Need programming tip

2005-01-29 Thread ssaeed1973
I am trying to write a program in python (brand new to Python) that
would create a database of posts made to binary groups so the user can
search for a certain file and have a nzb file returned. I am planning
on using the XOVER command to get the list of posts and then dump those
into a database.
The part I am stuck at now is that some file posts consist of multiple
parts as below (abbreviated XOVER reply)

1511156 As Requested 2000 adv server -2000AdvSrv.vol001+02.PAR2 (1/4) -
1511157 As Requested 2000 adv server -2000AdvSrv.vol001+02.PAR2 (2/4) -
1511158 As Requested 2000 adv server -2000AdvSrv.vol001+02.PAR2 (3/4) -
1511159 As Requested 2000 adv server -2000AdvSrv.vol001+02.PAR2 (4/4) -

I am trying to detect how many segments make up this post. One solution
would be to look for (1/ in the subject string then find the
denominator and loop thru as many times as the denominator to create
the  part of the nzb file. Is this the best way or is there an
easier method? Also what would be the best way to search for the (1/
using string searches or RegExp? If REgExp could someone provide me
with the RegExp for searching for this string?



Re: Trouble installing numeric

2005-01-29 Thread Robert Kern
Chris Weisiger wrote:
	I'm trying to install numeric on my MacOS X box using Darwin, with the 
eventual goal of satisfying all of PyGame's dependencies so I can 
finally start working on my semester project. I would be using MacPython, 
except that I can't seem to get its Package Manager to work. Anyway, 
when I try to install numeric, I get the following error: 

[HMC-58-125:~/proj/Numeric-23.7] chriswei% sudo ./ install
running install
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
building 'lapack_lite' extension
gcc -Wl,-F. -Wl,-F. -bundle -framework Python build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-
Power_Macintosh-2.3/Src/lapack_litemodule.o build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-
Power_Macintosh-2.3/Src/blas_lite.o build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-Power_
Macintosh-2.3/Src/f2c_lite.o build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/
Src/zlapack_lite.o build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/Src/
dlapack_lite.o -L/usr/lib/atlas -llapack -lcblas -lf77blas -latlas -lg2c -
o build/lib.darwin-7.6.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/ -framework 
ld: can't locate file for: -llapack
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

Previously it had been complaining about a missing directory '/usr/lib/
atlas', but I just created that (without any idea what it wanted it for 
or why it couldn't create it itself, natch).
You can delete it. That is the directory specified by default to look 
for the ATLAS libraries which are a portable optimized LAPACK and BLAS. 
You don't need it on the Mac because you have vecLib, which is an 
Apple-provided version of ATLAS, pre-installed.

From what I've found online, 
it's now having problems because a linear algebra module it needs (
lapack) can't be found. However, isn't numeric supposed to have its own 
"light" linear algebra code?
Yes, however, the ATLAS or vecLib libraries will be much, much faster.
Looking in, I found the following 

# delete all but the first one in this list if using your own LAPACK/
sourcelist = [os.path.join('Src', 'lapack_litemodule.c'),
#  os.path.join('Src', 'blas_lite.c'),
#  os.path.join('Src', 'f2c_lite.c'),
#  os.path.join('Src', 'zlapack_lite.c'),
#  os.path.join('Src', 'dlapack_lite.c')
] ]
I tried uncommenting the lines, but no dice. 
Also modify the library_dirs_list and libraries_list variables, but keep 
these *_lite.c files commented out.

library_dirs_list = []
libraries_list = []
That way, Numeric will just pick up vecLib.
This is fixed in CVS.
Robert Kern
"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

Re: is this sort method the same as the one in python 2.4

2005-01-29 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Raymond Hettinger wrote:

>> I'm trying to emulate the sorted() method introduced in python 2.4. The
>> only difference is that it takes a sequence as one of its arguments
>> rather than being a method of the sequence class. Does my method do the
>> same as the sorted()?
> Almost.  This is closer to the mark:
> def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
>"return a sorted copy of its input"
>if sys.version_info >= (2,4):
>return sorted(iterable, cmp, key, reverse)

with your code

print sorted([1, 2, 3])

gives me a traceback that ends with

  File "", line 6, in sorted
return sorted(iterable, cmp, key, reverse)
  File "", line 6, in sorted
return sorted(iterable, cmp, key, reverse)
  File "", line 6, in sorted
return sorted(iterable, cmp, key, reverse)
  File "", line 5, in sorted
if sys.version_info >= (2,4):
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp

the recursion isn't really that hard to explain, but the runtime error doesn't
really seem right...


to fix the recursion, move the if-statement so you only define the function
if needed:

 if sys.version_info < (2,4):
def sorted(...):



Trouble installing numeric

2005-01-29 Thread Chris Weisiger
I'm trying to install numeric on my MacOS X box using Darwin, with the 
eventual goal of satisfying all of PyGame's dependencies so I can 
finally start working on my semester project. I would be using MacPython, 
except that I can't seem to get its Package Manager to work. Anyway, 
when I try to install numeric, I get the following error: 

[HMC-58-125:~/proj/Numeric-23.7] chriswei% sudo ./ install
running install
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
building 'lapack_lite' extension
gcc -Wl,-F. -Wl,-F. -bundle -framework Python build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-
Power_Macintosh-2.3/Src/lapack_litemodule.o build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-
Power_Macintosh-2.3/Src/blas_lite.o build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-Power_
Macintosh-2.3/Src/f2c_lite.o build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/
Src/zlapack_lite.o build/temp.darwin-7.6.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/Src/
dlapack_lite.o -L/usr/lib/atlas -llapack -lcblas -lf77blas -latlas -lg2c -
o build/lib.darwin-7.6.0-Power_Macintosh-2.3/ -framework 
ld: can't locate file for: -llapack
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

Previously it had been complaining about a missing directory '/usr/lib/
atlas', but I just created that (without any idea what it wanted it for 
or why it couldn't create it itself, natch). From what I've found online, 
it's now having problems because a linear algebra module it needs (
lapack) can't be found. However, isn't numeric supposed to have its own 
"light" linear algebra code? Looking in, I found the following 

# delete all but the first one in this list if using your own LAPACK/
sourcelist = [os.path.join('Src', 'lapack_litemodule.c'),
#  os.path.join('Src', 'blas_lite.c'),
#  os.path.join('Src', 'f2c_lite.c'),
#  os.path.join('Src', 'zlapack_lite.c'),
#  os.path.join('Src', 'dlapack_lite.c')
] ]

I tried uncommenting the lines, but no dice. 

I've also installed the numarray module; it claims to be a descendant of 
numeric that should be usable for the same thing. If it turns out that I 
can't use numeric, for whatever reason, does anyone have advice for 
getting numarray to work with pygame?

Thanks for any help you can provide. If I can't get this working soon, 
I'll have to return to using C++ for this project. I know that at least 

"Don't take life so serious, son - it ain't nohow permanent." - 

Re: is this sort method the same as the one in python 2.4

2005-01-29 Thread Raymond Hettinger
"Lowell Kirsh"
> I'm trying to emulate the sorted() method introduced in python 2.4. The
> only difference is that it takes a sequence as one of its arguments
> rather than being a method of the sequence class. Does my method do the
> same as the sorted()?

Almost.  This is closer to the mark:

def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
"return a sorted copy of its input"
if sys.version_info >= (2,4):
return sorted(iterable, cmp, key, reverse)
seq = list(iterable)
if reverse:
seq.reverse()# preserve stability
if key is not None:
seq = [(key(elem), i, elem) for i, elem in enumerate(seq)]
if key is not None:
seq = [elem for (key, i, elem) in seq]
if reverse:
return seq

Try it against the tests in Lib/test/

The differences from your version:
* >= 2.4 rather than just > 2.4
* renamed the parameter to iterable
* handle the case where both cmp and key are defined
* add an enumerated tie breaker to prevent full key comparisons
* preserve by using reverse twice

The real sorted() does the same thing but is implemented a bit differently.  A
custom key wrapper is applied to each object so that only the key value gets
compared (no need for a full tuple with a tie breaker value).

Raymond Hettinger


Re: what's OOP's jargons and complexities?

2005-01-29 Thread Larry

Xah Lee wrote:
> in computer languages, often a function definition looks like this:


Your ideas are original, insightful and simply reflect incredibly deep
creative genius.  I have read your work and I want to hire you for
highly classified work in software design and philosophical writing.
Would you possibly be available to meet with me in my secret mountain
compound to discuss terms?



Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread beliavsky
Michael Tobis wrote:
> (unwisely taking the bait...)
> If you like your language to look like this
> then more power to you.

Thanks for pointing out that interesting article on Fortran 90 bugs.
How long would a comparable C++ list be? Even Python has gotchas, for
example the difference between deep and shallow copies.

> I prefer my languages to be portable, terse and expressive.

Fortran programmers are generally happy with the portability of the
language. A difficulty with Python portability and maintainability is
that some needed functionality is not in the core language but in C
extensions. For scientific computation, consider the case of Numeric
and Numarray. I don't think Numeric binaries are available for Python
2.4, and Numarray is not perfect substitute, being considerably slower
for small arrays, having slightly different functionality in some
areas, and
as recently as Nov 2004 ( thread "numarray memory leak") leaking
memory when multiplying matrices.

The recent "Pystone Benchmark" message says that Python is only 75% as
fast on Linux as on Windows. Fortran programs do not suffer this
performance hit and are in this respect more portable. In theory, as
has been mentioned, one could use a faster compiler to compile CPython
on Linux, but AFAIK this has not yet been done.

> There is no fundamental reason why a language with expressive power
> much like Python's cannot have run-time performance comparable to
> Fortran's. Unfortunately, Fortran's dominance of the relatively small
> scientific computation universe has prevented such a language from
> emerging.

Nobody is stopping Python developers from working on projects like

> The solutions which interest me in the short run are 1)
> writing a code generation layer from Python to a compiled language
> (possibly F77 though I will try to get away with C) and 2) wrapping
> legacy Fortran in Python. The latter is quite regularly subverted by
> non-standard binary data structures across compilers and a pretty
> profound disinterest in interoperability by the people designing the
> Fortran standard that makes their interest look more like turf
> protection and less like an interest in the progress of science.

So uninterested in interoperability is the Fortran standards committee
that they added interoperability with C in Fortran 2003 standard.

> Python fundamentally respects the programmer.

What does that mean?

> Fortran started from a point of respecting only the machine, (which
is > why Fortrans up to F77, having a well-defined objective, were
> reasonable)

I have found that Fortran 90/95 is better at the objective of FORmula
TRANslation for array expressions (mostly what I need) than previous

> but now it is a motley collection of half-baked and
> confusing compromises between runtime performance, backward
> compatibility,  and awkward efforts at keeping up with trends in
> computer languages.

This is true to some extent of any language "of a certain age",
including C++.

> For more see

And the rebuttal at


[Plone] Detailed poll results?

2005-01-29 Thread Adam Twardoch

Is there a method, or an alternative module that could be used, to have 
"polls" in Plone that display detailed results of the poll, i.e. all users 
and the votes they have given?



Re: cx_freeze error

2005-01-29 Thread Peter Hansen
Thanks for your answer.
I tried it  and the result is:
[cxfreeze]$ python
Python 2.2.3 (#1, Oct 15 2003, 23:33:35)
[GCC 3.3.1 20030930 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.1-6)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
import re

Is there any hint?
"Hint", maybe.  Clear answer, not for me.
What it means is that your re module definitely has a "compile"
function, as it is supposed to.  What that suggests is that when
the module is being imported by cx_freeze, it is
not finding the correct "re" module when it imports it.
I don't know anything about cx_freeze, and I don't have
an appropriately configured Linux box to help troubleshoot,
so I can't help further, but maybe somebody else could
try compiling a simple "" like you did and offer
some suggestions.

Re: cx_freeze error

2005-01-29 Thread zyqnews
Thanks for your answer.
I tried it  and the result is:
[cxfreeze]$ python
Python 2.2.3 (#1, Oct 15 2003, 23:33:35)
[GCC 3.3.1 20030930 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.1-6)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> re.compile

>>> re.__file__

Is there any hint?


Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Rubin
Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> * Quixote
> Paul> Don't know what this is.
> Web app framework.

I think Python should add a web app framework to its core, again since
it otherwise can't seriously begin to compete with PHP.  However,
there are lots of approaches so this is an example of where your
suggested process of letting a bunch of different implementations
circulate before choosing something is a good idea.

> >> * PyInline
> Paul> Not sure what this is.
> A module for inlining C code within a Python module.  Also see Weave from
> the folks.  It was inspired by the Perl Inline::C module.

Hmm, sounds like it has the same issues as Pyrex.  I'm also not sure
why you'd want both PyInline and Pyrex.

> >> * PyGTK
> Paul> wxPython might be a better choice.  
> Doesn't matter.  At work they decreed GTK as the GUI platform long before I
> came along (they also use gtkmm for C++ apps).

Can't wxPython use GTK?

> It's still an example of a broadly useful package available outside
> the core distribution.

I'd say if access to GTK is widely important functionality, then the
core should provide it in some way (e.g. through wxPython) and that's
enough.  If your company wants some different (i.e. nonstandard, if
wxPython becomes the standard) form of access, then it can deal with
the consequences of not following standards.

> Paul> 2. Isn't xmlrpclib written in Python?  
> Yes.  The implementation language is just a detail.

I think it's more than a detail.  If an external module is written in
Python, I can download it from wherever and include it with my own app
that I send to an end user.  I do the work so the end user doesn't
have to.  If it's written in C, then the end user has to deal with it.

> Paul> See, as Python improved, those things went into the core.
> Sure, than that's what Martin has been trying to tell you about your AES
> proposal.  Put it out there, refine it, and get it into the core when it's
> mature.

What kind of refinements are you envisioning?  This isn't a web
application framework we're talking about.  It's more like the sha

> Paul> Could you use sigalarm instead?
> I suppose.  That's not the point though.  I'm not married to the concept as
> you seem to be that something has to be in the core distribution to be of
> use to me.  I'm perfectly happy incorporating solutions other people
> provide.

So aren't you happier when the other person provides you with a
solution that installs with one command, instead of a solution that
requires you to download N different modules from who knows where, and
install them separately, all while hoping that they haven't been
tampered with?  If I'm trying to provide someone else with a solution,
I'd rather use sigalarm than make the end-user download an extra
module, because I think they'll be happier that way.

> Paul> What happens if you send your Python program to a
> Paul> nonprogrammer friend who has just a vanilla Python installation?
> I figure out some other packaging solution.  In my world most of the
> software I write is for my employer, so this is not a problem I face very
> often.  People use freeze, py2exe, py2app or other packaging solutions to
> solve most/all of these problems.

Only those people who think that a cross-platform application is one
that works on both XP Home and XP Pro.  That does simplify some
things.  Life in a cult is often indeed simpler than life in the real
world .

> Actually, there were at least two fairly mature implementations of
> CSV modules out there before the PEP was a twinkle in anyone's eye.
> The authors of those modules got together and wrote the current PEP
> and module from scratch based upon their collective experience.

Yes, CSV is complicated and benefits from that process just like
web app frameworks do.  Let's pick another example, the hmac module
that appeared in Python 2.2.  It implements the RFC 2104 HMAC algorithm.

Where are the two mature implementations that circulated before the
hmac module was added?  Where were the authors pooling their
collective wisdom?  Where was the year of user feedback?  The answer
is, nothing like that was needed.  HMAC is simple enough for a module
author to read RFC 2104 and implement what it says, run some tests,
and declare the module good to go.

> I think the effort of having a couple versions out in the field
> followed by joint effort to produce something worthy of inclusion in
> the core is an excellent demonstration of what Martin has been
> saying all along.

Martin is saying the opposite: that he doesn't understand the point of
writing a new module that synthesizes from experiences with old
modules, instead of just using one of the old modules.

I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all answer to any of these
questions.  You have to have your hands in the details of a specific
problem, to arrive at the best way to deal with that problem.

Re: [Tkinter] problem

2005-01-29 Thread Jeff Epler
These lines
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> OptionsWindow()
mean "if this source code is the main program (not an imported module),
call OptionsWindow()".  So the behavior should be different when the
source code is the main program ('python') and when it's
imported ('python -c "import opt_newlogin"')


Description: PGP signature

Re: cx_freeze error

2005-01-29 Thread Peter Hansen
There is no any module like "", I just  compiled the it
has only one line:
print "hello!"
Interesting.  Just to confirm, could you try this?  Run
Python, and at the interactive prompt, type the following:
>>> import re
>>> re.compile

>>> re.__file__
(path to file re.pyc)
If you get an AttributeError after the second line, then
the result of the third line (re.__file__) will tell you
where this "re" module is that doesn't have a compile()
function like it should have.
Either there's an "re" kicking around that shouldn't be
there, or cx_freeze is doing something weird... at least,
those are the only theories that come to mind.

Re: cx_freeze error

2005-01-29 Thread zyqnews
There is no any module like "", I just  compiled the it
has only one line:
print "hello!"

Anyone knows how?


nedd help on using Installer

2005-01-29 Thread zyqnews
I am using Install to create a standalone program for linux. What I
has done is :

[Installer]$cd source/linux
[Installer]$cd ../../
[Installer]$python hello
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 823, in ?
File "", line 25, in build
rthooks = eval(open(os.path.join(HOMEPATH, 'rthooks.dat'),
File "", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
What is this? What is wrong? Please help me.



Re: cx_freeze error

2005-01-29 Thread Peter Hansen
I am new to Python. I made a script, and compiled it with cx_freeze,
but I got the following message from it:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "initscripts/", line 15, in ?
exec code in m.__dict__
File "", line 1, in ?
File "", line 72, in ?
File "", line 32, in ?
File "", line 81, in TextWrapper
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'compile'
Does anyone know what I should do ?
Possibly do not use the name "" for your own module, as it
is the name of a standard library module as well.
At least, that's what an analysis of line 81 of ""
suggests might be your problem.  Do you have a module named

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Michael Tobis
(unwisely taking the bait...)

If you like your language to look like this
then more power to you.

I prefer my languages to be portable, terse and expressive. That's why
I like Python. If you want your language to be obscure, ill-defined and
inconsistent across platforms, by all means go to comp.lang.fortran .

There is no fundamental reason why a language with expressive power
much like Python's cannot have run-time performance comparable to
Fortran's. Unfortunately, Fortran's dominance of the relatively small
scientific computation universe has prevented such a language from
emerging. The solutions which interest me in the short run are 1)
writing a code generation layer from Python to a compiled language
(possibly F77 though I will try to get away with C) and 2) wrapping
legacy Fortran in Python. The latter is quite regularly subverted by
non-standard binary data structures across compilers and a pretty
profound disinterest in interoperability by the people designing the
Fortran standard that makes their interest look more like turf
protection and less like an interest in the progress of science.

In the long run, hopefully a high-performance language that has
significant capacity for abstraction and introspection will emerge.
People keep trying various ways to coax Python into that role. Maybe it
will work, or maybe a fresh start is needed. Awkwardly bolting even
more conetmporary concepts onto Fortran is not going to achieve
bringing computational science up to date.

Python fundamentally respects the programmer. Fortran started from a
point of respecting only the machine, (which is why Fortrans up to F77,
having a well-defined objective, were reasonable) but now it is a
motley collection of half-baked and confusing compromises between
runtime performance, backward compatibility,  and awkward efforts at
keeping up with trends in computer languages. So-called "object
oriented Fortran" makes the most baroque Java look elegant and

For more see
Language matters. You can't really write Python in any language. 



Re: bound vs unbound functions

2005-01-29 Thread Kent Johnson
Michael Tobis wrote:
I'm trying to do metaprogramming. I'm sure I've got this all wrong
wrong wrong, but somehow my approach hasn't yet hit a brick wall.
Anyway, I'd like to dynamically add a method to an instance at
instantiation time. Something like
In [71]: class quux(object):
: def __init__(self,stuff):
: template = "def foo(self,b): print b + %s" % stuff
: exec(template)
: self.bazz = foo
In [72]: q = quux(5)
In [73]: q.bazz(4)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call
TypeError: foo() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
In [74]: q.bazz("not much",4)

The thread Steve quoted suggests using new.instancemethod():
import new
class quux(object):
def __init__(self,stuff):
template = "def foo(self,b): print b + %s" % stuff
self.bazz = new.instancemethod(foo, self, quux)
There is no need for exec; you can define foo() directly as a nested 
class quux(object):
def __init__(self,stuff):
def foo(self,b):
print b + stuff
self.bazz = new.instancemethod(foo, self, quux)
Of course for this simple example you can just remember stuff as an 
class quux(object):
def __init__(self,stuff):
self.stuff = stuff
def bazz(self, b):
print b + self.stuff
So the straightforward question is why, even though bazz is a method of
class quux, it doesn't have that extra call parameter 'self'. Is this a
problem? If I actually need a reference to self is it OK to do:
In [76]: q.bazz(q,4)
The more vague question is why do people despise 'exec', and how should
I do this sort of thing instead?

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Rubin
Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would hate to see a module which only implemented ECB.  Sure its the
> only operation necessary to build the others out of, but its the least
> secure mode of any block cipher.

It's intended as a building block for other modes.  Most applications
shouldn't use it directly.

> If you don't offer users a choice, then they'll use ECB and just that
> along with all its pitfalls, meanwhile thinking that they are secure
> because they are using AES/DES...

The documentation has to be written somewhat forcefully to tell users
what not to do.  I can help with that.  I've had to do that a lot,
supporting crypto packages in projects where the other programmers
haven't used crypto very much.

is this sort method the same as the one in python 2.4

2005-01-29 Thread Lowell Kirsh
I'm trying to emulate the sorted() method introduced in python 2.4. The 
only difference is that it takes a sequence as one of its arguments 
rather than being a method of the sequence class. Does my method do the 
same as the sorted()? The obvious difference is that my method is called 
as sort(seq, cmp, key, reverse) rather than seq.sorted(cmp, key, reverse)

def sort(seq, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
"return a sorted copy of its input"
if sys.version_info > (2,4):
return sorted(seq, cmp, key, reverse)
if key:
toreturn = [ (key(elt), elt) for elt in seq ]
toreturn = seq[:]
if cmp:
if key:
toreturn = [ b for (a,b) in toreturn ]
if reverse:
return toreturn

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Rubin
"Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> mxCrypto is primarily unsuitable for the core because Marc-Andre Lemburg
> will never ever contribute it. He is very concerned about including
> crypto code with the Python distribution, so he certainly won't
> contribute his own.

Oh wait, I confused mxcrypto and m2crypto.  Sorry.  Anyway, the
technical considerations are similar.

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Rubin
"Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Apparently, people disagree on what precisely the API should be. E.g.
> cryptkit has
> obj = aes(key)
> obj.encrypt(data)

I don't disagree about the API.  The cryptkit way is better than ECB
example I gave, but the ECB example shows it's possible to do it in
one call.

> I think I would prefer explicit encrypt/decrypt methods over a
> direction parameter. Whether or not selection of mode is a separate
> parameter, or a separate method, might be debatable

I prefer separate methods too, however if it was done with a direction
flag instead, it wouldn't really cause a problem.  As long as the
functionality is there, I can use it.

> I would trust my intuition more for a single function than for an
> entire API. In this specific proposal, I think I would trust my
> intuition and reject the ECB function because of the direction argument.

As an experienced user of a lot of these packages, I can tell you I've
seen it done both ways and I have a slight preference for separate
calls, but it really doesn't matter one way or the other and it's not
worth getting in a debate about it or having a committee design the
API and worry about such trivial issues.  

BTW, the main reason to reject the example ECB function is that
creating a key object ("key schedule") from a string can take
significant computation (sort of like compiling a regexp) so the ECB
function for some ciphers would have to cache the object like the
regexp module does.  Yuck.

The direction flag question would normally be between:

key = aes.key(key_data)
ciphertext = key(plaintext, "e")

key = aes.key(key_data)
ciphertext = key.encrypt(plaintext)

FWIW, another way to do it, also sometimes preferable, is:

   key = aes.ecb(key_data, "e")  # e for encryption, or "d" for decryption
   ciphertext = key(plaintext)

I think the module I proposed did it this last way, but I haven't
looked at it in a while.

The point is that when faced with yet another crypto package, I don't
get in too concerned about which simple API variant it uses to do such
a basic operation.  I just care that the operation is available.  I
look in the docs to find that package's particular API for that
operation, and I do what the docs say.

I should make it clear that this module is like Python's low-level
"thread" module in that you have to know what you're doing in order to
use it directly without instantly getting in deep trouble.  Most
applications would instead use it indirectly through one or more
intermediate layers.  

> I fully understand what you desire - to include the module "as a
> battery". What makes this decision difficult is that you fail to
> understand that I don't want included batteries so much that I
> would accept empty or leaking batteries.

I do understand that, and the prospect of empty or leaking batteries
is vitally important to considering whether to include a battery
that's included, but for the purposes of an included-battery
discussion, the characteristics of NON-included batteries is not
relevant, given that we know they exist.

> >>  ...> 
> > I've examined that module, I wouldn't consider it
> > ideal for the core (besides AES, it has some complicated additional
> > functions that aren't useful to most people)
> Ok, that would be a problem. If this is a simple removal of functions
> that you'ld request (which functions?), 

OK.  First you have to decide whether you want a general crypto
toolkit, or just an AES module.  I've been concentrating on just an
AES module (or rather, a generic block cipher module with AES and DES)
since I figure that creates fewer areas of controversy, etc.  I think
it's too early to standardize a fancy toolkit.  Once there's block
ciphers, we can think about adding more stuff afterwards.

For that module, I'd say remove everything except AES and maybe
SHA256, and ask that DES be added.  SHA256 is possibly useful, but
isn't really part of an encryption package; it can be separated out
like the existing sha and md5 modules.  Also, it should be brought
into PEP 247 compliance if it's not already.

Rationale: I'd get rid of the entropy module now that os.urandom is
available.  Having the OS provide entropy is much better than trying
to do it in user code.  I'd get rid of the elliptic curve stuff unless
there's some widely used standard or protocol that needs that
particular implementation.  Otherwise, if I want ECC in a Python
program, I'd just do it on characteristic-p curves in pure Python
using Python longs.  (Bryan's package uses characteristic-2 curves
which means the arithmetic is all boolean operations, that are more
efficient on binary CPU's, especially small ones.  But that means the
module has to be written in C, because doing all those boolean
operations in Python is quite slow.  It would be like trying to do
multi-precision arithmetic in Python with Python ints instead of
longs).  Once there's a widel

[Tkinter] problem

2005-01-29 Thread Club-B42
when i start directly it works fine(outputs '1 1 1 1'),  
but if i start it from there is an error(outputs '').

from config import *
from Tkinter import *
from opt_newlogin import newlogin
def OptionsWindow():
root = Tk()
b1 = Button(root, text = msgForgotPassword, width = 40).grid(padx = 5,  
pady = 5, column = 0, row = 0)
b2 = Button(root, text = msgNewLogin, command = newlogin, width =  
40).grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 0, row = 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

from config import *
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox, os.path
def create_new_account(login, password, secretq, secreta):
print login, password, secretq, secreta
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_path, login)):
tkMessageBox.showerror(title = msgError, message =  
elif login == '':
os.mkdir(os.path.join(data_path, login))
fd = file(os.path.join(data_path, login, data_info_file_name),  
fd.write(password + os.linesep)
fd.write(secretq + os.linesep)
fd.write(secreta + os.linesep)
tkMessageBox.showinfo(title = msgInfoAccountCreated, message =  

def newlogin():
root = Tk()
l1 = Label(root, text = msgLogin).grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 0,  
row = 0, sticky = E)
l2 = Label(root, text = msgPassword).grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column =  
0, row = 1, sticky = E)
l3 = Label(root, text = msgConfirmPassword).grid(padx = 5, pady = 5,  
column = 0, row = 2, sticky = E)
l4 = Message(root, text = msgKeyQuestion, width = 250).grid(padx = 5,  
pady = 5, column = 0, row = 3, sticky = E)
l5 = Label(root, text = msgKeyQuestionAnswer).grid(padx = 5, pady = 5,  
column = 0, row = 4, sticky = E)

v1 = StringVar()
v2 = StringVar()
v3 = StringVar()
v4 = StringVar()
v5 = StringVar()
e1 = Entry(root, width = 50, textvariable = v1)
e1.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 1, row = 0)
e2 = Entry(root, width = 50, textvariable = v2, show = '*')
e2.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 1, row = 1)
e3 = Entry(root, width = 50, textvariable = v3, show = '*')
e3.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 1, row = 2)
e4 = Entry(root, width = 50, textvariable = v4)
e4.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 1, row = 3)
e5 = Entry(root, width = 50, textvariable = v5, show = '*')
e5.grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 1, row = 4)
def b1_cmd():
if v2.get() <> v3.get():
tkMessageBox.showerror(title = msgError, message =  
print v1.get(), v2.get(), v4.get(), v5.get()
create_new_account(v1.get(), v2.get(), v4.get(), v5.get())

b1 = Button(root, text = msgCreateNewLoginButton, command =  
b1_cmd).grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 0, row = 5)
b2 = Button(root, text = msgCancelButton, command =  
root.destroy).grid(padx = 5, pady = 5, column = 1, row = 5)

if __name__ == '__main__':

# codepage = cp1251
def u(s):
return unicode(s, 'cp1251')
msgMainWindowTitle  = u('Менеджер сохранялок клуба B 4\\2')
msgLogin= u('Логин')
msgPassword = u('Пароль')
msgGameNumber   = u('Номер игры')
msgSaveButton   = u('  Сохранить  ')
msgLoadButton   = u('  Загрузить  ')
msgOptionsButton= u('  Дополнительно  ')
msg_OptionsWindowTitle  = u('Дополнительно')
msgForgotPassword   = u('  Забыл пароль  ')
msgNewLogin = u('  Новый логин  ')
msg_NewLoginWindowTitle = u('Создание нового логина')
msgConfirmPassword  = u('Еще раз пароль')
msgKeyQuestion  = u('Секретный вопрос - ответ на  
который знаете только вы - на случай, если вы забудете пароль')
msgKeyQuestionAnswer= u('Ответ на секретный вопрос')
msgCreateNewLoginButton = u('  Создать  ')
msgCancelButton = u('  Отмена  ')
msgError= u('Ошибка')
msgPasswordConfirmError = u('Пароли не совпадают.')
msgPasswordLoginExists  = u('Такой логин уже существует.')
msgInfoAccountCreated   = u('Логин успешно зарегестрирован')
msgInfoAccountCreated2  = u('Вы можете использовать этот логин  
и пароль для сохранения и востановления своих сохранялок.')

msgInvalidGameNumber= u('Неправильный номер игры.')
msgInvalidPassword  = u('Неправильный пароль.')
msgInvalidLogin = u('Логин не существует.')

Re: Description Field in WinXP Services

2005-01-29 Thread rbt
rbt wrote:
Roger Upole wrote:
ChangeServiceConfig2 is the api functions that sets the description,
but it's not in the win32service module (yet).

OK, I can use _winreg to add the 'Description' field under the 
appropriate registry key.
Here's an example of it... kludgey but it works ;)
from _winreg import *
import time
def Svc_Description():
key_location = r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\test_py_service"
svc_key = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_location, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
SetValueEx(svc_key,'Description',0,REG_SZ,u"Brad's Test Python Service")
except Exception, e:
print e

Re: [perl-python] sending email

2005-01-29 Thread Dan Perl
I recommend the example in the Python Library Reference as a better example:  You can also find the 
entire description of the smtplib module in the same section 

Xah Lee's example is missing:
- The login() call needed by SMTP hosts that require authentication.
- The 'From:' and 'To:' addresses in the header of the email.  They
  are not mandatory, but you would probably use them. 


Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Nick Coghlan
Alex Martelli wrote:
It didn't seem to me that Steven's question was so restricted; and since
he thanked me for my answer (which of course is probably inapplicable to
some custom interpreter that's not written yet) it appears to me that my
interpretation of his question was correct, and my answer useful to him.
Yes, I'd stopped following the thread for a bit, and the discussion had moved 
further afield than I realised :)

If you _can_ execute (whatever) in a separate process, then an approach
based on BSD's "jail" or equivalent features of other OS's may be able
to give you all you need, without needing other restrictions to be coded
in the interpreter (or whatever else you run in that process).
I think that's where these discussion have historically ended. . . making a 
Python-specific sandbox gets complicated enough that it ends up making more 
sense to just use an OS-based sandbox that lets you execute arbitrary binaries 
relatively safely.

The last suggestion I recall along these lines was chroot() plus a monitoring 
daemon that killed the relevant subprocess if it started consuming too much 
memory or looked like it had got stuck in an infinite loop.

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Nick Coghlan
The suggestions in the cited article, "How Not to Write FORTRAN in Any
Language", are reasonable but elementary and can be followed in Fortran
90/95/2003 as well as any other language. What infuriates me is that
the author writes as if Fortran has not evolved since the 1960s. It
has. To be specific, Fortran 90
For myself, I'd be more inclined to say you can write Perl in any language, but 
the fact that the author used Fortan as his own hated source of unreadable code 
is beside the point - the entire point of the article is that readability 
counts, no matter what language you're writing in :)

And that's why the article got published in spite of the jabs at Fortran - those 
jabs served to explain the source of the author's detestation of unreadable 
code. Anyone taking such an admittedly biased opinion and using it to form an 
opinion on _current_ Fortan has problems far bigger than a single article.

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

{Spam?} Re: naive doc question

2005-01-29 Thread Terry Reedy

"Gabriel B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> I wanted a list of all the methods of dict for example... where can i 
> find it?

Lib Ref 2.3.8 Mapping Types.
Do browse chapter 2 so you know what is there.

Terry J. Reedy


Re: naive doc question

2005-01-29 Thread Michael Tobis
I wouldn't call the responses here helpful; they seem overspecific. I
had a similar problem which led to the follwing code. After I came up
with this I saw a very similar utility was derived in Dive into Python.


Anyway the following is intended as an interactive utility to explore
the callables of modules and classes. I always have it imported into my
interactive sessions.

So import it and try


.# sm()
.# showmethods
.def sm(namespace,terse=0,maxchars=300):
.   """report the callables of a namespace
.returns a nice string representation of the public callables of the
.namespace and the first maxchars bytes of their respective docstrings
.if terse, truncates the docstring at the first newline
.   """
.   d = namespace.__dict__
.   l = [str(x) + "\t\t" + str(d[x].__doc__)[:maxchars] for x in
d.keys() \
.if callable(d[x]) and not x.startswith("_")]
.   if terse:
.  l = [x.split("\n")[0] for x in l]
.   l.sort()
.   return "\n=\n".join(l)


Re: Hey, get this! [was: import from database]

2005-01-29 Thread Steve Holden
Peter Otten wrote:
Steve Holden wrote:

This is even stranger: it makes it if I import the module a second time:

[second import seems to succeed]
Maybe you are experiencing some version confusion? What you describe looks
much like the normal Python 2.3 behaviour (with no import hook involved)
whereas you seem to operate on the 2.4 library.
A partially initialized module object is left behind in sys.modules and seen
by further import attempts.
I agree that this is 2.3-like behavior, but Python cannot lie ...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Projects/Python/dbimp
$ python
Python 2.4 (#1, Dec  4 2004, 20:10:33)
[GCC 3.3.3 (cygwin special)] on cygwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
$ cat
import not_there
def f():
print "you ain't gonna see that"
$ python
Python 2.3.3 (#1, Apr  6 2004, 01:47:39)
[GCC 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
import arbitrary
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 2, in ?
import not_there
ImportError: No module named not_there
import arbitrary
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'f'
I have no experience with import hooks, but for normal imports that has been
fixed in Python 2.4:
$ py24
Python 2.4 (#5, Jan  4 2005, 10:14:01)
[GCC 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
import arbitrary
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 2, in ?
import not_there
ImportError: No module named not_there
import arbitrary
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 2, in ?
import not_there
ImportError: No module named not_there
$ cat
import not_there
def f():
print "you ain't gonna see that"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Projects/Python/dbimp
$ python
Python 2.4 (#1, Dec  4 2004, 20:10:33)
[GCC 3.3.3 (cygwin special)] on cygwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> import arbitrary
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 1, in ?
import not_there
ImportError: No module named not_there
 >>> import arbitrary
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 1, in ?
import not_there
ImportError: No module named not_there
Yup, looks like 2.4 (despite this funny cygwin stuff, could that make a 

Let me try it under Windows [ferkle, ferkle ...]
Does the same thing there.
This problem also seems to depend what's already loaded. I wrote a 
program to write a test program that looks like this:

import dbimp
print "Trying aifc"
import aifc
print "%Failed: aifc"
print "Trying anydbm"
import anydbm
print "%Failed: anydbm"
print "Trying asynchat"
import asynchat
print "%Failed: asynchat"
import dbimp
print "Trying aifc"
import aifc
print "%Failed: aifc"
print "Trying anydbm"
import anydbm
print "%Failed: anydbm"
print "Trying asynchat"
import asynchat
print "%Failed: asynchat"
The two platforms give expectedly close results. I'm storing compiled 
code, so a version incompatibility would be a problem, I agree, but I 
have checked the program that loaded the database, and loaded it again 
from the Windows source rather than the CygWin source, just to see 
whether there were any unnoticed platform dependencies. The results were 
exactly the same using either library, and Windows and Cygwin showed 
only minor variations.

exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.dbtables
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_all
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_associate
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_basics
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_compat
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_dbobj
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_dbshelve
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_dbtables
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_env_close
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_get_none
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_join
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_lock
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_misc
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_queue
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_recno
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_thread
exhaustCyg24.txt:%Failed: tzparse
exhaustWin24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.dbtables
exhaustWin24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_all
exhaustWin24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_associate
exhaustWin24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_basics
exhaustWin24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_compat
exhaustWin24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_dbobj
exhaustWin24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_dbshelve
exhaustWin24.txt:%Failed: bsddb.test.test_dbtables

Re: naive doc question

2005-01-29 Thread Dan Perl

"Michael Hartl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> i.e.,

If you look on the index page of the Python Library Reference 
(, you will find "dictionary 
object", which will take you exactly to the page above. 


Re: tutorial idea

2005-01-29 Thread Nick Coghlan
ElctrcElctrcgtr1 wrote:
have a java applet that runs python code, with a tutorial that goes along with
it. that way you just have to go to a website to learn it, instead of
downloading and installing a few programs. (i would make it so it assumes that
you don't know how to program anything.)
Something like this?
Well, without the assumption of not knowing how to program :)
Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

{Spam?} Re: bound vs unbound functions

2005-01-29 Thread Terry Reedy

"Michael Tobis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> I'd like to dynamically add a method to an instance at
> instantiation time.

No can do.  A method is function that is an attribute of a class, even if 
accessed via an instance.  A function added to an instance as an attribute 
of the instance remains a function.  It is instance-specific data that 
methods and other code can use, just like other instance data, for 
instance-specific effects.  Two common examples:

class composer:
  # skip obvious init
  def __call__(self, x): return self.outer(self.inner(x))

sincos = composer(math.sin, math.cos)
# yes, this can also be done with composer function with nested scope

class memoizer: # posted several times
  # skip init again
  def __call__(self,x):
 # return previously computed self.memodict[x] if it exists
 # or calculate, store, and return self.func(x)

\> PS - any idea how to get past google's stupid formatting these days? I
> thought they were supposed to like python, but they just ignore leading
> blanks.

Don't use google to post on clp.  Go to instead.

Terry J. Reedy


cx_freeze error

2005-01-29 Thread zyqnews
I am new to Python. I made a script, and compiled it with cx_freeze,
but I got the following message from it:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "initscripts/", line 15, in ?
exec code in m.__dict__
File "", line 1, in ?
File "", line 72, in ?
File "", line 32, in ?
File "", line 81, in TextWrapper
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'compile'
Does anyone know what I should do ?



tutorial idea

2005-01-29 Thread ElctrcElctrcgtr1
have a java applet that runs python code, with a tutorial that goes along with
it. that way you just have to go to a website to learn it, instead of
downloading and installing a few programs. (i would make it so it assumes that
you don't know how to program anything.)

Re: naive doc question

2005-01-29 Thread Michael Hartl


Re: naive doc question

2005-01-29 Thread Brian van den Broek
Gabriel B. said unto the world upon 2005-01-29 19:38:
Is it just me that can't find a full reference in the docs?
I wanted a list of all the methods of dict for example... where can
i find it?
Thanks, and sorry if this question is just dumb, i really can't
find it
It's just you ;-)
Try the Library Reference, section 2.3.8 Mapping Types. (Perhaps 
confusing to a newcomer, but Pythons dicts are, as yet, its only 
standard mapping types, mapping being the general comp sci concept.)

Brian vdB

naive doc question

2005-01-29 Thread Gabriel B.
Is it just me that can't find a full reference in the docs?

I wanted a list of all the methods of dict for example... where can i find it?

Thanks, and sorry if this question is just dumb, i really can't find it

Re: Description Field in WinXP Services

2005-01-29 Thread rbt
Roger Upole wrote:
ChangeServiceConfig2 is the api functions that sets the description,
but it's not in the win32service module (yet).
OK, I can use _winreg to add the 'Description' field under the 
appropriate registry key.


2005-01-29 Thread Ali Polatel
is it possible to connect to somewhere through a proxy while using sockets module of Python to connect? If yes can you show me some basic examples?
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'--

[perl-python] sending email

2005-01-29 Thread Xah Lee
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python

# Suppose you want to spam your friend, and you have lots of
# friends. The solution is to write a program to do it. After a gander
# at python docs, one easily found the module for the job.
# see

# the code is a bit long with the command line, but the key lies at
# the bottom four lines. The gist is this:

import smtplib

text='''Subject: newfound love

Hi friend,

long time no write, i have a new manifesto i
think it would be of interest for you to peruse.

server = smtplib.SMTP(smtpServer)
server.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddr, text)

# save this file as and run it.
# it should send out the mail.

# the set_debuglevel() is nice because you see all the interactions
# with the smtp server. Useful when you want to see what's going on
# with a smtp server.
in Perl, there are not just one, two, or 3 modules that does the job,
each with slight problems. Here's how the situation stands as of 2001

For Perl libraries that deals with RFC 821, I personally know of

* Mail::Mailer. Mentioned in most Perl books.
Written or maintained by Graham Barr.

* Mail::Send, maintained by Graham Barr , originally
written by Tim Bunce.

* Mail::Sendmail by Milivoj Ivkovic.

The first two has glaring problems. I'm sorry i forgot what they
are. I think Mail::Mailer has a bug on the from field. i.e. it ignores
what you gave. I'm currently using Mail::Sendmail, and according to a
ex-colleague, it has problems with some DNS mail exchange entries.

for some discussion of the plethora of Perl mail modules and their
short-cummings, see



Re: bound vs unbound functions

2005-01-29 Thread Steven Bethard
Michael Tobis wrote:
Anyway, I'd like to dynamically add a method to an instance at
instantiation time. Something like
Nearly identical question from yesterday and a series of answers:

bound vs unbound functions

2005-01-29 Thread Michael Tobis
I'm trying to do metaprogramming. I'm sure I've got this all wrong
wrong wrong, but somehow my approach hasn't yet hit a brick wall.

Anyway, I'd like to dynamically add a method to an instance at
instantiation time. Something like

In [71]: class quux(object):
: def __init__(self,stuff):
: template = "def foo(self,b): print b + %s" % stuff
: exec(template)
: self.bazz = foo

In [72]: q = quux(5)

In [73]: q.bazz(4)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call


TypeError: foo() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

In [74]: q.bazz("not much",4)

So the straightforward question is why, even though bazz is a method of
class quux, it doesn't have that extra call parameter 'self'. Is this a
problem? If I actually need a reference to self is it OK to do:

In [76]: q.bazz(q,4)


The more vague question is why do people despise 'exec', and how should
I do this sort of thing instead?


PS - any idea how to get past google's stupid formatting these days? I
thought they were supposed to like python, but they just ignore leading


Re: limited python virtual machine (WAS: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?)

2005-01-29 Thread Christophe Cavalaria
Steven Bethard wrote:

> Fuzzyman wrote:
>  > Cameron Laird wrote:
>  > [snip..]
>  >
>  >>This is a serious issue.
>  >>
>  >>It's also one that brings Tcl, mentioned several
>  >>times in this thread, back into focus.  Tcl presents
>  >>the notion of "safe interpreter", that is, a sub-
>  >>ordinate virtual machine which can interpret only
>  >>specific commands.  It's a thrillingly powerful and
>  >>correct solution to the main problem Jeff and others
>  >>have described.
>  >
>  > A better (and of course *vastly* more powerful but unfortunately only
>  > a dream ;-) is a similarly limited python virutal machine.
> Yeah, I think there are a lot of people out there who would like
> something like this, but it's not quite clear how to go about it.  If
> you search Google Groups, there are a lot of examples of how you can use
> Python's object introspection to retrieve "unsafe" functions.
> I wish there was a way to, say, exec something with no builtins and with
> import disabled, so you would have to specify all the available
> bindings, e.g.:
>  exec user_code in dict(ClassA=ClassA, ClassB=ClassB)
> but I suspect that even this wouldn't really solve the problem, because
> you can do things like:
> py> class ClassA(object):
> ... pass
> ...
> py> object, = ClassA.__bases__
> py> object
> py> int = object.__subclasses__()[2]
> py> int
> so you can retrieve a lot of the builtins.  I don't know how to retrieve
>   __import__ this way, but as soon as you figure that out, you can then
> do pretty much anything you want to.
> Steve

Wouldn't it be better to attach to all code objets some kind of access right
marker and to create an opcode that calls a function while reducing the
access rights ? After all, security would be easier to achieve if you
prevented the execution of all the dangerous code rather than trying to
hide all the entry points to it.

Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alex> I dunno, maybe I'm just being pessimistic, I guess...
> No, I think you are being realistic.  I thought one of the basic tenets of
> computer security was "that which is not expressly allowed is forbidden".
> Any attempt at security that attempts to find and plug the security holes
> while leaving the basic insecure system intact is almost certainly going to
> miss something.

I guess security is drastically different from all other programming
spheres because you DO have an adversary, who you should presume to be
at least as clever as you are.  In most tasks, good enough is good
enough and paranoia doesn't pay; when an adversary IS there, only the
paranoid survive...;-)


scope rules in nested functions

2005-01-29 Thread Andrew Collier

I was writing a program which used some nested functions, and came 
across a behaviour which I was unable to explain. I can summarise it 
with the example below:

#!/usr/bin/env python

def evalfunction0(a):
print "Call by eval - Success! arg =",a
def evalfunction3(a):
def evalfunction1(a):
string = "evalfunction0(a+1)"
def evalfunction2(a):
string = "evalfunction1(a+1)"
# uncomment the next line to make the PREVIOUS line work!
string = "evalfunction2(a+1)"

def callfunction0(a):
print "Function call - Success! arg =",a
def callfunction3(a):
def callfunction1(a):
def callfunction2(a):


What I see (although I've only been able to test it in Python version 
2.3 so far) is that the eval() call in evalfunction2, is unable to 
resolve the symbol name evalfunction1 - even though it would be possible 
to call that function directly. But it is even stranger to me that, if 
evalfunction1() is called directly, then calling that function using 
eval() from the same function also works.

I had previously assumed that the symbols available to eval() would be 
the symbols available as literals, but it seems not. Is this a designed 
feature, and if so would somebody be kind enough to describe why it 

More practically, if there are a large number of functions at the same 
nesting level as evalfunction1(), is it possible for me to allow 
evalfunction2() to access all of them without explicitly naming each one 
as a literal?



 ---   Andrew Collier  To reply by email, please use: ---'andrew {at}'
Have you lost your Marbles?

re: Marketing reST (was Re: What YAML engine do you use

2005-01-29 Thread ajsiegel
Aahz writes -

>While I can see how you'd get that impression of reST, it's not true:
>like Python, reST is intended to be simpl*er* and readable, but not



Thanks for taking this one on. I was tempted.  But scared ;)

I find reST quite useful.  

Not a very sophisticated way to judge something designed
to be useful.  but the best I can do.



Re: Description Field in WinXP Services

2005-01-29 Thread Roger Upole
ChangeServiceConfig2 is the api functions that sets the description,
but it's not in the win32service module (yet).


"rbt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> How does one associate a "Description" with a Windows service written in 
> Python? I've just started experimenting with Python services. Here's my 
> code... copied straight from Mr. Hammond's "Python Programming on Win32":
>  import win32serviceutil
>  import win32service
>  import win32event
>  class test_py_service(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
>  _svc_name_ = "test_py_service"
>  ## Tried the following to no avail.
>  _svc_description_ = "Test written by Brad"
>  _svc_display_name_ = "Test Python Service"
>  def __init__(self, args):
>  win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
>  self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
>  def SvcStop(self):
>  self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
>  win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop)
>  def SvcDoRun(self):
>  win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hWaitStop, 
> win32event.INFINITE)
>  if __name__ == '__main__':
>  win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(test_py_service)

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Re: Marketing reST (was Re: What YAML engine do you use?)

2005-01-29 Thread richard
Aahz wrote:
> While I can see how you'd get that impression of reST, it's not true:
> like Python, reST is intended to be simpl*er* and readable, but not
> simple.  The joy of reST is that I can concentrate on writing instead of
> formatting, just as I do when writing Usenet posts.  ;-)  Even after
> using reST for a long time, I'm still constantly looking up features that
> I use rarely (such as correct formatting of URLs).
> But reST is great because it's relatively unobtrusive.  Those of us
> who've used reST to document code for a long time have gotten into the
> habit of using some reST-isms even when not writing reST: have you
> noticed the number of Pythonistas who use constructs like ``foo()``?
> Even if you didn't know it was from reST, the meaning is obvious.

And this is the core of it for me too (if you want simple, use Word).
Roundup's documentation__ (in particular the `Customisation Doc`__ which is
now huge) is entirely written in reST. It uses a fraction of the total pool
of reST constructs, but I believe the end result is perfectly legible. I
also tend to write in reST style when composing emails (a biggie for me is
starting examples with "::").

Anyway, some sample Roundup docs:


> As you say, reST can/does get messy when you're doing complicated things,
> but it stays more readable than XML/DocBook.

Indeed - I chose to use reST for Roundup's documentation for two very
important reasons:

1. lower the barrier for me to write the docs - and I am *really* happy with
how current the Roundup docs stay, because I don't feel like actually
writing them is a pain, as opposed to any sort of Markup Language format,
2. the first contributor of docs suggested it, and I've had several
contributors since. It's easier for contributors to write for Roundup's
documentation - even if they don't get the reST markup correct, it's
trivial to fix. This is less the case with a Markup Language.



Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Skip Montanaro
Paul> I've had this discussion here before, maybe not with you.  What I
Paul> really want is zero installations of anything.  

Fine.  Go build a sumo distribution and track the normal CPython.  The
problem isn't all that new.  (Take a look at for one take on that
theme.  Of course Linux distros have been doing their take on this forever.)

>> If everyone adopted your position that it wasn't Python unless it had
>> been added to the core, we'd all be reinventing lots of wheels or
>> tackling much less challenging tasks, if we programmed in Python at
>> all.  Here's an incomplete list of stuff not in the core I have used
>> happily over the past several years to do my jobs using Python:

Paul> That makes no sense at all.  That list is a list of programs
Paul> written in the Python language.  They are Python programs, where
Paul> Python is an adjective.

No, many of them are just modules or programming frameworks.

>> * SpamBayes

Paul> I have the impression this is an application and not a module, 

Yes, you're correct.

>> * Quixote

Paul> Don't know what this is.

Web app framework.

>> * Docutils

Paul> Should be in the core if it's what I think it is.

Probably will be someday.

>> * MoinMoin

Paul> Application, should be separate.  Also, GPL'd, I think.  Can't be
Paul> distributed under PSF license.


>> * Psyco

Paul> I think this isn't ready for prime time yet.  Should go into the
Paul> core once it is.

It's getting close for those of us with Intel chips in our boxes.

>> * PyInline

Paul> Not sure what this is.

A module for inlining C code within a Python module.  Also see Weave from
the folks.  It was inspired by the Perl Inline::C module.

>> * PyGTK

Paul> wxPython might be a better choice.  

Doesn't matter.  At work they decreed GTK as the GUI platform long before I
came along (they also use gtkmm for C++ apps).  It's still an example of a
broadly useful package available outside the core distribution.

>> * xmlrpclib before it was in the core

Paul> 1. Did you really need this, instead of some more reasonable rpc

Yes, for several years I used a homegrown RPC solution behind the Musi-Cal
website that was Python only.  Eventually Mojam (a Perl shop) bought
Musi-Cal (a Python shop).  I switched to XML-RPC with little effort.  At one
point we also had Java talking XML-RPC.

Paul> xdrlib has been in the core forever.

Sure.  But it's somewhat lower level than XML-RPC and isn't really an RPC
protocol.  It's just a marshalling protocol and is probably not as flexible
as XML-RPC at that.

Paul> 2. Isn't xmlrpclib written in Python?  

Yes.  The implementation language is just a detail.  I also use Fredrik
Lundh's sgmlop library to accelerate XML-RPC and play some other games when
I know I'm talking Python-to-Python (marshal my args, then XML-RPC the
result passing a single argument between the client and server).

>> * MAL's mx.DateTime before the core datetime module was available

Paul> See, as Python improved, those things went into the core.

Sure, than that's what Martin has been trying to tell you about your AES
proposal.  Put it out there, refine it, and get it into the core when it's

>> * timeout_socket before sockets supported timeouts

Paul> Could you use sigalarm instead?

I suppose.  That's not the point though.  I'm not married to the concept as
you seem to be that something has to be in the core distribution to be of
use to me.  I'm perfectly happy incorporating solutions other people
provide.  I believe you will find I am in the majority in this regard.

>> Many of those things I could never have written myself, either for
>> lack of time, lack of skill or both.  I'm grateful they were
>> available when I needed them and feel no qualms about using them even
>> though they are not distributed with Python proper.

Paul> Sure, it's fine if you have all those modules and you write a
Paul> Python program that uses, say, five of them.  External modules
Paul> aren't so bad when the developer and the end user are the same
Paul> person.  What happens if you send your Python program to a
Paul> nonprogrammer friend who has just a vanilla Python installation?

I figure out some other packaging solution.  In my world most of the
software I write is for my employer, so this is not a problem I face very
often.  People use freeze, py2exe, py2app or other packaging solutions to
solve most/all of these problems.

Paul> Now he has to download and install those five modules too.  You
Paul> send him the url's where you got the modules a year ago.  What are
Paul> the chances that the 5 url's even all still work, much less the
Paul> chance of him being able to install and run all 5 of the modules
Paul> without needing help?  What if the versions he downloads (fro

Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Skip Montanaro

Alex> I dunno, maybe I'm just being pessimistic, I guess...

No, I think you are being realistic.  I thought one of the basic tenets of
computer security was "that which is not expressly allowed is forbidden".
Any attempt at security that attempts to find and plug the security holes
while leaving the basic insecure system intact is almost certainly going to
miss something.



Re: Pystone benchmark: Win vs. Linux (again)

2005-01-29 Thread Franco Fiorese
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Franco Fiorese wrote:

I am relatively new about Python benchmarks.
After some experiments I found that Python on my PC Windows XP has a relevant higher performance 
than on Linux. The simple test using shows this:

* Windows XP Pro:  16566.7 pystones/second
* Linux (kernel 2.6.9 NPTL): 12346.2 pystones/second

what Python version are you using for these tests?  what Windows build?

I have performed the test under Linux Fedora Core 3 and Windows XP
Professional SP2.
This is the info about my system and Python (from /proc/cpuinfo):
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 8
model name  : Pentium III (Coppermine)
stepping: 10
cpu MHz : 896.418
cache size  : 256 KB
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 mmx fxsr sse
bogomips: 1769.47
System RAM: 256MB
Under Linux The python version is 2.3.4 (release 11) stock Fedora 3 RPM 
(compiled from python-2.3.4-11.src.rpm)

Under Windows the Python version is 2.3.4
Anyway I will try to build the latest version (2.4) from source using 
the best possible optmizations with the gcc compiler.

Being the pystone a benchmark that exercises mostly the compiler 
optimizations I wonder if there is a benchmark that could bring up the 
whole capabilities of the operating system (I/O, multithreading, memory 
allocation, etc.).


Registration is accepted

2005-01-29 Thread Jceasar

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Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Paul Rubin  wrote:
>  An AES or DES addition to an existing module that implements just one
>  call:
> ECB(key, data, direction)
>  would be a huge improvement over what we have now.  A more complete
>  crypto module would have some additional operations, but ECB is the
>  only one that's really essential.

I would hate to see a module which only implemented ECB.  Sure its the
only operation necessary to build the others out of, but its the least
secure mode of any block cipher.

If you don't offer users a choice, then they'll use ECB and just that
along with all its pitfalls, meanwhile thinking that they are secure
because they are using AES/DES...

For those people following along at home (I'm sure everyone who has
contributed to thread knows this already) I tried to find a simple
link to why ECB is bad, this PDF is the best I could come up with, via
Google's Cache.

Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

ASPy package

2005-01-29 Thread Salvador Fandino
I have been trying to download ASPy (an old jython package implementing 
ASP pages support) from the Internet but it is not available anymore 
from its home page.

Does anybody have it and could link it in some public place?
Best Regards
  - Salvador

Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Bernhard Herzog
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:

> OK then -- vars(type(object)) is a dict which has [[the unbound-method
> equivalent of]] object.__subclasses__ at its entry for key
> '__subclasses__'.  Scratch 'vars' in addition to 'getattr'.  And 'eval'
> of course, or else building up the string 'object.__subclasses__' (in a
> way the regex won't catch) then eval'ing it is easy.  I dunno, maybe I'm
> just being pessimistic, I guess...

You can defeat the regexp without any builtin besides object:

>>> eval("# coding: utf7\n"



Intevation GmbH

Re: tk global bindings

2005-01-29 Thread vincent wehren
vincent wehren wrote:
Gabriel B. wrote:
I'm starting to write a POS application UI's module.
In Tk here are three levels of binding: instance binding, class binding, 
 and application binding represented by the bind, bind_class, and 
bind_all methods. You're probably looking for the the bind_all method, 
as in self.bind_all("", self.onSomeKey)

Vincent Wehren
Oh and you of course __must__ look at the (recently updated!) New Mexico 
Tech tkinter document at:

See page 75 and follwing for more info on keyboard bindings...
Vincent Wehren


Re: tk global bindings

2005-01-29 Thread vincent wehren
Gabriel B. wrote:
I'm starting to write a POS application UI's module.
There's no mouse, just a bunch of global shortcuts.
the problem is that TK doesn't have global shortcuts! Is there a
work-around or i will have to attach 80 or so bindings for every input
In Tk here are three levels of binding: instance binding, class binding, 
 and application binding represented by the bind, bind_class, and 
bind_all methods. You're probably looking for the the bind_all method, 
as in self.bind_all("", self.onSomeKey)

Vincent Wehren


Re: [perl-python] 20050127 traverse a dir

2005-01-29 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 15:01:12 -0500, Chris Mattern wrote:
> Is it just me, or is the disappointing lack of flamewars
> slowly ratcheting up the level of vitriol in his posts?

What flabbergasts me is the stunning failure in trolling that XL is. 

I've accidentally trolled (if you can extend the trolling definition that
way) through ignorance of both subject matter and local culture,
accidentally trolled through typo, and accidentally trolled through poorly
chosen incendiary example that had little to do with my point.

This poor guy trolls across five newsgroups and is now one of the few
things that they absolutely all absolutely agree on.

Now *that* is some truly breathtaking failure right there. I'm not sure I
could fail that hard if I tried.

(I'll shut up about Xah now.)


Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary

2005-01-29 Thread Kurt B. Kaiser
Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  280 open ( +7) /  2747 closed ( +1) /  3027 total ( +8)
Bugs:  803 open ( +6) /  4799 closed (+10) /  5602 total (+16)
RFE :  167 open ( +1) /   141 closed ( +0) /   308 total ( +1)

New / Reopened Patches

tarfile.ExFileObject iterators  (2005-01-23)  opened by  Mitch Chapman

Allow slicing of any iterator by default  (2005-01-24)  opened by  Nick Coghlan

fix .split() separator doc, update .rsplit() docs  (2005-01-24)
CLOSED  opened by  Wummel

type conversion methods and subclasses  (2005-01-25)  opened by  Walter Dörwald

distutils dry-run breaks when attempting to bytecompile  (2005-01-26)  opened by  Anthony Baxter

patch for idlelib  (2005-01-26)  opened by  sowjanya

patch for gzip.GzipFile.flush()  (2005-01-26)  opened by  David Schnepper

HEAD/PUT/DELETE support for  (2005-01-28)  opened by  Terrel Shumway

Patches Closed

fix .split() maxsplit doc, update .rsplit() docs  (2005-01-24)  closed by  rhettinger

New / Reopened Bugs

"\0" not listed as a valid escape in the lang reference  (2005-01-24)
CLOSED  opened by  Andrew Bennetts

broken link in tkinter docs  (2005-01-24)  opened by  Ilya Sandler produces invalid code  (2005-01-25)  opened by  Simon Dahlbacka

idle freezes when run over ssh  (2005-01-25)  opened by  Mark Poolman

Time module missing from latest module index  (2005-01-25)  opened by  Skip Montanaro

Need some sanity  (2005-01-25)  opened by  Skip Montanaro

distutils argument parsing is bogus  (2005-01-26)  opened by  Anthony Baxter

bdist_wininst ignores build_lib from build command  (2005-01-26)  opened by  Anthony Tuininga

Cannot ./configure on FC3 with gcc 3.4.2  (2005-01-26)
CLOSED  opened by  Paul Watson

recursion core dumps  (2005-01-26)  opened by  Jacob Engelbrecht

gzip.GzipFile.flush() does not flush all internal buffers  (2005-01-26)  opened by  David Schnepper

os.environ.update doesn't work  (2005-01-27)
CLOSED  opened by  June Kim

list comprehension scope  (2005-01-27)
CLOSED  opened by  Simon Dahlbacka

RLock logging mispells "success"  (2005-01-27)
CLOSED  opened by  Matthew Bogosian

csv reader barfs encountering quote when quote_none is set  (2005-01-27)  opened by  washington irving

tkSimpleDialog broken on MacOS X (Aqua Tk)  (2005-01-27)  opened by  Russell Owen

Bugs Closed

bug with idle's stdout when executing load_source  (2005-01-20)  closed by  kbk

"\0" not listed as a valid escape in the lang reference  (2005-01-23)  closed by  tim_one

Undocumented implicit strip() in split(None) string method  (2005-01-19)  closed by  rhettinger

split() takes no keyword arguments  (2005-01-21)  closed by  rhettinger

Cannot ./configure on FC3 with gcc 3.4.2  (2005-01-26)  closed by  loewis

os.environ.update doesn't work  (2005-01-27)  closed by  loewis

Scripts started with CGIHTTPServer: missing cgi environment  (2005-01-11)  closed by  loewis

list comprehension scope  (2005-01-27)  closed by  rhettinger

RLock logging mispells "success"  (2005-01-27)  closed by  bcannon

README of 2.4 source download says 2.4a3  (2005-01-20)  closed by  loewis

New / Reopened RFE

'attrmap' function, attrmap(x)['attname'] = x.attname  (2005-01-26)  opened by  Gregory Smith


Redirecting stdout/err under win32 platform

2005-01-29 Thread David Douard
Hi everybody,

let me explain by problem: 
I am working on an application which consists in a C++ dll (numeric
computations) and a Python IHM (Python/Tk), which must run under Linux and
win32. My problem is the C++ lib does write stuffs on its stdout, and I
would like to print those messages in a Tk frame. When I run the
computation, it has it's own thread.

So my question is : how van I redirect the dll's stdout to something I can
retrieve in Python (pipe, socket,...)? 

I can do it easily under Linux. I made tests with a socket which just works
fine. In the threaded function (that will do the heavy computation), I

import os, sys
from socket import *
os.dup2(sys.__stdout__.fileno(), s.fileno())

That's OK under Linux, but does not work under win32 (even if I use an INET
localhost socket), cause I cannot do the os.dup2 trick (Windows does not
want to consider a socket as a file! What a shity system!).

So my question is : is there a simple solution ? I have tested different
solutions. I am trying hacks with pipes created with the win32api. But I
have not yet managed this simple operation.

Note that I have no access to the dll source code, so I cannot modify it so
it uses a named pipe (for example) as message output pipe instead os



Re: Independence of programs!

2005-01-29 Thread David Douard
blade8472 wrote:

> Hey all, hope all is fine, I have a question; I am new in python
> programming, I write the programs to a text doc then I run them with
> the interpreter, so I wanna know whether I can save the programs as
> exe so that they can be run independently on other PCs without the
> python interpreter.
> hope you help me, thanks alot!

If you are under Microsoft Windows (which I guess, according your question),
you may use py2exe ( ).
It will do all the required stuff for you to have a standalone executable.


tk global bindings

2005-01-29 Thread Gabriel B.
I'm starting to write a POS application UI's module.

There's no mouse, just a bunch of global shortcuts.

the problem is that TK doesn't have global shortcuts! Is there a
work-around or i will have to attach 80 or so bindings for every input


Independence of programs!

2005-01-29 Thread blade8472

Hey all, hope all is fine, I have a question; I am new in python 
programming, I write the programs to a text doc then I run them with 
the interpreter, so I wanna know whether I can save the programs as 
exe so that they can be run independently on other PCs without the 
python interpreter.
hope you help me, thanks alot!


Re: An mysql-python tutorial?

2005-01-29 Thread Dfenestr8
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 06:41:37 +, Kartic wrote:

> And here is one more site, good stuff here too:-


I followed the instructions there, tried out the test script they

Can you tell me why this command, in the python interpreter:

>>>conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost", user = "flipper", passwd =
"[hidden]", db = "mydb")

produces this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 63, in 
return apply(Connection, args, kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 115, in 
self._make_connection(args, kwargs2)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 41, in 
apply(super(ConnectionBase, self).__init__, args, kwargs)
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)")

I also have MySQL installed, and tried setting up the user flipper with
the mysql client, as per the instructions here:

Description Field in WinXP Services

2005-01-29 Thread rbt
How does one associate a "Description" with a Windows service written in 
Python? I've just started experimenting with Python services. Here's my 
code... copied straight from Mr. Hammond's "Python Programming on Win32":

 import win32serviceutil
 import win32service
 import win32event
 class test_py_service(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
 _svc_name_ = "test_py_service"
 ## Tried the following to no avail.
 _svc_description_ = "Test written by Brad"
 _svc_display_name_ = "Test Python Service"
 def __init__(self, args):
 win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
 self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
 def SvcStop(self):
 def SvcDoRun(self):

 if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread "Martin v. Löwis"
Paul Rubin wrote:
actually: mxCrypto is the most capable of these packages and might be
the one with the most users, but it's completely unsuitable for the
core because of its size).
mxCrypto is primarily unsuitable for the core because Marc-Andre Lemburg
will never ever contribute it. He is very concerned about including
crypto code with the Python distribution, so he certainly won't
contribute his own.

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread "Martin v. Löwis"
Paul Rubin wrote:
An AES or DES addition to an existing module that implements just one
   ECB(key, data, direction)
would be a huge improvement over what we have now.
Apparently, people disagree on what precisely the API should be. E.g.
cryptkit has
obj = aes(key)
I think I would prefer explicit encrypt/decrypt methods over a
direction parameter. Whether or not selection of mode is a separate
parameter, or a separate method, might be debatable - I'ld personally
prefer a separate method. However, we would have to ask users.
If you think a function like that could be added to some existing
module with less hassle than adding a new module, then I can write one
and submit it.
I would trust my intuition more for a single function than for an
entire API. In this specific proposal, I think I would trust my
intuition and reject the ECB function because of the direction
Come on, you're being deliberately obtuse, we've discussed this over
and over.  There are plenty of AES modules that people can get from
somewhere.  The topic is what it takes to have an AES module that
people don't NEED to get from anywhere, because they already have it
from having Python installed.  Do I have to keep repeating "batteries
included" until you understand what it means?
I fully understand what you desire - to include the module "as a
battery". What makes this decision difficult is that you fail to
understand that I don't want included batteries so much that I
would accept empty or leaking batteries.
Well, that code has been around for over a year, people are using it,
etc.  Are you saying you'll support its inclusion if Bryan offers to
contribute it?
*Now* you get it. Precisely that. I would ask the users what they
think about the API (shouldn't be too difficult because the module
does have users) and what they think about other aspects (performance,
stability, and so on).
I've examined that module, I wouldn't consider it
ideal for the core (besides AES, it has some complicated additional
functions that aren't useful to most people)
Ok, that would be a problem. If this is a simple removal of functions
that you'ld request (which functions?), I'ld try to collect opinions
on that specific issue, and ask Bryan whether he could accept
removal of these functions.
   So if the module was primarily written to be included in the core, I
   would initially reject it for that very reason. After one year or so
   in its life, and a recognizable user base, inclusion can be considered.
The context was new modules in general, not specifically an AES
module.  Since "considered" means "thought about", so you said
inclusion shouldn't even be thought about until the module is already
done.  That's completely in conflict with the idea of inviting anyone
to work on a new module, since inviting means that there's been some
I rarely invite people to work on new modules. For new modules, I
normally propose that they develop the module, and ship it to users
for some time.
I may have made exceptions to this rule in the past, e.g. when the
proposal is to simply wrap an existing C API in a Python module
(like shadow passwords). In this case, both the interface and
the implementation are straight-forward, and I expect no surprises.
For an AES module (or most other modules), I do expect surprises.
I would say there's an implied promise of something more than a code
review.  There's an implied statement that you agree that the proposed
new functionality is useful, which means the patch has a good chance
of being accepted to the stdlib if it's not too messy or cumbersome.
I have said many times that I am in favour of including an AES
implementation in the Python distribution, e.g. in
What I cannot promise is to include *your* AES implementation,
not without getting user feedback first. The whole notion of
creating the module from scratch just to include it in the core
strikes me as odd - when there are so many AES implementations
out there already that have been proven useful to users.
So let me just ask you one final question: suppose I do all that
stuff.  The question: in your personal opinion, based on the best
information you have, what is the your own subjective estimate of the
Eventually, with hard work, I estimate the chances at, say, 90%. That
is, eventually, unless the code itself shows flaws, the module *will*
be included. However, initially, when first proposed, the chances are
rather like 10%. I.e. people will initially object. Decision processes
take their time, and valid concerns must be responded to. I personally
think that there is a good response to each concern, but it will take
time to find it. Before that, it will take time to find out what
precisely the concern is.

ANN: eric3 3.6.1 released

2005-01-29 Thread Detlev Offenbach

this is to let all of you know, that eric3 3.6.1 has just been released.
It fixes a few nasty bugs, which were reported since the last release.
It is available via

Eric3 is an Integrated Development Environment for Python. For details
please see the above mentioned URL.

Detlev Offenbach

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Cameron Laird
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>One ought to do a little research before publishing an article.
>Apparently, many authors and editors are too lazy to do so.

... and/or ignorant or uncultured.  Also, don't forget to excoriate 
the publishers and editors, too cheap and/or otherwise constrained
to edit/fact-check/review/...

Re: future of computing languages

2005-01-29 Thread Peter Hansen
jelle wrote:
Quite suprised while reading the Amazin Wiki:
Take a look, and feel incredible good about yourself & your decision to
opt for python. Did work for me. Cheers, Jelle.
Sorry, but it's an annoyingly long page filled with what
appear to be a random collection of wild predictions about
the future, and Python is barely mentioned in any case.
Perhaps you could take the time to write a little about
just *what* you found so "Amazin"...

Re: Who should security issues be reported to?

2005-01-29 Thread Aahz
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Skip Montanaro  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Nick> Upgrading your Python interpreter (even to a new maintenance
>Nick> branch release) in a production environment is usually a fairly
>Nick> involved exercise requiring a significant amount of testing, and
>Nick> the fact of the matter is, you're unlikely to do so unless there
>Nick> is some feature or bug-fix in a new version that you really
>Nick> need. (I'm still using Python 2.2.2 at work - it's entirely
>Nick> adequate for our needs, so there's no real pressure to upgrade on
>Nick> the current project. For a new project, I'd probably start with
>Nick> 2.4, planning to go to 2.4.1 in a couple of months time, but there
>Nick> aren't really any post-2.2 additions to Python that I can't handle
>Nick> living without).
>Still, if a security bug was serious enough, my guess is that someone would
>step up to supply patches (or Windows installers) for any of a number of
>versions that were affected by the bug, even 2.1 or 1.5.2.  That someone
>might or might not be part of the core development team.  That nothing like
>that has been done before doesn't preclude it being done in the future.

While true, such coordination also requires public discussion, given the
way the Python community works.  Which obviates the OPs request for
private correspondence.
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   <*>

"19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming,
is not worth knowing."  --Alan Perlis

Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Aahz
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Alex Martelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Aahz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Alex Martelli deleted his own attribution:
>>> >>> object.__subclasses__()
>> One thing my company has done is written a ``safe_eval()`` that uses a
>> regex to disable double-underscore access.
>will the regex catch getattr(object, 'subclasses'.join(['_'*2]*2)...?-)

Heheh.  No.  Then again, security is only as strong as its weakest link,
and that quick hack makes this part of our application as secure as the
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   <*>

"19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming,
is not worth knowing."  --Alan Perlis

Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Stephen Thorne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 08:53:45 -0600, Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >> One thing my company has done is written a ``safe_eval()`` that uses
> > >> a regex to disable double-underscore access.
> > 
> > Alex> will the regex catch getattr(object,
> > Alex> 'subclasses'.join(['_'*2]*2)...?-)
> > 
> > Now he has two problems. ;-)
> I nearly asked that question, then I realised that 'getattr' is quite
> easy to remove from the global namespace for the code in question, and
> assumed that they had already thought of that.

OK then -- vars(type(object)) is a dict which has [[the unbound-method
equivalent of]] object.__subclasses__ at its entry for key
'__subclasses__'.  Scratch 'vars' in addition to 'getattr'.  And 'eval'
of course, or else building up the string 'object.__subclasses__' (in a
way the regex won't catch) then eval'ing it is easy.  I dunno, maybe I'm
just being pessimistic, I guess...


Line graphics on Linux console

2005-01-29 Thread frank
Hi all

I don't think this is strictly a Python problem, but as it manifests
itself in one of my Python programs, I am hoping that somebody in this
group can help me.

The following is a message I sent to co.os.linux.setup -

"My question concerns line graphics on a text-based console. ­My
actual problem relates to a [Python] program I have written using
ncurses, b­ut you can easily test it by running a program like

If you call up the minicom menu, it should be surrounded by ­a nice
box made up of horizontal and vertical lines, corners, etc. It used to
work up until Redhat 7. Since upgrading to Redhat 9, and now Fedo­ra,
it (and my program) has stopped working."

I received the following reply from Thomas Dickey -

"That's because Redhat uses UTF-8 locales, and the Linux cons­ole
ignores vt100 line-drawing when it is set for UTF-8.  (screen also
d­oes this).
ncurses checks for $TERM containing "linux" or "screen" (sin­ce
there's no better clues for the breakage) when the encoding is UTF-8­,
and doesn't try to use those escapes (so you would get +'s and -'s).
co­mpiling/linking with libncursesw would get the lines back for a
properly-wri­tten program."

I don't really understand the last sentence. Does anyone know if it is
possible to do this (or anything else) or am I stuck.
TIA for any advice.

Frank Millman


Re: An mysql-python tutorial?

2005-01-29 Thread Andy Dustman
It's a pretty good tutorial, thought I would recommend you forget about
the fetchone() example. The example below demonstrates three additional
features that will make your life easier: MySQL option files, tuple
unpacking, and cursors as iterators (fourth feature: the default host
is localhost; this is rapidly turning into the Spanish Inquisition

import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect(db="db56a", read_default_file="~/.my.cnf")
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT name, species FROM animals")
for name, species in cursor:
print name, "-->", species

(I also shy away from doing SELECT *; what if your schema changes?)
(If the indentation is hosed, blame Google Groups.)


Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Rubin  writes:
> actually: mxCrypto is the most capable of these packages and might be
> the one with the most users, but it's completely unsuitable for the
> core because of its size).

Oops, I should say, mxCrypto itself isn't that large; the issue is
that it needs OpenSSL which is a big unwieldy program.  Having
mxCrypto in the core as an OpenSSL interface is a legitimate notion.
But there should be something that doesn't depend on OpenSSL.

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Rubin
Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> And one that deals with cryptography is likely to be even more complex.

No.  The AES module would have about the same complexity as the SHA module.

Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Paul Rubin
Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What's your point?  That I have to download and perhaps install them to use
> them?  In that case, how are these two scenarios different:
> * I have to download and build the MySQLdb package to talk to MySQL
>   servers from Python code
> * I have to ensure that the readline library and include files are
>   installed on my system before the readline module (which is included
>   in the core distribution) can be built

The difference is that once Python is installed on your machine and
you can get a ">>>" prompt, you have readline available right away but
you have to download something to use MySQLdb.  Whoever took care of
your Python installation, and it may not have been you, also took care
of readline.  The past several OS distributions I've installed have
included Python and readline out of the box, so I never had to think
about readline.  The last time I used a Python instance that didn't
come with the OS (on Windows XP at work), the IT department had
installed Python on my desktop before I started using it, so I still
didn't have to worry about readline.  But any module that doesn't
come in the distro, I have to download myself.

> I and many other people happily use external packages other people have
> written as well as make stuff available.  My guess is that you do as well.

No, I don't.  I do use them sometimes but I'm unhappy about them.  If
I can write something using a core module instead of an external
module, I prefer to use the core module.  So I'll generally use dbm
instead of MySQL unless I really need MySQL, which I haven't yet in
Python (I've used MySQL with Perl dbi, but Perl, you know, shudder).

Also, external module installation scripts often don't work properly,
so I end up having to wrestle the code to get it installed.  And if a
geek like me has such trouble installing external modules, what hope
does a normal end-user have?  Maybe if you're using Windows, that
stuff has been debugged better, but I've had poor results under

I've had this discussion here before, maybe not with you.  What I
really want is zero installations of anything.  I just want to go to
the store and buy a new computer and have a complete OS install with
full sources and a full set of applications including Python already
installed when I first power it up.  My practical approximation is to
buy a new computer, immediately reformat the HD to remove the icky
Redmond virus, and then install a GNU/Linux distro that includes
Python (and readline).  If Python really aims for world domination,
that means it has to shoot for being preinstalled on almost every new
computer the way Windows is now.  And all the interesting modules
should be there, maybe in a "contrib" directory that gets little or no
maintenance priority from the core team.

> If everyone adopted your position that it wasn't Python unless it
> had been added to the core, we'd all be reinventing lots of wheels
> or tackling much less challenging tasks, if we programmed in Python
> at all.  Here's an incomplete list of stuff not in the core I have
> used happily over the past several years to do my jobs using Python:

That makes no sense at all.  That list is a list of programs written
in the Python language.  They are Python programs, where Python is an
adjective.  Python, the noun referring to a piece of software,
generally means the stuff in the Python distro.  That doesn't stop
programs outside the distro from being useful.  Mediawiki is a PHP
program.  That doesn't mean Mediawiki is part of PHP.

> * MySQLdb, Sqlite, pycopg, sybase-python - all database modules

These should all be in the core if Python wants to be a serious
competitor to PHP, which comes with interfaces for those db's and
several additional ones besides.  That these modules are missing are a
significant library deficiency.

> * CSV, Object Craft's csv, DSV - csv modules predating csv in the core

That's fixed now, csv is in the core.

> * SpamBayes

I have the impression this is an application and not a module, or
anyway is written mainly to support one application.  Should be
separate.  Also, it's written in Python(?) rather than C, which means
the installation headaches from not being in the core aren't so bad.

> * Quixote

Don't know what this is.

> * Docutils

Should be in the core if it's what I think it is.

> * MoinMoin

Application, should be separate.  Also, GPL'd, I think.  Can't be
distributed under PSF license.  

> * Pyrex

Sort of problematic, would be interesting to have something like this
in the core but maybe Pyrex as it currently stands isn't the answer.

I have the impression that PyPy is going to depend on Pyrex in a
fundamental way, so it will have to be in the core when we dump CPython.

> * Psyco

I think this isn't ready for prime time yet.  Should go into the core
once it is.

> * PyInline

Not sure what this is.

> * PyGTK


Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Stephen Thorne
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 08:53:45 -0600, Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> One thing my company has done is written a ``safe_eval()`` that uses
> >> a regex to disable double-underscore access.
> Alex> will the regex catch getattr(object,
> Alex> 'subclasses'.join(['_'*2]*2)...?-)
> Now he has two problems. ;-)

I nearly asked that question, then I realised that 'getattr' is quite
easy to remove from the global namespace for the code in question, and
assumed that they had already thought of that.


Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread beliavsky
Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Thought some folks here might find this one interesting. No great
> just a fairly sensible piece on writing readable code :)
> The whole article:
> The section specifically on white space:

The suggestions in the cited article, "How Not to Write FORTRAN in Any
Language", are reasonable but elementary and can be followed in Fortran
90/95/2003 as well as any other language. What infuriates me is that
the author writes as if Fortran has not evolved since the 1960s. It
has. To be specific, Fortran 90

(1) allows variable names up to 31 characters long
(2) has a free source form where
(a) there are no rigid rules about starting code in a certain
(b) white space is significant
(3) has a full set of control structures -- goto's are almost never

More detailed rebuttals of the article are in the archives of the
Fortran 90 discussion group at
-- search for "Fortran bashing".

Python looks more like Fortran 90 than one of the curly-brace/semicolon
languages, and both languages have modules and array slices.

One ought to do a little research before publishing an article.
Apparently, many authors and editors are too lazy to do so.


Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Skip Montanaro

>> One thing my company has done is written a ``safe_eval()`` that uses
>> a regex to disable double-underscore access.

Alex> will the regex catch getattr(object,
Alex> 'subclasses'.join(['_'*2]*2)...?-)

Now he has two problems. ;-)


Re: Textual markup languages (was Re: What YAML engine do you use?)

2005-01-29 Thread Tim Parkin
On Sun, 2005-01-23 at 13:41 +0100, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Alan Kennedy wrote:
> > If I can't find such a markup language, then I might instead end up using a 
> > WYSIWYG editing 
> > component that gives the user a GUI and generates (x)html.
> >
> > htmlArea:
> > Editlet:
> >
> > But I'd prefer a markup solution.
> some of these are amazingly usable.  have you asked your users what they
> prefer?  (or maybe you are your user? ;-)

Most users prefer to write documents in word and then paste them into
textareas. Not surprisingly means no semantic content, little chance of
restyling, horrible encoding problems and far too long spent on the
phone trying to explain why it's not a good idea. 

Giving users a wysiwyg textarea creates the problems that users start to
spend time trying to create a 'styled' document, inevitably sacrificing
semantics (many is the user that has applied a header style to make
things bold or a quote sytle to indent a paragraph). Using text based
layouts reinforces the perception that you aren't creating a styled
document and that the semantic structure is important.

People who have used non-wysiwyg editors have found that their initial
reticence has been quickly overtaken by their joy at not having to fight
with 'style' and the reassurance that their content is now 'redesign

Tim Parkin


Re: The next Xah-lee post contest

2005-01-29 Thread PA
On Jan 29, 2005, at 15:32, rbt wrote:
Unix donkey! You not elegant. You have poor design.
Sloppy Perl monkey! You be lazy! You code very very bad.
Xah know all!
Follow The True Path, follow The Xah Way To Enlightenment:
"The Unix Pestilence"
PA, Onnay Equitursay

Re: The next Xah-lee post contest

2005-01-29 Thread Stephen Thorne
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 19:05:55 +0530, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>   For sometime now, I have just been a passive lurker on this
> list. Of late I saw an increase in the number of posts by Xah Lee, and
> I have to admit, what he lacks in understanding of the various
> programming languages he talks about, he makes up for in creativity.
> So, I was wondering, how would it be to be Mr Lee. That got me
> thinking of his next post. Well, I know through my days of lurking
> around, a lot of people here love creative challenges here's one
> for you. Write up the next Xah Lee post ! The requirement are:
> a) The post should talk about a single language, although the example
> code needn't adhere to that restriction.
> b) It should explain the style, structure and design of some code
> snippet/program, though not necessarily of the same code
> snippet/program mentioned in the post.
> c) Should be written in English ... respect to English grammar is not 
> mandatory.
> d) It *must* be flammable.

If you need to do more research for the posting style, I recommend the
following links:

Interesting to note that xah posted as far back as '02 asking for help
with python, as he was porting perl web applications. Which leads me
to conclude he is not a beginner being stupid, but somone who has been
around long enough to know better.


Re: limited python virtual machine

2005-01-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Aahz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  object.__subclasses__()
> One thing my company has done is written a ``safe_eval()`` that uses a
> regex to disable double-underscore access.

will the regex catch getattr(object, 'subclasses'.join(['_'*2]*2)...?-)


Re: The next Xah-lee post contest

2005-01-29 Thread rbt
Steve wrote:
Hi All,
  For sometime now, I have just been a passive lurker on this
list. Of late I saw an increase in the number of posts by Xah Lee, and
I have to admit, what he lacks in understanding of the various
programming languages he talks about, he makes up for in creativity.
So, I was wondering, how would it be to be Mr Lee. That got me
thinking of his next post. Well, I know through my days of lurking
around, a lot of people here love creative challenges here's one
for you. Write up the next Xah Lee post...
Unix donkey! You not elegant. You have poor design.
Sloppy Perl monkey! You be lazy! You code very very bad.
Xah know all!

Re: The next Xah-lee post contest

2005-01-29 Thread PA
On Jan 29, 2005, at 14:35, Steve wrote:
Here's my contribution (tho' I'm not really in my most creative frame 
of mind):
Not being very creative myself, here is a contribution "by proxy":
"Unlike Java programmers, who are hip on the outside, dreary 
conformists on the inside, Smalltalk programmers are a bunch of faded 
flower children who listen to Mantovani and the Star Wars soundtrack. 
They are 68% more likely to be Clinton supporters and 94% of them 
laughed when Bob Dole fell down in the last election campaign. Most 
Smalltalk programmers smoke weak pot and hide their stash from their 
kids (who are Java programmers)."
-- Steve Wart, why Smalltalk never caught on
PA, Onnay Equitursay

Re: The next Xah-lee post contest

2005-01-29 Thread PA
On Jan 29, 2005, at 14:35, Steve wrote:
Write up the next Xah Lee post ! The requirement are:
a) The post should talk about a single language, although the example
code needn't adhere to that restriction.
b) It should explain the style, structure and design of some code
snippet/program, though not necessarily of the same code
snippet/program mentioned in the post.
c) Should be written in English ... respect to English grammar is not 
d) It *must* be flammable.
Oh, my... this is going to be so much fun 8^)
Here's my contribution (tho' I'm not really in my most creative frame 
of mind):
Master the ways of the Xah, young Steve:
"Pathetically Elational Regex Language, aka Pathological Euphoric 
Retching Language (A commentary on Perl)"

PA, Onnay Equitursay

Re: Coding style article with interesting section on white space

2005-01-29 Thread Rakesh Kumar
Thanx Nick


The next Xah-lee post contest

2005-01-29 Thread Steve
Hi All,
  For sometime now, I have just been a passive lurker on this
list. Of late I saw an increase in the number of posts by Xah Lee, and
I have to admit, what he lacks in understanding of the various
programming languages he talks about, he makes up for in creativity.
So, I was wondering, how would it be to be Mr Lee. That got me
thinking of his next post. Well, I know through my days of lurking
around, a lot of people here love creative challenges here's one
for you. Write up the next Xah Lee post ! The requirement are:
a) The post should talk about a single language, although the example
code needn't adhere to that restriction.
b) It should explain the style, structure and design of some code
snippet/program, though not necessarily of the same code
snippet/program mentioned in the post.
c) Should be written in English ... respect to English grammar is not mandatory.
d) It *must* be flammable.

Here's my contribution (tho' I'm not really in my most creative frame of mind):

perl is fucked ! Its a language named with a word that can't even pass
through spell-checker. What kind of programming language has a scalar
variable but the array is not called vector is array. Also the
list comprehension feature of the language is entirely anal. Example

$list = { i for i in range(100) }
now is $list a function ?? No it's is an array .

..phew, this is hard !! I'll have another go later. You are welcomed
to participate.


Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Skip Montanaro

>> What matters is the code complexity, not whether something is in a
>> separate module or not.

Martin> A module *is* typically more complex than a single function. 

And one that deals with cryptography is likely to be even more complex.


Re: Who should security issues be reported to?

2005-01-29 Thread Skip Montanaro

Nick> Upgrading your Python interpreter (even to a new maintenance
Nick> branch release) in a production environment is usually a fairly
Nick> involved exercise requiring a significant amount of testing, and
Nick> the fact of the matter is, you're unlikely to do so unless there
Nick> is some feature or bug-fix in a new version that you really
Nick> need. (I'm still using Python 2.2.2 at work - it's entirely
Nick> adequate for our needs, so there's no real pressure to upgrade on
Nick> the current project. For a new project, I'd probably start with
Nick> 2.4, planning to go to 2.4.1 in a couple of months time, but there
Nick> aren't really any post-2.2 additions to Python that I can't handle
Nick> living without).

Still, if a security bug was serious enough, my guess is that someone would
step up to supply patches (or Windows installers) for any of a number of
versions that were affected by the bug, even 2.1 or 1.5.2.  That someone
might or might not be part of the core development team.  That nothing like
that has been done before doesn't preclude it being done in the future.


Re: What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-29 Thread Skip Montanaro


Paul> No.  Those are programs people have written in Python or as Python
Paul> extensions.

What's your point?  That I have to download and perhaps install them to use
them?  In that case, how are these two scenarios different:

* I have to download and build the MySQLdb package to talk to MySQL
  servers from Python code

* I have to ensure that the readline library and include files are
  installed on my system before the readline module (which is included
  in the core distribution) can be built

I and many other people happily use external packages other people have
written as well as make stuff available.  My guess is that you do as well.
If everyone adopted your position that it wasn't Python unless it had been
added to the core, we'd all be reinventing lots of wheels or tackling much
less challenging tasks, if we programmed in Python at all.  Here's an
incomplete list of stuff not in the core I have used happily over the past
several years to do my jobs using Python:

* MySQLdb, Sqlite, pycopg, sybase-python - all database modules
* CSV, Object Craft's csv, DSV - csv modules predating csv in the core
* SpamBayes
* Quixote
* Docutils
* MoinMoin
* Pyrex
* Psyco
* PyInline
* xmlrpclib before it was in the core
* MAL's mx.DateTime before the core datetime module was available
* timeout_socket before sockets supported timeouts

Many of those things I could never have written myself, either for lack of
time, lack of skill or both.  I'm grateful they were available when I needed
them and feel no qualms about using them even though they are not
distributed with Python proper.

Notice another interesting feature of several of those items: csv,
xmlrpclib, mx.DateTime, timeout_socket.  They were all modules I used that
eventually wound up in the core in some fashion.  They didn't go in the core
first, then demonstrate their usefulness.  It was the other way around.

Not everything that is useful belongs in the core distribution.  I think you
are confusing "batteries included" with "everything, including the kitchen


Re: what's OOP's jargons and complexities?

2005-01-29 Thread PA
On Jan 29, 2005, at 08:34, jacob navia wrote:
First article that demistifies this OO centered approach
in quite a long time.
PA, Onnay Equitursay

Re: Help with web dashboard

2005-01-29 Thread Fuzzyman

Chris wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Ifd you want to use standard CGI I've written a CGI user
> > authentication/management module called logintools.
> >
> Would this be preferred (or easier) than using an application server
> (ie. Zope or Webware)?
> If possible, I think it would be nice if the security aspect of it
> already built-in so I would not need to write/test it myself.
> Thanks for your help.

For simple applications, writing CGIs is going to be quite a lot easier
than using something like Zope. If your final product is big and
complex then CGIs probably aren't suitable anyway.

logintools is a module providing user authentication/administration and
user management specifically for CGIs.



Re: Maximum Number of Class Attributes

2005-01-29 Thread Bob Parnes
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 10:03:47 +0100, 
Sylvain Thenault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 02:03:12 +, Bob Parnes wrote:
>> In its default configuration, my version of pylint (0.5.0) sets the
>> maximum number of class attributes at 7. This seems low to me, but I can
>> see how an excessive number might make maintenance more difficult. Is this
>> indeed the best value for a maximum under ordinary conditions? If not, can
>> anyone suggest a more  reasonable value?
> well, this value is very subjective, and may change from one context to
> another... For instance at some point I hope that pylint will detect "GUI"
> classes and allow more attributes (and methods?) to those. 
> Anyway that's just an indicator, not a rule of thumb (and pylint itself
> has some class with more than 7 attributes...). 
> And FYI, this value has been taken from a post to the
> testdrivendevelopment at yahoogroups (as most others default values in the
> "design analysis" checker). Hum, well... After checking it seems that the
> post said 20 attributes. I don't remember why did i get this number down
> to 7. If this discussion leads to an agreement for a better number, I
> can change the default value.
> -- 
> Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France).

Thanks for the information. I *am* using gui classes.

Bob Parnes

future of computing languages

2005-01-29 Thread jelle
Quite suprised while reading the Amazin Wiki:

Take a look, and feel incredible good about yourself & your decision to
opt for python. Did work for me. Cheers, Jelle.


Re: An mysql-python tutorial?

2005-01-29 Thread EuGeNe
Dfenestr8 wrote:
Been told by the admin of my (free!) server that he'd rather I should
learn to use mysql if I want to continue writing cgi scripts there.
Not even sure exactly what mysql is.
Is there a simple tutorial anywhere on the web about using python + mysql?
that one put me on the right track (I think ;)

Re: what's OOP's jargons and complexities?

2005-01-29 Thread PA
On Jan 29, 2005, at 04:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Plus, a man which such cinematographic tastes [1] cannot be entirely
bad :P
The site proves he is evil. Grep "Titus" if you have a strong stomach.
I'm sure you did not get that far.
I went all the way down with Ms Carrera :P
At least give him credit for listing Caro's and Jeunet's "La Cité des 
enfants perdus":
After all, it's not always easy "Being John Malkovich":
Specially when you are "Leaving Las Vegas".
In any case, these are just "Sex, Lies, and Videotape":
Perhaps getting "Bound" to those "Heavenly Creatures" is too "Exotica" 
for you?
But lets not play "The Crying Game":
This is all "Pulp Fiction" anyway:
Time to "Run Lola Run" to "Brazil":
Before "Blade Runner" tracks you down:
PA, Onnay Equitursay

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