[Python-ideas] Re: factory for sentinel objects

2023-08-31 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
There is already
Though, I think this should become part of the standard library. It's a 
fundamental concept, somewhat analogous to namedtuples, enums and dataclass 
(only a bit less used, but also less complex). Once figured out, the 
implementation will be very stable. I believe it's not good to depend for such 
small and stable functionality on third party packages. At least, I'd often 
then just stay with the sentinel = object() approach.
I think https://peps.python.org/pep-0661/ is going very much in the right 
Will continue discussing in this context.

> Matthias Görgens  hat am 31.08.2023 11:29 CEST 
> geschrieben:
> Seems nice. Just write a library and upload it to one of the usual places?
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[Python-ideas] factory for sentinel objects

2023-08-31 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
The standard pattern to create a sentinel in Python is
>>> Unset = object()
While this is often good enough, it has some shortcomings:
- repr(Unset) is unhelpful: 
- copy/deepcopy create a copy of the sentinel object, which can lead to 
surprising results such as:
  >>> d = {'val': Unset}
  >>> d['val'] is Unset
  >>> d2 = copy.deepcopy(d)
  >>> d2['val'] is Unset
- The code "Unset = object()" is quite obscure for people not familiar with the 
sentinel pattern.
I propose to provide a sentinel() factory function so that
>>> Unset = sentinel("Unset")
>>> repr(unset)

>>> copy.copy(Unset) is Unset
>>> copy.deepcopy(Unset) is Unset
A simple implementation would be something like
def sentinel(name):
return type(name, (), {
'__repr__': lambda self: f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>",
'__copy__': lambda self: self,
'__deepcopy__': lambda self, memo: self,
Likely, the implementation should be refined a bit more.
While it's not rocket science, getting sentinels correct is cumbersome for end 
users. Providing such a function in the standard library is only a minor 
maintainance burden, but a significant help for users working with sentinels.
Thanks for your consideration!
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[Python-ideas] Re: factory for sentinel objects

2023-08-31 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Sorry, minor bug in the example implementation:

def sentinel(name):
cls = type(name, (), {
'__repr__': lambda self: f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>",
'__copy__': lambda self: self,
'__deepcopy__': lambda self, memo: self,
return cls()

> Tim Hoffmann  hat am 31.08.2023 10:44 CEST 
> geschrieben:
> The standard pattern to create a sentinel in Python is
> >>> Unset = object()
> While this is often good enough, it has some shortcomings:
> - repr(Unset) is unhelpful: 
> - copy/deepcopy create a copy of the sentinel object, which can lead to 
> surprising results such as:
>   >>> d = {'val': Unset}
>   >>> d['val'] is Unset
>   True
>   >>> d2 = copy.deepcopy(d)
>   >>> d2['val'] is Unset
>   False
> - The code "Unset = object()" is quite obscure for people not familiar with 
> the sentinel pattern.
> I propose to provide a sentinel() factory function so that
> >>> Unset = sentinel("Unset")
> >>> repr(unset)
> >>> copy.copy(Unset) is Unset
> True
> >>> copy.deepcopy(Unset) is Unset
> True
> A simple implementation would be something like
> def sentinel(name):
> return type(name, (), {
> '__repr__': lambda self: f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>",
> '__copy__': lambda self: self,
> '__deepcopy__': lambda self, memo: self,
> })
> Likely, the implementation should be refined a bit more.
> While it's not rocket science, getting sentinels correct is cumbersome for 
> end users. Providing such a function in the standard library is only a minor 
> maintainance burden, but a significant help for users working with sentinels.
> Thanks for your consideration!
> Tim
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[Python-ideas] Re: synatx sugar for quickly run shell command and return stdout of shell command as string result

2021-08-26 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
And also IPython:



ls_lines = !ls -l
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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-25 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Ok, I have no problem ignoring PEP-8 where it's not applicable. I've brought 
this topic up, because I thought there could be a improvement either in PEP-8 
and/or by adding something to the language. I still do think that, but I accept 
that the problem it solves is not considered relevant enough here to take 
further action.

Anyway, thanks all for the discussion!

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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-25 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Guido van Rossum wrote:
> So then the next question is, what's the use case? What code are people
> writing that may receive either a stdlib container or a numpy array, and
> which needs to do something special if there are no elements? Maybe
> computing the average? AFAICT Tim Hoffman (the OP) never said.

There's two parts to the answer:

1) There functions e.g. in scipy and matplotlib that accept both numpy arrays 
and lists of flows. Speaking from matplotlib experience: While eventually we 
coerce that data to a uniform internal format, there are cases in which we need 
to keep the original data and only convert on a lower internal level. We often 
can return early in a function if there is no data, which is where the 
emptiness check comes in. We have to take extra care to not do the PEP-8 
recommended emptiness check using `if not data`.

2) Even for cases that cannot have different types in the same code, it is 
unsatisfactory that I have to write `if not seq` but `if len(array) == 0` 
depending on the expected data. IMHO whatever the recommended syntax for 
emptiness checking is, it should be the same for lists and arrays and 
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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-25 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Paul Moore wrote:
> > **How do you check if a container is empty?**
> > IMHO the answer should not depend on the container. While emptiness may 
> > mean different things for different types. The check syntax can and should 
> > still be uniform.
> > I will note that if we take things to extremes, that constraint simply
> cannot be adhered to - types can define bool, len, and any other
> special method we care to invent, however they like. With that in
> mind, I'd argue that if a collection defines bool and len in such a
> way that "not bool(c)" or "len(c) == 0" doesn't mean "c is empty",
> then it is a special case, and has deliberately chosen to be a special
> case.

I can agree that "len(c) == 0" should mean "c is empty" for all practical 
purposes (and numpy and pandas conform with that).

But "bool(c)" should mean "c is empty" is an arbitrary additional constraint. 
For some types (e.g. numpy, padas) that cannot be fulfilled in a logically 
consisent way. By requiring that additional constraint, the Python languages 
forces these containers to be a special case.

To sum things up, I've again written the 

It is valuable for the language and ecosystem to not have this special casing. 
I.e. I don't want to write `if not seq` on the one hand and `if len(array) == 
0`. The syntax for checking if a list or an array is empty should be the same.

If so, PEP-8 has to be changed because "For sequences, (strings, lists, 
tuples), use the fact that empty sequences are false:" is not a universal 
The question then is, what other syntax to use for an emptiness check.

Possible solutions:
1) The length check is a possible solution:
"For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), test emptiness by `if len(seq) == 0`.
N.b. I think this is more readable than the variant `if not len(seq)` (but that 
could be discussed as well).

2) The further question is: If we change the PEP 8 recommendation anyway, can 
we do better than the length check?
IMHO a length check is semantically on a lower level than an empty-check. 
Counting elements is a more detailed operation than only checking if we have 
any element. That detail is not needed and distracting if we are only 
interested in is_empty. This is vaguely similar to iterating over indices (`for 
i in range(len(users))`) vs. iterating over elements (`for user in users`). We 
don't iterate over indices because that's usually a detail we don't need. So 
one can argue we shouldn't count elements if we only wan to know if there are 

If we come to the conclusion that an explicit empty check is better than a 
length=0 check, there are again different ways how that could be implmented 
again. My favorite solution now would be adding `is_empty()` methods to all 
standard containers and encourage numpy and pandas to add these methods as 
well. (Alternatively an empty protocol would be a more formal solution to an 
explicit check).
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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-24 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Ethan Furman wrote:
> On 8/24/21 3:03 PM, Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas wrote:
> > **How do you check if a container is empty?**
> > IMHO the answer should not depend on the container.
> I think this is the fly in the ointment -- just about everything, from len() 
> to bool(), to add, to iter() /all/ depend 
> on the container -- even equality depends on the container.  `and`, `or`, and 
> `not` partially depend on the container 
> (via bool()).  Only `is` is truly independent.

Sorry, I think you got me wrong: The meaning and thus implementation depends on 
the type (e.g. each container defines its own __len__()). However the syntax 
for querying length that is still uniformly `len(container)`. Likewise I'd like 
to have a uniform syntax for emptiness, and not different syntax for different 
types (`if not container` / `if len(array) == 0` / `if dataframe.empty`).
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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-24 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
I also have the feeling that this is going round in circles. So let me get back 
to the core question:

**How do you check if a container is empty?**

IMHO the answer should not depend on the container. While emptiness may mean 
different things for different types. The check syntax can and should still be 

Not a solution:
0) The current `if not seq` syntax. "check Falsiness instead of emptiness" is a 
simplification, which is not always possible.

Possible solutions:
1) Always use `if len(seq) == 0`. I think, this would works. But would we want 
to write that in PEP-8 instead of `if not seq`? To me, this feels a bit too low 
2) A protocol would formalize that concept by building respective syntax into 
the language. But I concede that it may be overkill.
3) The simple solution would be to add `is_empty()` methods to all stdlib 
containers and encourage third party libs to adopt that convention as well. 
That would give a uniform syntax by convention.

Reflecting the discussion in this thread, I now favor variant 3).

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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-24 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Christopher Barker wrote:
> But I see no reason to add a standardized way to check for an empty
> container- again “emptiness” may not be obviously defined either.
> Numpy arrays, (or Pandas Dataframes) are a good example here — there are
> more than one way to think of them as false - but maybe more than one way
> to think of them as empty too:
> Is a shape () (scalar) array empty ?
> Or shape (100, 0) ?
> Or shape (0, 100)
> Or shape (0,0,0,0)
> Or a rank 1 array that’s all zeros? Or all false?
> Anyway, the point is that “emptiness” may be situation specific, just like
> truthiness is.

Just like length is. It's a basic concept and like __bool__ and __len__ it 
should be upon the objects to specify what empty means.

> So explicitly specifying that you are looking for len(container) == 0 is
> more clear than isempty(container) would be, even  if it did exist.

As written in another post here, `len(container) == 0` is on a lower 
abstraction level than `isempty(container)`.
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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-23 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Ethan Furman wrote:
> On 8/23/21 2:31 PM, Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas wrote:
> > Ethan Furman wrote:
> > > It seems to me that the appropriate fix is for numpy to have an 
> > > "is_empty()" function
> > that knows how to deal with arrays and array-like structures, not force 
> > every container
> > to grow a new method.
> > Yes, numpy could and probably should have an "is_empty()" method. However, 
> > defining a
> > method downstream breaks duck typing and maybe even more important authors 
> > have to
> > mentally switch between the two empty-check variants `if users` and `if 
> > users.is_empty()`
> > depending on the context.
> > The context being whether or not you working with numpy?  Is there generic 
> > code that works with both numpy arrays and 
> other non-numpy data?  Do we have any non-numpy examples of this problem?

E.g. SciPy and Matplotlib accept array-like inputs such as lists of numbers. 
They often convert internally to numpy arrays, but speaking for the case of 
Matplotlib, we sometimes need to preseve the original data and/or delay 
conversion, so we have to take extra care when checking inputs.

Pandas has the same Problem. "The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous". 
They have introduced a `DataFrame.empty` property.

I suspect the same problem exists for other types like xarray or tensorflow 
tensors, but I did not check.

> > If you want to write a function that accepts array-like `values`, you have 
> > to change
> > a check `if values` to `if len(values) == 0`. That works for both but is 
> > against the
> > PEP8 recommendation. This is a shortcoming of the language.
> > Numpy is not Python, but a specialist third-party package that has made 
> > specialist
> > choices about basic operations -- that does not sound like a shortcoming of 
> > the language.
> > The "specialist choices" ``if len(values) == 0` in Numpy are the best you 
> > can do within
> > the capabilities of the Python language if you want the code to function 
> > with lists and
> > arrays. For Numpy to do better Python would need to either provide the 
> > above mentioned
> > "has element-wise operations" protocol or an is_empty protocol.
> > I consider emptiness-check a basic concept that should be consistent and 
> > easy to use across containers.

> Python has an emptiness-check and numpy chose to repurpose it -- that is not 
> Python's problem nor a shortcoming in Python.

Python does not have an emptiness-check. Empty containers map to False and we 
suggest in PEP8 to use the False-check as a stand in for the emptiness-check. 
But logically falsiness and emptiness are two separate things. Numpy (IMHO with 
good justification) repurposed the False-check, but that left them without  a 
standard emptiness check.

> Suppose we add an `.is_empty()` method, and five years down the road another 
> library repurposes that method, that other 
> library then becomes popular, and we then have two "emptiness" checks that 
> are no longer consistent -- do we then add a 
> third?

I don't think this is a valid argument. We would introduce the concept of 
emptiness. That can happen only once. What empty means for an object is 
determined by the respective library and implemented there, similar to what 
`len` means. There can't be any inconsistency.
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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-23 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Ethan Furman wrote:
> It seems to me that the appropriate fix is for numpy to have an "is_empty()" 
> function that knows how to deal with arrays 
> and array-like structures, not force every container to grow a new method.

Yes, numpy could and probably should have an "is_empty()" method. However, 
defining a method downstream breaks duck typing and maybe even more important 
authors have to mentally switch between the two empty-check variants `if users` 
and `if users.is_empty()` depending on the context.

Ethan Furman wrote:
> On 8/23/21 1:15 PM, Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas wrote:
> > If you want to write a function that accepts array-like `values`, you have 
> > to change
> > a check `if values` to `if len(values) == 0`. That works for both but is 
> > against the
> > PEP8 recommendation. This is a shortcoming of the language.
> > Numpy is not Python, but a specialist third-party package that has made 
> > specialist choices about basic operations -- 
> that does not sound like a shortcoming of the language.

The "specialist choices" ``if len(values) == 0` in Numpy are the best you can 
do within the capabilities of the Python language if you want the code to 
function with lists and arrays. For Numpy to do better Python would need to 
either provide the above mentioned "has element-wise operations" protocol or an 
is_empty protocol.

I consider emptiness-check a basic concept that should be consistent and easy 
to use across containers. 

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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-23 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
> What's the problem being solved by isempty? Are there any situations
> that couldn't be solved by either running a type checker, or by using
> len instead of bool?

I agree that determining the type is possible most of the time, either by type 
hints or a static analyzer. Using len is possible, with the limitation that you 
need a full `len(x) == 0` for numpy arrays (see discussion above). The type 
aspect was emphasized in the video. I'm not too worried about that explicitly. 
The video was more of a starting point for me to reconsider the ideom `if not 
users`. My conclusion (and thus proposal) differs from the video.

On a technical level, everything can be solved with the current language 
capabilities. The main advantage is clearer semantics (explicit is better / 
readability counts):
- Re bool: As experienced python users we are used to translate `if not users` 
to "if users is empty" or "if we have no users", but it *is* less explicit than 
`if users.is_empty()`.
- Re len: `if not len(users)` or `if len(users) == 0` is more explicit, but its 
semantically on a lower level. Counting elements is a more detailed operation 
than only checking if we have any element. That detail is not needed and 
distracting if we are only interested in is_empty. This is vaguely similar to 
iterating over indices (`for i in range(len(users))`) vs. iterating over 
elements (`for user in users`). We don't iterate over indices because that's 
usually a detail we don't need.

I acknowledge that discussing readability can be vague and subjective, not 
least because we are used to the current ideoms. I'm also aware that we should 
be very conservative on adding new API, in particular if it's not technically 
necessary. However, Python makes a strong point on readability, which IMHO is 
one of the major reasons for its success. I belive that in that context adding 
is_empty syntactic sugar would be a clear improvement.
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[Python-ideas] Re: We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-23 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I don't think it is very common to use numpy arrays in a context where 
> they are expected to duck-type as collections.

Maybe not "numpy arrays duck-type as collections", but it is very common that 
arrays and sequences are used interchangably. Numpy has created the term 
"array-like" for this. Well technically, an array-like is something that 
`np.array()` can turn into an array. But from a user point of view array-like 
effectively means array or sequence.

If you want to write a function that accepts array-like `values`, you have to 
change a check `if values` to `if len(values) == 0`. That works for both but is 
against the PEP8 recommendation. This is a shortcoming of the language.
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[Python-ideas] We should have an explicit concept of emptiness for collections

2021-08-22 Thread Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas
Hi all,

The Programming Recommendations section in PEP-8 states

"For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty sequences are 

  # Correct:
  if not seq:
  if seq:

  # Wrong:
  if len(seq):
  if not len(seq):

In the talk "When Python Practices Go Wrong" Brandon Rhodes makes a good point 
against this practice based on "explicit is better than implicit" 
(https://youtu.be/S0No2zSJmks?t=873). He advertizes using

  if len(seq):

While that is as explicit as one can get within the current language, it could 
still be more explicit: Semantically, we're not interested in the (zero) length 
of the sequence, but want to know if it is empty.


Therefore, I propose syntax for an explicit empty check

  if isempty(seq):   (i)


  if seq.is_empty()  (ii)

This proposal is mainly motivated by the Zen verses "Explicit is better than 
implicit" and "Readability counts".

The two variants have slightly different advantages and disadvantages:

(i) would add an __isempty__ protocol and a corresponding isempty() builtin 
One could argue that this is somewhat redundant with __len__. However, this is 
a typical pattern in collection.abc abstract base classes: There are only a few 
abstract methods and futher concepts are added as mixin methods (which are by 
default implemented using the abstract methods).

(ii) would alternatively only implement a method on the collection. There's 
also precedence for predefined methods on collections, e.g. Sequence.index().

Advantages over the protocol approach are:
- It's a smaller language change than adding a protocol and a builtin function
- The order seq.is_empty() matches the order used in spoken english ("if the 
sequence is empty") which is more readable than isempty(seq).
- It's tab-completable (-> usability)
- Emptiness is similar to length, and people might be used to the 
builtin-method concept for such things.
- A protocol is more powerful than a method: One can support isempty() via 
len() even for objects that do not implement __isempty__. However, this more a 
theoretical advantage. I assume that in practice all collections derive from 
the collection.abc classes, so if the is_empty() method is implemented there, 
all typical use cases should be covered.

I'm looking forward to your feedback!
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