Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Michael Lohmann wrote:

I just wanted to override the
class-variable `magic_number` to give a reason why I don’t ever want to call
Magic.__init__ in Foo. If you want, you can have this class instead:

class Magic:

> def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError("Do not initialize this



but I figured that this might look a bit artificial...

But your original example looks just as artificial. Skipping
the initialisation of a class you're inheriting from is an
extremely weird thing to do, and in any real-life situation
there's almost certainly a better design.

In any case, I don't see how this has anything to do with
invisible passing of **kwds.

In short, I don't understand what you're saying at all.

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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-28 Thread Greg Ewing

Michael Lohmann wrote:

   class Ethel(Aardvark, Clever):
   """Ethel is a very clever Aardvark"""
   def __init__(self):
   super().__init__(quantity="some spam", cleverness=1000))


if you want to instantiate an Aardvark directly there is NO WAY EVER that
you could give him ANY kwargs. So why should the __init__ indicate
something else?

You seem to want the signature of Ethel.__init__ to indicate exactly
what arguments it can accept.

But even with your proposed feature, that isn't going to happen.
It will only show arguments that appear explicitly in Ethel.__init__'s
argument list. If it didn't override the default value for cleverness,
you would never know that it was a possible parameter.

In situations like this there's no substitute for hand-written
documentation, and that can include explaining what is allowed
for **kwds.

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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-28 Thread Jacco van Dorp
Bright idea the moment after sending that mail:

You could remove the globals() hack if you make it a class decorator instead.
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-28 Thread Jacco van Dorp
2018-05-28 11:07 GMT+02:00 Michael Lohmann :
> But maybe it is just me who thinks that you should make it as obvious as 
> possible what a class itself really can get as an input and what is done just 
> to get the multiple inheritance to work... So I think if no one else agrees 
> with me, we don’t need to further spam everybody.

I think the largest difference is that most people have a different
opinion about what is more explicit/obvious.
It does look like you could build something like this for yourself
with a decorator:

from inspect import signature, Parameter

def forwards_kwargs_to_super(classname):
def deco(method):
sig = signature(method)
numargs = len([param for param in sig.parameters.values() if
param.kind is Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY])
keykwargs = { for param in sig.parameters.values()
if param.kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
def newinit(self, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"Call looks like: {classname}: {args[:numargs]}, {
{key: val for key, val in kwargs.items() if key in keykwargs} }")
method(self, *args[:numargs], **{key: val for key, val in
kwargs.items() if key in keykwargs})
self).__init__(*args[numargs:], **{key: val for key, val in
kwargs.items() if key not in keykwargs})
return newinit
return deco

And then use it like this:

class Aardvark:
def __init__(self, quantity):
print("There is some quantity:", quantity)
# I actually don’t care about **kwargs and just hand them on

class Clever:
def __init__(self, cleverness=1):
print("You are %d clever" % cleverness)

class Ethel(Aardvark, Clever):
"""Ethel is a very clever Aardvark"""
def __init__(self):

e = Ethel(quantity="some spam", cleverness=100)

 - Whenever you import the inspect module, you should ask yourself
whether it's really a good idea.
 - I'm assuming that decorated functions have no *args or **kwargs in
their signature that you DO want to accept, and that all arguments
with a default value are given as keyword arguments.
 - If you are passing new positional arguments with this function, the
subclass positional arguments need to come before the superclass
positional arguments (only important if both have positional
 - If you use multiple decorators, this should be the innermost
decorator, or it'll probably make your code barf at runtime.
 - If you try do this in my company, i'll do whatever I can to get you
fired. For the love of Python, don't use this code at places where
anybody except you has to do maintenance. And if you come back in half
a year and are amazed by your own code, I promise you'll understand
why this might not be a real good solution.
 - Yes, passing your class name and then getting it from globals is an
ugly hack. The alternative is grabbing it from the stack. If anybody
else has a better idea, feel free, but AFAIK it's impossible to do
this better. (I once wrote an overload decorator as a personal
exercise, using the stack hack.)
 - I haven't tested this with actual positional arguments, but I
-think- it will work.
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-28 Thread Jacco van Dorp
2018-05-28 9:44 GMT+02:00 Michael Lohmann :
>> I'd say NOT wanting to call an __init__ method of a superclass is a
>> rather uncommon occurence. It's generally a huge error. So I think
>> it's worth not accomodating that.
> I will give you an example then where I am absolutely fine with calling 
> super().__init__ in all classes and describe why I am not really satisfied 
> with the current status. (It is from my email from yesterday 17:19 GMT):
>> What bugs me is that in my example from yesterday (
>> class Aardvark:
>> def __init__(self, quantity, **kwargs):
>> print("There is some quantity:", quantity)
>> # I actually don’t care about **kwargs and just hand them on
>> super().__init__(**kwargs)
>> class Clever:
>> def __init__(self, cleverness=1):
>> print("You are %d clever“ % cleverness)
>> class Ethel(Aardvark, Clever):
>> """Ethel is a very clever Aardvark"""
>> def __init__(self):
>> super().__init__(quantity="some spam", cleverness=1000)
>> ) if you want to instantiate an Aardvark directly there is NO WAY EVER that 
>> you could give him ANY kwargs. So why should the __init__ indicate something 
>> else? Well, just to make the MRO work. All I want is to make it as obvious 
>> as possible that an Aardvark only takes `quantity` as input, but is fully 
>> "cooperative" with other classes if it is in the middle of the MRO (by which 
>> I mean that it will automatically call the __init__ and hand on any kwargs 
>> it didn’t expect to a class from a different branch of the class hierarchy).

This is more an issue with your Ethel class. In *normal* subclassing,
it's init would look like:

class Ethel(Aardvark, Clever):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):

and you'd instantiate it like:
e = Ethel(quantity="some spam", cleverness=1000)
or even (because keyword argument order doesn't matter):
e = Ethel(cleverness=1000, quantity="some spam")

Because don't forget:
assert isinstance(e, Ethel)
assert isinstance(e, Aardvark)
assert isinstance(e, Clever)

will all pass perfectly fine. It's not just an Ethel or an Aardvark,
it's also a Clever. (which doesn't sound like it makes sense...perhaps
clever should be an attribute on an Aardvark/Ethel instead ?).

That all aside, for a moment. You actually CAN call
object.__init__(**kwargs) no problem - as long as kwargs is empty. I'd
have written your classes like this:

class Aardvark:
def __init__(self, quantity, **kwargs):
print("There is some quantity:", quantity)
# I actually don’t care about **kwargs and just hand them on

class Clever:
def __init__(self, cleverness=1, **kwargs):
print("You are %d clever" % cleverness)

class Ethel(Aardvark, Clever):
"""Ethel is a very clever Aardvark"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):

Just try it - it works perfectly fine. Each constructor will consume
the keywords meant for it, therefore, the last super() call will call
the object constructor without keyword arguments.

**kwargs is the price we have to pay for good multiple inheritance -
and IMO, it's a low one.

If we're talking about signalling what the arguments mean, just ensure
you have a good docstring.

class Aardvark:
def __init__(self, quantity, **kwargs):
Aardvarks are gentle creatures, and therefore cooperate with
multiple inheritance.
:param quantity: The quantity of Aardvark(s).
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-28 Thread Michael Lohmann

> I'd say NOT wanting to call an __init__ method of a superclass is a
> rather uncommon occurence. It's generally a huge error. So I think
> it's worth not accomodating that.

I will give you an example then where I am absolutely fine with calling 
super().__init__ in all classes and describe why I am not really satisfied with 
the current status. (It is from my email from yesterday 17:19 GMT):

> What bugs me is that in my example from yesterday (
> class Aardvark:
> def __init__(self, quantity, **kwargs):
> print("There is some quantity:", quantity)
> # I actually don’t care about **kwargs and just hand them on
> super().__init__(**kwargs)
> class Clever:
> def __init__(self, cleverness=1):
> print("You are %d clever“ % cleverness)
> class Ethel(Aardvark, Clever):
> """Ethel is a very clever Aardvark"""
> def __init__(self):
> super().__init__(quantity="some spam", cleverness=1000)
> ) if you want to instantiate an Aardvark directly there is NO WAY EVER that 
> you could give him ANY kwargs. So why should the __init__ indicate something 
> else? Well, just to make the MRO work. All I want is to make it as obvious as 
> possible that an Aardvark only takes `quantity` as input, but is fully 
> "cooperative" with other classes if it is in the middle of the MRO (by which 
> I mean that it will automatically call the __init__ and hand on any kwargs it 
> didn’t expect to a class from a different branch of the class hierarchy).
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-28 Thread Jacco van Dorp
I'd say NOT wanting to call an __init__ method of a superclass is a
rather uncommon occurence. It's generally a huge error. So I think
it's worth not accomodating that.

2018-05-28 9:27 GMT+02:00 Michael Lohmann :
>>>class Magic:
>>>magic_number = 42
>>>def __init__(self):
>>>A.magic_number = 0  # As soon as you look too deep into it all 
>>> the Magic vanishes
>> What is A here? Did you mean something else?
> Sorry for that. Yes, it should have been Magic (I renamed the class after 
> writing it and didn’t pay attention). I just wanted to override the 
> class-variable `magic_number` to give a reason why I don’t ever want to call 
> Magic.__init__ in Foo. If you want, you can have this class instead:
> class Magic:
> def __init__(self):
> raise RuntimeError("Do not initialize this class")
> but I figured that this might look a bit artificial...
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-28 Thread Michael Lohmann

>>class Magic:
>>magic_number = 42
>>def __init__(self):
>>A.magic_number = 0  # As soon as you look too deep into it all 
>> the Magic vanishes
> What is A here? Did you mean something else?

Sorry for that. Yes, it should have been Magic (I renamed the class after 
writing it and didn’t pay attention). I just wanted to override the 
class-variable `magic_number` to give a reason why I don’t ever want to call 
Magic.__init__ in Foo. If you want, you can have this class instead:

class Magic:
def __init__(self):
raise RuntimeError("Do not initialize this class")

but I figured that this might look a bit artificial...
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-27 Thread Greg Ewing

Michael Lohmann wrote:

class Magic:
magic_number = 42
def __init__(self):
A.magic_number = 0  # As soon as you look too deep into it all the 
Magic vanishes

What is A here? Did you mean something else?

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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-27 Thread Michael Lohmann

> Everything my idea has to offer really is just reasonable if you don’t have 
> single inheritance only

I would like to correct myself immediately on that one: In the Pizza-example 
(from yesterday as well) it would be possible to overwrite the default price of 
the HawaiianPizza with the merging of bypassed kwargs with the ones from the 
call itself. Let us assume that the exemption of the 10$ price for all 
HawaiianPizzas would be a Family-sized pizza for 20$:

class Pizza:
def __init__(self, *, size, price):
print("The price of this %s pizza is:", (size, price))

class HawaiianPizza(Pizza):
def __init__(self, *, pineapple="chunked", size=8):
print("This pizza has %s pineapple." % pineapple)
super().__init__(price=10, size=size)

class FamilyHawaiianPizza(HawaiianPizza):
def __init__(self, *, pineapple="chunked"):
super().__init__(price=20, size=20, pineapple=pineapple) #This 
would overwrite the price of the HawaiianPizza

But this would not be the real intention of the usage, but just a side effect 
of correctly handling a simple diamond-like hierarchy. The reason that bypassed 
kwargs should overwrite them is that they come from up the MRO and so obviously 
should have priority.

Sorry to spam you all,
Have a nice Sunday! Michael
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-27 Thread Michael Lohmann
I realized that bypassing kwargs is probably the least important thing of this 
idea - so if implemented it definitely had to get a better name. Just look at 
the following example:

class Magic:
magic_number = 42
def __init__(self):
A.magic_number = 0  # As soon as you look too deep into it all the 
Magic vanishes

class Foo(Magic):
def __init__(self):
# Let's say we want magic_number==42 in Foo
# So you can’t call super().__init__ here if it is not in the 
middle of an MRO
# Technically you could get it working by going to the first init 
in the MRO of self after Foo \
# that isn’t in the MRO of Foo but you can see that this gets 
quite ugly to write (and read!).
# And then you would still have the problem of indicating that Foo 
seems to accepted kwargs as input

class Bar:
def __init__(self, bar):
print("bar:", bar)

class FooBar(Foo, Bar):
def __init__(self):
# There is no easy way right now to avoid writing

But if Foo adopted this protocol of "automated MRO handling"/"cooperativity" 
(or however you want to call it) Bar.__init__ could be called automatically. 
What do I mean by that? Well, basically do automatically what I described in 
the comment of Foo if no super().__init__ call was registered in any 
cooperative class.

Okay, this example might be a bit far-fetched, but it shows, that you could 
easily get the MRO working as expected with a simple 
super().__init__(bar="bar") in FooBar.

> This shouldn't be a problem if each method along the way
> absorbs all the arguments it knows about, and only passes
> on the ones it doesn’t.
Two remarks: 1) Everything my idea has to offer really is just reasonable if 
you don’t have single inheritance only and 2) This wasn’t really my problem 
with the current status (in fact: the way I would tackle this problem would 
also only work if all kwargs get fully consumed). But:

What bugs me is that in my example from yesterday (
   class Aardvark:
   def __init__(self, quantity, **kwargs):
   print("There is some quantity:", quantity)
   # I actually don’t care about **kwargs and just hand them on

   class Clever:
   def __init__(self, cleverness=1):
   print("You are %d clever“ % cleverness)

   class Ethel(Aardvark, Clever):
   """Ethel is a very clever Aardvark"""
   def __init__(self):
   super().__init__(quantity="some spam", cleverness=1000)
) if you want to instantiate an Aardvark directly there is NO WAY EVER that you 
could give him any kwargs. So why should the __init__ indicate something else? 
Well, just to make the MRO work. All I want is to make it as obvious as 
possible that an Aardvark ONLY takes `quantity` as input, but is fully 
"cooperative" with other classes if it is in the middle of the MRO (by which I 
mean that it will automatically call the __init__ and hand on any kwargs it 
didn’t expect to a class from a different branch of the class hierarchy).
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-27 Thread Greg Ewing

Brendan Barnwell wrote:

If I understand correctly, the essence of your argument seems to be 
that you want be able to write a class A, and you want to be able to use 
that class EITHER as the top of an inheritance chain (i.e., have it 
inherit directly from object) OR in the middle of an inheritance chain 
(i.e., inheriting from some other class, but not object).

This shouldn't be a problem if each method along the way
absorbs all the arguments it knows about, and only passes
on the ones it doesn't. E.g.

class A:
def __init__(self, alpha, **kwds):
print("alpha =", alpha)

class B(A):
def __init__(self, beta, **kwds):
print("beta =", beta)

b = B(alpha = 17, beta = 42)

Both A and B here pass on a **kwds argument, but by the
time it get to object, there are no arguments left, so
it's fine.


Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-27 Thread Michael Lohmann

>   If I understand correctly, the essence of your argument seems to be 
> that you want be able to write a class A, and you want to be able to use that 
> class EITHER as the top of an inheritance chain (i.e., have it inherit 
> directly from object) OR in the middle of an inheritance chain (i.e., 
> inheriting from some other class, but not object).
Well, it does not necessarily inherit from object, but from any class, that 
does not accept any more kwargs. E.g.  if you have a diamond structure as your 
class-hierachy then one branch could forward information to the second (if you 
understand what I mean?).

> But I don't really see how your solution of magically making kwargs appear 
> and disappear is a good solution to that problem.

I intended the following text for the python-list mailing-list, but it I think 
I might have structured my ideas a bit better than in my previous messages and 
the summary in __Reason__ might tackle why this could be a nice idea (spoiler: 
make super even more super by doing things if it is NOT there in a clever 

Let us start with a simple class:
class Aardvark:
def __init__(self, quantity):
print("There is some quantity:", quantity)

Well, that works nicely and we can go and send our Aardvark to survey some 
quantities. But if we now want to get the multi-inheritance to work properly we 
need to change it to:

class Aardvark:
def __init__(self, quantity, **kwargs):
print("There is some quantity:", quantity)
# I actually don’t care about **kwargs and just hand them on

class Clever:
def __init__(self, cleverness=1):
print("You are %d clever“ % cleverness)

class Ethel(Aardvark, Clever):
"""Ethel is a very clever Aardvark"""
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(quantity="some spam", cleverness=1000)

But if you now look at the declaration of the Aardvark .__init__, it seems like 
you could instantiate it with **kwargs. This in fact is not true. As soon as 
you create a direct instance of Aardvark, `object` as the super() doesn’t 
accept any kwargs. So basically I think that the parameters for the init should 
just say `quantity ` while still preserving the functionality.

Now that obviously doesn’t work until now. But could you add something that 
lets this class tell the interpreter instead: "Hey, could you just forward 
anything that this init doesn’t need to super().__init__" ? I have something 
like this in mind:

class Aardvark:
def __init__(self, *, quantity):
print("There is some quantity:", quantity)

This would collect everything "behind the scenes" that usually **kwargs would 
have collected and "append" it to the super call. Question: If Aardvark knows 
that he really does not need the kwargs himself: why give them to him in the 
first place? I mean, I trust him - he seems like a very nice guy, but he might 
have accidentally forgotten to forward them unintentionally.

You would obviously still be able to use **kwargs the usual way but then you 
couldn’t use this technique and would need to take care of passing down all the 
information to super() yourself as usual.

__Reason__: With something like this it is immediately obvious that Aardvark 
ONLY takes `quantity` as an input if you instantiate it directly but if 
subclassed it is able to hand information down the MRO to something from a 
different "Branch". And in addition to the better human readability: any form 
of automated docstring-genaration now can be certain that you don’t do anything 
with (or to) the **kwargs (since the init doesn’t get them in the first place). 
In addition it could make super even more super by doing something if it is NOT 
there as proposed in the second of the the following problems.

Of course you need to be quite clever to do this properly, for example
1) What to do if there are collisions between the bypassed kwargs and the ones 
from the init call? - Probably keep the ones you bypassed since they come from 
the top of the MRO
2) What do you do if super().__init__ was not called? The most clever thing 
would be to go „up and to the next branch“ of the inheritance diagram. As in: 
if Aardvark is a Subclass of Animal, don’t call its init but directly Clevers - 
(you would have to look up the MRO of the super of Aardvark and skip them in 
the Ethel MRO before calling the next init automatically).

In theory you could also add something that forwards *args as well but the 
usage of that is probably much more limited...

On thing that might look a bit strange is that you actually could actually pass 
in additional kwargs despite the init saying otherwise:
`Aardvark(quantity='some spam', something="Object will throw an error now 
unexpected kwarg")`
and this would then throw an error that "object (instead of Aardvark) does 

Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-27 Thread Brendan Barnwell

On 2018-05-26 02:22, Michael Lohmann wrote:

Whenever you give any kwargs when directly instantiating `A` they
will be passed down to super which in this case is `object`. And now
to the follow-up question: Can you tell me which kwargs object takes
as an input for it’s __init__? So does it EVER make ANY sense to
specify them if you DIRECTLY create an instance of `A`?

But now let’s say your MRO is `SuperClass, A, B`, then A should
better be able to forward the kwargs, so currently you need to
directly hand them to `A` and rely on the fact that it passes them on
to `B`.

	If I understand correctly, the essence of your argument seems to be 
that you want be able to write a class A, and you want to be able to use 
that class EITHER as the top of an inheritance chain (i.e., have it 
inherit directly from object) OR in the middle of an inheritance chain 
(i.e., inheriting from some other class, but not object).  But you 
can't, because if you pass on extra **kwargs, that will fail if the 
class inherits directly from object, but if you don't pass on extra 
**kwargs, that will fail if the class doesn't inherit directly from 
object.  Is that correct?

	I agree that it is somewhat somewhat awkward that "is this the top 
class in the hierarchy" is something that has to be known when writing a 
class.  I think this would be ameliorated by having "object" accept and 
ignore extra arguments.  (I seem to recall that was decided to be a bad 
idea at some time in the past, though.)  But I don't really see how your 
solution of magically making kwargs appear and disappear is a good 
solution to that problem.

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is no
path, and leave a trail."
   --author unknown
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-26 Thread Michael Lohmann

> Right, which means that Pizza and Lasagna are not compatible classes
> in that way.

Okay, let me try it one final time with the original pizza example. Let’s 
assume that your restaurant has a special offer on all Hawaiian Pizzas where 
you can get all sizes for 10$. Now the only reasonable thing to pass into **kw 
is size, so let’s say that for the readability of the class we decide to 
replace it.

class Pizza:
def __init__(self, *, size, price):
print("The price of this %s pizza is:", (size, price))

class HawaiianPizza(Pizza):
def __init__(self, *, pineapple="chunked", size=8):  # No **kw here 
since no longer needed
print("This pizza has %s pineapple." % pineapple)
super().__init__(price=10, size=size)

class CheesyCrust(Pizza):
"""Mixin to alter the pizza's crust"""
def __init__(self, *, crust_cheese="cheddar", surcharge=1.50):
print("Surcharge %.2f for %s crust" % (surcharge, crust_cheese))
super().__init__(price=kw.pop("price") + surcharge, **kw)

class BestPizza(HawaiianPizza, CheesyCrust):
"""Actually, the best pizza is pepperoni. Debate away!"""

BestPizza(crust_cheese="gouda“)  # Doesn’t work since Hawaii doesn’t bypass 

But now the HawaiianPizza gets annoyed because it doesn’t know what to do with 
the crust_cheese. So just to make BestPizza work I will have to add **kw to 
HawaiianPizza again.
But now let’s say we have a hungry programmer that just takes a short look and 
sees that HawaiianPizza is a subclass of Pizza and he thinks "Okay then, just 
get some HawaiianPizza(price=8)". In fact if he directly orders any 
HawaiianPizza there is nothing he can pass in into **kw that wouldn’t result in 
an error.

I am sorry to annoy you all with this. Maybe this problem just isn’t as common 
as I thought it was…
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 7:22 PM, Michael Lohmann  wrote:
> [Chris Angelico]
>> Does that make sense?
> Well yes, of course it does. When instantiating a HawaiianPizza of course you 
> want to set size and price. I don’t want to remove **kwargs and the current 
> way of handeling this. But if you now add:
> class Lasagna:
> def __init__(self, *, number_of_layers=5):
> print("This Lasagna has %s layers", number_of_layers)
> class HaveYouEverTriedThis(Pizza, Lasagna):
> """Well, this is just bizarre"""
> Now suddenly `Pizza` would have to accept kwargs. Why? It didn’t 
> "learn anything new". It can’t do anything with them on it’s own. Shouldn’t 
> you expect from a function that in the brackets you are shown what is 
> possible to actually call this function on? You could never actually call 
> Pizza with kwargs, so 1) Why should you be able to do so in the first place? 
> and 2) Why show the programmer that you could?. Just to make the MRO work. 
> And I would suggest that to handle this it would be a lot more elegant to 
> say: "If you are in the middle of an MRO: just pass everything unexpected 
> down“

Right, which means that Pizza and Lasagna are not compatible classes
in that way. If you were to try to concoct some sort of, I don't know,
layered conglomerate with meat, tomato, and pizza bases, you'd have to
write an init method that does that for you.

class Pizzagna(Pizza, Lasagna):
def __init__(self, *, number_of_layers, **kw):
Lasagna.__init__(self, number_of_layers=number_of_layers)
Pizza.__init__(self, **kw)

The Pizza class was deliberately designed to be an apex class - one
that is the head of a hierarchy. The Lasagna class isn't part of that
hierarchy, so merging it in takes some extra work - a pizza can't
automatically subsume a lasagna.

We had the family over here for dinner tonight, and we ate two pizzas.
Now I'm wondering if a Pizzagna would have been a better choice...

Anyhow. Further discussion about this should probably go onto python-list.

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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-26 Thread Michael Lohmann
Let me put it this way:

   class A(object):
   def __init__(self, a_value, **kwargs):
   print("This is a value:", a_value)

Which parameters does  `A` take when being initialized?

Whenever you give any kwargs when directly instantiating `A` they will be 
passed down to super which in this case is `object`. And now to the follow-up 
question: Can you tell me which kwargs object takes as an input for it’s 
__init__? So does it EVER make ANY sense to specify them if you DIRECTLY create 
an instance of `A`?

But now let’s say your MRO is `SuperClass, A, B`, then A should better be able 
to forward the kwargs, so currently you need to directly hand them to `A` and 
rely on the fact that it passes them on to `B`. Why should `A` even get those 
kwargs in the first place? They could just be "passed around it" as soon as the 
interpreter sees that they are in the what currently would be **kwargs and 
later reunited with the arguments that the super().__init__ call has. Of course 
this can’t be done by default. So why not tell the interpreter with something 
like "@pass_through_kwargs" that it should do this for you?

[Chris Angelico]
> Does that make sense?
Well yes, of course it does. When instantiating a HawaiianPizza of course you 
want to set size and price. I don’t want to remove **kwargs and the current way 
of handeling this. But if you now add:
class Lasagna:
def __init__(self, *, number_of_layers=5):
print("This Lasagna has %s layers", number_of_layers)

class HaveYouEverTriedThis(Pizza, Lasagna):
"""Well, this is just bizarre"""

Now suddenly `Pizza` would have to accept kwargs. Why? It didn’t "learn 
anything new". It can’t do anything with them on it’s own. Shouldn’t you expect 
from a function that in the brackets you are shown what is possible to actually 
call this function on? You could never actually call Pizza with kwargs, so 1) 
Why should you be able to do so in the first place? and 2) Why show the 
programmer that you could?. Just to make the MRO work. And I would suggest that 
to handle this it would be a lot more elegant to say: "If you are in the middle 
of an MRO: just pass everything unexpected down“

[Steven D'Aprano]
> Considering that *I* made this example up, it is a bit rich for you to 
> tell me that "eggs" isn't used. Of course it is used, by one of the 
> superclasses. That's why it was provided.
Well, then your code should stay with the current version of accepting **kwargs 
and not do this. And of course you can only use one of **kwargs and this new 
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-26 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 09:39:14AM +0200, Michael Lohmann wrote:
> [Steven D'Aprano]
> >obj = Aardvark(27, spam=3, eggs=5, cheese=True)
> > 
> > So you look up help(Aardvark), and it tells you that the signature is
> > 
> >Aardvark.__init__(self, foo)
> > 
> > What the hell? If Aardvark.__init__ only takes a single argument
> This is wrong! This would at some point down the line throw an error
>TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'eggs‘

What makes you say that?

Since the kwargs are passed on to the super().__init__ call, the eggs 
argument is passed onto the super class of Aardvark. What makes you so 
certain that Aardvark's parent (or grandparent, or great-grandparent...) 
doesn't take a parameter "eggs"?

Considering that *I* made this example up, it is a bit rich for you to 
tell me that "eggs" isn't used. Of course it is used, by one of the 
superclasses. That's why it was provided.

> (or at some point **kwargs are being accepted and not passed on to 
> super which would be terrible on its own).

No, it is a standard technique to collect keyword arguments, process 
those your class cares about, and pass the rest on to super().

Eventually the class second from the top (the class which inherits 
directly from object) MUST NOT pass those arguments to super, since 
object doesn't accept any arguments: you can't keep passing arguments up 
the MRO all the way to the top. At one point or another, each argument 
must be used and discarded.

> The whole point I was trying to make is: If it doesn’t make any sense 
> to init a class with **kwargs: why write down that it would (or even 
> **could**) accept them? 

If your class doesn't accept **kwargs, then don't put **kwargs in the 
parameter list.

> Shouldn’t the init tell you something like 'If 
> you instantiate this class then this is everything you can give me'? 

The way to do that is to write the __init__ of the class that only takes 
the parameters you want.

> Well, right now in addition it says 'Just give me anything with 
> keywords‘.

Only if you intentionally add **kwargs to the parameter list.

Why are you putting **kwargs in the parameter list if you don't want to 
accept them?

> [Carl Smith]
> > By using **kargs in the constructor and the call
> > to `super`, you are indicating that the signature passes through
> But can you be certain? Couldn’t someone have just used a 
> `kargs.pop('eggs')`?

"Somebody"? Who? It's my class. If "somebody" used kwargs.pop('eggs') 
it must have been me. If I did it, it means that my class wants to 
consume the eggs parameter and NOT pass it on.

> You could argue that they probably wouldn’t 
> have done so. But for making automated documentation it probably would 
> be useful to make sure it didn’t happen.

I don't understand this comment one bit.

> I think that (as Raymond Hettinger once said) 'super is super', but 
> can’t you make it a bit smarter with telling it: 'Hey - If you don’t 
> expect 'eggs', keep calm, it probably (or rather certainly) wasn’t 
> meant for you so just pass it on to your super'.

The way we do that is by explicitly collecting **kwargs and explicitly 
passing it on to the super call.

I don't think I understand the scenario you have in mind. Here is what I 
have in mind:

class Foo:
def __init__(self, spam):
self.spam = spam
# this is a null-op, so it could be left out
super().__init__()  # calls object.__init__ which does nothing

class Bar(Foo):
def __init__(self, eggs, **kwargs):
self.eggs = eggs

class Baz(Bar):
def __init__(self, cheese, **kwargs):
self.cheese = cheese
class Aardvark(Baz):
def __init__(self, myarg, **kwargs):
self.myarg = myarg

obj = Aardvark(27, spam=3, eggs=5, cheese=True)

What situation do you have in mind?

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-26 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 5:39 PM, Michael Lohmann  wrote:
> [Steven D'Aprano]
>>obj = Aardvark(27, spam=3, eggs=5, cheese=True)
>> So you look up help(Aardvark), and it tells you that the signature is
>>Aardvark.__init__(self, foo)
>> What the hell? If Aardvark.__init__ only takes a single argument
> This is wrong! This would at some point down the line throw an error
>TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'eggs‘
> (or at some point **kwargs are being accepted and not passed on to super 
> which would be terrible on its own).
> The whole point I was trying to make is: If it doesn’t make any sense to init 
> a class with **kwargs: why write down that it would (or even **could**) 
> accept them? Shouldn’t the init tell you something like 'If you instantiate 
> this class then this is everything you can give me'? Well, right now in 
> addition it says 'Just give me anything with keywords‘. I would think that 
> something like 'Oh, and if I am in the middle of an MRO: I will pass 
> everything down the line‘ would be a much better description of it’s true 
> intentions instead.
> [Carl Smith]
>> By using **kargs in the constructor and the call
>> to `super`, you are indicating that the signature passes through
> But can you be certain? Couldn’t someone have just used a 
> `kargs.pop('eggs')`? Okay. You could argue that they probably wouldn’t have 
> done so. But for making automated documentation it probably would be useful 
> to make sure it didn’t happen.
> I think that (as Raymond Hettinger once said) 'super is super', but can’t you 
> make it a bit smarter with telling it: 'Hey - If you don’t expect 'eggs', 
> keep calm, it probably (or rather certainly) wasn’t meant for you so just 
> pass it on to your super'.

Let's get some somewhat-more-plausible examples.

class Pizza:
def __init__(self, *, size, price):
print("The price of this %s pizza is:", (size, price))

class HawaiianPizza(Pizza):
def __init__(self, *, pineapple="chunked", **kw):
print("This pizza has %s pineapple." % pineapple)

class CheesyCrust(Pizza):
"""Mixin to alter the pizza's crust"""
def __init__(self, *, crust_cheese="cheddar", surcharge=1.50):
print("Surcharge %.2f for %s crust" % (surcharge, crust_cheese))
super().__init__(price=kw.pop("price") + surcharge, **kw)

class BestPizza(HawaiianPizza, CheesyCrust):
"""Actually, the best pizza is pepperoni. Debate away!"""

menu = [
BestPizza(size="large", price=12.50),
BestPizza(size="personal", price=8.50),

Okay. Now what are the possible keyword args for a BestPizza? The
*entire set* of args for the hierarchy. You can set size, price,
pineapple, crust_cheese, and surcharge. The fact that some of them (or
even ALL of them, at the leaf node) are simply passed on up the chain
doesn't change the fact that they're all valid.

Does that make sense?

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-26 Thread Michael Lohmann
[Steven D'Aprano]
>obj = Aardvark(27, spam=3, eggs=5, cheese=True)
> So you look up help(Aardvark), and it tells you that the signature is
>Aardvark.__init__(self, foo)
> What the hell? If Aardvark.__init__ only takes a single argument
This is wrong! This would at some point down the line throw an error
   TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'eggs‘
(or at some point **kwargs are being accepted and not passed on to super which 
would be terrible on its own).

The whole point I was trying to make is: If it doesn’t make any sense to init a 
class with **kwargs: why write down that it would (or even **could**) accept 
them? Shouldn’t the init tell you something like 'If you instantiate this class 
then this is everything you can give me'? Well, right now in addition it says 
'Just give me anything with keywords‘. I would think that something like 'Oh, 
and if I am in the middle of an MRO: I will pass everything down the line‘ 
would be a much better description of it’s true intentions instead.

[Carl Smith]
> By using **kargs in the constructor and the call
> to `super`, you are indicating that the signature passes through
But can you be certain? Couldn’t someone have just used a `kargs.pop('eggs')`? 
Okay. You could argue that they probably wouldn’t have done so. But for making 
automated documentation it probably would be useful to make sure it didn’t 

I think that (as Raymond Hettinger once said) 'super is super', but can’t you 
make it a bit smarter with telling it: 'Hey - If you don’t expect 'eggs', keep 
calm, it probably (or rather certainly) wasn’t meant for you so just pass it on 
to your super'.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 02:06:40AM +0200, Michael Lohmann wrote:

> I propose to add some mechanism that can automatically collect everything
> what would normally be collected by **kwargs in the __init__ method and
> directly pass it through to the super().__init__ call without being
> accessible in the __init__ itself. This way the autocompletion/docstring
> generation could safely ignore this argument which before would have showed
> up as **kwargs.

Why is this an advantage? Consider the following scenario: you are 
reading an unfamiliar code base and come across a class instantiation:

obj = Aardvark(27, spam=3, eggs=5, cheese=True)

So you look up help(Aardvark), and it tells you that the signature is

Aardvark.__init__(self, foo)

What the hell? If Aardvark.__init__ only takes a single argument (aside 
from self), why on earth isn't it an error to pass those keyword 

If you're a beginner, this is probably going to be a mind-melting 
WTF-I-don't-even moment.

And even if you're *not* a beginner, it will probably cause a momentary 
sense of existential dread as, for a moment, everything you thought you 
understood about Python seems wrong. And then you remember that there's 
an obscure feature that tells the class to lie to you about what 
parameters it takes.

It is bad enough when a method collects a bunch of parameters under 
**kwargs and I have to pour through the documentation for all its super 
classes to work out what they are. But at least the use of an explicit 
**kwargs gives me a clue that this is what is going on.

Making **kwargs implicit and invisible reminds me of the old saying 
about coding for maintenance. To paraphrase:

Design language features as if your language's users -- all of
them -- are violent psychopaths who know where you live.

> With the current python version the code would have looked like
> class A:
> def __init__(self, a_value, **kwargs):
> super().__init__(**kwargs)
> But the user could have had the false impression that additional kwargs
> could be given when instantiating A.

But they *can* be given when instantiating A. What makes you think they 
can't be?

> Obviously they are purely there for
> getting the init in the MRO working with multiple inheritance.

That's not always true. Even if it were true, it isn't obviously true.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Keyword for direct pass through of kwargs to super

2018-05-25 Thread Carl Smith
> But the user could have had the false impression that additional kwargs
> could be given when instantiating A. Obviously they are purely there for
> getting the init in the MRO working with multiple inheritance.

This just isn't true. You often do things with the kargs before passing them
or other values to super. By using **kargs in the constructor and the call
`super`, you are indicating that the signature passes through, but there are
many other things you could do instead.

The docs *should* show that the derived method takes the same args as the
inherited one it overrides. That is very useful information that belongs


-- Carl Smith

On 26 May 2018 at 01:06, Michael Lohmann 

> Hi!
> ***Disclaimer: I am relatively new to Python***
> I propose to add some mechanism that can automatically collect everything
> what would normally be collected by **kwargs in the __init__ method and
> directly pass it through to the super().__init__ call without being
> accessible in the __init__ itself. This way the autocompletion/docstring
> generation could safely ignore this argument which before would have showed
> up as **kwargs.
> I believe that this could greatly enhance the readability of automated
> documentation and especially the autocomplete of an IDE.
> I would like something like this to work:
> class A:
> @pass_through_kwargs  # like this? Or maybe  __init__(self,
> a_value, ***pass_through_kwargs)?
> def __init__(self, a_value):
> super().__init__()  # <- realize that nothing is passed in here
> class B:
> def __init__(self, some_value):
> pass
> class MyClass(A, B):
> def __init__(self):
> super().__init__(a_value=1, some_value=2)
> Where the autocomplete of `A(` shows me just `A(a_value)`. The
> pass_through_kwargs can safely be ignored, since it is not "a real input"
> of A. It is automatically merged with the parameters of the `super(A,
> self).__init__()` call. How exactly this should be done would have to be
> discussed in more detail (I guess the actual values should probably
> override the passed through ones).
> With the current python version the code would have looked like
> class A:
> def __init__(self, a_value, **kwargs):
> super().__init__(**kwargs)
> But the user could have had the false impression that additional kwargs
> could be given when instantiating A. Obviously they are purely there for
> getting the init in the MRO working with multiple inheritance.
> One could also add something like pass_through_args as well but the
> usability of that is probably much more limited.
> Could this even work in theory? I guess it might be quite tricky since
> `super().__init__` doesn't even have to be called. If that would be the
> case: should it be called automatically if pass_through_kwargs were given
> after the init is done?
> By the way: Thank you all for this amazing language!
> Cheers, Michael
> ___
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