 version 2: Statement-Local Name Bindings

2018-03-23 Thread Masayuki YAMAMOTO
FWIW, I thought another way which provides cache object library, it seems
to just work in some cases. But it doesn't create statement local scope and
might be difficult to read because looks ordinary expression doing magic.
Chris, would you append the library to alternative proposal section?

class Cache:
Return a object which stores a value called with a keyword and
immediately return it, then get the value using the attribute.

def __call__(self, **kwargs):
(k, v), = kwargs.items()  # require one keyword
setattr(self, k, v)
return v

c = Cache()

print(c(spam="ham")) # => ham
print(c.spam) # => ham

L = [c(y=f(x)) + g(c.y) for x in range(5)]

num = int(c.s) if c(s=eggs()).isdigit() else 0

if c(match=search(string)) is not None:

while c(command=input()) != "quit":
print("command is", c.command)


2018-03-02 20:43 GMT+09:00 Chris Angelico :

> After dozens of posts and a wide variety of useful opinions and
> concerns being raised, here is the newest version of PEP 572 for your
> debating pleasure.
> Formatted version:
> There are now several more examples, greater clarity in edge cases,
> and improved wording of the actual proposal and specifications. Also,
> the reference implementation has been significantly enhanced, for
> those who wish to try this themselves.
> ChrisA
> PEP: 572
> Title: Syntax for Statement-Local Name Bindings
> Author: Chris Angelico 
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 28-Feb-2018
> Python-Version: 3.8
> Post-History: 28-Feb-2018, 02-Mar-2018
> Abstract
> Programming is all about reusing code rather than duplicating it.  When
> an expression needs to be used twice in quick succession but never again,
> it is convenient to assign it to a temporary name with small scope.
> By permitting name bindings to exist within a single statement only, we
> make this both convenient and safe against name collisions.
> Rationale
> =
> When a subexpression is used multiple times in a list comprehension, there
> are currently several ways to spell this, none of which is universally
> accepted as ideal. A statement-local name allows any subexpression to be
> temporarily captured and then used multiple times.
> Additionally, this syntax can in places be used to remove the need to
> write an
> infinite loop with a ``break`` in it.  Capturing part of a ``while`` loop's
> condition can improve the clarity of the loop header while still making the
> actual value available within the loop body.
> Syntax and semantics
> In any context where arbitrary Python expressions can be used, a named
> expression can appear. This must be parenthesized for clarity, and is of
> the form ``(expr as NAME)`` where ``expr`` is any valid Python expression,
> and ``NAME`` is a simple name.
> The value of such a named expression is the same as the incorporated
> expression, with the additional side-effect that NAME is bound to that
> value in all retrievals for the remainder of the current statement.
> Just as function-local names shadow global names for the scope of the
> function, statement-local names shadow other names for that statement.
> They can also shadow each other, though actually doing this should be
> strongly discouraged in style guides.
> Assignment to statement-local names is ONLY through this syntax. Regular
> assignment to the same name will remove the statement-local name and
> affect the name in the surrounding scope (function, class, or module).
> Statement-local names never appear in locals() or globals(), and cannot be
> closed over by nested functions.
> Execution order and its consequences
> Since the statement-local name binding lasts from its point of execution
> to the end of the current statement, this can potentially cause confusion
> when the actual order of execution does not match the programmer's
> expectations. Some examples::
> # A simple statement ends at the newline or semicolon.
> a = (1 as y)
> print(y) # NameError
> # The assignment ignores the SLNB - this adds one to 'a'
> a = (a + 1 as a)
> # Compound statements usually enclose everything...
> if (re.match(...) as m):
> print(m.groups(0))
> print(m) # NameError
> # ... except when function bodies are involved...
> if (input("> ") as cmd):
> def run_cmd():
> print("Running command", cmd) # NameError
> # ... but function *headers* are executed immediately
> if (input("> ") as cmd):
> def run_cmd(cmd=cmd): # Capture the value in the default arg
> print("Running command", cmd) # Works
> Some of these examples should be considered *bad code* and rejected by code
> review and/or linters; they are not, however, illegal.
> Exa

Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572 version 2: Statement-Local Name Bindings

2018-03-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 2:09 PM, Ethan Furman  wrote:
> On 03/23/2018 07:38 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 3:58 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 9:34 AM, Christoph Groth wrote:
 But wouldn't it be a good alternative to PEP 572 to *add* an assignment
 operator that is an expression to Python, and is distinct from "=", for
 example ":="?
>>> I also think it's fair to at least reconsider adding inline assignment,
>>> with
>>> the "traditional" semantics (possibly with mandatory parentheses). This
>>> would be easier to learn and understand for people who are familiar with
>>> it
>>> from other languages (C++, Java, JavaScript).
>> Thank you; both of these have now been incorporated into the document.
> I'm certainly hoping PEP 572 is rejected so we can have a follow-up PEP that
> only deals with the assignment-as-expression portion.
> No offense intended, Chris!  :)  In fact, maybe you could write that one
> too, and then have an accepted PEP to your name?  ;)

Okay, maybe I *do* need to split them. There are other uses for
statement-local names, so they're both potentially viable. Would that
be the best way forward?

If I do, sooner would be better than later - I'd want to grab PEP 573
while it's still available.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572 version 2: Statement-Local Name Bindings

2018-03-23 Thread Ethan Furman

On 03/23/2018 07:38 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 3:58 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 9:34 AM, Christoph Groth wrote:

But wouldn't it be a good alternative to PEP 572 to *add* an assignment
operator that is an expression to Python, and is distinct from "=", for
example ":="?


I also think it's fair to at least reconsider adding inline assignment, with
the "traditional" semantics (possibly with mandatory parentheses). This
would be easier to learn and understand for people who are familiar with it
from other languages (C++, Java, JavaScript).

Thank you; both of these have now been incorporated into the document.

I'm certainly hoping PEP 572 is rejected so we can have a follow-up PEP that only deals with the 
assignment-as-expression portion.

No offense intended, Chris!  :)  In fact, maybe you could write that one too, and then have an accepted PEP to your 
name?  ;)


Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572 version 2: Statement-Local Name Bindings

2018-03-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 3:58 AM, Guido van Rossum  wrote:
> I also think it's fair to at least reconsider adding inline assignment, with
> the "traditional" semantics (possibly with mandatory parentheses). This
> would be easier to learn and understand for people who are familiar with it
> from other languages (C++, Java, JavaScript).
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 9:34 AM, Christoph Groth 
> wrote:
>> But wouldn't it be a good alternative to PEP 572 to *add* an assignment
>> operator that is an expression to Python, and is distinct from "=", for
>> example ":="?

Thank you; both of these have now been incorporated into the document.

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Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

2018-03-23 Thread Chris Barker
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 3:38 PM, Wes Turner  wrote:

> Here's a comparison table of os, os.path, shutil, pathlib, and

Darn, that's a big list -- exactly what we want to avoid :-(

Though there are bunch of string methods in there that we can dump right
off the bat.

> ... trio wraps pathlib methods with async; which also might as well be
done in pathlib?

hmm --that's s touch one -- a full set of async file operations would be
great. But where to put them

and most of what we are talking about doesn't need asnyc, does it?
deleting/renaming a single, file, etc.

So my thought is that an asnyc lib should mirror / overwrite this
file-operations-api. Which makes it a problem for the async lib(s) later on
down the road.

BTW -- this is a nice argument for making this API in the first place --
then we have a single API to make an async version of!

- Does it make sense to copy the docstrings at import time every time?

copy from where? is this for the async version? or are you thinking that
the new methods will simply be wrappers for the olds ones -- in which case,
I think no -- this should be a new API with its own docs, whether or not a
particular call is any different that the "old" one.

The big challenge is to identity what is "basic" or "normal" ratehr than

here's a quick take on trimming down that whole table -- jsut my quick HO:

attr table

== == === == === ===
attr   os os.path shutil pathlib
== == === == === ===
`absolute`_  X
`abspath`_X   X
`access`_  X  X
`atime`_  X
`basename`_   X   X

`cd`_ X

`commonpath`_ X
`commonprefix`_   X
`copy`_   X   X
`copytree`_   X   X

`curdir`_  X  X
`dirname`_X   X

`drive`_ XX

`exists`_ X  XX

`expanduser`_ X  XX
`expandvars`_ X   X

`fnmatch`_X   X

`get_owner`_  X
`getatime`_   X   X
`getctime`_   X   X

`getcwd`_  X  X
`getmtime`_   X   X

`getsize`_X   X

`glob`_  XX
`home`_  X
`is_absolute`_   X

`isabs`_  X   X

`isdir`_  X   X
`isfile`_ X   X
`islink`_ X   X

`iterdir`_   X


`link`_X  X
`listdir`_ X  X

`lstat`_   X XX

`mkdir`_   X XX
`makedirs`_X  X

`match`_ X
`merge_tree`_ X

`move`_   X   X
`mtime`_  X

`normcase`_   X   X
`normpath`_   X   X

`open`_X XX

`owner`_ XX

`parents`_   X

`relative_to`_   X
`relpath`_X   X
`relpathto`_  X

`remove`_  X  X

`removedirs`_  X  X
`rename`_  X XX
`replace`_ X XX
`resolve`_   X
`rglob`_ X
`root`_  X

`samefile`_   X  XX

`size`_   X
`suffixes`_  X
`symlink`_ X  X
`touch`_ XX
`utime`_   X  X
`walk`_X  X
`with_name`_ X
`with_suffix`_   XX
`write_bytes`_   XX

These are about permissions -- challenging how to do that in a X-platform
And it would be good to group this sort of th

Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

2018-03-23 Thread Chris Barker
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 1:47 PM, Jason Maldonis

 I can find the time I'll write the PEP (although I'd rather just
> contribute to it). Figuring out what to include and how to change the
> methods' APIs seems like one of the easier PEPs to write in terms of
> required knowledge (I don't know much about python's C code), so hopefully
> I would have a chance at doing an adequate job. If you think not, please
> tell me and I won't bother :)

Most of PEP writing (at least for a PEP like this)  is capturing the debate
and conclusions and capturing and moderating the discussion to some extent
-- technical knowledge is the least of it.

I expect you'll get plenty of help on the technical issues if there are any
(I'm say if, 'cause at this point it doesn't look like anyone is proposing
any *new* functionality, it's really just moving and renaming things.

I suggest by starting with the a PEP outpine from a previous PEP, getting
it into a a gitHub repo (it can start in your own account somewhere, then
go through this thread to start sorting out the issues.

I say gitHub repo 'cause then it's easy to publish and collect comments and
improvements in a central place



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
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Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

2018-03-23 Thread Paul Moore
On 23 March 2018 at 22:22, Mike Miller  wrote:
> On 2018-03-23 13:47, Jason Maldonis wrote:
>> I’ve found it odd that there doesn’t even seem to be acknowledgment
>> among
>> longtime python users that the current hodgepodge is pretty
>> dysfunctional
>> for new users.
> I'll acknowledge it too, just that after X years it becomes second nature as
> you know.

It's certainly easy to get so used to the current state of affairs
that you forget that it's not "obvious" to a newcomer. I've been
teaching a colleague Python and it's certainly something he would have
problems with.

> Tinkered around at lunchtime with a module to bring them under one roof.
> Named it "f2" because "fs" was taken on PyPI and thought the name should be
> very short since it could potentially be used in every script, like os and
> sys are.
> Just poking around these questions came up about what to include:
> - Include file descriptors apis?
> - chroot?
> - l- functions to not follow links?
> - Unix dev files?  obscure
> - pathconf?
> - supports_* api?
> - Only scandirs or walk too?
> - Should unpack os.path functions into the root?  Handy but many of
> them.
> - path and Path in same module could confuse.
> - Unpack file-related shutil functions?  Or leave as submodule?
> Perhaps this is enough to generate some comments.

Yeah, this is the real issue. It's not that the general principle
"have a single place where all filesystem stuff is found" is a
particularly bad one, it's more that it's genuinely hard to know what
the right answer is here.

I'll add some other questions:

- Should the module only contain cross-platform functions, or are
platform-specific ones OK?
- How about operations that appear on multiple levels (Steve Dower
mentioned copy "that works like drag and drop", there's also about
delete that handles recycle bins vs lower-level delete)?

and the big one:

- How will we handle backward compatibility?

This is why a generic proposal like the one that started this thread
is pretty useless in practice - it prompts debate, but doesn't really
answer any of the important questions. Discussing functions on a case
by case basis *will*, but it'll take a long time, and may miss the
"big picture". A 3rd party module, like the f2 module you have
created, is another approach - try it out and refine it over time,
then when the various questions have been resolved, propose it for
merging into the stdlib. There may be other ways to make progress,

So I'm also OK with the general idea, I just don't see the value in
simply rehashing all the old questions - we need something actionable
if this is to go anywhere (and the current proposal simply isn't).

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Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

2018-03-23 Thread Wes Turner
Here's a comparison table of os, os.path, shutil, pathlib, and

The full version is at (README.rst)
and at

I ran a few set intersections and went ahead and
wrote a report to compare function/method signatures and sources.

(cc'ed ironically, for the last time, I promise,
 from the other fork of this thread: )

... trio wraps pathlib methods with async; which also might as well be done
in pathlib?
- Does it make sense to copy the docstrings at import time every time?

attr table

== == === == === ===
attr   os os.path shutil pathlib
== == === == === ===
`__rdiv__`_   X
`absolute`_  X
`abspath`_X   X
`access`_  X  X
`altsep`_  X  X
`as_posix`_  X
`atime`_  X
`basename`_   X   X
`bytes`_  X
`capitalize`_ X
`casefold`_   X
`cd`_ X
`center`_ X
`chdir`_   X  X
`chmod`_   X XX
`chown`_   X  X   X
`chroot`_  X  X
`chunks`_ X
`commonpath`_ X
`commonprefix`_   X
`copy`_   X   X
`copy2`_  X   X
`copyfile`_   X   X
`copymode`_   X   X
`copystat`_   X   X
`copytree`_   X   X
`count`_  X
`ctime`_  X
`curdir`_  X  X
`cwd`_   X
`defpath`_ X  X
`devnull`_ X  X
`dirname`_X   X
`dirs`_   X
`drive`_ XX
`encode`_ X
`endswith`_   X
`exists`_ X  XX
`expand`_ X
`expandtabs`_ X
`expanduser`_ X  XX
`expandvars`_ X   X
`extsep`_  X  X
`files`_  X
`find`_   X
`fnmatch`_X   X
`format`_ X
`format_map`_ X
`get_owner`_  X
`getatime`_   X   X
`getctime`_   X   X
`getcwd`_  X  X
`getmtime`_   X   X
`getsize`_X   X
`glob`_  XX
`group`_ X
`home`_  X
`in_place`_   X
`index`_  X
`is_absolute`_   X
`is_block_device`_   X
`is_fifo`_   X
`is_file`_   X
`is_reserved`_   X
`is_socket`_ X
`isabs`_  X   X
`isdecimal`_  X
`isdir`_  X   X
`isfile`_ X   X
`isidentifier`_   X
`islink`_ X   X
`ismount`_X   X
`isnumeric`_  X
`iterdir`_   X
`join`_   X   X
`joinpath`_  XX
`lines`_  X

Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

2018-03-23 Thread Mike Miller

On 2018-03-23 13:47, Jason Maldonis wrote:

I’ve found it odd that there doesn’t even seem to be acknowledgment among
longtime python users that the current hodgepodge is pretty dysfunctional
for new users.

I'll acknowledge it too, just that after X years it becomes second nature as you 

Tinkered around at lunchtime with a module to bring them under one roof.  Named 
it "f2" because "fs" was taken on PyPI and thought the name should be very short 
since it could potentially be used in every script, like os and sys are.

Just poking around these questions came up about what to include:

- Include file descriptors apis?
- chroot?
- l- functions to not follow links?
- Unix dev files?  obscure
- pathconf?
- supports_* api?
- Only scandirs or walk too?

- Should unpack os.path functions into the root?  Handy but many of them.
- path and Path in same module could confuse.

- Unpack file-related shutil functions?  Or leave as submodule?

Perhaps this is enough to generate some comments.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

2018-03-23 Thread Jason Maldonis
> I’ve found it odd that there doesn’t even seem to be acknowledgment among
> longtime python users that the current hodgepodge is pretty dysfunctional
> for new users.

I find this odd too. There have been a few comments along the lines of this
being a problem for newbies or for *some* people (not sure who *some* is
referring to), but I think that having these functions in different modules
is weird for everyone. It just so happens that if you use file-operations a
lot that you've gotten used to the system and know where to look, but it's
still weird to have to use 2-3 different modules. Additionally, if you know
where to look then it isn't really a hassle to import another module,
whereas it is a hassle if you are less familiar with the functionality
(regardless of whether you are a newbie or not).

> Heck, I’ve been using Python for almost 20 years and I still have go look
> up whether it’s “delete” or “remove” or “unlink”. And there is so much in
> os that ipython or IDE completion doesn’t help much.

Me too, although I've only been using python for ~ 10 years.

> Of course, this will require a substantial amount of work to work out the
> details in a PEP. I don’t have the time to do that, but if the OP or
> someone else does, I’ll help.

I'd be happy to help as well, and if I can find the time I'll write the PEP
(although I'd rather just contribute to it). Figuring out what to include
and how to change the methods' APIs seems like one of the easier PEPs to
write in terms of required knowledge (I don't know much about python's C
code), so hopefully I would have a chance at doing an adequate job. If you
think not, please tell me and I won't bother :)

- Jason
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

2018-03-23 Thread Chris Barker - NOAA Federal
On Mar 23, 2018, at 7:26 AM, Steve Dower  wrote:

I had a colleague complaining to me the other day about having to search
multiple packages for the right function to move a file (implying: with the
same semantics as drag-drop).

Thanks Steve — I know there isn’t any kind of consensus about exactly what
should be part of a “most file operations” package/class, but I’ve found it
odd that there doesn’t even seem to be acknowledgment among longtime python
users that the current hodgepodge is pretty dysfunctional for new users.

One thing that’s been hammered home for me teaching newbies is that people
get very far with computing these days without ever having touched a
command line — certainly not a *nix one. Even the concept of a working
directory is foreign to many.

So telling them that they can create and manipulate paths in nifty ways
with the Path object, but then telling them to go to the os module to do
simple things like rename or delete a file, and then looking at the docs
for the os module, which starts with a bunch of references to other modules
you need for not quite as simple things (shutil) or more complex things
(tempfile). Then you look through the module and see a LOT of low level
cryptic and semi-platform dependent functions — not newbie friendly.

Heck, I’ve been using Python for almost 20 years and I still have go look
up whether it’s “delete” or “remove” or “unlink”. And there is so much in
os that ipython or IDE completion doesn’t help much.

So as not to only write a critical rant — here is a proposal of sorts:

The python standard library should have one-stop shopping for the basic
file system manipulations. “Basic” could be guided by “what users typically
do with a GUI file manager”

This could be yet another module, but given that navigating  the file
system ( I.e. path manipulation) is one of the things people typically do
with a file manager, it makes sense to add it all to pathlib, maybe even
all to the Path object. ( though maybe more advanced classes/functions
could be added to pathlib as way to put it all in one place, while not
expanding the Path namespace too much)

Of course, this will require a substantial amount of work to work out the
details in a PEP. I don’t have the time to do that, but if the OP or
someone else does, I’ll help.


If there isn’t a pathtools library on PyPI yet, this would certainly be
valuable for newer developers. My view on Path is to either have everything
on it or nothing on it (without removing what’s already there, of course),
and since everything is so popular we should at least put everything in the
one place.

Top-posted from my Windows phone

*From: *Mike Miller 
*Sent: *Monday, March 19, 2018 10:51
*To: *
*Subject: *Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module
ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

On 2018-03-18 10:55, Paul Moore wrote:

>> Should Path() have methods to access all file operations?


> No, (Counterexample, having a Path operation to set Windows ACLs for a

Agreed, not a big fan of everything filesystem-related in pathlib, simply

because it doesn't read well.  Having them scattered isn't a great


Perhaps it would be better to have a filesystem package instead, maybe

"fs" that included all this stuff in one easy to use location.  File stuff

os, path stuff from os.path, pathlib, utils like stat, and shutil etc?


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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572: Statement-Local Name Bindings, take three!

2018-03-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 2:00 AM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 09:01:01PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> PEP: 572
>> Title: Syntax for Statement-Local Name Bindings
> [...]
>> Abstract
>> Programming is all about reusing code rather than duplicating it.
> I don't think that editorial comment belongs here, or at least, it is
> way too strong. I'm pretty sure that programming is not ALL about reusing 
> code,
> and code duplication is not always wrong.
> Rather, we can say that *often* we want to avoid code duplication, and
> this proposal is way way to do so. And this should go into the
> Rationale, not the Abstract. The abstract should describe what this
> proposal *does*, not why, for example:
> This is a proposal for permitting temporary name bindings
> which are limited to a single statement.
> What the proposal *is* goes in the Abstract; reasons *why* we want it
> go in the Rationale.

Thanks. I've never really been happy with my "Abstract" / "Rationale"
split, as they're two sections both designed to give that initial
'sell', and I'm clearly not good at writing the distinction :)

Unless you object, I'm just going to steal your Abstract wholesale.
Seems like some good words there.

> I see you haven't mentioned anything about Nick Coglan's (long ago)
> concept of a "where" block. If memory serves, it would be something
> like:
> value = x**2 + 2*x where:
> x = some expression
> These are not necessarily competing, but they are relevant.

Definitely relevant, thanks. This is exactly what I'm looking for -
related proposals that got lost in the lengthy threads on the subject.
I'll mention it as another proposal, but if anyone has an actual post
for me to reference, that would be appreciated (just to make sure I'm
correctly representing it).

> Nor have you done a review of any other languages, to see what similar
> features they already offer. Not even the C's form of "assignment as an
> expression" -- you should refer to that, and explain why this would not
> similarly be a bug magnet.

No, I haven't yet. Sounds like a new section is needed. Thing is,
there's a HUGE family of C-like and C-inspired languages that allow
assignment expressions, and for the rest, I don't have any personal
experience. So I need input from people: what languages do you know of
that have small-scope name bindings like this?

>> Rationale
>> =
>> When a subexpression is used multiple times in a list comprehension,
> I think that list comps are merely a single concrete example of a more
> general concept that we sometimes want or need to apply the DRY
> principle to a single expression.
> This is (usually) a violation of DRY whether it is inside or outside of
> a list comp:
> result = (func(x), func(x)+1, func(x)*2)

True, but outside of comprehensions, the most obvious response is
"just add another assignment statement". You can't do that in a list
comp (or equivalently in a genexp or dict comp). Syntactically you're
right that they're just one example of a general concept; but they're
one of the original motivating reasons. I've tweaked the rationale
wording some; the idea is now "here's a general idea" followed by two
paragraphs of specific use-cases (comprehensions and loops). Let me
know if that works better.

>> Syntax and semantics
>> In any context where arbitrary Python expressions can be used, a **named
>> expression** can appear. This must be parenthesized for clarity, and is of
>> the form ``(expr as NAME)`` where ``expr`` is any valid Python expression,
>> and ``NAME`` is a simple name.
>> The value of such a named expression is the same as the incorporated
>> expression, with the additional side-effect that NAME is bound to that
>> value for the remainder of the current statement.
> Examples should go with the description. Such as:
> x = None if (spam().ham as eggs) is None else eggs

Not sure what you gain out of that :) Maybe a different first
expression would help.

> y = ((spam() as eggs), (eggs.method() as cheese), cheese[eggs])

Sure. I may need to get some simpler examples to kick things off though.

>> Just as function-local names shadow global names for the scope of the
>> function, statement-local names shadow other names for that statement.
>> (They can technically also shadow each other, though actually doing this
>> should not be encouraged.)
> That seems weird.

Which part? That they shadow, or that they can shadow each other?
Shadowing is the same as nested functions (including comprehensions,
since they're implemented with functions); and if SLNBs are *not* to
shadow each other, the only way is to straight-up disallow it. For the
moment, I'm not forbidding it, as there's no particular advantage to
popping a SyntaxError.

>> Assignment to statement-local names is ONLY through this syntax. Regular
>> assignment to the same name will remove the statement-local name a

Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572 version 2: Statement-Local Name Bindings

2018-03-23 Thread Guido van Rossum
I also think it's fair to at least reconsider adding inline assignment,
with the "traditional" semantics (possibly with mandatory parentheses).
This would be easier to learn and understand for people who are familiar
with it from other languages (C++, Java, JavaScript).

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 9:34 AM, Christoph Groth 

> Disclaimer: I skimmed/searched through the PEP 572 threads (or should I
> say "literature"?) and did not find a discussion of the following point.
> If it has been discussed already, I'd be glad to be pointed to it.
> I am aware that Python, in contrast to C-like languages, has chosen not
> to treat assignments (=) as an expression with a value.  The motivation
> for this is to avoid bugs due to confusion with the equality operator
> (==).
> But wouldn't it be a good alternative to PEP 572 to *add* an assignment
> operator that is an expression to Python, and is distinct from "=", for
> example ":="?  Then, instead of PEP 572's:
> stuff = [[(f(x) as y), x/y] for x in range(5)]
> one could write
> stuff = [[(y := f(x)), x/y] for x in range(5)]
> In difference to PEP 572, the variable y would not be statement-local,
> which IMHO would be a welcome simplification.  (PEP 572 introduces a
> third class of variables to Python.)
> Overall, it seems to me that introducing a new operator ":=" would serve
> the same purpose as PEP 572, but in a simpler and arguably cleaner way,
> while eliminating the risk of confusion with "==".  The operator "="
> would be left around, but could be deprecated in Python 5 and removed in
> Python 6.  It would certainly suit a language that is widely used in
> education to sharpen the distinction between assignment and equality
> operators.
> Cheers,
> Christoph
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-ideas mailing list
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[Python-ideas] PEP 572 version 2: Statement-Local Name Bindings

2018-03-23 Thread Christoph Groth
Disclaimer: I skimmed/searched through the PEP 572 threads (or should I
say "literature"?) and did not find a discussion of the following point.
If it has been discussed already, I'd be glad to be pointed to it.

I am aware that Python, in contrast to C-like languages, has chosen not
to treat assignments (=) as an expression with a value.  The motivation
for this is to avoid bugs due to confusion with the equality operator

But wouldn't it be a good alternative to PEP 572 to *add* an assignment
operator that is an expression to Python, and is distinct from "=", for
example ":="?  Then, instead of PEP 572's:

stuff = [[(f(x) as y), x/y] for x in range(5)]

one could write

stuff = [[(y := f(x)), x/y] for x in range(5)]

In difference to PEP 572, the variable y would not be statement-local,
which IMHO would be a welcome simplification.  (PEP 572 introduces a
third class of variables to Python.)

Overall, it seems to me that introducing a new operator ":=" would serve
the same purpose as PEP 572, but in a simpler and arguably cleaner way,
while eliminating the risk of confusion with "==".  The operator "="
would be left around, but could be deprecated in Python 5 and removed in
Python 6.  It would certainly suit a language that is widely used in
education to sharpen the distinction between assignment and equality

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572: Statement-Local Name Bindings, take three!

2018-03-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 09:01:01PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

> PEP: 572
> Title: Syntax for Statement-Local Name Bindings
> Abstract
> Programming is all about reusing code rather than duplicating it.

I don't think that editorial comment belongs here, or at least, it is 
way too strong. I'm pretty sure that programming is not ALL about reusing code, 
and code duplication is not always wrong.

Rather, we can say that *often* we want to avoid code duplication, and 
this proposal is way way to do so. And this should go into the 
Rationale, not the Abstract. The abstract should describe what this 
proposal *does*, not why, for example:

This is a proposal for permitting temporary name bindings 
which are limited to a single statement.

What the proposal *is* goes in the Abstract; reasons *why* we want it 
go in the Rationale.

I see you haven't mentioned anything about Nick Coglan's (long ago) 
concept of a "where" block. If memory serves, it would be something 

value = x**2 + 2*x where:
x = some expression

These are not necessarily competing, but they are relevant.

Nor have you done a review of any other languages, to see what similar 
features they already offer. Not even the C's form of "assignment as an 
expression" -- you should refer to that, and explain why this would not 
similarly be a bug magnet.

> Rationale
> =
> When a subexpression is used multiple times in a list comprehension,

I think that list comps are merely a single concrete example of a more 
general concept that we sometimes want or need to apply the DRY 
principle to a single expression.

This is (usually) a violation of DRY whether it is inside or outside of 
a list comp:

result = (func(x), func(x)+1, func(x)*2)

> Syntax and semantics
> In any context where arbitrary Python expressions can be used, a **named
> expression** can appear. This must be parenthesized for clarity, and is of
> the form ``(expr as NAME)`` where ``expr`` is any valid Python expression,
> and ``NAME`` is a simple name.
> The value of such a named expression is the same as the incorporated
> expression, with the additional side-effect that NAME is bound to that
> value for the remainder of the current statement.

Examples should go with the description. Such as:

x = None if (spam().ham as eggs) is None else eggs

y = ((spam() as eggs), (eggs.method() as cheese), cheese[eggs])

> Just as function-local names shadow global names for the scope of the
> function, statement-local names shadow other names for that statement.
> (They can technically also shadow each other, though actually doing this
> should not be encouraged.)

That seems weird.

> Assignment to statement-local names is ONLY through this syntax. Regular
> assignment to the same name will remove the statement-local name and
> affect the name in the surrounding scope (function, class, or module).

That seems unnecessary. Since the scope only applies to a single 
statement, not a block, there can be no other assignment to that name.

Correction: I see further in that this isn't the case. But that's deeply 
confusing, to have the same name refer to two (or more!) scopes in the 
same block. I think that's going to lead to some really confusing 
scoping problems.

> Statement-local names never appear in locals() or globals(), and cannot be
> closed over by nested functions.

Why can they not be used in closures? I expect that's going to cause a 
lot of frustration.

> Execution order and its consequences
> Since the statement-local name binding lasts from its point of execution
> to the end of the current statement, this can potentially cause confusion
> when the actual order of execution does not match the programmer's
> expectations. Some examples::
> # A simple statement ends at the newline or semicolon.
> a = (1 as y)
> print(y) # NameError

That error surprises me. Every other use of "as" binds to the 
current local namespace. (Or global, if you use the global 
declaration first.)

I think there's going to be a lot of confusion about which uses of "as" 
bind to a new local and which don't.

I think this proposal is conflating two unrelated concepts:

- introducing new variables in order to meet DRY requirements;

- introducing a new scope.

Why can't we do the first without the second?

a = (1 as y)
print(y)  # prints 1, as other uses of "as" would do

That would avoid the unnecessary (IMO) restriction that these variables 
cannot be used in closures.

> # The assignment ignores the SLNB - this adds one to 'a'
> a = (a + 1 as a)

"SLNB"? Undefined acronym. What is it? I presume it has something to do 
with the single-statement variable.

I know it would be legal, but why would you write something like that? 
Surely your examples must at least have a pretence of being useful (even 
if the examples are only toy exam

Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain All File Operations -- version 2

2018-03-23 Thread Steve Dower
I had a colleague complaining to me the other day about having to search 
multiple packages for the right function to move a file (implying: with the 
same semantics as drag-drop). 

If there isn’t a pathtools library on PyPI yet, this would certainly be 
valuable for newer developers. My view on Path is to either have everything on 
it or nothing on it (without removing what’s already there, of course), and 
since everything is so popular we should at least put everything in the one 

Top-posted from my Windows phone

From: Mike Miller
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 10:51
Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] New PEP proposal -- Pathlib Module ShouldContain 
All File Operations -- version 2

On 2018-03-18 10:55, Paul Moore wrote:
>> Should Path() have methods to access all file operations?
> No, (Counterexample, having a Path operation to set Windows ACLs for a path).

Agreed, not a big fan of everything filesystem-related in pathlib, simply 
because it doesn't read well.  Having them scattered isn't a great experience 

Perhaps it would be better to have a filesystem package instead, maybe named 
"fs" that included all this stuff in one easy to use location.  File stuff from 
os, path stuff from os.path, pathlib, utils like stat, and shutil etc?
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572: Statement-Local Name Bindings, take three!

2018-03-23 Thread Rhodri James

On 23/03/18 10:01, Chris Angelico wrote:

Apologies for letting this languish; life has an annoying habit of
getting in the way now and then.

Feedback from the previous rounds has been incorporated. From here,
the most important concern and question is: Is there any other syntax
or related proposal that ought to be mentioned here? If this proposal
is rejected, it should be rejected with a full set of alternatives.

Thank you very much, Chris.  I think you've won me over on most points, 
though I'm not sure whether I'm overall +0 or -0 on the whole PEP :-)

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572: Statement-Local Name Bindings, take three!

2018-03-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 9:38 PM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> On 23 March 2018 at 10:01, Chris Angelico  wrote:
>> # ... except when function bodies are involved...
>> if (input("> ") as cmd):
>> def run_cmd():
>> print("Running command", cmd) # NameError
>> # ... but function *headers* are executed immediately
>> if (input("> ") as cmd):
>> def run_cmd(cmd=cmd): # Capture the value in the default arg
>> print("Running command", cmd) # Works
> What about
> cmd = "Something else"
> if (input("> ") as cmd):
> def run_cmd():
> print("Running command", cmd) # Closes over the "outer"
> cmd, not the statement-local one?
> Did I get that right? I don't really like it if so (I think it's
> confusing) but I guess I could live with "well, don't do that then" as
> an answer. And I don't have a better interpretation.

Yes, that would be it. And I agree: Don't do that. It's the same sort
of confusion you'd get here:

def f():
spam = 1
class C:
spam = 2
def g(x=spam):
print(spam) # prints 1
print(x) # prints 2

A class creates a scope that function bodies inside it don't close
over, but their headers are still executed in that scope. So default
argument values "see" those inner variables, but the body of the
function doesn't. It's the same with SLNBs.

> I'm still not convinced I like the proposal, but it's a lot cleaner
> than previous versions, so thanks for that. Far fewer places where I
> said "hmm, I don't understand the implications".

Cool, thanks. That's the idea here.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 572: Statement-Local Name Bindings, take three!

2018-03-23 Thread Paul Moore
On 23 March 2018 at 10:01, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> # ... except when function bodies are involved...
> if (input("> ") as cmd):
> def run_cmd():
> print("Running command", cmd) # NameError
> # ... but function *headers* are executed immediately
> if (input("> ") as cmd):
> def run_cmd(cmd=cmd): # Capture the value in the default arg
> print("Running command", cmd) # Works

What about

cmd = "Something else"
if (input("> ") as cmd):
def run_cmd():
print("Running command", cmd) # Closes over the "outer"
cmd, not the statement-local one?

Did I get that right? I don't really like it if so (I think it's
confusing) but I guess I could live with "well, don't do that then" as
an answer. And I don't have a better interpretation.

I'm still not convinced I like the proposal, but it's a lot cleaner
than previous versions, so thanks for that. Far fewer places where I
said "hmm, I don't understand the implications".

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP proposal: unifying function/method classes

2018-03-23 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Fri, 23 Mar 2018 07:25:33 +0100
Jeroen Demeyer  wrote:

> On 2018-03-23 00:36, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > It does make sense, since the proposal sounds ambitious (and perhaps
> > impossible without breaking compatibility).  
> Well, *some* breakage of backwards compatibility will be unavoidable.
> My plan (just a plan for now!) is to preserve backwards compatibility in 
> the following ways:
> * Existing Python attributes of functions/methods should continue to 
> exist and behave the same
> * The inspect module should give the same results as now (by changing 
> the implementation of some of the functions in inspect to match the new 
> classes)
> * Everything from the documented Python/C API.
> This means that I might break compatibility in the following ways:
> * Changing the classes of functions/methods (this is the whole point of 
> this PEP). So anything involving isinstance() checks might break.
> * The undocumented parts of the Python/C API, in particular the C structure.

One breaking change would be to add __get__ to C functions.  This means
e.g. the following:

class MyClass:
my_open = open

would make my_open a MyClass method, therefore you would need to spell

class MyClass:
my_open = staticmethod(open)

... if you wanted MyClass().my_open('some file') to continue to work.

Of course that might be considered a minor annoyance.



Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

[Python-ideas] PEP 572: Statement-Local Name Bindings, take three!

2018-03-23 Thread Chris Angelico
Apologies for letting this languish; life has an annoying habit of
getting in the way now and then.

Feedback from the previous rounds has been incorporated. From here,
the most important concern and question is: Is there any other syntax
or related proposal that ought to be mentioned here? If this proposal
is rejected, it should be rejected with a full set of alternatives.

Text of PEP is below; formatted version will be live shortly (if it
isn't already) at:


PEP: 572
Title: Syntax for Statement-Local Name Bindings
Author: Chris Angelico 
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 28-Feb-2018
Python-Version: 3.8
Post-History: 28-Feb-2018, 02-Mar-2018, 23-Mar-2018


Programming is all about reusing code rather than duplicating it.  When
an expression needs to be used twice in quick succession but never again,
it is convenient to assign it to a temporary name with small scope.
By permitting name bindings to exist within a single statement only, we
make this both convenient and safe against name collisions.


When a subexpression is used multiple times in a list comprehension, there
are currently several ways to spell this, none of which is universally
accepted as ideal. A statement-local name allows any subexpression to be
temporarily captured and then used multiple times.

Additionally, this syntax can in places be used to remove the need to write an
infinite loop with a ``break`` in it.  Capturing part of a ``while`` loop's
condition can improve the clarity of the loop header while still making the
actual value available within the loop body.

Syntax and semantics

In any context where arbitrary Python expressions can be used, a **named
expression** can appear. This must be parenthesized for clarity, and is of
the form ``(expr as NAME)`` where ``expr`` is any valid Python expression,
and ``NAME`` is a simple name.

The value of such a named expression is the same as the incorporated
expression, with the additional side-effect that NAME is bound to that
value for the remainder of the current statement.

Just as function-local names shadow global names for the scope of the
function, statement-local names shadow other names for that statement.
(They can technically also shadow each other, though actually doing this
should not be encouraged.)

Assignment to statement-local names is ONLY through this syntax. Regular
assignment to the same name will remove the statement-local name and
affect the name in the surrounding scope (function, class, or module).

Statement-local names never appear in locals() or globals(), and cannot be
closed over by nested functions.

Execution order and its consequences

Since the statement-local name binding lasts from its point of execution
to the end of the current statement, this can potentially cause confusion
when the actual order of execution does not match the programmer's
expectations. Some examples::

# A simple statement ends at the newline or semicolon.
a = (1 as y)
print(y) # NameError

# The assignment ignores the SLNB - this adds one to 'a'
a = (a + 1 as a)

# Compound statements usually enclose everything...
if (re.match(...) as m):
print(m) # NameError

# ... except when function bodies are involved...
if (input("> ") as cmd):
def run_cmd():
print("Running command", cmd) # NameError

# ... but function *headers* are executed immediately
if (input("> ") as cmd):
def run_cmd(cmd=cmd): # Capture the value in the default arg
print("Running command", cmd) # Works

Function bodies, in this respect, behave the same way they do in class scope;
assigned names are not closed over by method definitions. Defining a function
inside a loop already has potentially-confusing consequences, and SLNBs do not
materially worsen the existing situation.

Differences from regular assignment statements

Using ``(EXPR as NAME)`` is similar to ``NAME = EXPR``, but has a number of
important distinctions.

* Assignment is a statement; an SLNB is an expression whose value is the same
  as the object bound to the new name.
* SLNBs disappear at the end of their enclosing statement, at which point the
  name again refers to whatever it previously would have.  SLNBs can thus
  shadow other names without conflict (although deliberately doing so will
  often be a sign of bad code).
* SLNBs cannot be closed over by nested functions, and are completely ignored
  for this purpose.
* SLNBs do not appear in ``locals()`` or ``globals()``.
* An SLNB cannot be the target of any form of assignment, including augmented.
  Attempting to do so will remove the SLNB and assign to the fully-scoped name.

In many respects, an SLNB is akin to a local variable in an imaginary nested