On Tue, 5 May 2020 23:06:39 +1000
Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> ... help me solve the DRY problem for module-level functions:
>     def function(spam, eggs, cheese, aardvark):
>         do stuff
>         call _private_function(spam, eggs, cheese, aardvark)
> since this bites me about twice as often as the `self.spam = spam` 
> issue.
> (That's not me being snarky by the way, it's a genuine question: 
> dataclasses are a mystery to me, so I don't know what they can and can't 
> do.)

Lisp macros have a "&whole" feature that captures the entire collection
of arguments to the macro:


Perhaps Python could adopt something similar?  Unlike *args and
**kwargs, &whole captures all of the parameters, not just the
non-positional, non-named ones.  The idea would be something like this:

    def function(spam, eggs, cheese, aardvark, &whole):

which would call _private_function as function was called.  No, Lisp
macros are not Python function calls.  No, I'm not proposing that exact
syntax.  No, I haven't thought it through.  Yes, it borders on magic,
and may impinge on implicit vs. explicit.  But evidently, Steven and I
share this particular pattern, although I never considered it enough of
a problem to "solve."


“Atoms are not things.” – Werner Heisenberg
Dan Sommers, http://www.tombstonezero.net/dan
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