[Python-ideas] Re: Using "Get Satisfaction" for Python Suggestions

2022-02-20 Thread Senhaji Rhazi hamza
Hey Christ,

We can always think in terms of weighted vote, the more your account is
(either by being ancient or by contributing) the more it's vote has weight.

Anyway, just a suggestion.



Le dim. 20 févr. 2022 à 09:43, Chris Angelico  a écrit :

> On Sun, 20 Feb 2022 at 18:05, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 06:04:28AM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >
> > > Popularity is a *terrible* way to judge ideas. I'm currently fighting
> > > with another platform on that same topic.
> >
> > Can we ask which platform?
> Not on-list, out of courtesy. It's unrelated.
> > > All you can see from a system like that is how many of the popular
> > > ideas get implemented. It says nothing about how many good ideas end
> > > up languishing with a small number of votes, simply because they never
> > > reach critical mass and not enough people see them.
> >
> > Rather like the way we tell people to publish on PyPI and see if it
> > becomes popular.
> Yes and no. Python doesn't use PyPI download counts to decide what
> gets added to the standard library, for instance. A package is not
> judged solely on the basis of some form of upvote. We tell people to
> publish and see, but even if it isn't popular, it's still on PyPI and
> has whatever value it has.
> > > Does GetSatisfaction allow downvotes? If yes: how do you stop a vocal
> > > few from shooting down any idea they don't like?
> >
> > Nothing like Python-Ideas then :-)
> >
> > Typically voting systems only allow logged-in users to vote, and you can
> > only vote once. You can change your vote at any time, but a vocal few is
> > limited to only downvoting once each, they can't vote a thousand times
> > each and overwhelm the popular voice.
> >
> > Same applies to up-voting.
> Question: Do votes from newly-created accounts have as much weight as
> those from well-established accounts? I can assure you, from
> experience, that there is no correct answer to this question, and that
> the vocal few can always shoot down ideas they don't like, if
> downvoting is a possibility.
> > > There is no way to make a popular vote fair.
> >
> > That's an odd take.
> "Fair" is such an ill-defined concept that the statement is almost
> vacuously true. But here's one simple example: Politics in the United
> Kingdom can be seen to be somewhat England-dominated, due to the
> population density. This can lead to Scotland being underrepresented.
> Or does it? Maybe Scotland is represented precisely as much as it
> deserves to be. Or maybe not. What is fair?
> (It's quite amusing playing a grand strategy game and having Scotland
> conquer all of England by forming military alliances with Austria as
> well as France. Yeah, who's underrepresented now, huh?)
> > A better take is that, fair or not, popularity is not necessarily a good
> > judge of what works well in a language. Language design requires skill
> > and taste, and it is not obvious that the wisdom of the crowd extends
> > that far.
> Yes, this is also true. And on the rare occasions when a poll is
> conducted, it is purely for information, and is never binding.
> Citation: PEP 308.
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0308/#detailed-results-of-voting
> The C-like question/colon syntax and a parenthesized form of if
> statement were both significantly more popular than the syntax that
> ended up implemented. If the matter had been "put to a vote", we'd
> have had a quite different result. And honestly, I'm glad of it.
> ChrisA
> ___
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[Python-ideas] Re: Fwd: Optional kwarg for sequence methods in random module

2019-08-19 Thread Senhaji Rhazi hamza
Hey Steven,

Thank you for having taken the time to comment qualitatively my response.

For the first part :

I think there is a way to map x <- [1; + inf] to y <- [0;1] by putting y =

I didn't pay attention of the fact stated by @Richard Damon
  that the shape of distribution won't be
preserved not only because of the argument that the distribution will goes
from (0, 1] instead of [0. 1) but the pareto shape will change, and the
solution shifted, scaled, and truncated Pareto make more sens

For the second part

But i think there is another issue to consider :
for example if we want to sort :

random.choice(['a', 'b', 'c'], random=lambda: random.paretovariate(1.75)),
we should have a mapping
between the elements of the list (here :a,b,c) to [0, 1] and the reverser
mapping, having this mapping underline
that we have a notion of order and distance, "measurement" between the
elements, and it is not trivial to always
have a notion of "order" or "distance" between the elements we manipulate,
but it could be fun
to have this possibility.

To answer the following questions :

   - What are you sorting ?
   - What is this reverser mapping ?
   - Why are you switching from probability concepts to metric theory
   halfway through the paragraph?
   - Maybe it would help if you could explain what you expected this to do.
   What should the odds of a, b, and c be in your function?

At the best of my understanding, we define a probabilisable space by
(omega, tribute, P) and
*X* the random variable as the mesurable function that goes from (omega,
tribute, P) to the measurable
space (E, Eta)

the space omega could be anything for example it could be *['a','b','c'] *but
we need a function
that knows how to go from subset *s *of omega (where *s* <- tribute) to a
subset *s2* of  E (where *s2* <- Eta)
and actually by measuring, *P('a')* we are measuring *P(X^-1(b) =a)* =
*Px(b)) *where (b <- Eta)

As an example for bernnouli law (flipping coin for example)
Ω = { ω 1 , ω 2 } ;
E = {0,1}
T (tribute) = P(Ω) ;
P( ω 1 ) = p, P( ω 2 ) = 1 − p où p ∈]0, 1[.
X( ω 1 ) = 1, X( ω 2 ) = 0.
Px(1) = P(X −1 (1)) = P( ω 1 ) = p et Px(0) = P(X −1 (0)) = P( ω 2 ) = 1 −

So the mapping function is *X *and the reverse mapping function is *X^-1*

To resume the idea, the mapping *X *allow us to go from abstract elements
('a','b','c') that we do not
measure directly (P(a)) to elements we can measure(Px(1)) and by having *X *we
will be able to have the odds of a, b, and c
so my idea was to give this function *X* as a helper function that the user
should define, that will know how to map subsets of the starting space for
example subsets from *ASCII*  to subsets of  a measurable spaces (the
easiest one, would be [0,1], the measure in that space will be the identity)

This is why i have bringed some metric concepts.

I'm sorry i couldn't get the last part :

 It sounds like a good idea on the face of it. The only obvious problems
are the limitations of only having a double rather than as many bits as
needed, and coming from a PRNG with a limited period compared to 2^N for
large N, both of which are if anything even bigger problems for shuffle,
which already allows a random argument. So, why not choice and sample too?

I don't know if we are better without it, but it seems to be complex for a
practical daily use !

Best regards,


Le dim. 18 août 2019 à 23:16, Andrew Barnert  a écrit :

> On Aug 18, 2019, at 06:20, Senhaji Rhazi hamza <
> hamza.senhajirh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Steven,
> I think there is a way to map x <- [1; + inf] to y <- [0;1] by putting y =
> 1/x
> Well, that gives you a distribution from (0, 1] instead of [0. 1), which
> is technically not legal as a substitute for random, even though it’ll
> actually only matter 1 in about 2^42 runs. You could pass this to shuffle
> today and probably get away with it, so asking for the same in choice, etc.
> isn’t too outrageous. But it’s still hard to judge whether it’s a good
> suggestion, if we don’t actually know what you’re trying to accomplish.
> First, there’s no way random could even know that you needed anything
> transformed. The distribution functions don’t come with metadata describing
> their support, and, even if they did, a new lambda that you pass in
> wouldn’t. As far as it could possibly tell, you passed in something that
> claims to be a nullary function that returns values in [0, 1), and it is a
> nullary function, and that’s all it knows.
> More importantly, even if that weren’t a problem, 1/x is hardly the one
> and only one obvious guess at how to turn Pareto into something with the
> appropriate support. In fact, I suspect more people would probably want a
> shifted, scaled, and truncated Pareto if they asked for Pareto. (Much as
> people often tall about things like the mean of a

[Python-ideas] Re: Fwd: Optional kwarg for sequence methods in random module

2019-08-18 Thread Senhaji Rhazi hamza
Hey Steven,

I think there is a way to map x <- [1; + inf] to y <- [0;1] by putting y =

But i think there is another issue to consider :
for example if we want to sort :

random.choice(['a', 'b', 'c'], random=lambda: random.paretovariate(1.75)),
we should have a mapping
between the elements of the list (here :a,b,c) to [0, 1] and the reverser
mapping, having this mapping underline
that we have a notion of order and distance, "measurement" between the
elements, and it is not trivial to always
have a notion of "order" or "distance" between the elements we manipulate,
but it could be fun
to have this possibility.

What do you think ?

Thank you !

Best regards,


Le dim. 18 août 2019 à 11:56, Steven D'Aprano  a
écrit :

> On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 09:02:54AM +0200, Patryk Gałczyński wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Recently I encountered a situation when I needed to pick a random
> > population sample but with specific distribution function -
> paretovariate in
> > this particular case.
> Let me see if I understand... you have a paretovariate distribution, and
> you want to generate a sample of values from that distribution? Or
> another way of putting it, you want to generate random numbers from that
> distribution?
> Use the random.paretovariate() function (which I see you know about).
> There's no need for random.choice or other methods to be involved.
> That might not be what you *want*, but that is what you seem to be
> describing.
> > After poking around in the random module I found out
> > that none of the so-called "sequence methods" methods support custom
> random
> > function except for random.shuffle
> > I would like to propose a new optional keyword argument for all these
> sequence
> > methods (choice, sample, choices) that will - similarly to how shuffle
> does
> > - take a zero-argument random distribution function of the users choice.
> > Because it should be a zero-argument function, it would most likely
> require
> > to pass "configured" distribution function with lambda. I would see it
> > being used like this:
> >
> > ```python
> > import random
> > random.choice([1, 2, 3], random=lambda: random.paretovariate(1.75))
> > ```
> The docs for shuffle say that:
> The optional argument random is a 0-argument function returning
> a random float in [0.0, 1.0); by default, this is the function
> random().
> but random.paretovariate returns a float between [1.0, ∞). By
> definition, every value it produces is out of range, and there's no way
> of compressing it to [0, 1) without changing the shape.
> I think you need to consider more strongly what you are actually trying
> to solve, go back to trying to understand the requirements before
> writing the program. Because I don't think that "Choose an item from
> this finite list according to an infinite distribution" is meaningful.
> --
> Steven
> ___
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