[Python-ideas] Re: concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-02-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
Sincerely I would have to agree that it's seems a bit excessive the 
`cancel_on_error`, unless it enabled by default and implemented in the abstract 
class it should probably not be included, that was just an idea to keep 
backwards compatibility.

I will personally simply add subclass of my prefered executor with the 
following for my particular use case:

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.shutdown(wait=True, cancel_futures=exc_val is not None)
return False

Again, I think aborting futures on uncaught exceptions make sense, but it would 
break backwards compatibility.
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[Python-ideas] Re: concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-02-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
> But, it would potentially risk adding an underutilized parameter to the 
> executor constructor (which contributes to feature bloat).

That's true, personally I would always enable cancel_on_error (making it 
redundant and implementing it in the abstract class), but that's just my use 
case. You can always add that functionality later with your own subclass.

Personally I think it make sense to do it by default but that's just me and it 
also changes current behaviour.
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[Python-ideas] Re: concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-02-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
> Hmm, it should be possible. Do you specifically mean cancelling the pending
> futures once a single one of the submitted functions raises an exception,
> or cancelling the pending futures when the Executor itself raises an
> exception (I.E. BrokenProcessPool)? I would assume the prior, since that
> seems more useful to me.

I was referring to any exception within the context manager of the executor, 
not the futures or just the executor's exceptions, something such as the 

with ThreadPoolExecutor(cancel_on_error=True) as executor:
# Code here
raise Exception

 Then if Executor.__exit__ detects an exception it would call shutdown with 
cancel_futures set to True.
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[Python-ideas] concurrent.futures deinitializer for Executor

2020-02-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
Hi, I thought maybe a callback before the worker of a Executor finishes would 
be helpful. It would allow the setup and teardown resources (such as file, 
databases, connections, ...) across workers. My particular use case is for 
closing down requests.Session objects, that currently its very complicated to 
cleanup properly. There are many other use cases, a generic format would be 
something like the following:

import threading
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

worker_local = threading.local()

def session_initializer():
# Initialize costly resources for a particular worker
worker_local.resources = ...

def session_deinitializer():
# Deinitialize worker resources carefully
worker_local.resources ...

with ThreadPoolExecutor(initializer=session_initializer, 
deinitializer=session_deinitializer) as executor:
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[Python-ideas] Re: concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-02-02 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
Thank you so much for the work, I was very confused on how to even start 
implementing it in the ProcessPoolExecutor, but you finished everything super 

I'm suppose that this might be better in another thread but... Could it be 
possible to changing the context manager of the executor to cancel futures on 
uncaught exceptions? If not I could also be added as an optional parameter to 
the executor constructor, "cancel_on_error" set to False to not changing 
anything. Personally I was thinking of using the executor like that; currently 
I have to either place everything in a try except block, handle it and then 
reraise it or subclass each executor.
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[Python-ideas] Re: concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-01-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
> It looks like you have a good handle on the code -- do you want to submit a 
> PR to GitHub to add such a parameter?

Thanks, but I'm not really sure how to implement it in the ProcessPoolExecutor, 
I just think the solution is probably related to the code responsible of 
handling a failed initializer (since they do very similar things). On the 
ThreadPoolExecutor maybe I could, but I haven't really checked for side effects 
or weird things.
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[Python-ideas] Re: concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-01-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
> But I don’t think “terminate” is the right name. Maybe “cancel”? Or even 
> “shutdown(wait=whatever, cancel=True)?”

"terminate" was definitely not a good name, especially because it doesn't 
actually terminate anything, it just cancels some of the operations. Since it 
also has to cooperate with the shutdown method, executing code after the state 
change but also before the wait, probably the best way to implement it would be 
just to add an additional parameter to shutdown. "cancel" seems perfect, by 
default set to false, to not change the current behavior.

Then maybe it would be a good idea to change the __exit__ method to set cancel 
to true if an exception is being handled, but I'm not sure about that.
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[Python-ideas] Re: concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-01-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
> gets one item from the queue, runs it, and then checks if the executor is 
> being shut down.

That's exactly what I thought at first, but just after that the continue 
statement prevents that check, so all futures always get processed. Only when 
the sentinel is reached, which it's placed at the end, it actually does the 

> perhaps we can add some functionality where leftover work items are 
> explicitly cancelled? I think that would satisfy the OP's requirement.

Yes that would be perfect, that way we could have a controlled but fast exit 
for certain scenarios, such as the ones listed in the first post.

>From what I examined the procedure would be very similar to the one followed 
>when a initializer fails, both implementations clear all pending futures when 
>it happens. On ThreadPoolExecutor specifically, just calling a modified 
>version of _initializer_failed at the time discussed would seem to be 
>sufficient, changing the call Future.set_exception to Future.cancel.
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[Python-ideas] Re: concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-01-03 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper
> Having a way to clear the queue and then shutdown once existing jobs are done 
> is a lot
> more manageable.
> So the only clean way to do this is cooperative: flush the queue, send some 
> kind of
> message to all children telling them to finish as quickly as possible, then 
> wait for them
> to finish.

I was personally thinking of an implementation like that, cancel all still in 
pending and if wait is true the wait for the ones running, for both 
implementations. I didn't actually meant terminate literally, I just called it 
that as that's what multiprocessing.dummy.Pool.terminate (+ join after) does.
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[Python-ideas] concurrent.futures cancel pending at Executor.shutdown

2020-01-02 Thread Miguel Ángel Prosper

I think it would be very helpful to have an additional argument (cancel for 
example) added to Executor.shutdown that cancels all pending futures submitted 
to the executor. Then context manager would gain the ability to abort all 
futures incase of a exception, additionally this would also implement the 
missing cuterpart of the multiprocessing module terminate, currently we only 
have close.
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