[Python-ideas] Re: Double "at" operator for matmul exponentiation

2023-07-05 Thread Joren Hammudoglu
None of the other repeated infix operators follow the same "repeated 
application" relation that * and ** have, i.e.
// isn't repeated division,
<< and >> aren't repeated inequality comparisons (whathever that may be),
and == isn't repeated assignment.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Structure Pattern for annotation

2021-10-17 Thread Joren Hammudoglu
I guess you could work around this by exploiting the slicing operator:

GenericClass[:(A, B)]

It makes sense to use the : in the context of typing, but I can see how this 
syntax can be confusing. The least confusing implementation I could think of is 
to limit the use of GenericClass[:_] to tuples, lists, sets and dicts (and 
future callable type signatures?), i.e.; it should only be used for structural 
type pattern matching.

Here is a simple demo: 
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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP idea

2021-08-15 Thread Joren Hammudoglu
See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0645/
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[Python-ideas] Re: Why do we have two obvious ways to create a simple data structure? Let's deprecate one.

2021-07-29 Thread Joren Hammudoglu
What about creating a dataclasses.datatuple decorator, that replaces 
typing.NamedTuple, and offers the same (or restricted) interface as regular 
dataclasses? This would make the distinction explicit between a mutable, 
object-like dataclass, and the immutable, tuple-like named-/datatuple. With 
this, we could also get rid of the fake-immutable frozen dataclasses. 
In the same way, a dataclasses.datadict could replace typing.TypedDict, which 
is very limited at this point anyway.

So instead of trying to merge different concepts, let's use one create one 
interface to rule them all. Because, after all: 
"There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."
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[Python-ideas] Currying syntax with multiple parameter lists

2021-05-24 Thread Joren Hammudoglu
> Flat is better than nested.

I remember being confused a lot when I was learning how to write my first 
decorator. Now eight years later, with the last two spent full-time writing 
Python, I introduced a bug in production because I forgot to return the inner 
function from within a decorator. 

By introducing multiple parameter lists when defining a function, Scala does a 
great job at improving readability for curried functions 
In Python, that could look like e.g.:

def log(level=logging.DEBUG, logger=logging.root)(func)(*args, **kwargs):
logger.log(level, 'call: %s', func.__qualname__)
return func(*args, **kwargs)

Which would be sugar for:

def log(level=logging.DEBUG, logger=logging.root):
def _log(func):
def __log(*args, **kwargs):
logger.log(level, 'call: %s', func.__qualname__)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return __log
return _log

The obvious problem in this example, is that `functools.wraps` is missing. One 
solution would be for me to flex my 8 years of experience, and present these 
two (super/meta-)decorators:

def wraps_decorator(decorator: Callable[[F], F]):
def _wraps_decorator(func):
return functools.wraps(func)(decorator(func))
return _wraps_decorator

def wraps_decorator_factory(decorator_factory)(*args, **kwargs):
return wraps_decorator(decorator_factory(*args, **kwargs))

Applying the latter on the first example, it becomes

def log(level=logging.DEBUG, logger=logging.root)(func)(*args, **kwargs):
logger.log(level, 'call: %s', func.__qualname__)
return func(*args, **kwargs)

which is equivalent to:

def log(level=logging.DEBUG, logger=logging.root):
def _log(func):
def __log(*args, **kwargs):
logger.log(level, 'call: %s', func.__qualname__)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return __log
return _log

Implementation-wise, I think it's very feasible since it's only sugar. And I'm 
sure that the required grammar changes are possible with the shiny new parser.

And considering PEP 659, I can imagine that this syntax is beneficial because 
the closure variables coincide with the parameter lists.
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